Reverend Insanity

: Section 21: It turned out to be a magic thief!

"Important intelligence?" The family of the hundred families frowned slightly, but what kind of important information is more important than Yuanquan?

"Since it is not urgent information, let them take orders outside the account." The patriarch gave a voice and concentrated his attention on the smoke picture.

The picture flashed, showing the situation in the cave.

A group of seven people, such as Fang Yuan, went deeper and quickly found the bottom of the hole.

This cave is not big, and the head of the 100 family was quickly disappointed. She did not see Yuanquan, and Yuanquan could not be in such a place.

"It seems that it will take time to find Yuanquan." The Bai family chief whispered, gently squatting his sleeves and collecting the smoke into the cuffs. The accountant said: "Call them in."

The curtain was opened, and a savvy reconnaissance sergeant came in and bowed: "I will refer to the patriarch and have important information."

His tone revealed an anxious meaning.

"Have you captured an ironsmith's teacher?" The family leader frowned slightly.

Iron family is a huge monster, and ten hundred homes are not rivals. Improper handling can be very troublesome.

There are some blame in the hearts of the hundred families. This subordinate is somewhat ignorant. The iron master is like a hot potato. It is secretly killed in the wild. Bring back to the family, but leave the handle.

"The subordinates received the task. When they explored the movements of the ancient moon, they found a seriously injured sergeant. The original was suspected. This person is an ancient Yue people. But after the treatment, he claimed to be iron. The master of the family, and from his mouth, his subordinates learned an amazing news! The three cottages in Qingmao Mountain have all been destroyed. Instead, there is a mysterious magician who escaped from the disaster. The iron family sent the sergeant, which was originally To hunt down these magical sergeants." The reconnaissance sergeant sue.

"What do you say?" The hundred family members suddenly moved.

Her heart twitched and frowned.

At this moment, the shape and manners of Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing flashed in her mind.

To say that their two teenagers are magic martial artists?

Not like it!

Especially when the hundred families came back to think of Fang Yuan’s tears at the banquet – how could such a person be a magician?

"How do you know that this person is an iron master?"

"This is the iron house token that was found from him! And the embarrassment of this person is also characteristic of the iron family." The reconnaissance sergeant said, he presented an iron token.

The hundred family leaders took over the token. Hold it in the palm of your hand and feel the cold touch of the token.

It is indeed the token of the Iron House, no doubt, but...

"It is also possible that this person killed the iron house sergeant and seized the spoils from them. Perhaps this person, the thief shouted to catch the thief, he is the magician who the iron family wants to hunt down." The hundred female patriarchs thought One possibility.

In order to survive, the Magic Road Master must pretend to be his own identity.

The impression that the Hundreds of Families are preconceived is too deep. But no matter what. She has to confirm it herself.

She narrowed her eyes and said, "Bring the captive up."

"Come on." Soon. The curtain of the camp was opened and a teacher was taken.

The iron knife bitterly spread, his face pale, and his footsteps appeared in front of the hundred family leaders.

"Your Majesty!" The kicker behind him kicked, and the iron man snorted and fell to the ground.

But he struggled and wanted to stand up immediately.

"Be honest!" The two sorcerers behind him, one arm and one arm, slammed his dead and slammed on the ground.

The iron knife is struggling. One scream: "I have a hard knife, I am in the sky, my parents are in the middle, and I am a patriarch. I will humiliate me, but I will die!"

"Hey, it’s quite like acting." The Bai family chief raised a brow and sneered. Immediately and then asked: "That. You are a magician, how did you kill the Iron Master, and won this token?"

The iron knife bitterly bitter, suddenly spit a **** foam: "I am! Laozi is upright. The iron family is bitter, and the name is not changed. You can't change your name. It falls into your hands, you have to kill and listen to you, now Is it a hypocrisy to play with the blame?

The blood was not applied to the body of the hundred family, and it seemed to hit an invisible wall in the air and landed on the ground.

The faces of the hundred family leaders are not good at all.

The iron knife bitterly followed the sneer: "I am the best at the iron house to hunt down the investigation. Hundreds of families, you caught me, so humiliated me, huh, huh, you better smash my corpse, and then pray not to be discovered. Once found, hehe You, 100, will bear the thunder of my iron family!"

The 100-year-old family laughed and said: "You keep saying that you are a teacher of the Iron House. I have seen a lot of teachers of the Iron House. I have been following the five-turn, and they are all multi-person action, and they are as aggressive as the iron. You are alone. If you don't say one thing, look at what you are now, you have to play the iron master, and it's better to act like a decent one."

The sneer on the iron knife bitter face could not help but stagnate.

The words of the hundred family chiefs evoked the most painful place in his heart.

I think when I started from Qingmao Mountain, the line of nine people was very popular. Now it’s only one person left, and it’s still the end of the prison!


Especially when the iron knife thought of the death of Tie Aotian, great regrets and regrets, it made him even more painful.

