Reverend Insanity

: Section 23: Raising a child is like raising a mistress

The sun is setting.

The sunset glow is still burning in the sky, looking at the mountains in the distance, all covered with a thick layer of gray, and is transitioning to black.

The one-day course in the school was over, and the students walked out of the school in twos and threes.

“It’s so happy today, I learned a lot. Especially I learned to use the moonlight.”

"The moon blade flies in the air, it is really handsome. Unfortunately, my qualifications are not enough. In the future, I can only be a logistics teacher, not on the battlefield." The teenagers talked with interest.

Some people call for friends.

"Go eat together, drink some rice wine by the way, how?"

"Okay, that's a good suggestion."

"You go first, I have to go to the shop on the side of the school room to buy a grasshopper, so it is easy to go home and practice."


Fang Yuan came to the chamber alone.

There are a lot of locusts stored in the classroom of the school. There are many kinds of locusts, and the moonlight of Fangyuan is freely selected from the inside.

Every once in a while, the students will have a chance to receive mites for free. To get extra mites, you have to pay.

In a short period of time, Fangyuan did not want to refine the minds of other locusts. He walked to the next door of the dim room, which was a small shop.

There are seven students in the shop, and they are making a counter-offer for the shopkeepers.

"It's a younger brother." Responsible for the shop's turn to the teacher, in his twenties, after seeing Fangyuan, while doing business, he greeted Fangyuan actively.

Fangyuan was surprised and found that this teacher is Jiangya. The young sergeant who taught the Orion in the inn.

"It turned out to be the senior." Fang Yuan nodded and looked blank.

Jiang Fang took a grasshopper from the counter behind him and handed it to a purchaser. He smiled at Fangyuan and asked, "Is the younger brother also buying the grassman? I want to leave it for you. One, as long as three yuan stones. This thing sells very quickly, and now there are only seven, and it will be out of stock later."

He is arrogant and arrogant to mortals, but for Fang Yuan, his attitude is very affectionate.

Fang Yuan shook his head, and his heart was funny: this Jiangya is quite a business. The grass man is made of grass man, and the cost is only a half stone.

"Schoolmaster, you are not authentic. When you come first, why should you stay for him?"

"Yes, we have been here for a long time. We must also talk about rules and regulations."

"Three pieces will be three, Yuanshi will give you, give me a sigh."

The teenagers in the shop heard that there were only seven left, and they were anxious. They did not continue to bargain, and they all bought Yuanshi.

Soon, seven people were satisfied with their departure.

"The younger brother wants to buy a grasshopper?" Jiang said with a smile. "It is just sold out. In fact, there is still a eighth one. The bottom of the box. If the younger brother does not buy, he will miss the opportunity."

Fang Yuan was not interested in Cao Renmin. He shook his head and pulled out a piece of Yuanshi and placed it on the counter: "I bought ten pieces of Yuelan petals."

A trip to Jiangya, a deep look at Fang Yuan, touched Yuanshi, opened the drawer of the counter, and took out a paper bag: "Ten moon petals, a lot, you point."

Fang Yuan looked at it in person and found it right, and then left the shop.

Aphids need to be fed.

The sorcerer refines and uses sputum, and at the same time he has to raise sputum.

Refining is difficult and there is a danger of resurgence. It is not easy to use, and it requires a lot of practice. The knowledge of raising oysters is even more profound, because of the variety of mites, and their food is also very strange.

Some need to swallow the soil, some need starlight, some take tears, and some take nine days of cloud.

Take the three locusts that Fangyuan now has. Moonlight 蛊 needs to swallow the petals of Yuelan, two meals a day, one morning and one night, two petals per meal. For worms, you need to drink alcohol. A jar of green bamboo wine can support it for four days. The Spring and Autumn Festival is even more peculiar. It directly drinks water from the river of time and maintains its vitality.

The river of time supports the movement of the world. It is not far from the horizon, but close at hand, flowing by everyone.

Every action of all things takes time to push.

Time flies, and rushes. The river of time, invisible and colorless, and all living creatures actually live and live in the river water.

I bought this bag of moon orchid petals, and Fang Yuan went to the inn to buy green bamboo wine.

Wine worms can also drink some turbid wine and rice wine for a living. But once it is this inferior wine, the amount of drinking is great, and every day you have to count several altars. Fang Yuan counted, it is better to buy green bamboo wine directly, not only more cost-effective than buying wine, but also will not be suspicious.

"The son, you are coming." The buddy of the inn has already met Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan directly threw him three yuan stone, and he was very familiar with the road: "Give me a basket of green bamboo wine, and then give me a few good dishes. Don't look for change, put it here first, wait until the end of the month, and then retreat." ""

Although he has not lived in the inn now, he moved to the dormitory. But every time you buy wine, you will eat here by the way.

"Well, please sit down here, the wine is ready to go." The guy should have a sigh and lead Fang Yuan to the seat. I took out the rag on my shoulder and wiped the table and stool diligently before leaving.

As the buddy said, the wine soon came up.

While Fang Yuan was eating, he counted his mind: "A piece of stone, you can buy ten petals, and the moonlight 消耗 consumes four pieces a day. One jar of green bamboo wine is worth two yuan stones, which can support the worms for four days. That is to say, feeding these two cockroaches alone will consume nearly one stone every day."

