Reverend Insanity

: Section 19: Performing a good show

I got used to it, and I was pumped a few hundred. The format is not taken first~~~

On the third day, the hundred family leaders recruited Fangyuan. In the name of hunting, he sent him many Yuanshi.

At the dinner party, in addition to stealing Bailian, Fangyuan took the initiative to toast the hundred family chiefs, sincere and sincere, with a sense of color.

The hundred families did not say long, but they were very satisfied.

This evening, Bailian took the initiative to visit Fangyuan, saying that she was a friend of her own and was poisoned. Only the treatment of heat and phlegm was the best. However, the heat and enthusiasm is relatively rare, so borrow money from Fangyuan.

"I can't help it anymore?" Fang Yuan sneered in his heart, and he said that he would lend her heat to her.

After this incident, Bailian seems to be a big feeling.

Fang Yuan took the initiative to talk and enthusiasm, and the two became closer and closer, and the relationship heated up sharply.

On the fifth day of the dinner.

The Hundreds of Families suddenly asked directly: "Yin, do you want to have a family in the ancient bones to settle down in Baigushan?"

Fang Yuan quickly stood up and looked calm, but could not conceal the panic in his eyes: "Baigushan is adjacent to Baijiazhai and can be said to be a noble place. The younger generation dares to offend."

The hundred families smiled in their hearts, and the more sure the destination of the ancient moon family is Baigu Mountain.

She is also guilty and false: "The sages do not know, the situation here is complicated. I am under a lot of pressure. If the ancient moon family can inhabit the Baigu Mountain, as an ally of my family, then it would be better."

Fang Yuan quickly denied it.

Bai Moxing is also persuading that Fang Yuan seems to be moving, but his mouth is not loose.

After the dinner ended, Bailian also came to knock on the side, and Fang Yuan looked complicated and still did not recognize it.

"Hey, this kid, his mouth is very close." After the dinner, the camp was plotted, and Bai Moxing gnawed his teeth.

"This is the family's young master, there should be some performance. I am not surprised. Should add another fire." The hundred family long eyes.

So it was the next morning.

Fang Yuan has not yet got up, and he is awakened by the quarrel outside the camp.

He walked out of the camp and saw that he was hunted and Bailian was pulling.

"Hundreds of battles, how many times have I told you, don't come to entangle me. Feelings can't be forced!" Bailian smashed the hands of hundreds of battles, cold and frosty, "I still have things, let's go first. ""

"Today's hunting ratio is about to begin. What else do you have? Is it the same to find the little white face of the ancient moon family?"

"What do you say? The founder of the Founder is very kind, and the enthusiasm said that he borrowed it. If it wasn't for his help, could Parkson King recover so quickly?"

"Lian Er, can you not be so simple. Heat up, hehe, I think he wants to be intimate with you. Don't you notice that he looks at your eyes?"

Bailian blinks: "Hundreds of battles, you give me the right thing to stop! Ah, Founder Master..."

The two men who quarreled discovered the source of the camp standing outside the camp.

Fang Yuan’s face was a little awkward, and his eyes were a little worried. He said to Bailian: "It turned out to be Bailian girl. What's the matter, let's talk about the advanced account."

"You kid!" Hundreds of battles were furious and wanted to find trouble with Fangyuan, but they were blocked by Bailian in the middle of the journey.

"Hundreds of battles, what do you want to do? Are you crazy? This is a guest of my family!"

"What a guest, but a dog who is mourning the family." One hundred battles screamed, and the finger pointed to the nose of Fangyuan. "The kid, there is a kind of we are trying to compare it. Come to a real knife! Who if If you lose, you can't entangle the lotus."

"Hey, I am a turn, you are three turns, you are also very embarrassed to say such a thing. Is it not fair to be a hundred people?" Fang Yuan's face became ugly.

"In this world, there is never fairness, only strength and weakness. You dare not compare it, that is to breed! The original ancient moon family is rich in glutinous species, ah hahaha..." Hundreds of battles hunted and laughed, and the voice attracted many people around. s concern.

"What happened?" Bai Moxing came over at this time.

Bailian explained that Baimo immediately denounced a hundred battles: "You are really noisy, dare to be rude to the guests!"

Hundreds of battles hunt heads: "He doesn't even dare to fight, not a warrior. Since it is not a warrior, why treat him?"

"You!" Hundreds of strangers roared.

Bailian said: "Which kind of invitation, who promised who is a fool? Founder is because of the injury, it leads to the decline of repair. If in his strong period, you may not be his opponent."

A young girl is talking to Fangyuan in this way. If it is really here, I am afraid that I have already had a feeling of incomparable feelings.

But Fang Yuan is a sneer in his heart: playing a good show!

"I am replacing the young Master, just like you." Bailian continued.

Hundreds of battles are arrogant and breathless: "Why are you going out for him? Then, why can you represent him? Just a little white face, a waste of waste, I can win him ten! I don't compare with you, kid. If you have something to grow up, stand up. Is it a man?"

