Reverend Insanity

: Section 143: Wu Shuai is in danger

The resources of Yandao can't be too close to the waterway. If they are too close, they will affect each other, not just reducing production, or even dying.

However, it is absolutely not good to concentrate all the resources of the yin and waterways.

Because the points of the inflammatory resources also interact with each other, it is not a blind thing.

In addition, there are many fairy materials, such as the huge disaster burning wood, there are two traces of inflammation and transportation.

Many repair resources have two or more track marks.

Some of the resources that produce celery must be surrounded by a wide range of common coffins in order to be nurtured.

Some resources must have special wind and water to be poured out.

There are also resources that are extremely counterproductive. For example, the ice flame, you have to produce the sensation of the sensation from the land of ice and snow.

Therefore, Fang Yuan has a foresight. As long as a long time ago, when they swallowed the fairy tales, they deliberately scattered them in pieces and distributed them in the Supreme Immortals.

In general, Fangyuan counterfeited the pattern of five domains and nine days.

For example, in the small southern Xinjiang, Fangyuan will selectively place the earthen resources here.

Another example is that the small red sky is a fire, and Fangyuan will place most of the inflammatory resources in it.

Fang Yuan now fully appreciates the subtleties of the five-field and nine-day pattern. According to this pattern, a wide range of resource categories can effectively reduce his calculations, making it easier for him to control the adverse effects between these resource points.

But it is not enough.

Every time Fangyuan swallows a hole, it will make the track of a certain genre skyrocket.

The road marks are skyrocketing and there will be a long-lasting continuous impact throughout the Supreme Supreme.

In the last gas-water hole that swallowed the gas phase, the airway traces in the Supreme Xianyu sky soared, generating airflow from all over the Xian. Heaven and Earth have the most gas, so that the Supreme Xianyu once did not need to open the door, swallowing the outside world.

Followed by Xuanyin gas, luck, blood gas, gas, suffocating, domineering, angry, dead, and even awe-inspiring, orchid angry, cross-autumn and so on.

The road marks affect every corner of the Supreme Immortal, and the blank space of the Supreme Immortal will gradually generate resources. First of all, the coffin of the class, then accumulate rich, quantitative change causes qualitative change, forming a fairy coffin.

These resources are naturally shaped by the track marks.

This is how the Supreme Immortal is gradually filled up, reaching 80% of today's development.

In addition to generating resources, the skyrocketing track will also have an impact on the original resources.

This time, Fang Yuan swallowed the fire in the cave, and so on, the inflammatory road traces skyrocketed a lot, the temperature of the entire fairy will rise slowly. Many resource points of waterways and wooden roads will be greatly affected.

Jindao chills, if the track marks soar, it will quickly produce a lot of minerals in the soil, which will deteriorate the soil and affect the jungle above.

Waterway roads are skyrocketing, rainwater is increasing, and rainfall is continuous, making it difficult to form a major flood.

The toxic road traces have increased. Some virus plagues were only limited to one squad before, but now they will erupt and violently spread quickly.

The change of track marks grows, and many lives are mutated when they grow long. The form changes greatly, and the temperament changes greatly, causing the original ethnic group to suffer.

Therefore, in the recent period, the Supreme Immortal does not stop.

There are often unusual events.

For example, not long ago, there was a faint wind in Xiaodonghai, which is very inexplicable.

The secluded wind was so dusty that the sea was piled up with small islands.

In the range of secluded winds, there is no need for islands in these seas. The dirt traces on the islands will hinder and contain the waves. The traces of the souls on the islands will kill the weak life of the sea, gradually form a soul beast, and then change the ecology. .

Fangyuan initially suspected two adjacent sea areas, which are located in the center of the secluded wind, which is very suspected of forming a secluded wind.

However, after some trials and deductions, Fang Yuan discovered that it was originally two seas that were far apart. Their track marks interacted with each other, as if the electromagnetic ends were looming, creating a secluded wind between the two.

As for what beasts are mutated, the herd is hit hard, the poisonous madness spreads, the veins increase and invade the stone man's territory, the jungle ignites without fire, the sky suddenly falls into large pieces of icebergs, and so on, and so on.

Each of them was guarding one of the celestial beings, and they were all too busy, and they made four shots to make up for the correction.

Fangyuan's ontology is also often shot, and it is like patching in various places, especially between major resource points.

"The unstable factors brought about by the skyrocketing track can only be slowly digested by time. Let the Supreme Immortal environment change and gradually accept."

"The original Supreme Xianxuan has a vast space and sparse resources, and it is difficult to influence and relate to each other. But now, the Supreme Immortal has developed 80% of the resources, too many resources, and short intervals. The mutual influence is not purely two. Aspects, but their respective influences, and then confused."

"What's worse is that I used the means of the time difference hole to create the age pool and form the zonal division. The different time flows in different places make my calculation factors more complicated."

