Reverend Insanity

: Section 82: Magic Sand Transfer

The ghost is not the magic demon that kills all the way!

If you change to others, you must be on the alert for the first time. And his combat experience is too rich, falling into the trap, actually took advantage of this opportunity in the first time!

I have to say that the timing of his choice is too good.

Fang Yuan has been suffering from the three parties, and the pressure is huge. It is finally safe and relaxed. It is human nature.

The ghost is confused by words, secretly brewing and killing. His move is silent, and today's five domains will also be able to compete in the South China Wuyong. Therefore, once prompted, the ghost immediately changed the situation and seized Fang Yuan’s neck.

The hand of the ghost is extremely extraordinary, named the broken soul hand. This trick has to be close, and the body can be launched.

To know the battle of Zhu Xian, there is little melee. The vast majority are far-off and long-distance wars. Only a few genres, such as changing the way, force the main battle. The scope of the broken soul killer is very short, and the drawbacks are very big, but it is still mastered by the ghost, and it can't bear to give up. It is because once it is recruited, the power can be huge, and the person in the middle can't break free, and there is a hammering effect.

The next moment, the broken soul hand suddenly launched!

Fang Yuan’s face once again smiled, but the ghost was suddenly dark and gloomy.

The "Fangyuan" in his hands quickly sank and quickly disappeared and disappeared - it was actually a sand smash!

The sky flutters in the sky, and the sighs of Fangyuan are heard from it: "Sure enough! Lu Xianyou, you don't have to spend so much energy and time, specially arranged this fantasy sand battlefield."

Fang Yuan’s voice is unobstructed, and the demon sorcerer screams, and immediately seeks the soundtrack, penetrates the sky and flies, and kills Fang Yuan.

The ghost is shot again, but the source is not flashing.

The next moment, Fangyuan collapsed and turned into a myriad of sands.

The Devil's Ghost finally frowned abruptly.

The voice of Lu Weiyin came on: "Fang Yuan Xianyou praised. It is really a ghost of the fairy is too strong, in the next has to sacrifice the most powerful battlefield killing. Not a fairy, this battlefield is derived from the true story of the land However, after several generations of innovations, there have been many changes. This layer of change has just been a substitute for the sand, which can confuse the enemy’s perception and attract enemy firepower."

"Lu Weiyin, you don't want the mushroom people in southern Xinjiang? I used to give you a horse." The demon ghost is cold and cold, staring at the sand of Lu Weiyin. puppet. He knows that Fang Yuan and Lu Wei are deliberately opening their mouths. They want to crack down on their morale and constantly exert psychological pressure.

Masters show up, every word is a confrontation. Especially in the hands of the channel 蛊仙, their words are sharper, one word and one sentence are like a knife and a gun, the opponent can not be relaxed.

Fang Yuan ignored the demon sorcerer, but continued to blame Lu Yuan: "The battlefield of such a mighty power, it does not cost me to destroy two sacred houses to act as bait, to reduce this old and unstoppable war. Come down, you have to rely on Lu Xianyou."

The situation of Fangyuan’s robbery was known to Lu Wei. Even the free-spirited tricks in Fang Yuan’s hands are also a gift from Lu Weiyin!

In fact, Fang Yuan does not believe in Lu Wei. The primary goal of his escape is not the earth, but the mad cave. Fang Yuan did not know the truth about Lu Weiyin. There were not many contents about Lu Weiyin in his memory five hundred years ago.

At the moment, not only is the demon glory trapped in the battlefield of the illusion, but also the source.

Moreover, Fangyuan’s two Xiantang House Dragon Palace and Wannian Fighting Car have been damaged, and the locusts have lost a lot. The core cedars that are brought back are rare and each has injuries.

Ghost laughs: "Fangyuan, you have to hide. Maybe, Lu Wei can let you go out? Hehehe, but it doesn't matter. The land has passed away, no matter what kind of earth road battlefield can't sleep for me. Once I let me understand The mystery of this is the death of you!"

Lu Wei did not answer, but launched the battlefield.

The yellow sand around the Devil's Ghost flies, and a figure sways out from the sand. It is the source of Fangyuan.

