Eastern Sea.

Deep in the dark seabed.

Fang Yuan sneaked into it and covered it.

A huge translucent bubble gradually emerged in his field of vision.

“It should be here.” Fang Yuan felt at ease, stopped and looked carefully.

This bubble formation is very unique, it is the underground volcanic eruption, and the surrounding sea water, as well as the Qi tide, and all kinds of factors have formed this secret seabed world.

Flame Dao, Earth Dao, Water Dao, and Qi Dao are four Dao Marks, which together have compiled a paradise.

It’s very concealed, and it’s hard to know unless there is an accident by Gu Immortal.

“For the time being, I named it four bubbles.” Fang Yuan also mobilized the investigative method to check the surrounding environment. Then he opened the Immortal Aperture Portal and released one Gu Immortal.

This Gu Immortals has a long hair of fan, which is Fang Yuan’s Dream Dao clone – Meng Qiuzhen.

Meng Qiuzhen cultivation base is still relatively low, but he specializes in Dream Dao.

This time Because of the special task, Fang Yuan only sent him out with special intention. Otherwise, he has been deeply buried in the Paragon Immortal Aperture, and the greater part of the time is a retreat to Dream Dao, a small part of the time is take action to help, stabilize Paragon Immortal Aperture’s situation.

Fang Yuan mobilized, cautiously helped Meng Qiuzhen to smoothly enter the bubble.

After a sip of tea, Meng Qiuzhen returned to Paragon Immortal Aperture.

He succeeded.

Brought back a wild Wisdom Gu!

Wisdom Gu used to be Rank 9 because it was arranged by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable and arranged for Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan In the battle of fate, Wisdom Gu became one of the refining gu materials because of the Red Lotus plan.

Rank 9 Wisdom Gu is therefore extinct.

But Heavenly Dao Zhao Zhao, the birth and death corresponding. Driven by Will of Heaven’s, a wild Rank 6 Wisdom Gu was produced soon in the Five Regions.

This Wisdom Gu is hidden in this bubble.

After Fang Yuan Stealing Heaven Mystery, I learned about the location of many wild Immortal Gus, and Wisdom Gu was the first to bear all the harvest.

Therefore, he took this action in person to prevent all accidents and ensure that Wisdom Gu is at hand.

Everything matches the intelligence in Stealing Heaven’s Mystery.

Meng Qiuzhen used the Dream Dao method to easily press the Wisdom Gu with only Rank 6.

In the big bubble, although there is a seabed volcano, and the deep sea group of fish, there is nothing that can threaten Meng Qiuzhen.

As for Fang Yuan, there are too many Dao Marks on his body. I am afraid that just inserting a palm into the big bubble will most likely break the bubble.

So in this case, rely on clone is the most convenient.

Rank 6’s Wisdom Gu was quickly refined by Fang Yuan.

Although it is Wisdom Gu, Fang Yuan is a diignified Refining Dao Venerable, a Rank 6 Wild Immortal Gu in the refine area, which is very easy.

For Venerable, using Rank 9 immortal essence refine Rank 8 Immortal Gu is basically stress-free.

The hard part is re-routing Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

Whether it is Constellation Immortal Venerable first time re-ranking Rank 9 Wisdom Gu, or Ju Yang Immortal Venerable refine Passion Gu failure, are examples.

“After going through the War of Fate, I didn’t expect Wisdom Gu to fall into my hands again. And this time, there is no more Ju Yang Immortal Venerable in it.”

“This is my own Wisdom Gu!”

Fang Yuan has a faint joy in his heart.

As for the Wisdom Gu upgrade refining, go back to Rank 9?

Fang Yuan feels that this matter is not a priority.

With Stealing Heaven’s Mystery Ultimate Move, stealing Heavenly Dao intelligence greatly improved Fang Yuan’s great improvements in Wisdom Dao and Information Dao’s intelligence gathering.

Fang Yuan obtained Wisdom Gu, who sneaked back to the original location and continued to refine Eastern Sea Refining Dao’s Dao Marks. Moreover, he often has to stop and give a feeling of lack of immortal essence and half-death.

He explored Divine Sense into Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Recently, this period of time, another major project in Immortal Aperture has been successfully completed!

For this project, Fang Yuan has explored all the relevant immortal materials reserves, and Eastern Sea Hua Family has made the most outstanding contribution and made a contribution.

As for the construction of the Splendid Clouds, Fang Yuan finally discovered the Will of Heaven’s old bottom through Stealing Heaven’s Mystery before he completely improved his success.

This large piece of Splendid Clouds is full of 10 li and slowly flies in Little Nine Heavens.

Every once in a while, they travel from one day to another.

Jinxiuyun is immortal materials, covering Rank 6 to Rank 9.

Fang Yuan has a beautiful embroidery cloud that can be regarded as a collection of similar immortal materials. Rank 6 occupies the vast majority, Rank 7 has only 30%, Rank 8 is less than one, and Rank 9 has almost nothing.

The feeding of Rank 9 Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu is the Rank 9 Cloud Needle Cloud that needs Large Scale.

Fang Yuan is far from the standard of one feeding.

But it doesn’t matter.

The higher the Immortal Gu Rank number, the lower the frequency of feeding. According to the current general situation, there is still a long time to feed.

In this period of time, enough of these splendid clouds have grown up.

Time is still abundant.

Gu cultivator Cultivation, Utilization, and Refinement, feeding Rank 9 Immortal Gu is a test that Fang Yuan must face.

He now has three Rank 9 Immortal Gus, Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus Gu, Upgrade Refining Gu, and Heavenly Mystery Gu. The first two are more intimate, feeding is less difficult, and the last Heavenly Mystery Gu is more troublesome.

However, Fang Yuan has taken precautions and has now solved this problem initially.

