Reverend Insanity

: Section 84: How is this still played?

At the same time of harvesting results, Fang Yuan certainly paid a heavy price.

The most affluent Xiaonanjiang in the Xiaowu domain has already destroyed most of it.

After the destruction of Xianshan, it was washed clean by the flood. This Xianshan itself is an intermediate resource point. Fangyuan was taken from the black hole of Tianfan, and once had the ability to attract mortals to become immortals.

There is also the Tianshan Mountain. This mountain is built by Fangyuan. The mountain is short and the appearance is not amazing. The mountain is hollow, and Fangyuan once arranged a squadron here, sealing the body of the force.

In addition, there are hundreds of other mountains. The most significant loss is the interior of Yushan, Tongyinshan and Bone Bird Peak.

The hills of the inner rainy mountain always enveloped a cloud. The raindrops are constantly falling from the dark clouds. These rains are not ordinary rain, but six turns of fairy wood inside rain! This is a resource point for the production of waterways, and it has now become a pile of ruins.

There is still a residual body in Tongyin Mountain. The mountain was originally red and red, and it was square, as if it were a large seal, standing on the small southern Xinjiang. There is no trace of mud on the mountain, it is composed entirely of various kinds of copper.

These copper materials cover Xianfan, and there are mixed copper, prajna copper, snowflake copper, etc., as well as celestial copper, such as Cang Xuan copper and Shenglong copper.

The Tongyin Mountain is so special that it has been under the care of the land. Now he is short of half, black does not fall, smokes and electric light. The entire mountain body is completely melted into one, giving off a strong burnt smell.

This mountain used to produce copper, which is a seven-turn fairy! Unfortunately, this disaster has no follow-up.

As for the bone bird peak, there were originally a large number of flower-winged white-bone birds, which were full of vitality. At this moment, the whole body collapsed, and the flower-winged white-bone bird has already been killed by the Thunder.

The thunder crashed into the mountains and the floods destroyed the forest.

The vast amount of Qu Limu that Fang Yuan originally harvested from the black-and-white caves formed the vast jungle of Xiaonanjiang. After this catastrophe, where is there any jungle? Not to mention the beautiful and flamboyant birds, the fragrant tea creek.

Xiaonanjiang is almost a piece of charcoal.

Only a few places were protected by Fang Yuan.

Among them are the Pansi Cave, the Stone Bell Cave, and the Wuqing Mosch Mine. These resources are located underground, and the source is easier to protect. At the same time, there are stone people living in these places.

The flamingo mountain is an exception, because of the remote location, I was lucky to escape.

This medium-sized resource point has a wide variety of birds and birds. There is also a phoenix in the crater, which is imprisoned and suppressed by a large array of volcanoes. The roots of the sunset sylvestris on the mountain absorb the magma, act as nutrients, and the branches are swept, the leaves are shining, and the beautiful glow of the sunset glows. It is a rare beauty.

In addition to Xiaonanjiang, other small four domains are also heavily damaged.

The stone shoal of Xiaobeiyuan was the result of Fangyuan’s annexation of Han Dongfu, and it was directly washed away by the flood. The pink snakes that lived in it were all killed.

The dog desert of Xiaoxi Desert was created by Fang Yuan with Liu Yongfu. There are more than 20 wild dogs in it, all of which have no bones.

Xiaozhongzhou, Xiaodonghai, and even the small nine days have also been robbed!

Fang Yuan has already refused to do so much.

The existence of such a catastrophe, the request for the number of eight turns of the immortal life. In the long history, it is the main cause of death of countless people. A bad response, Fangyuan's life will be lost!

Fang Yuan can not only deal with the catastrophe, but also deal with the three parties outside! !

If you abandon some resources, you can improve the situation. Why not?

Is life important or resource important?

The answer to this question is self-evident.

With life, there is hope and possibility.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if Fangyuan destroys all resources, even the supreme body and all the big avatars are killed. As long as he is still alive, as long as he has passed through the predicament, even if only the last breath is left, the result is the source. Acceptable.

Husband is indomitable, success or failure!

"At the moment, these resources are damaged. I actually have a lot of help for me. Heaven and the balance, my resources are damaged, and the catastrophe will be reduced accordingly. Therefore, the efficiency of my refining and natural road markings will continue to rise! Ok?"

Fang Yuan’s look suddenly changed.


