Reverend Insanity

: Section 152: Zhidao Grand Master

Supreme fairy.

Dreaming for truth and exploring another dream.

The mountain is deep, and the dream is sitting on the edge of a cliff, and the waterfall is next to it.

"Imperial, immortal!" A young man was wounded, and he went to Fangyuan in front of him and prayed for his disciples.

"Do you want to worship me as a teacher?" The dream is really a smile, and the heart is surprised, constantly guessing the rules of this new dream.

Before I changed it, Fang Yuan only had to test it. But now there is a dream in the hands of the dream, but the dream is a dream!

Immediately, he secretly urged the dream butterfly fairy to conduct investigations, while procrastinating in the mouth: "A mortal person in your district, since it can be exhausted, it is a matter of hardships to come to me. I have three ways. Teach you one of them."

The younger teacher of the teacher was ecstatic, hoeing his head, and his forehead hit the hard stone, making a squeaky noise.

Dreams continue to say: "The first of these, called the troupe. The road is stressful..."

Dreaming truthfully said that it is also true, not adulterated.

The boy hesitated and nodded: "On the fairy, although the practice is very complicated, I must study hard!"

Dreaming for truth but shaking his head, said: "Not busy. I still have a second, named force. The force is fierce and direct, the advantage lies in..."

After the dream is finished, the younger look is more exciting: "I want to learn!"

Dreaming and then laughing again: "I have a third wise road here. The power is very common, but the wisdom is very rare, and it lasts forever. Among them..."

After another eloquent words, the youngsters were excited: "Xian Shang, Xian Shang! The boy is most willing to learn the wisdom, and also invites the immortal to complete."

At this time, Mengdie Xianyu finally detected the entire dream.

The scale of the dream is not small, there are eight scenes.

It turned out that the immortal had inadvertently ruined a mortal village, among them juvenile parents.

The young man is so lonely now that he is full of bitterness in the world and does not know who is killing the enemy.

After many hardships, the young man finally worshipped the immortal as a teacher. He is talented and talented, and is one of the ten best, and it fits perfectly with Zhidao practice.

The teenager finally found out that his enemies were his own masters and he launched revenge.

In the last scene, it is the mentoring and the competition, which is extremely difficult.

"No matter what I teach, this apprentice will learn 10%, and will also introduce new ideas, blue is better than blue. And he will also be a wise man, with a very sharp means of wisdom."

"So, this first act is the most rare, weakening the opportunity of this apprentice!" The dream is really clear.

If there is no dream butterfly fairy, he can only try his own way, according to the routine, he will definitely not be able to pass the first time, the soul is injured.

Dreaming for truth requires rehabilitation, which wastes time and resources. Then regroup and explore the dreams.

But now that there is a dream butterfly fairy, he takes the initiative and is no longer passive.

Although the dream butterfly fairy can only be investigated, the value of key intelligence is often the most difficult to estimate.

Looking at the boy in front of me, dreaming and thinking, I smiled slightly: "Then I will teach you the practice of wisdom. This method is not my original, but after my improvement, I will call it - Jiujiu multiplication."

"Jiujiu multi-law swearing?" The teenager's eyes were beaming. When he heard the name alone, he felt very tall and very fairy.

Dreams come true and continue to flicker: "The nine is the extreme, ninety-nine is the meaning of countless infinity, and multiplication is the rule of all things, the essence of the natural avenue, non-savvy can not be understood. Come, I will teach you now A killing trick - one by one!"

The teenager held his breath, his ears erected high, and he kept whispering in his mouth: "One by one, one by one, one by one..."

Soon after, the last scene was reached.

"Master, this is my last..."

"Stop! Don't call me Master, you are a gangster, I am not your master."

"No, even then, I have to call you last..."

"Stop! I have cultivated you hard, and taught you the strongest nine-ninth multiplication in my life, but you will enmity!"

"No, Master. No matter how angry you are, killing the enemy is a fact, this hatred is not shared. Let me finally call you again..."

Dreaming for truth but not answering, but directly urging the killing, attacking the apprentice.

The apprentice was bored, and the last "Master" always said no.

Dreaming really wants this effect. Because he understands this apprentice, the disciple's own indulgent killings are extremely good, and can increase the various emotional powers of Zhidao. If he really let him say it, he must be open-minded and able to provoke indulging.

Once he is motivated to indulge in killing, the advantage in this dream will be great, and it is very difficult to dream of breaking through.

As the situation of the war is as expected, he is desperate to attack and not give opportunities to apprentices.

The apprentice has been suppressed by the dream, and he has no choice but to give up the best indulgent killings and temporarily use the means of ninety-nine multiplications to fight for the fighters.

Immortal killing tricks - eight eight eighty eight!

After dozens of rounds, the apprentice finally spurred the killing.