This seems to be small, but it is already very high. A family of three mortals, one month's living expenses, is a piece of Yuanshi.

It has been 16 days since the refining of aphids. In terms of raising oysters alone, it cost the 14-and-a-half-yuan stone of Fangyuan.

"I got a flower and wine collection, took away a bag of Yuanshi, and took the first name reward. Yuanshi Asset was once as high as forty-four and a half. But the pre-refining time cost six and a half, feeding locusts For fourteen and a half, the cost of living is half a block, and now there should be twenty."

Fangyuan took out the money bag and opened it. The bag contained a piece of Yuanshi.

These stones are gray and white, one ellipsoid, equal in size, and the size is like duck eggs.

Counting a few, there are only twenty left.

That is to say, if there is no input, the remaining Yuanshi of Fangyuan is only enough for him to maintain for more than half a month. Unlike other peers, he has more or less friends and relatives around him, especially the students of Guyue Mobei and Guyue Chicheng. Yuan Shi is not lacking.

Fang Yuan can only find his own way.

"My father and my aunt have already cut off my living expenses, but every weekend, the family school will issue three yuan stone subsidies to the students. It seems that after three days of the moon blade assessment, I should show it and win the ten yuan stone reward." Fang Yuan was chewing on his mouth while thinking about it.

His age is the time of his long body. Unconsciously, all the meals fell into the stomach.

Picking up the green bamboo wine without Kaifeng, Fangyuan lifted his foot and walked out of the inn.

"The son, the son." The shop guy behind him counted up. "Tell the son a thing. In less than a month, there will be a caravan coming over the cottage. By convention, they will buy the green bamboo wine in our store." The son loves the green bamboo wine and buys a few altar every week. The treasurer told me to tell the son about it. The green bamboo wine in our store is limited, and the caravan is sold. I am afraid there will be very little left."

"Is this the case?" Fang Yuan heard the words and frowned slightly.

Fangyuan has five hundred years of experience in arguing about people. The store guys and the young sergeant Jiangya said similar meanings, but Fangyuan can naturally distinguish the true words of Jiangya, the truth of the store guys.

This is a bit of a hassle. Fangyuan needs to feed the wine worms. In the long run, the amount of green bamboo wine required is very large.

If this inn is out of stock, I am afraid that in the future, only a large number of inferior wines will be used to feed the worms.

He can't drink a few altars a day. It will be suspicious after a long time.

After thinking about it, Fang Yuan took out ten pieces of stone: "Then I will buy the five altars and ask me to take it. Come with me and put it in the dormitory."

"Yes, son." The man was busy taking over Yuanshi.

If the petals of Yuelan are stored without storage, they can only be stored for five days, so Fangyuan only buys one pack at a time. However, the green bamboo wine can be stored for a long time, but there is no such problem.

Several buddies followed Fang Yuan into the dormitory of the school, and placed the jar under the bed, and they all left.

Fang Yuan sighed as he looked at the money bag that suddenly fell in his hand.

It’s hard to refining and it’s not easy to raise a donkey.

This is still his 500 years of past experience, without practicing the use of locusts, which means that the consumption of real yuan is reduced, which saves a lot of money.

Like the peers around you, you have to practice the use of moonlight, you need to consume the real yuan. To improve proficiency, practice a few times. The real yuan is too expensive, and the recovery is too slow. It can only be supplemented with Yuanshi. If you buy a grasshopper, you have three yuan stones. This is all money.

"Fortunately, my spring and autumn, it is time to eat, not other food. Otherwise I have already gone bankrupt, and I can't afford it." Fang Yuan suddenly felt very fortunate.

The higher the end of the locust, the greater the food intake, or the more precious the food is, the more difficult it is to raise. A common locust with two turns of grades, the daily stone consumption has to reach between one and two pieces can buy food, it is still good. Some locust foods are particularly difficult to find, and there is no such circulation in the market.

Just like the spring and autumn food is time, this is actually more precious.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to buy inch inches.

Do you have more money, can you buy it?

Can't buy it!

In theory, the number of locusts refining locusts is not limited. As long as you can refine, ten, one hundred, or even one thousand can. How many sputum can be refining if you want to refine it.

But in fact, a sergeant usually has only four or five locusts.


The biggest reason is that you can't afford it.

The higher the grade of locusts, the more expensive the feeding. Often the teacher is stretched, and this is a headache.

Another reason is that it can't be used.

When you push the moonlight and send a moonblade attack, you have to consume 10% of the real yuan. A C-class qualified sergeant launched three or four attacks, and the real yuan in the open space will be exhausted.

Do you have more locusts that you can't use?

Therefore, there is a saying circulating in the practice of Yanshi.

Raising a beggar is like raising a mistress.

If you have a mistress, you have to buy it, buy it, buy a house, and so on. It is very expensive, and it takes a lot of money to raise it. It can't be afforded by ordinary people.

Even if you can raise so much, a man's energy is always limited and can't be used. Have you ever had an eye addiction?

The realm of Yanshi has improved, but the food standards for locusts have also increased. Therefore, there is no limit to the number of sorcerers. Generally, the sergeant generally only raises four or five locusts of the same grade.

If the number is more, the division will be bankrupt!

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