A loud noise, the Anshan heavy mountain smashed, and hundreds of thousands of locusts were shattered into slag.

It’s a blow that has been brewed for a long time!

The enchanting magic fairy!

The old devil who has fought against the Promise of the Promise in the history, is really hot and has the terrorist power to weaken and incite the mountains and hills. If he is allowed to attack so hard, Antu Heavy Hill will be attacked by him sooner or later.

It’s not Lu’s cause, but the sea and the sea don’t want to obstruct, but the ghosts keep making moves and stop all these people.

The demon glory is full of smoky smog, and suddenly slams and slams, sometimes throws out a number of ancient soul beasts, and sometimes provokes a strange soul to kill. Not only did he protect his anger, but he also gained plenty of time and space for his anger, and he further tested the battlefield of the illusion, and had a new victory. He successfully removed another layer of change in the battlefield!

"Lu Weiyin, Qing Qiu, Qi Hai, and the sorcerer of the ghosts have also made him more comfortable. And the ghost of this level is just the remnant of the past. He has wounds on his body, and he has not reached the peak of the sacred sacred fairy tales. ""

Fang Yuan felt a lot of emotion.

The ghost is strong, he has fully felt it!

"Can't go on like this, Wu Shuai, you also shot, join the siege, deal with the ghost!" Fang Yuan ordered.

At the moment, it is the ghost and other three parties that want to cause death. On the other hand, Lu Wei was inherited from the land of the land, to eradicate the demon spirit.

Fangyuan is the key, and the ghost is also the key.

Fang Yuan is now under pressure from the outside world, and he is even more afraid of ghosts, so he does not hesitate to point firepower at the ghost.

Wu Shuai participated in the battle!

For a time, the regiment ants gathered into an ant river, rolling eastward and twisting to the ghost.

The ghost divides part of the energy and exerts a killing and confrontation.

Wu Shuai is Fang Yuan's dragon man, majoring in slavery. Although the time of practice is not long, he inherits the legacy of the dragon family and the true biography of Wu Shuai.

After several rounds of offense and defense, Lu Wei was inspired by the spirit, and his heart was secretly happy: "Wu Shuai does not often personally shoot, but there are eight conversions, and his combat power is also very impressive. Well, there is him, the turn of the ghost is under pressure It!"

He has manipulated the battlefield, even if the Qing Qiu can be included in the siege, let alone the Wu Shuai who has the heart to cooperate with?

Wu Shuai quickly integrated into the siege, with a faster rhythm and greater pressure on the ghost.

The power of the ghost is the strongest in the world, but it still does not reach the peak of the soul. The enchanting magic fairy, the ancestral stream of the sea, even if it does not rival the ghost, can also play dozens of rounds with him, there are come and go.

The addition of Wu Shuai has produced a qualitative change, which is the key weight on the balance of the two sides.

Lu Wei’s offensives and so on are endless and endless.

The situation of the ghost began to be passive and began to struggle to cope with the siege.

The immortal killing is not overwhelming!

The enchanting magic fairy extends two fingers, pointing to the top of the Anshan heavy mountain fort and the foundation.

For a time, Antu Heavy Hill Fortress could not move. The square source in the house is slightly changed, and the breathing is not smooth. To make matters worse, he constantly instilled Xianyuan, who was in the mountains of Anshan, intermittently.

It is necessary to consume a lot of Xianyuan. The same is true of the Anshan Heavy Mountain Fort. Nowadays, it is hit by such a move, and the defense suddenly becomes weak and weak.

A major flaw in the Anshan heavy mountain fort has been exposed.

It is too slow, and most of the killings can only be eaten hard. Of course, it is extremely defensive, and it can consume a large number of celestial elements.

Therefore, the tactics that are suitable for Anshan Heavy Hill are usually consuming tactics. Zhu Xian can hide in the healing, but also can use the Anshan heavy mountain Fort to consume the enemy's fairy yuan, to detect the opponent's killing.

The methods of attacking Anshan Heavy Hill are also lacking. In fact, the enchanting magic fairy can temporarily ignore the source of the source, and meet with the demon sorcerer to deal with Lu Weiyin and others. Fang Yuan was entangled in arbitrage, and the threat was very low by relying solely on Anshan Heavy Mountain Fort.

Immortal killing spirits burst!

