In fact, Fang Yuan used it will cause no end of trouble ultimate move, which is also a last resort.

If he wants transcends tribulation, he will place Paragon Immortal Aperture in Five Regions and take Heaven Qi and Earth Qi into it. Will of Heaven manipulates, forming Disaster and Tribulation.

Disaster and Tribulation itself is not terrifying, and Fang Yuan is fully confident.

But because of transcends tribulation, it is certainly the other Venerable’s suppression and spying.

At that time, because Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture could not be transferred, and it was deeply involved with Will of Heaven, if the Venerable offensive was too strong, Heavenly Mystery Blurred ultimate move may not cover Fang Yuan.

So let Fang Yuan expose.

“Constellation Immortal Venerable and Ju Yang Immortal Venerable should also use the means to delay the Disaster and Tribulation.” Fang Yuan is almost certain.

Three Venerables Confrontation, no one wants to take the lead in transcends tribulation. Once who first transcends tribulation, whoever reveals flaws is the first to be suppressed.

If it is badly crushed, it is almost impossible to catch up with other Venerables.

It may even fall because of this.

Vast Tribulation, Myriad Tribulation So, the chaos is even more powerful with Venerable’s!

“This time uses it will cause no end of trouble ultimate move, and it is not far from chaos.” Fang Yuan said.

Venerable still has Disaster and Tribulation, one year Vast Tribulation, fifty years of Myriad Tribulation, a chaotic disaster in a hundred years.

In other words, after going through eight Vast Tribulations, after a Myriad Tribulation, it was a chaos.

Fang Yuan’s it will cause no end of trouble ultimate move. It has been urged many times, and after two more Vast Tribulations, it is a chaos.

In this respect, Fang Yuan should be the weakest of the Three Venerables.

“Well?” When this time’s it will cause no end of trouble ultimate move, Fang Yuan showed a look of surprise.

It will cause no end of trouble ultimate move Although it is as successful as many times before, this time is different.

Fang Yuan actually felt a touch of hunger.

He also needs to eat if he turns into a Paragon Immortal Body, otherwise he will be hungry. It’s just that this sense of hunger is obviously different from the feeling of hunger in common – it comes from the essence!

The look of surprise on Fang Yuan’s face gradually turned into dignity.

He understood the reason.

This is what Paragon Immortal Aperture wants to swallow Venerable Immortal Aperture.

Paragon Immortal Body originally had this flaw, or it was a drawback, but originally Fang Yuan estimated that after becoming a Venerable, the time limit was even further.

But what I didn’t expect was that at this moment, he had already felt a sense of hunger and there was no way to eliminate it.

This is much earlier than he had expected.

“Because Paragon Immortal Aperture has grown too much, too many Celestial Grottos have been annexed before, and have you been buying Resource Point now?”

Fang Yuan feels that he has guessed the truth.

He developed the Paragon Immortal Aperture very good.

The biggest drawback of Paragon Immortal Aperture, and the biggest advantage, is that Dao Marks is not mutually exclusive.

However, Fang Yuan has developed Paragon Immortal Aperture too well. In Paragon Immortal Aperture, Dao Marks has always been mutually exclusive. Instead, Paragon Immortal Aperture’s is not stable.

“But before, even the Rank 8 cultivation base, I have never felt hungry.”

“Getting to the Venerable cultivation base, but producingd a sense of hunger. What is the reason?”

“In any case, the four major schools of Refining Dao, Gourmet Dao, Heavenly Dao, and Human Dao all have the potential to solve the drawbacks of the Paragon Immortal Body.”

Fang Yuan keeps thinking.

Refining Dao is his best genre, so it goes without saying. Resolving Paragon Immortal Body upgrade into Rank 10 will solve the problem.

Gourmet Dao compensates for consumption and promotes growth. Children need to eat constantly to supplement their nutrition and grow up. The same is true of the Paragon Immortal Body.

As for Heavenly Dao, Human Dao…

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu itself is based on Ten Perfect Physiques and is a pure Human Dao Gu insect. But it eventually turned into a Paragon Immortal Body but owned the Paragon Immortal Aperture. In this respect, there is also Heavenly Dao profound mystery.

From the heterogeneous Dao Marks, this is not mutually exclusive, and obviously belongs to the Heavenly Dao category.

The problem now is that these four genres have the potential to completely solve the drawbacks of the Paragon Immortal Body. It is like four roads, but Fang Yuan does not know whether these four roads can now be made.

Refining Dao Fang Yuan knows best that there must be improvement and innovation to make it possible to solve the Paragon Immortal Body.

Gourmet Dao and Human Dao have not developed.

Heavenly Dao is also not sure, it may not be there, and it is likely that Fang Yuan will be further innovated. After all, Rank XumX’s Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu has broken the Heavenly Dao balance and is the pioneer of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable not just in name only, but also in reality.

Fundamentally solving the disadvantages of the Paragon Immortal Body, the difficulty is quite high for Fang Yuan.

Even if he is already expensive for Venerable, he is not sure enough. He needs to invest material and energy to make calculations. After all, Rank 9 Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is already an unprecedented thing between Heaven and Earth.

In addition to the cure, there are ways to cure the symptoms.

That is to meet the needs of eating, annexing Venerable Immortal Aperture!

This is also very difficult.

It means that Fang Yuan will beat Venerable.

If it is a single Venerable, Fang Yuan is also better. The difficulty lies in the coexistence of multiple Venerables. If one side is too strong, it will trigger a chain reaction. Fang Yuan does not have cover and press all the Venerable’s terrifying strength at this stage. Once exposed, it is not good for him.

“But if you can really swallow the Venerable Immortal Aperture, there is still a benefit, that is, you can jump.”

