Reverend Insanity

: Section 24: Bone Inheritance (middle)


An explosion exploded and the smoke dissipated, revealing a hole.

"There is a hole!"

"No wonder they disappeared, they must have entered this hole."

"Weird, how can there be an institution here? Ah, the patriarch is here."

When the hundred female patriarchs arrived at the scene, they happened to see the crowd blasting the walls and revealing the secret passages.

"This should be a place of inheritance." The iron knife that accompanied him, just looked at it and inferred.

"It turns out. It seems that the real destination of these two thieves is here!" The hundred families long gritted their teeth, and the eyes shone with cold light.

It’s a good acting.

On the way, she recalled the scenes of getting along these days.

The more I want to be more angry, I was actually cheated by two teenagers. The imperial family of the hundred families, as well as a group of people, are planted in the hands of two younger generations!

If it is passed out, it will be a major blow to the voice of the 100 families.

"The younger generation is not good at doing things. They don't protect the two young masters, and the patriarchs are punished." Bailian, Baishengjing and others were extremely stunned and fell to the ground to take the initiative to plead guilty.

"Get up, you are also subject to my actions. To blame, you can only blame the two thieves too!" One hundred-year-old family said, let Bailian and others greatly breathe a sigh of relief.

"You these days, and the two thieves get along with each other, really did not see a trace of flaws?" asked the iron knife.

The three girls stood up and the look on their faces was quite complicated.

In particular, Bailian, who originally thought that Fang Bai and both were in their own hands, were playthings. I did not expect that I was first played by both of them.

"No flaws."

"These two people are too loaded!"

"In retrospect, they are using our 100. It is really sinister and sinister."

The three girls all shook their heads and answered the iron knife.

On this road, the iron knife also learned from the mouth of the hundred families. Of course, the things of Baijiayuanquan naturally did not leak.

"Well... so to speak. The real purpose of these two thieves is to find it here. Depending on their strength, it is not enough to wander around the Bone Mountain. So they have taken advantage of the strength of your 100 families." No one else analyzes.

After listening to his words, the face of the hundred teachers around him is hard to look.

This is indeed the case.

These days, in order to clear the way in Baigushan. They sacrificed a lot. It paid a lot of money. But in the end, it was paving the way for Fang Bai.

"What a damn!"

"The two thieves, if they fall into my hands, must unload them eight."

"The patriarch. Let me attack. I want to kill these two bastards, to shame in the snow!"

For a time, the feelings in the cave were indignant.

The hundred families looked around and made a slight nod. Why didn't she want to delay the party and the white, as the mother of a hundred flowers. She can't wait to appear in front of her children now.

The military heart is available and the morale is good.

The head of the Hundreds of Families looked at the old man who took the initiative to ask for help: "Then let your department go out, be sure to get through this secret road!"

"Yes!" The old man sipped and took his life.

"Slow, this secret road bones are uneven, completely closed. How did the two thieves get in? There must be an organ. Let me test it." The iron knife stood up and raised an objection.

The old man who led the life blinked: "The situation is as hot as ever, and the two young masters are in danger, and the slow-growing groping agency. When will it wait?!"


"Bone scorpion 蛊..." Fang Yuan held the shackle and played the game.

This is like a prickly pear, the size of a fist, and the surface is covered with a needle-like spur. In the hands, it is a little heavy.

This is a three-turn. A typical injured one thousand, self-damaged eight hundred.

Because the teacher used it, it can make the bones of the body mutate and produce sharp and rigid bone spurs.

Use these bone spurs to confront the enemy. First of all, these bone spurs have to smash the skin of the sorcerer's own skin. The pain is second. If there is no corresponding treatment, it will be bad.

Maybe the enemy is not dead, and he used a bone hedgehog here, which turned out to be a serious injury.

"What is this?" Bai Ningbing looked curiously. But when she listened to Fang Yuan’s introduction, she lost interest.

It is not that she is afraid of pain, but that she has used ice muscle spasms.

Now her skin is permanently transformed into "ice muscle" by the power of ice muscles. Not only the ability to defend, but also the function of avoiding sweat and stopping bleeding.

If Bai Ningbing uses this bone to stab, the first bone spur will break the ice muscle, which is not worth the loss for her.

Fang Yuan did not have much interest in this bone hedgehog.

But in the end it was still a three-turn, so after refining, it was temporarily occupied by Fangyuan.

"Let's go." Fang Yuan chose the last hidden door.

It is still Bai Ningbing who is exploring the road ahead.

Entering the door is a downwardly extending gray bone ladder. This ladder is long, at least a kilometer.

In the second half, the surrounding light gradually dimmed and the steps became narrower and narrower.

Almost in the darkness, Fang and Bai went to the end of the ladder. A closed portal appeared in front of them.

