Reverend Insanity

: Section 124: Dreaming Truth

Fang Yuan’s pure dream avatar has been broken and raised. Fiction.

Once this process begins, there is no way out. It is not a sublimation into a fairy, it is defeated and died!

The weather is clear and light, the turbulence is poured, the earth is deep and heavy, and the cockroach is turned over.

In the pure dreams, there is a lot of popularity.

The perfect pure dream for the true body is the eleventh body, and the popularity of it is very rich.

The three gases meet in the air, the airflow is entangled, and a huge cocoon is gradually formed. The pure dreams are all wrapped in the air, and the air is tight and tight.

At this juncture, the sergeant must be at the main moment, regulate the three gases, and fully integrate. The three gases must be balanced, and if they are slightly more popular, they will blew themselves. The weather is a little bit more, and everything melts into space. If the earth is slightly thick, the fossil will suffocate and die.

This step is extremely dangerous.

However, Fang Yuan has full confidence in pure dreams.

Fang Yuan has given many memories of Shengxian to the pure dreams. This includes not only Fang Yuan’s own, but also Fang Yuan’s search for souls. For example, the black city, such as Heicheng, who had been captured by him, such as the North Plains, the Xia, and other southern Xinjiang, the East China Sea, the Central Plains, and the West Desert, were also harmed by Fangyuan.

In the long history of repairing the history, it is rare to learn about the experience of the immortality and the accumulation of pure dreams.

The difficulty of pure dreams to be promoted to the immortal is not to regulate the three gas, but to rob!

In the sky, the heavens and the earth are rolling like the sea. The pink clouds cover the sky, and the squares are thousands of miles away. The scale is grand and magnificent, and it also reveals a strong dreamy atmosphere.

Fangyuan's ontology is waiting for it. This time, it is absolutely angering God. It is unusual for the ascendant to be robbed.


The next moment, the thunder of thunder is endless.

From the sky-covered pink clouds, shoot ten huge **** of light.

These **** of light are all bright and colorful, one is as big as a hill, and the surface is smooth and smooth, without any flaws.

The speed of the light ball is not fast, and it gives a feeling of lightness.

Ten pink **** of light swooped down, all aimed at the pure dreams of midair.

Fang Yuan immediately started to intercept.

In his mind, he has already accumulated countless thoughts. When he collided with his thoughts, all kinds of killings were like a stream of water, which turned into a messy and orderly fireworks wave, intercepting ten pink **** of light.

The next scene, let Fang Yuan slightly stunned.

A pink ball of light shattered and turned into countless bubbles, swaying the sky.

Everything encountered by a pink ball of light swallowed several times.

A pink light ball bursts open, revealing a wild animal nightmare konjac, humming, and quickly approaching the pure dream.

A pink light ball, simply transformed into a group of dreams, shrouded.

A pink ball of light turns into a dreamy fairy, disappears quickly, and disappears.


The performance of the ten pink light **** is different and chaotic!

If you change to ordinary celestials, you have already been in a hurry. However, Fang Yuanzhi has a profound knowledge and immediately made the most appropriate response.

He first released the wild age beast in the fairy, and entangled the nightmare konjac.

Then, with a wave of sleeves, flying out of the thick smoke, all the dream fans who have already separated from the pure dream by less than 100 steps will be photographed.

Then, he is dealing with dreams, using pure dreams to seek truth!

However, this group has taken care of the dream of pure dreams falling from the top of the head, the surface is violently deformed, resisting the pure dreams of Fangyuan.

"It seems that this dream contains God's will." Fang Yuan is not flustered.

Although he did not spend his dreams, he had done many calculations before that.

This dream is one of the scenarios that are calculated.

A large number of Zhidao, Mengdao locusts in the Supreme Immortal, were quickly mobilized to form a killing and dispelling distraction.

This killing trick has been improved by Fang Yuan. Although it can eliminate the will of dreams, the efficiency is too low. After the improvement, the speed became extremely fast because of the blending of the dreams.

However, the brand-new tactics of killing and killing can not be effective against this group of dreams.

"What happened?" Fang Yuan frowned.

The next moment, his thoughts collided in his mind, as if he had crossed a lightning bolt.

"This dream is fake!"

"So, the previous pure dreams of seeking truth and killing are invalid. Now I use the sky to dispel the mess, and so is it."

"But this way..." Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed in a flash of light, and he was hesitant. "The scene in front of you, which one is true or not?"

The seemingly chaotic scene of the disaster is actually a mixture of true and false.

However, Fang Yuan is so powerful, but it is also difficult to distinguish between true and false.

A trick to eat all over the sky, the dream can be seen, and the source of the source is unconsciously recruited.

"It's also true. Pure dreams are divided into celestial beings, and the catastrophe can't be so huge. There are also wild animals, dreams, fairy tales, etc... Why didn't I realize this before?"

Fang Yuan can't help but shrink.

The dreams of disasters are really different, not only true and false, but also quietly affect Fangyuan’s thinking and consciousness.

Meng Jiaxian was handed over to the pure dream avatar in advance, and Fang Yuan quickly mobilized the compound killing.

Taking the dream fairy scorpion as the core, his body quickly has a layer of black light, and it can also defend some dream power.

Fang Yuandeng felt a clear mind and got rid of the faint interference in thinking.

However, the scene of the disaster has not changed much.

For a time, Fang Yuan could only stop!

The six-level catastrophe in the district has directly forced the source of Yaxianzun to be no longer able to start.

