Reverend Insanity

: "蛊真人" is not a dark text

Huh... This ancestral ancestor has finally finished writing.

Obviously, this ancestral ancestor is the longest one so far. It was conceived for about a week.


I have modified it many times. In terms of imagery, I have to choose carefully. Such as dilemma, strength, and disaster. The three images contained in the predicament are suffering, loss, and disaster. These three images are carefully selected. At the beginning, there were at least ten such images. In the following days, I reluctantly cut most of my love. At the final pass, I removed the two images of difficulty and easyness. Otherwise, the full text will be longer.

This ancestor, I need to echo the body. All, there are several journeys in which the ancestors suffered hardships, suffered losses, endured disasters, and were killed. They took care of the ghost's esophagus and the situation of Fangyuan itself.

Many readers and friends should be able to perceive that the connection between the ancestral and the text of this time is more a contrast. There is a faint echo between the two lines. For example, in the "Ancestral People", the ancestors suffered the strongest dilemma in their lifetime, and Fangyuan did the same. The ancestors are dying, the ghosts are like this, and the source is also the same. Others such as Wang Xiaoer are still like this (Wang Xiaoer is an important supporting role, everyone will know when they look down). For example, the ancestors used attitudes and shackles to try to deceive the predicament. It is also the same as Fang Yuan’s use of his own will in the Wannian fighting car, in an attempt to deceive the ghost. These things are all intertwined.

The ancestors are the protagonists in The Legend of the People, and what kind of wonderful reaction does the locust on his body interact with in his dilemma? This must not be ignored. In this regard, I have been thinking for at least three days.

There are also ten permanent problems. In this chapter, there is finally a gratifying progress - the great real body is born!

After the big story is finished, you can read it again. Every day, everyone may feel that the pace is slow, but in fact, there will be different discoveries.

The book "蛊真人", you look at the first time and the second time, the feeling is different. Especially in this chapter, the real excitement is not only the surface of the source struggle, but also the deeper things. For example, the ancestral traits and the interaction between the various characters, from the overall point of view, can be found in the beauty of the laying of such novels. For example, the forces of various parties and the calculations among various characters, especially between the three, the genius, the ghost, and the source...

After reading the second night of this evening, I will understand more about the addition of Xiao Zhenren’s lord.

I recently saw a book review by a reader friend, which is especially deep. The general idea is that the work "蛊真人" is actually a growth, initially biased towards the dark style, but it has become more and more magnificent in the middle and late period. To say that this book is a dark text is actually biased.

This book review triggered my own review of myself.

"蛊真人" has been written for about six years. For such a long time, the style has changed. As the book review said, it was initially biased towards the dark wind, and it gradually changed.

On the one hand, it is an external cause. Since the book was published, it has been repeatedly reported. Until recently, it has not been safe with time, but it has become more and more thrilling. The national overall situation is so, it has to change the pen.

On the other hand, it is an internal reason. As an author, I have grown a lot. Especially in the previous period, there was a special feeling.

When I wrote "People in Reality", I relied on a bloody, unruly and untamed, one-minded writing, no matter what grades and money.

At first, the followers were embarrassed, but then more and more, the response was great, and the bipolar evaluation was extremely high.

Therefore, in the middle of "Yu Zhenren", my ears are full of noisy sounds, as if in a lively market. All kinds of mundane things have come to me, and my heart is swaying, and my heart is impetuous.

Written up to now, to the late stage of "Zhen Zhenren", because of "The Origin of People", there are too many clues in the body, which makes me struggling and writes extremely difficult. I often feel powerless and I feel more and more.

The break of the previous period was more rescuing and saved me!

It is like the downtown area, gradually shrinking. The flow of people around the river is less and less, less and less, until there is only one desk at the corner of the street, a dimly lit table lamp, one for me.

The sounds that have been lingering around the ears have gradually disappeared, leaving me with a heartbeat.

When I closed the retreat, I have never seen any QQ messages, WeChat SMS, is a thought to think, to write. Finally, the bottleneck in front of us will be broken.

In fact, the biggest dilemma facing the ancestors of the ancestors, the biggest dilemma facing Fang Yuan, is it not the biggest dilemma in writing so far?

Today, I will watch "The Real Man" again. This book spans six years or so and suffers from many blows, tortures, curses, and doubts. When you read the book review, those snoring, questioning, and cursing have never stopped.

At first, I was fierce, and my heart was ups and downs and eventually settled down.

All that remains is the desire and determination to complete this work.

No matter what ranks, no matter what income, no matter how the world is, it is just the idea of ​​pure creation.

Let them report it, let them question it, let them dismiss them and make them angry.

I just wrote this novel I can only manage so much.

During this time, I have become more and more aware that my personal shackles are very limited.

I will write it down like this until the end of "The Real Man".

Starting in September, I tentatively set a small goal, which is to stabilize every day for one month! During the period, there are new ally, try to add a chapter.

But if during this time, I feel that I can't write the words in the ideal standard, I will still choose to retreat. By then, this small goal can only be temporarily abandoned.

As for how long it takes for the retreat, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s going to be difficult to overcome. First, I have to be satisfied.

If you feel good, you will support it. If you don't support it, you can't force it.

So be it.

Oh, in addition, there is a second more this evening, which is the addition of the new ally. Again, it's a finishing touch.

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