The portal is engraved with four large characters - the meat capsule.


"These bones are really hard for his mother!" The hundred homes smeared the sweat of their foreheads and cursed them.

It’s been a quarter of an hour, but this secret road is only halfway through.

These staggered bone spurs look no different from the mountains of Baigushan. But only when the real attack goes up, will you find that these bones are hard and staggering.

The face of the hundred family leader is also not good-looking.

The more time passes, the more dangerous your two children are.

In the past ten minutes, the mother felt like a century of suffering. But as a patriarch, she has to calm down, at least on the surface, to set an example and bring confidence to the people.


Suddenly a soft bang, the organ started, and the remaining bones slammed into the hole.

Everyone was shocked and looked at the initiators.

The iron knife slammed his chin and analyzed it on his own. "This organ involves some cleverness. Before opening the hole, you need to reverse the spiral spur. This left a deep impression on the secret road. People tend to be based on the impression of the ancestors. Then they can reverse the thread spurs around them. Unfortunately, to close the organs here, it is necessary to pull the spiral bone spurs."

For a time, everyone was speechless.

The old man who had been led by the old man, his face rose red. It looks embarrassing and embarrassing.

Passed this secret road. Hundreds of people came to the first hall.

"This is?!" Many people are shocked.

They saw the corpses of the land. It is the result of Bai Ningbing pinching the locusts in the big tank.

"This should be a bone gun... and, with a spiral bone gun." Immediately, the family will recognize this.

"This is really a place of inheritance! I am so big, it is the first time." Some people are excited.

"Look. There is a big cylinder in the center. What will be in the tank?" Someone was curious.

There is nothing left in the tank except for the milk water.

Hundreds of people are disappointed and angry.

"The two thieves are doing too much! Nothing remains."

"Oh, they are simply devastated, so many locusts are crushed!"

Many people screamed. indignant.

Even the eyes of the old people are showing the color of regret.

"Come on, the sooner you hunt down them, the less you will lose." The iron knife bitterly made everyone's eyes shine.

Affected by this, the public is even more arrogant, and they can't wait to appear in front of Fang Bai.

The people came to the second hall and saw the three pillars.

"There are locusts left!" The front sergeant gave a pleasant cheer.

"Please look at the patriarch." Soon, the arm bones and the rib shields were presented in front of the hundred family leaders.

The hundred family leaders just glanced at it. Then people accept it, and there is no joy in the heart.

Compared with the locusts, she cares more about the safety of her children.

"Have you seen it? Just two cockroaches, but all three locusts."

"This inheritance is really exciting."

"The blessings of the blessings, the blessings of the blessings, and the blessings of the blessings.

Everyone is still feeling. Or surprised.

"You don't feel weird, why do they want to leave this?" But it was a hard-working observer who was clear and noticed something wrong.

"Three choices, one is satisfied. Baigushan inherits. It is reserved for later generations." Soon, someone found the lettering on the stone pillar.

"It seems. This is not like the inheritance of the Magic, I am afraid that it is a righteous person to stay."

"Oh, satisfied, we are not satisfied at all."

"Come on, go quickly. Save two young masters quickly, we will not be late to visit."

The people urged each other and came to the third hall.

A sitting bone, a huge bone book, is in the eyes of everyone.

"Grey bones talents ... turned out to be this predecessor." There is a family to start a giant book, suddenly realized that this is indeed the right way.

The long frowning brow of the hundred families stretched a little.

This is the first good news she has heard so far.

The right path is often gentle, not as sinister as the magic path.

The brows of the iron knife, but gradually wrinkled. The more he felt in his heart, the lettering on the stone pillar made him feel inexplicable.

The people opened their skulls and picked them up. It was a bone hedgehog.

Then, a stone wall slipped open, and a new dark passage appeared, and everyone sneaked in.


"The meat capsule secret..." Bai Ningbing whispered, trying to push the threshold in front of him.

The door was unlocked and opened easily.

Behind the door is a secret room, not big, but very weird.

The walls above and below the chamber are all meat walls. Fang Bai and the two walked in, as if they were in the belly of a monster.

The meat wall is warm and still pulsing regularly, as if a heart is hidden in it.

It seems that it is noticed that someone has entered, and the gap in the flesh has suddenly opened a gap, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Bai Ningbing was shocked.

In the wall of the meat, it seems to be inlaid with numerous mouths.

The mouth is wide open, revealing a well-rounded teeth, and the teeth are closed. It is most appropriate to describe it in an idiom, "fangs and mouths."


These mouths make a variety of laughter. The laughter is mixed together, echoing in this small secret cabinet, after people hear it, can't help but feel guilty!

(ps: Well, there is one more at eight in the evening.)


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