Because Fang Yuan soon thought that the scene in front of him could not calculate the real and false, then does it also include a pure dream avatar?

Although Fang Yuan feels that the temperament of pure dreams has never changed his position, he may have been obscured by the true image.

If Fang Yuan is shot, it is very likely that he is actually a killer of pure dreams!

At this time, the dream defense method is very precious.

Fang Yuan did not do anything, let alone the dream road disaster robbed on himself. He relied on compound killings.

The pure dream is separated from the body, and there is also a dream armor.

The pure dream avatar is not the supreme celestial body, and the compound killing trick used by the Fangyuan ontology is not used.

Pure dreams have to be reconciled with three moments, so they can't tell the thoughts to spur the dreams.

In fact, Fang Yuan is just a master of dreams, and in a short period of time, he can't create dreams that are suitable for pure dreams.

Therefore, pure dreams are directly motivated by the dream of a fairy.

Although the dream of a fairy scorpion is as high as seven turns, but the pure dream of the avatar has long prepared the source of the Yuanyuan.

Fang Yuan's body is resistant to sex, watching the dream fall on the head of the avatar, and watching the nightmare konjac get rid of the entanglement of the beast and kill the pure dream.

The dream road disaster continued the time of Sanxiangxiang, and the clouds in the sky finally dissipated.

The heavens and the earth reproduce the Qingming.

The heavens and the earth have subsided, and the sea has returned to calm.

The nightmare konjac that fell to the ground, showing the original shape, was actually the wild age beast that was released before.

Discouraged is not in the same place, but in the vicinity of Fangyuan!

This discovery made Fang Yuan's heart cold. Being in this position is very dangerous, and Fangyuan can use some means of killing to get it.

At that time, the Fangyuan ontology became the murderer who killed the pure dreams!

Dreams of rising immortals are really dangerous.

If Fangyuan comes forward before, it is likely that his own body is the biggest obstacle to the catastrophe. Fortunately, Fang Yuan was steady and cautious, and after he got the dream, he started to rob.

This is the case, this is also very dangerous, and a little poor pool can not succeed.

"This dream road disaster will even quietly appeal to my body, and I will call it a dreamy illusion." Although Fang Yuan also has a compound killing trick, which blends with the dream fairy scorpion, it is used for investigation, but obviously this kill It is not enough to explore the truth.

The key is still too few dreams.

The dream armored fairy gave the avatar, and the body only had seven turns of dreams and eight turns of dreams.

And simply use the dream, whoever uses who died, such as the dream, the fairy will drain all the essence of the fairy (Xianyuan, emotion, true meaning), into a dream.

The size and power of dreams are determined on a case-by-case basis.

At that time, Wu Shuai, the eight-turned peak of the immortal, the slaves were supreme, but the sacrifice of all the family's life, this has the power of the Dragon Palace to enslave the four dragons.

It is difficult to use it alone, and it is difficult to use it as a core improvement. In the hands of Fang Yuan, it is not as good as the seven-turn dream.

Three gas fusion, mixed into a group.

Pure dreams mobilized a five-turn dream butterfly, and put it into it.

The next moment, a bang, three gas explosions, blow out the fairy.

The generation of immortals, the temptation of the heavens and the earth around the pure dreams, and the rapid growth.

The pure dreams are once again put on the dreams of the fairy scorpion, etc., quickly combing the three qi, conditioning the yin and yang, and stabilizing the newly born blessed land.

The blessed land is completely formed, although it is not comparable to the Supreme Immortal, but it is also a special blessing, far superior.

Perfect pure dreams, physique is comparable to the top ten, so it is not surprising to have the special blessings that are unique to the immortal.

In the blessed land, there are many residues in the heavens and the earth.

Pure dreams are taken by the opportunity to refine the life.

He had previously put on the dream butterfly, which is his life.

Before the world, the teacher and the law naturally let him know three dreams, and the dream butterfly is one of them.

Dream Butterfly Fairy has been successfully upgraded into six turns, and the dream road fairy in the hands of Fang Yuan has reached four!

The immortalization of the immortals, the birthplace of the sacred catastrophe in the blessed land, the power is far less than the previous assault.

This time, the source of the source has not been required.

Fang Yuan will also be a dream fairy, and he will lend it to a pure dream. The latter will succeed in the robbery with three cents.

“Dream light smoke, foreigners,”

"The nightmare dreams of the soul."

"There is no fate in a hundred years,"

"Relieving the innocence of pure dreams."

After the robbery, the pure dream was divided into a poem, and a single palm was placed on the chest. He bowed his head slightly to the body: "From today, I am dreaming and seeking truth."

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled: "Good name ~ ~ dream truth, let me see your dreams and blessed land."

He is interested in dreams and blessings.

This dream road is a blessing, with more than 12 million mu, the flow rate is one to forty-six, and the source of the fairy scent is about 55 pieces per year.

These are the standards of the blessed land, but there is no bright spot.

What really makes Fangyuan feel satisfied is the special environment of the blessed land.

"This is the best environment for cultivating the dreams of fairy tales, and the development potential is great. It really did not disappoint me." After the inspection, Fang Yuan was very pleased.

It is always a problem for him to be seriously deprived of the fairy tales.

With the dream of the fairy, there is the best basis for the cultivation of fairy.

Throughout history, one of the signs of the development of the new genre is the creation of a new genre! Because of the single environment and relative autism, Zhu Xianxian can quickly cultivate a large number of new genre fairy materials, which will be circulated and promote the prosperity of the new genre.

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