The ancestors of Qihai met the ghost and slammed it. It seemed that they had just come straight in the sky and flew in the sky, and did not expect the statue of the demon statue to be here.

But in the next moment, the ancestors of the sea and sea immediately took the shot and used the means of airway to attack the ghost.

The ghost snorted and blocked the offensive. He was about to counterattack, but he saw that the ancestors of the sea and sea were swallowed up by the sky and disappeared.

The ghost immediately chased in the direction, and plunged into the yellow sand, but could not find the whereabouts of the ancestors.

Another figure hits, it is a magical immortal.

The ghost is about to say hello, but when he sees that the devil is not right, he is immediately vigilant.

Sure enough, the next moment, the enchanted magic fairy also launched an offensive against him.

The ghost resisted and angered: "You are so angry, how are you going?"

The enchanting magic fairy is sneer: "The ancestors of the sea, since you take the initiative to provoke me, then I will let you see how the real airway is!"

After listening to this, the ghost suddenly stunned and couldn’t help but think: "Is it true that this is another layer of power in the battlefield of the earth road, which can make the enemy and the enemy indifferent?"

Since the ghost can recognize the sand scorpion as a source, the ghost can't detect it. Then this battlefield can disguise him as a maritime ancestor, and it is not surprising that the magic fairy is deceived.

The ghost and the enchanted magic fairy played against each other. After more than a dozen rounds, the enchanted magic fairy was wounded and swallowed by the sky.

What happened next was Qing Qiu.

"Ghost, I want you to die! I want you to die!" Qing Qiu is still crazy, the body of the nine-turn fairy scent is extremely strong, so that the ghost can not help but jump.

In this way, the time is the ancestors of the sea, but the temperament of the magic fairy, and sometimes the legendary wild animal of the ancient times.

They are hidden in the sky and yellow sand, and they are fighting the wheel of the demon ghost!

The Devil's Ghost is so powerful that it is beyond any of them, but whenever he has just taken advantage of it, Lu Weiyin, who is behind the scenes, immediately converts his hands and makes the Devil's Ghosts helpless.

The demon spirit was besieged by turns, and was obscured by the yellow sand. At one time, he could not get out of the way and could only passively fight.

At the back of the battlefield, Fangyuan is fully robbing. Wu Shuai is guarding him on his side, full of vigilance. And by his side, countless army ants gathered into a hollow ball, guarding him and Fang Yuan.

In the Supreme Immortal, the catastrophe has been transformed into a flood of the sky!

The flood poured and swallowed thousands of miles.

The small five domains of Fangyuan were all affected, and a large number of small resource points were completely destroyed. The Lingquan Forest in Xiaozhongzhou, the bone burial ground in Xiaobeiyuan, the Xiaohetan Beach in Xiaoxin, the Xiaolongdi pit in Xiaoxi Desert, and the Shagutu Beach In the small southern Xinjiang, the Chenglongqiu, Fengtianshan, and Xiaodonghai’s Yushi Lake were seriously damaged. Several resource points that have been heavily protected by Fangyuan have also been strongly impacted.

Fangyuan suffered heavy losses!

No way, he has tried his best.

Fortunately, his efforts and sacrifices are not laborious. There are more than twenty roads marked by his refining.

The initial catastrophe was the annihilation of Rayson, and Fang Yuan finally came up with countermeasures. Under the control of God’s will, Tiandao Dao’s traces immediately changed the content of the robbery. Let Fang Yuan’s previous response quickly fail.

In this case, if it is placed on the vast majority of the world, it will be a desperate situation. But for each other's source, every change in the robbery is a good opportunity for him!

Because he holds the stone cave in his hands.

The stone cave tactics can make Fangyuan accurately predict what the next disaster will be. Although it may not be fully prepared in time, it has formed a qualitative change.

To understand the troubles and dangers of disasters, the biggest reason is that it is difficult to predict. Once accurately predicted, the threat of catastrophe will be reduced by at least several times.

Of course, even if it is predicted, it will be a catastrophe. Therefore, floods in the Supreme Immortals flooded and countless resources were destroyed.