He is the four sons of the Iron House, with excellent qualifications and perseverance. He has been highly hoped from an early age. It is a strong competitor of the Iron Family and is the hope of the future of Iron.

Since he was a child, he has shown extraordinary qualifications. Iron knife from his body, saw the hope of the future.


When the earth-shattering explosion sounded, everything was over.

The explosion happened too suddenly!

At the center of the explosion, Tie Aotian, even the defensive locusts did not have time to spur, and was instantly blown into bones and slag.

A generation of pride, the star of the future, so dead is not clear!

Not only is the iron proud, but several other people have also suffered, and several people have been killed, destroying countless locusts.

The remaining two were seriously injured.

Iron knife is one of them. It fell behind the team and was transformed into copper by the mites. So keep a life.

There was also a serious injury, and the body was blown up by half. In the latter half of the time, I fell into a coma. Then the rescue was invalid and died.

The iron knife bitterly shed tears and buried the bodies of the tribes together in the soil.

He originally wanted to be buried separately, but the bodies of most people were blown apart. Iron Aotian is even more terrible, leaving only the pieces of the palm-sized pieces.

He built a graveyard with great grief. And cut off a huge stone and move here. As a token.

Afterwards, he explored the scene of the explosion.

Experienced him, judging that this is Jiao Lei potato.

There are hundreds of Jiaolei potatoes in the ground, all buried in the ground! There is no doubt that this is a huge, sinister and vicious trap!

Who is doing such a lack of virtue!

Who buried this trap? !

After thinking hard about it, I felt that Fang Bai’s suspicion was the biggest. Of course, he did not know the specific information such as the names of Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing, but he understood: This is very likely. It is the handwriting of the magician who has been pursuing them.

Too mean!

It's too vicious!

Iron knife bitterly angry and rushed to the crown, hate like the sea deep.

revenge. Be sure to take revenge and hate, and bring this magic martyr to justice!

For the iron knife, the iron family has not returned. The iron family of the four sons died, such responsibility must be investigated. Moreover, it is a great shame and insult for him to go back so hard.

He decided to keep going!

Iron proud is dead, his life has changed from color to gray.

He wants to kill the magician of the Qingmao Mountain to vent his hatred. Even if you can't kill, you have to do your best.

"Revenge! Revenge!" He yelled three times. Do not kill Fang Bai and the two will not give up.

However, the reality is cruel.

His injury was not treated effectively. In the next few days, he had a high fever, dizziness, and encountering the beasts, and he managed to escape.

But in the absence of replenishment. He still fainted.

When he woke up, he found that he was saved and became a prisoner of hundreds.

The past is unbearable, I think it hurts!

The iron knife is bitter in the camp. Can not help but shed tears.

Hundreds of female patriarchs were secretive, and then they asked questions, but the iron knife was bitter but silent, and a pair of arrogant and righteous.

This is not like disguising identity, wanting to ask the performance of the magical martyr.

"If this person is really a teacher of the Iron Family?" The head of the 100-year-old family feels more and more inappropriate, and the feelings of bad feelings are gradually expanding.

She wants to find out more, but the iron knife does not make a sound, and even closes her eyes, it does not cooperate.

When the eyes of the Bai family turned, they suddenly said: "Not long ago, we have hosted two ancient Yue people. They are two teenagers, a young man who claims to be an ancient moon family..."

The hundred family leaders have not finished, and the iron knife has opened his eyes.

In his eyes, the fine man is shot.

The complex emotions of hatred, anger, surprise, etc. are all revealed in an instant.

He was so excited that he wanted to get up, but he was suppressed by the two sergeants behind him.

He shouted out: "It is them, they must be them. I can't think of them here, two people, or teenagers. Hey, they must be removed from the Qingmao Mountain!"

Of course, I don’t know what’s going on here. The reconnaissance sergeant only interrogated him and took the initiative to tell him that these situations were strange.

The Bai family saw him finally open, and then asked: "If you are an iron master, your companion?"

In this moment, the attitude of the iron knife has completely changed. In revenge, he replied in a loud voice: "They are all dead."

"Where is the dead? Where is the body?"

The iron knife bitter face changed: "I can't tell you this The dead are buried in the earth, even if you doubt me, you are not allowed to dig the grave!"

The hundred family leaders listened to this and suddenly sank in their hearts.

This is not like what the Magic Road teacher said.

"Don't you say..." In the hearts of the hundred family leaders, there was an extremely strong sense of misery.

She finally couldn't help but squat, a colorful smoke flew out, hovering in the air, revealing the picture.

"The few masters of your family are in our hands, now you give me out!" In the picture, Fang Yuan has torn his face. He glared at the throat of a hundred and a hundred flowers, one by one, and shivered coldly.

The hundred families are staying.

After a few breaths of time, she was so angry that she smashed the table in front of her.

She roared -

"It turned out to be a magic thief!"

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