In general, feeding the Rank 9 Immortal Gu is not the biggest difficulty for Fang Yuan.

If you work hard, you can do it.

After all, he is already Venerable, and he is also sitting in the Eastern Sea, one of the Five Regions, and two days of nonhuman superpower. Through his two Great Love claims, the highest-end business in Treasure Yellow Heaven is his refining Immortal Gu business.

Coupled with the solid background of Paragon Immortal Aperture itself, I am afraid that Longevity Heaven and Heavenly Court will be stronger than Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Dark Blue Dragon Whale’s Celestial Grotto Immortal Aperture, Fang Yuan has seen it.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is a special Celestial Grotto, the most important is the Gu Immortal trade, its own background is absolutely not comparable to Paragon Immortal Aperture’s.

After this period of time, Paragon Immortal Aperture is gradually undergoing a qualitative change.

The previous Paragon Immortal Aperture, perhaps a patient on the verge of collapse, was a little bit worse, and the situation was going to collapse and it was out of control.

But now the situation is not only stable, but it is still improving rapidly.

There are two main reasons.

One is in this period of time, Paragon Immortal Aperture’s Dao Arteries construction finally reached the first wave of huge achievement.

Flame Dao, Wind Dao, and Water Dao man-made Dao Arteries have all been built on the first lap.

The first Earth Daro’s Dao Marks has been completed and the third lap has been completed.

This has a great effect on the stability, workedness of the entire Paragon Immortal Aperture, and the effect is immediate.

Paragon Immortal Aperture’s Gu Immortals can clearly see that the abnormal events in Earth Dao, Flame Dao, Wind Dao, and Water Dao are rapidly declining and are no longer common.

The second main reason is that Fang Yuan has more than 30 gu cultivator promoted immortal.

The Gu Immortal man in Paragon Immortal Aperture has skyrocketed!

Under the abundance of manpower, Fang Yuan easily transferred a group of Gu Immortal and sent them to the rest of the Five Regions to take the wild Immortal Gu discovered by Fang Yuan.

A few days later, Gu Immortal returned successfully. Some of them bring back Resource Point that has not been discovered by the world, and some are directly the wild Immortal Gu.

Among them, Fang Yuan obtained wild Time Dao Immortal Gu–Month.

So far, he has collected all Immortal Gu Year, Month and Day.

After having the latest and detailed information, Fang Im, a subordinate of Fang Yuan, has a high target, so the probability of succeeding is extremely high.

The results of Stealing Heaven’s Mystery are far more than that.

Fang Yuan refines the true floating ice while refining Dao Marks, and the other side is still improving various ultimate move means.

Since Stealing Heaven Mystery, he has a lot of finished products for reference, so the improvement of the ultimate move is very fast, especially in the compositeult move.

Fang Yuan even started the Large Scale of the combat system.

Until now, he didn’t have much in this respect, but he stole Heavenly Mystery and immediately received a lot of information, which is extremely valuable to Fang Yuan.

However, Gu Immortals continued to return, although most of them still succeeded, but a few were empty-handed.

Most of the hidden Resource Points have been relocated, but a small number of earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. have suffered great losses or even destruction, and lost the value of relocation.

As for the wild Immortal Gu, there have been signs of diversion!

Fang Yuan is no accident.

Will of Heaven affects people’s hearts, and Will of Heaven can think again. Fang Yuan has always been the focus of Will of Heaven. He suddenly said that the Large Scale collects the hidden Resource Point, and the wild Immortal Gu, Will of Heaven may not respond?

Heavenly Dao pays attention to balance and naturally tries to restrict Fang Yuan from becoming more powerful.

Therefore, there is such a reaction as early as Fang Yuan’s expected.

To this end, Fang Yuan made arrangements to focus on Immortal Gu and Resource Point, all of which were collected in the activities of the initial stage.

As for the next one, the value is lower. In comparison, it was voluntarily abandoned by Fang Yuan. But fighting for it is also meaningful.

Fang Yuan gradually digested the results of Stealing Heaven’s Mystery, and in the process he became more aware of this ultimate move produced.

“The intelligence advantage of Stealing Heaven’s Mystery is extremely terrifying, which completely compensates for my lack of Information Dao. However, once I use this information too much, it will be quickly adjusted by Will of Heaven, and this information will be greatly reduced. In addition, Celestial Grotto, such as Longevity Heaven, is not subject to Stealing Heaven’s Mystery.”

“The valuable information such as the ultimate move and the combat system that I have stolen, has helped me significantly in improving the ultimate move and building the battle system. However, since Will of Heaven knows, it must have happened in Heaven and Earth, others. People may also know. And Will of Heaven also has a lot of things that I don’t know. For example, the major Venerable’s are good at True Inheritance.”

“Will of Heaven can remember, but can’t actively improve the ultimate move. The results of Picture Dao, Human Dao, Pill Dao, etc. I got this time are mainly due to Evolution Immortal Formation.”

Stealing Heaven’s Mystery can detect and save the energy and time of Fang Yuan’s calculations. The effect is very good, but it still has flaws.

Fang Yuan There is still a demand for Information Dao and Wisdom Dao.

Only this demand has been temporarily satisfied for most of the time, no longer as urgent as before.

Stealing Heaven’s Mystery Ultimate Move relies mainly on Rank 9 Heavenly Mystery Gu. Once the Rank 9 Heavenly Mystery Gu is known by Will of Heaven, the effect of Stealing Heaven’s Mystery Ultimate Move will not be so strong after Heavenly Dao’s response.

Stealing Heaven’s Mystery also relies on the nature of the law and is not free to display.

Fang Yuan has planned to cultivate the gu cultivator in Immortal Aperture, constantly to cultivate, and hoard Gu Immortal seeds. At the crucial time, let a group of people promote immortal.

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