Fang Yuan does have a heavy loss, but it is not a bad thing!

The power of the robbery continues to decline. Because the essence of heaven is balance, the heavier the loss of the source, the lighter the imbalance. Even if there is God's willingness here, it is to follow the principles of the operation of heaven.

More and more Tiandao track marks have been refining and refining by Fangyuan, and the efficiency of his refining and chemicalization has rapidly increased!

The first step is the most difficult. Fangyuan spares the sacrifice of all the soul beasts to open the corner of the biggest dilemma of life.

He succeeded!

Although the looting is still raging, Fangyuan has already got a breather and began to gradually regain the situation.

The demon ghost is in a hard fight.

Lu Wei’s manipulation of the magic sand turned to the battlefield, which made him fall into a great passive position.

The ancestors of Qihai, the genius of the magic, the Qingqiu, and Lu Wei can even attack together and besieged the ghost together.

Qing Qiu was stunned by hatred. He was used repeatedly by the ghosts, but when he arrived here, he was transferred by Lu Wei because of the random transfer, making the ghost difficult to use.

The wind whistling, the yellow sand flies. Suddenly, the fine sand condenses into a stone, and while spinning, it flies.

In an instant, thousands of flying stones are overwhelming, covering the devil's ghost.

The demon sorcerer waved his hand and took out a long smog. The small part of the flying stone disappeared in the black fog, but most of them shot through the black fog and rushed to the front of the demon statue.

The Demon sorcerer's body suddenly dissipated, and when it appeared again, it was already on the other side of the battlefield.

He almost escaped all the flying stones, but after the flying stones fell into the yellow sand that fluttered in the air, they quickly returned to the sky.

Then these long days of Shuo Shuo, once again condensed and formed, forming a yellow sleek flying stone, shot to the demon ghost.

"This trick is called Feisha Turning Stone, and I also ask the ghost to taste one or two." Lu Wei came from a calm voice.

"The worm is a little skill." The ghost whispered, and the body trembled. The black smoke suddenly rolled, and he was centered on him, spreading wildly in all directions.

"Turn." The ghost disappeared into the thick black smoke and sighed again.

The next moment, the black smoke is like a vortex, and it begins to spin wildly. The ghost is the most central point, while releasing black smoke, while smoking black smoke.

The flying stone was shot into the black smoke and immediately corroded into sand. Then it was taken up by the black smoke and inhaled by the ghost into its own fairy.

This response, let Lu Wei because of the praise: "Miao ah, it is a ghost adult. However, my battlefield position is carefully selected, located on the ground node. Ghost adults you even swallow More flying stones, my battlefield can also draw from the ground to the fullness of the atmosphere, and always add. So, unless the power of the ground is exhausted, these flying stones are endless."

These words did not hit the ghost, the former demon sneer sneered, killing stunned: "Lu Weiyin, do you think that my move is to crack your flying sand?"

"Not good." Lu Wei was too late to respond because of his loss of color.

The next moment, I saw the sky and the yellow sand fluttering, and the layer of power of the magic sand turning battlefield was melted and eroded by black smoke, and it was reduced to a loess land.

"Singing the sand for the killing of the rice was actually broken. So fast!" Lu Wei was ugly because of his face.

The ghost darkness Chen Cang, on the surface is to deal with the flying sand, but actually has been aiming to sing sand for rice. Now this move is broken, no sand stalks ~ ~ qi enchantress to see the truth, and Fang Yuan also reveals the real position.

"Fangyuan, how long do you want to hide?" The ghost rushed to Fangyuan without hesitation.

Wu Shuai shot to resist, but the defense line that the regiment ants held up was almost instantly torn by the ghost.

A dark soul ball flew quickly, and after a few breaths, it came to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan has been sitting cross-legged, and now he opens his eyes and smiles: "I don't need to hide."


A fairy house suddenly appeared, covering Fangyuan and Wu Shuai.

The Dark Soul Ball hit the fairy house and broke out the power of terror. However, this fairy house is like a majestic mountain, and it does not move!

"Do you still have a fairy house?!" At this moment, the ghost's pupils are shrunk and the brows are wrinkled.

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