The demon sorcerer suddenly turned around, hard to support Lu Wei's offensive, and his fingers flicked, popping up more than ten black spots.

The black spot quickly hit the sky above the Anshan heavy mountain fort, and suddenly it was reduced to more than ten ancient soul beasts.

These ancient soul beasts slammed down and slammed into the mountains and hills. A huge mountain body layer is layered, and the Anshan Heavy Hill Fortress is completely buried.

Then the next moment, rumbling!

The horrific explosion left these ancient souls and beasts on the spot. They sacrificed the terrorist explosions that they had lost their lives and picked up a black spherical mask.

The mask quickly expanded, and the time of a few breaths expanded to an amazing hundred miles!

The ground moved and the whole battlefield violently fluctuated.

Lu Wei changed his face and quickly pulled out and tried his best to maintain the battlefield. If the battlefield collapses, even if it collapses, the whole situation will turn sharply.

"Ghosts are insidious and insidious, and there is such a horrible trick!" Qihai Magic Fairy has raised his eyes and has retreated to a safe distance. "The means of soul explosion is not unusual. He is not annoying when he detonates the ancient souls. But he How can we achieve the perfect integration of more than a dozen Taikoo soul beasts?

"Well, don't know how the ontology?" Wu Shuai, the ancestors of the sea are worried.

"Hey!" Qing Qiu suffered from the aftermath of the aftermath, but the more painful, the more it made it crazy.

Regardless of it, it kills the ghost again.

Wu Shuai and Qihai ancestors can only follow closely to prevent the ghost from absorbing the power of Qingqiu.

After the ghost completed this attack, the body was also white. This time against the Qing Qiu attack, it is also based on defense, and actively restores the mind. Obviously just the blow, the consumption of the mind is great!

In fact, the cost of this soul explosion is very high. The ancient souls and beasts are all eight-turning power, and the demon sorcerer sacrifices a dozen or eight turns at once!

"I don't know how the Anshan heavy mountain fortress?" The enchanting magic fairy quickly approached Fangyuan.

The smoke and dust scattered quickly, and the Anshan heavy mountain castle appeared again in front of the public.

I saw that the earthen road fairy house was 30% shorter, and the surface was not damaged, but there were still no holes.

The enchanting magic fairy can't help but raise his eyes, and his heart sighs: "The high defense of this fairy squatter house is probably the best of today's fairy houses!"

The fairy road kills the land as a mountain!

In the fairy house, Fangyuan instilled Xianyuan and violently displayed the core killings.

Numerous earthen road locusts flew out from the Supreme Immortals and were added directly to the Fairy House. After only three breaths, Antu Heavy Hill Fortress not only recovered as it was, but also changed its shape. It was not rounded before, and some resembled a tower, which produced many straight lines and edges.

"This?!" Rao is the devil of the devil, and seeing this scene, it is not difficult to enlarge the pupil, and the heart suddenly rises.

This is too much of a skin.

Anlu Heavy Hill Fortress is not only extremely defensive, but also resilience!

It is not easy to know that most of the world's fairy houses are repaired. To place the locusts in the vacant position, the positions of these vacancies are specific. When you insert it, it is not as simple as placing it directly. In many cases, it is necessary to cooperate with some locusts and even killing tricks before you can put them in.

Fairy House can be regarded as a kind of fairy tales that can be moved at To repair the Xianyu House and Xianzheng, all have to consider the influence and interference of the main body.

But Antu Heavy Hill is not the case.

For example.

Repair other fairy houses, like a building block, and Zhu Xian will put the same locust into a specific cavity. In this process, Zhu Xian used various means to carefully hold the building block and try to maintain the building blocks around the cavity to prevent accidents during the insertion process.

But repairing the earth and hills is like dumping directly. Because the core is the reason for the killing of the immortal, it will lead to Fangyuan regardless of how many earthworms are dumped. These aphids can be integrated with the building blocks and are stable and extraordinary. Even in terms of characteristics, it is different from before.

The enchanting magic fairy, the ghost demon esteem attacked the Anshan heavy mountain for a long time, and finally found some details. As a result, Fangyuan came down this round, and the Anshan heavy mountain fort became different. Have to let the gas and ghosts re-explore the real and weak!

"How do you fight this?" Similar thoughts, at the same time, emerged in the heart of the devil, the demon ghost.

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