Reverend Insanity

: Section 162: Earth projection

The teachers of the Ni family are fighting against the broken Jinhe.

They first used the scorpion to pour a magnificent dam, then digging the ditch and draining a river. The ruined gold river surface that has been climbing in recent days has gradually declined.

However, there is also a lot of life in the broken Jinhe River.

The Ni family army invaded the territory of the fish and beasts in the river, and the drainage made the fish and beasts feel panic.

Some kinds of fish and beasts came out of the river to attack, and some simply ran ashore, making a screaming and strange voice, killing the Nijia master.

The Ni family is dominated by dirt roads, and the most basic locust is a turn of mud. The dirt road is good at defensive, and the Nijia squadrons have formed a line of defense, which has long been waiting.

But the number of fish and beasts is not only huge, but also a powerful and fierce beastmaster.

In the crazy wave of the fish and beast army, the defense line of Ni Jiajun was broken.

"hold onto!"


"Revenge for the people!"

"Insist on the end, create the future of my family!"

The mud and the blood splash together, and the sergeants took turns to take over and resist the fierce attack of the fish and beast.

The Ni family people came to the Supreme Immortal, and they were secretly cultivated by Fang Yuan. There are many teachers. Coupled with the strong survival pressure of Xiao Huang Tianzhong, these Ni family people have to be closely united and quickly cultivate a family atmosphere of harmonious coexistence and mutual help.

In this defensive battle, the Ni family army showed amazing fighting power and a tough fighting will!

Finally, the fish and beasts gradually became sparse, and the Ni family army was quite past.

The Ni family army began to counterattack.

The fish and beasts did not have much internal organization. This is a situation in which the situation has turned sharply and quickly, and it has quickly collapsed.

Ni Jiaxun teachers chased and killed all the way, leaving countless fish and beasts along the way.

These corpse capitals are coffins and rich loot.

Ni Jiaxun teachers all the way to the broken Jinhe River, all kinds of aphids rushed offensive, fell into the river, stirred up thousands of golden waves.

"We have won!"

"Quick and fast, it’s not a time to celebrate."

"Yeah, we must arrange the array as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be new fish and beasts flowing from the main river."

Ni Jiaxuan teachers are fully deployed.

For this action, they have carefully prepared for half a year, and have mature plans and deployments.

However, seeing their battles succeed, the entire golden river surface and even the cloud land under their feet began to tremble.

"What happened? Is there a fish and beast to attack?"

"It's not right! It's not right!"

"Look up, look, God!"

The sorcerers exclaimed, looking up at each other one by one, and then they were all stiff as stones.

Because they saw the meteorite rain falling in the sky.

Some of these meteorites are only one acre, while others are huge.

The meteorite is dense and tens of thousands!

A large number of meteorites roared, dragging long red flame tails, oppressing the air, with thunder and arrogance, unstoppable momentum, and slammed down.

"It's over!" Numerous Nijia Yanshi's face was pale and there was no trace of blood.

"Is it going to die in the family of Ni?" In the battlefield of death, a veteran of Ni Jiazhen suddenly mourned and mourned.

"I don't want to be reconciled!" The contemporary Ni family leader is also a contemporary mud-like fist. "The plan has been successful for most of the time. My family has made such a terrible sacrifice and finally managed the flood. The beautiful tomorrow has already waved to us. The result is Today, we are going to perish."

Everyone is desperate.

The power of heaven and earth is such a sultry, so that these Ni family members can not resist, at this moment, they feel strongly the smallness of their own, the deepest sorrow and helplessness of the weak.

But at this time, the bright heaven and earth, reflected by the ochre rain, suddenly darkened and deepened.


At the same time, Ni Jiaxuan heard a burst of screams, which seemed to come from Jiuyi Hell.

The air temperature seems to be dropping sharply, and countless teachers feel a strong heart!

"So, what is that?"

"My God!"

"A black giant?!"

Ni Jiaxuan teachers were horrified, stunned and shocked, and looked at the scene in front of them.

I saw a giant slowly emerged, and the whole body was dark and dark. Its body is so large that when he bends his legs, he casts extremely large shadows on the ground.

The speed of the giant seems to stand up slowly and quickly, and the height is even more horrible.

The Black Giant has two heads, picking up the ghosts of the four monks, and the ghosts are shining, and the black radiance shines like a column through the sky!

Its hundreds of arms, raised high, the terrible ghost claws open together, like a savage black forest, in a flash.

One of the dark giants slammed open, and when they opened, they spit out a dark river.

The soul river is rolling, picking up waves and waves, and rolling a lot of meteorites.

Another mouth of the dark giant, the mouth sucked. Many small meteorites were directly inhaled by him.


His ghost claws and giant arms swaggered and caught the hill-like meteorites directly!

The family of the Ni family has set off a storm.

"It’s really the sky, the stars, the moon!"

"There are such terrible monsters hidden in this world!"

"Compared to this giant, we Ni Jialian ants are not."

The meteorite rain was almost completely resisted by the black giant, leaving only some of the debris falling to the ground.

These fragments are bit by bit, some fall into the broken Jinhe River, and some fall on the continent of the cloud, which will inevitably bring many unpredictable effects to the original ecology.

The meteorite rain did not make any achievements, and the black giant also retired, just like the huge body of the mountain slowly disappeared in front of the Ni family.