"You are better than who, who is afraid of who!" Fang Yuanyi could not stand, will stalk the neck, with impulsive tone.

"The old man, have you heard it? He promised it!" The hunter was immediately happy to pick it up.

Bai Moxing frowned: "Life should be brave enough to accept the challenge. Founder Yin Xian, your courage is obvious to all. But you are a guest of my family. If there are three long and two short, we can hardly explain to the ancient moon family. Not the same, it is unfair to challenge."

"The old man said that the younger generation is not thoughtful..." Fang Yuan deliberately hesitated.

Seeing that Fangyuan has a tendency to retreat backwards, Bai Zhanhun and Bailian quickly exchanged their eyes.

Hundreds of battles followed the opening, provoked the anger of Fangyuan, and he would be him.

Bailian bit his teeth and walked to the front of Fangyuan, holding a pair of watery eyes, and said with a soft voice: "Fang Zhenggong, there is a ruthless invitation underneath."

"Oh, what did you say?"

"I asked the son to promise this challenge and help me get rid of the entanglement of hunting. I really can't stand his harassment." Said, Bailian screamed.

A young girl asked for help from a boy and asked him to drive away another very abominable pursuer.

Especially the boy, who also has a good impression of the girl.

You said, can this boy not agree?

Therefore, Fang Yuan immediately patted his chest and promised: "Bai Lian girl should not worry, your business is my business. I will definitely help."

After a meal, Fang Yuan’s tone was somewhat hesitant. “It’s just my cultivation, I’m weaker than him. If I lose...”

"The son is assured, the little woman has a fixed plan." Bailian smiled, like a daffodil.

She turned and went to Bai Moxing: "The old man, Fang Zhenggong, although he promised a test, but if he really fights, I am afraid it will hurt and it is not fair. I have a proposal, it is better to borrow this time. The opportunity to hunt for the big match, the two sides divided into five teams, competing for the record of the hunting."

"Well, a good proposal." Bai Moxing touched the beard and nodded slightly. "Then you pick people. But in order to be fair, the five people must be equal."

Hundreds of battles screamed uncomfortably.

"Yes." Bailian was happy to perform a ceremony.


After half an hour, the two sides set off.

On the side of Fangyuan, there are three turns of Bai Ningbing, Bailian, and two other female teachers. The age is similar to that of Bailian.

One of them, named Baishengjing, is very impressed by the source of the other party.

Previously it was the poison in her, which was saved by the heat of Fang Yuan.

The team is very hot, although Fangyuan is the lowest, but it is the central focus.

"There is no worry for the son. We have already heard detailed information before, knowing where there are more precious prey. It is right to go with us." Baishengjing is more lively and responsible for reconnaissance.

Everyone followed her, and sure enough, they killed a lot of unique prey.

Fangyuan has not produced much, and the whole process is more like an outing.

"Fangzhengzi, listen to them saying that you are a member of the ancient moon, you have to migrate to the Bone Mountain. Is this the way?" On the way to the full return, Parkson King seems to be asking questions.

"These are all groundless." Fang Yuan smiled and smiled.

"You are gentle and gentle, you are a gentleman, you can hunt better than that." If you can settle in Baigushan in the future, we will often meet in the future." Parkson continued.

Fang Yuan laughed and sneaked a peek at Bailian, who walked side by side.

Bailian looked sad: "It is not a simple matter to settle down. The first condition is to find a Yuanquan. However, around Yuanquan, it is full of vitality and must live with herds or powerful wild locusts. The sages created the cottage, and they must go through the battle to kill the herd or the wild donkey. This process must be accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice."

She said, she looked at Fang Yuan. "In fact, there are a lot of bone beasts on the Bone Mountain. These bone beasts are tough and difficult to deal with. There are no soils on the Bone Hill, and they are all bones. To survive on this mountain." It is not impossible to stand up to the village. It is only a price to pay, it will be very high."

"Oh, is that the case?" Fang Yuan smiled a little reluctantly, and his eyes showed a hint of worry.

However, he pretended to inadvertently ask: "I am more interested in Baigushan. Bailian, you are half a landlord, tell me how much danger there is on this mountain."

Bailian smiled: "The son wants to listen, then I will talk."

As she exaggerated her words, she secretly urged the enthusiasm in the open space.

This effect is like a spring breeze, quietly, silently affecting the range within ten steps. It can make people feel more worried and worry more deeply.

Fang Yuan’s smile has gradually become less, and the sorrow in his eyes is beyond words.

"Fang Zhenggong does not have to worry, this time we will be able to beat hundreds of battles." Parkson King deliberately opened the way.

Fang Yuan nodded and answered a few words, but he was absent-minded.

Next, he asked more questions.

It’s all about Baigu Mountain, especially a section of Houshan.

Bailian gave a patient answer.

The situation in this scene is vividly displayed in the camp.

"The little fish is hooked." The hundred female patriarchs smiled smugly. "Back mountain..."

She began to compare the map on the table. ((To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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