“That means that as long as the operation is right, I don’t need to risk the chaos of the chaos, just jump over this huge flaw!”

Fang Yuan thought of it, the heart can’t help but move.

He thought of the land.

The land was killed by Insanity Demon Lair, and the soul dissipated, but the Immortal Body and Immortal Aperture were left behind.

Because he specializes in Heavenly Dao, Immortal Aperture itself is very stable and very different from other genres. To this end, Fang Yuan has been preserved to this day.

The Immortal Aperture of Paradise is only Rank 8, but only a little bit farther from the Venerable level.

The Heavenly Dao’s Dao Marks on the land of the land is enough, just the Heavenly Dao Realm, which makes the land almost a Heavenly Dao Venerable.

In other words, Fang Yuan only needs to separate a soul, and then use the Immortal Aperture to form a Heavenly Dao clone.

“A Heavenly Dao clone of the Rank 8 cultivation base, but in fact, only a little closer to the Venerable…” Fang Yuan heart.

If his Heavenly Dao Realm can become a supreme, he can immediately create a Heavenly Dao’s Venerable clone!

At that time, whether it is for the Venerable confrontation, or it is really a last resort, the annexation of this Venerable Immortal Aperture is very helpful to Fang Yuan!

“Unfortunately, true floating ice is only a few, and it consumes the vast majority. The rest is definitely not enough for me to become Heavenly Dao Supreme Grandmaster.” Fang Yuan sighed.

Nether Heaven.

“Ziwei, you can’t escape.” Duke Tong quickly pulled him closer to Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei’s pale face, Ying Wuxie, who was carried on his hand, said: “Let me resist them, you can run away.”

Heavenly Court has many means, Duke Tong and the others are the resurrected Gu Immortal Senior, and Fairy Ziwei is Wisdom Dao Great Expert but can’t be blinded for too long.

The most important thing is that the Nether Heaven environment has changed, and the original black and white Inversion Cloud has almost disappeared, making Fairy Ziwei unusable. Therefore, even if Fairy Ziwei temporarily left the pursuit of the soldiers, but not long after, it was traced by Heavenly Court and then chased back.

Shortly Duke Tong Once again, Fairy Ziwei also had a desperate feeling in his heart.

Perseverance until now, it is already not easy, she has already reached the end of the line.

“Feng Jiuge, you don’t act now, when are you waiting?” Fairy Ziwei shouted.

Duke Tong disdains: “Ziwei, how many times do you have to do this trick?”

Feng Jiuge did not appear, he is not the savior of Shadow Sect.

But other changes have emerged.

A pink ferocious beast roared, and the whole body shone with dreamy brilliance and smothered it.

“What is this?!” Duke Tong’s eyes wide open.

“Dream?” Fairy Ziwei gritted his teeth, took Ying Wuxie does not dodge or evade, flew to the pink ferocious beast, and was swallowed by the ferocious beast.

Ferocious beast swallowed Fairy Ziwei and Ying Wuxie. It seemed to be unsatisfied, still didn’t stop, and flew to Duke Tong.

Duke Tong had to avoid the rich Dream Dao atmosphere.

“This is a dream? How can it be an animal?!” Duke Tong was helpless, and he could not grasp the freedom to enter and leave the dream.

Moreover, this dream is completely different from the previous information. It can be active and can be hunt.

“The dreams in front of me are more in line with the descriptions in Human Ancestor Biography than the dreams that have ever appeared. What is going on?”

Duke Tong was amazed.

He returns to Heavenly Court while tracking the dreams.

When the dream came, he retreated.

When the dream leaves, he will follow.

Then he discovered more dreams.

These dreams look different, but they are all animal shapes.

“Dream of dreams! This is a new change in Nether Heaven!!” Duke Tong became more and more suspicious, only to see at the end of Fairy Ziwei, Ying Wuxie’s dream, mixed into the beast group.

Duke Tong’s investigative methods have no way to be effective in dreams, and the appearance of dreams is still circling and changing, so he quickly loses the trace of the key dream. I don’t know which one in the dream beast group. it.

Constellation Immortal Venerable quickly received the information of Duke Tong.

She sighed and starred at the star glow: “Heavenly Dao Dream… It really happened. And it also swallowed Fairy Ziwei and Ying Wuxie, which are Will of Heaven calculations.”

In the plan of Constellation Immortal Venerable, Ying Wuxie is very important. If you can capture him, then it will be against Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s best chess piece.

But now, Duke Tong is chasing, and there is a Heavenly Dao dream at the crucial moment, breaking the star plan.

“If that’s the case…” Constellation Immortal Venerable certainly had a backup measure, and she immediately ordered Fairy Elegant Soul.

After receiving the order, the Soul Dao Great Expert first revealed a strange expression.

Later, she rushed back to Heavenly Court, opened the secret storehouse, and took out a soul.

Finally, she put this soul into her own Immortal Aperture, using her own means to constantly warm and nourish, and then transform the memory of the soul itself.

Immortal Aperture has a faster flow rate.

In Immortal Aperture, after the weekly days, Fairy Elegant Soul transformed the soul.

She immediately returned to Constellation Immortal Venerable: “The soul of Bo Qing is ready.”

Constellation Immortal Venerable received this information, nodded.

There is still a body of Sword Dao Gu Immortal.

Ps: Everyone is happy. I got a notice from the management team of Daoist Gu last night, only to know that the starting point seems to default to all the authors screaming more activities. I personally did not participate in the idea, but in the recent single days, for the last month’s monthly ticket added two more.

It seems that the activities of the Gu Immortal team have started. This is an opportunity to get the title of Gu Immortal. Interested friends can go there.

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