For a long time, after the robbery, the Ni Jiajun divisions burst into a terrifying cheer.

The biggest hero, the Black Giant, is replaced by a soul light and re-entered into the Supreme Body of Fangyuan.

That's right.

This black soul giant is the soul of Fang Yuan's body!

After Fang Yuan inherited the true biography of the shadows, he had the highest method of spiritual practice.

This method is dedicated to the practice of the soul, and is divided into two levels: the first level is the soul of the people, the practice of the soul of ten people, the soul of hundreds of people, the soul of thousands of people, etc., up to the soul of hundreds of people. The soul of millions of people is the limit of the human body, and it begins to be virtual and interfere with matter.

The second level is the wild soul. Because the destiny was destroyed by the Red Lotus Demon, the Ghost Respect was able to find a way to break through the limits of the soul. Breaking through to the wild, the essence of the soul has changed, and the soul of the wilderness can be defeated by the soul alone.

Fang Yuan’s soul has reached the level of the wilderness. His practice on the soul has never stopped. Now he has reached 60 million souls!

Ten wild souls, hundred wild souls, thousands of wild souls, thousands of wild souls, 100,000 wild souls, millions of wild souls, thousands of wild souls, billions of wild souls!

When you reach the billions of ridiculous souls, you will be the three thousand-armed demon souls. The quasi-nine-turning force will be able to directly resist all kinds of catastrophe, and will go against the sky, killing gods and ghosts, and shocking the world!

This is also the peak of the whole soul, the limit of tolerance throughout the world.

The billion-year-old soul has three heads and arms, and Fangyuan has not yet reached it.

Fang Yuan’s soul is repaired as if it were different from the previous Devil’s Ghost. They are both more than six hundred arms.

"The practice of the ghosts is really powerful."

"This soul fights alone. On its own, there is the power of Yaxianzun. If you use the fairy yuan, you can also urge you to kill."

"The key point is that this killing is not caused by locusts, but by the traces, almost innate instinct."

Fangyuan tastes reflection.

He just showed up in the soul. When he was alone in combat, he spit out a rolling river of souls, which is a reference to Fang Yuan’s ability to chase after the war.

According to the method of the ghost, Fang Yuan turned the referenced soul nucleus into a trace of the soul, and imprinted on his own soul.

So this soul river kills the trick, it becomes the talent instinct of Fang Yuan soul.

In the future, as long as the relevant track layout is not destroyed, Fangyuan can be quickly mobilized without any locusts. This is a very simple and convenient means!

"The soul repairing ability, the totem killing, and the big masters using the natural traces of the array... all kinds of means arrived later, all of which are the same."

"There is a supply from the home, my soul is not lacking, and it is not difficult to practice the eternal life of the billions."

"This means can be used as one of the cards, and the outside world cannot be displayed at will."

In the five days and two days, there is a willingness to supervise. If Fangyuan urges this means, it will be known by God. In the Supreme Immortal, there is no such hidden danger.

“Look at the situation?” Fang Yuan once again spurred the cooking pot to inspect his own gas transportation.

“Hmm?” Fang Yuan frowned.

The fortune is not good.

During this time, his silver light column became more and more loose, and there was a kind of disintegration!

At the top of the silver light column, the three clouds also changed.

Starlight Yunxia always has the upper hand, which indicates that the star fairy seems to be the biggest threat.

Underneath, it is the dark airborne cloud of the ghost. Although it was pressed by the stars and clouds, some of the black gas that spread out, like the roots and stems, penetrated into the silver light column of Fangyuan, and there is a tendency to take root in it!

The Jinxiayun group, which represents Juyang, has become a lot thicker. Although it is under the pressure of the other two clouds, it has a sign that it is ready to go.

Around the silver pillars, in addition to the previous clouds, there have been visions.

A raised hillock seems to have nothing, and the looming shadow is transmitted through the surface of the silver pillar...

Southern Xinjiang.

The wind and the sky are servant, stopping the pace of trekking.

He took a sigh of relief: "It is finally."

Wind Tianyu is very hard. He originally wanted to find the other branch of the Ni family, and the result was nothing.

This is of course. As early as before, Fang Yuan had already evacuated all the Ni family members.

Feng Tianyu did not make great achievements and was very lost. But on the way, he accidentally discovered that this Ni Jian mud monster can actually swallow the soil coffin and continue to grow his own combat power!

"Those Ni family people are mysteriously If I go back so ugly, it is not easy to explain, it is not my style. It is better to push this mud to the battle, and then go back and forth and ask questions. I also responded."

Therefore, Feng Tianyu rushed all the way, came... rancid muddy mountains.

Although the rancid muddy mountain is not famous, it is also a famous mountain. Although there are toxic road marks, more are dirt road marks. These clay coffins are all over the mountains and are suitable for feeding Ni Jian.

"It seems that there has been a wave of beasts here. The original Shanshi cottage at the foot of the mountain has been destroyed. I will explore it alone."

Feng Tianyu is a five-turn repair, and Ni Jian is all over the body. He climbs all the way, and Ni Jian is swallowed up when he encounters a suitable clay coffin.

Feng Tianyu stayed in the mountains for a few days and nights and came to a place.

Suddenly, Ni Jian spit out the dirt coffin.

"What happened? The soil here is full of airway traces?" After the study of Fengtianyu, I was very surprised.

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