"In the future, the addition of fairy materials will come in. The difficulty of this calculation will directly increase by hundreds of times! It has far exceeded my calculation ability." The difficulty of this calculation is a sharp increase in geometric index, and Fangyuan is also very helpless.

"And even if I figured out the results, I would have to adjust the original resource point position. Every adjustment is like a big operation, which consumes a lot of resources, personal time and energy."

"I am afraid that 80% of today is already my limit!"

After Fang Yuanming realized this point, and then looked at the five domains for two days, he could not help but admire.

The space of the five domains and two days can be much larger than that of the Supreme Immortal. At the same time, each of its resources is just right, affecting each other, and it is very harmonious and stable.

Even if the boundaries of the five domains disappeared, the veins merged, and the Tianmai began to unite. These resources did not change much, and the impact was small.

"I understand, this is - heaven!"

Fangyuan suddenly shocked the body and mind, and at this moment, profoundly tasted the balance of heaven and earth!

"If my heavenly realm can be upgraded and rise to the master level, it will solve the current predicament, break the checkpoint, and continue to operate the Supreme Immortal. Unfortunately, it is a pity..."

In history, no one has specialized in heaven, and even if the Promise Devils created a free-spirited mark, he is also a specialist. As for the music of the Tu Tuxian, it is the dirt road.

Fang Yuan is likely to be involved in the deepest repairs of Tiandao.

Fangyuan then mobilizes the cooking pot to check its own gas transportation.

I saw the silver-white column above, there are still three clouds of various colors, all of which have grown.

The silver-white column, which represents Fangyuan, has expanded more than four times. Originally giving a sense of slenderness, but now it is clearly exuding the meaning of "sturdy".

This was just due to the annexation of the original fire.

Because the fire caves, the original fire caves and other people have air transport, Fangyuan slaughtered and swallowed a lot of holes, and its own air transport has a lot of consumption.

After a while, Fangyuan’s air transport will recover even bigger and stronger.

According to the increase in the fortune, it is clear that Fangyuan is better.

"It seems that my strategy of rest is right. During this time, my development is far more than three. Just..." Fang Yuan is indulging.

He was keenly aware that although his silver-light column had expanded more than four times, it was not as solid as before, and there was a clear sense of looseness. The silver glow was not as thorough as before.

"The reason why my silver-white column has expanded and expanded is mainly because I have swallowed up all the big holes, and the contents have skyrocketed again and again. In addition, it is to create and improve a variety of compound killings. Only eight turns to Xian."

"But these things are just quantitative changes, no qualitative changes, very loose."

"For example, in the Supreme Immortal, it is very unstable. The resources are not yet integrated. It is only used by me and is hard to put together. If you don't pay attention, it will cause disaster, cause huge losses, and then the air transport will fall. ""

"While my eight-turn fairy tales are more, there are more and more compound killings, but there is never a single combat system to summarize and organize, and there is no way to form a rope!"

"So, the silver-light column is loose."

Fang Yuan once again felt the beauty of practicing the road.

Through inspection, he not only can understand his own situation, but also can detect his own hidden dangers and defects.

Next, he will have a direction to practice.

Fang Yuan took advantage of the situation to look at their respective avatars.

The gas transportation of the ancestors of the sea, the war department, the dream, and others have all risen slightly.

And the induction of the eaves is also more obvious.

However, Wu Shuai's ant dragon gas transport, but the form is scattered, there is a collapse of the situation!

"What is going on? Is it true that after the creation of the poisonous ant murder, it is a bad change?" Fang Yuan quickly vetoed this speculation, and he was very puzzled.

If you say a few big avatars, the most stable situation is actually Wu Shuai.

The ancestors of Qihai have hidden dangers of identity exposure.

Dreaming for truth, exploring dreams is full of dangers and The war department is already lurking by Fangyuan and is in a stranger.

Li Xiaobai is just a mortal teacher, and often he is involuntarily.

Zhou Dao relied on the four-yuan repentance blood refining pool to refine the eight-turn fairy scorpion, and its own only six turns to repair, if there is a difference pool, it must be lost.

Although Wu Shuai is actively looking for a path to strength growth, he is mainly responsible for the government affairs of the major alien alliances. How can it be dangerous?

And this danger is a major crisis that killed him!


In the depths of a hole, a scented scented old man laughed happily: "I have finally come here, and I will not waste my hard work for ten days!"

What is placed in front of him is a true biography!

The long-awaited will has recovered. He looks to the old man of Zhu Xian: "Later, if you want to accept the true biography of my husband and wife, you have to promise us a condition."

"What conditions?" The old man of Zhu Xian looked at his eyes and asked.

Yan Xian will sigh and sigh: "I received a dragon gangster in my old age, the name Wu Shuai. He actually started to slain my couple's body! Later, if you want to inherit this true biography, you have to Inherited this cause and effect."


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