He had just rushed, and the killing attempt immediately failed, causing him to suffer a heavy counter-attack, and lost most of his life.

"This, this is a wrong killing! Master, have you been..." The disciple looked at the dream unbelievably.

"My stupid apprentice, tell you that the correct killing is called - eight eight six six six!" The dream is really sneer, and it is hot.

The apprentice desperately resisted a few rounds, and after all, he was taken off his head and died.

Fangyuan's ontology is learning to kill.

The use of aphids alone often has various drawbacks or sequelae. In order to make up for the shortcomings and change the sequelae, Xiu Xiu began to try to use multiple mites to cooperate with each other.

The development of killings began on this basis and naturally began.

The killing trick is the use of multiple mites at the same time. It is the art of using cockroaches in the three aspects of locust cultivation.

When the repairers developed the killings, they were pleasantly surprised to find that there was a natural killing in the natural world. The repairers discovered a lot of talent instinct from the wild animals, the wild animals and so on. These talented instincts have their own mysteries, such as the upper pole eagle can enter and leave the heavens.

The upper pole eagle has a strong yoke track. The arrangement and distribution of these track marks conform to the rules of the yudao, and thus the talent instinct of “free access to the heavens and blessings”.

Therefore, the most primitive face of killing is the track mark.

"In this respect, the totem kill is the closest to this layer of original appearance." Fang Yuan secretly admired.

Totem killings are developed in the sky of the beasts, and there is no other place.

The totem killing position is very high, and it can compete with the conventional killings and battlefield killings, and has the same status.

Regarding the use of sputum, in addition to the use of single scorpion, it is the conventional killing, the battlefield killing, the ancient battlefield, the contemporary squad, the Xianfan shack. But now, on this basis, there is another brand new category - totem kill!

Totem kills have many obvious advantages over other ways of using shackles.

The most obvious point is that the urging is more convenient and can be called a fool-like manipulation. Totem killing requires very little thought, relying more on real yuan or immortality. Unlike regular killings, when mobilizing each locust, the steps are very different.

The second point is that the threshold for the construction of the totem kill is low and the cost of maintenance is low. For ordinary killings, you need to repair and feed the corresponding mites. It takes a while for the repair to find the right locust. And to practice the totem killing, you only need to find the corresponding ingredients. Coffins are of course much better to find than locusts!

Aphid feeding is costly, and once the totem kills successfully, it is hidden on the body and does not need to be fed. Of course, after the damage, it needs to be repaired. At that time, the repair will re-eat some of the corresponding ingredients.

The third point, the totem killing is easy to promote, and let many people use it. Totem kills all genres!

Of course, totem kills have a disadvantage.

For example, the cost of building is not low. For example, after the totem is added, it will have a great influence on the next practice of repairing. After all, it is a track mark. For example, the power of totem killing is large, but the means are fixed and easy to be targeted. This is a bit similar to the squatter.

Fang Yuan pondering, I feel that behind the totem killing, there is the smell of animal power.

"The talents of these devils are immeasurable. Although the temperament of the madman is a bit unexpected, but the calculation is also good."

Originally, the sacred sacred sacred sacred caves only have strength and change.

However, Fang Yuan learned from the true biography of the old and the strange, that the madman will use the orc's final means to calculate and let his own fairy scorpion fit into the gluttony frog.

This hand is simply a pen of God, wonderful!

The gluttony frog is the legend of the elders of the elders. With it, it is a means of wrapping celestial scorpions, plus the means of madness, so that the beasts have a gut environment.

This esophagus environment is very important!

It is precisely because of the influence of esophageal traces that the repairs in the colorful days of the beasts can be used to cook and cook in the case of extremely low gastrointestinal tracts. All kinds of food.

In exchange for the outside world, there is no support for the esophagus environment. It is impossible to repair such foods so easily.

"This is actually the practice of the esophagus!"

Fang Yuan associates with the true story of Southern Xinjiang.

In this true biography, the music of the earth is developed, and the tea can be perfected into an esophagus. Using coffin to make tea, after repairing and drinking, it will increase the corresponding track marks.

The beasts of the beasts and the totems of the heavens are the same.

The sculpt adds to their own body by absorbing the traces in the coffin, and gradually creates a totem kill. Totem killings are very suitable for their own repairs. In fact, in this process, the repairing body has been spontaneously screened and absorbed the nutrients that the body can absorb.

"Well?" Fang Yuan suddenly changed his mind, and his thoughts suddenly stopped.

"The realm of Zhidao has been upgraded to the rank of the Grand Master." He felt it, and suddenly he found it, but his expression was quite calm.

Ps: The genuine "蛊真人" comics are already online. You can go to the Tencent comics "蛊真人" and you can watch it. Any comments can be mentioned. I will communicate effectively with the authors who have changed over there. To make a good-looking comic book, you need the power of everyone! Don't forget, collect it and give it a compliment.


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