Shortly Qi Sea Old Ancestor is about to be surrounded by a four-phase offset array of water, wood and fire. At the crucial moment, a Rank 8 Gu Immortal is killed.

Seen from the crowd, Immortal Body is wide and strong, with a nose and a golden dragon scale, a dragon eye amber, and a pair of golden coral Dragon Horn on the forehead.

It is the Dragonoid Wu Shuai of one of the three major clones of Fang Yuan!

Wu Shuai just fell into Splendid Script Celestial Grotto and caught up with Heavenly Court’s two members, Fairy Elegant Soul and Jin Gū great immortal.

Wu Shuai had been entangled with them before, but did not completely get rid of them two.

Whether it is Qi Sea Old Ancestor, Zhan Budu, or Wu Shuai, there is a breakthrough in strength. Qi Sea Old Ancestor has jumped to the Duke Long level at the end of Fate Great War. Zhan Budu has added a lot of Gu insects. comprehensive. As for Wu Shuai, originally only is equivalent to a Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, but now it is above the two Heavenly Court Rank 8.

“According to this trend, Wu Shuai will certainly grow into Quasi Immortal Venerable in time!”

“Block Shu Shuai at a speed, don’t let him save Qi Sea Old Ancestor !!”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Monarch Divine Light first flew up, followed by Nine Spirits Immortal Lady, Duke Mei, Duke Tong.

Wu Shuai was besieged by Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, 5~6.

He can only protect himself first, surrounded by countless Ant Legions, densely packed, layered, tens of millions, no matter how much it is destroyed, it can be added at any time, as if it is endless.

“Give me open.” Qi Sea Old Ancestor swelled in the big sleeves and once again picked up the hundred zhang airflow.

The four Gu Immortals, which made up the four-phase offset array, suddenly changed their face and felt as if they were a mortal, but they were on a sinful Flood Dragon.

Four Gu Immortals tried their best to maintain the grand formation. This as if and Qi Sea Old Ancestor were in a hurry, and they vomited blood at the beginning.

“Come and support me.” Bai Cangshui quickly called for help.

“Not good! Speed ​​to help them.”

“This array can’t be lost!”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal In a hurry, Duke Tong, Duke Mei and the rest of the various immortal are besieging Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor is still standing, calm and smiling, calm and calm: “And see how many times can everyone keep?”

Because of Qi Sea Old Ancestor, Wu Shuai obtained a breather.

He directly reached out and the large Ant Antion condensed into a giant eagle, attacking the Splendid Script Celestial Grotto.

“Stop!” Old Immortal Splendid Speech corner of the eye, but the means of dispelling the 15% offensive, the rest of the 80% can do nothing.

The entire Splendid Script Celestial Grotto trembled violently, and Ant Legion was stunned everywhere, giving a densely packed, chewable sound that was extremely infiltrating.

“Save Splendid Script Celestial Grotto, which is the last pillar of the Boundless Starry Sky Computing Formation!” Old Immortal Splendid Speech sad cry.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal had to take the manpower to protect Splendid Script Celestial Grotto.

As a result , Qi Sea Old Ancestor has less pressure on it, making it easier to capture the opportunity in battle.

Heavenly Court is in a very passive position because it wants to protect the Boundless Starry Sky Computing Formation.

This disadvantage was exploited by the three major clones of Fang Yuan, and the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals had little breathing space.

Splendid Script Celestial Grotto is already a series of bursting and ground splitting, and the eternal ants are rampant everywhere. Many places have been drilled through, forming a passage that can be left directly from the Splendid Script Celestial Grotto.

However, this is by no means an escape route. Most of the Gu Masters do not have the ability to fly. If they escape from Celestial Grotto, they will fall to the ground. Gu Master is still the case, let alone mortals and other wild beasts.

“Xiaobai, take my daughter, go!” Minister Su is the Splendid Script Celestial Grotto’s Rank 7 Gu Immortal, which is now in front of Li Xiaobai and Su Qihan, protecting them both.

“No, I want to continue fighting! This is my home…” Li Xiaobai has been seriously injured. At this moment, the voice trembles and blood sheds.

Minister Su suddenly Turned head, moved towards Li Xiaobai Roar: “Right! At this time, you can be awkward, you can be our hope. The people who remain in your Immortal Aperture are Splendid Script Celestial Grotto’s fire! Fast roll, fast roll!”

“Father, let’s go together!” Li Xiaobai pulled Minister Su.

Minister Su suddenly screamed and screamed, “I am the Imperial Court, but you are not. So you can’t go if you go. The society will die and die? Hahaha!”

Minister Su laughed and introduced Li Xiaobai to Splendid Script Celestial Grotto, then turned and flew into the ant colony to set off a fierce battle.

“爹—!” Su Qihan yelled, his voice sobbing, tears falling, and Li Xiaobai forcibly dragged and left along the hole in Celestial Grotto.

But just when the two had to escape successfully, the mutation happened.

Splendid Script Celestial Grotto The entire aperture wall collapsed instantly, replaced by the dark earthen walls of Dark Brown, which were pitted.

There are countless caves and ramps in the soil wall, just like a labyrinth.

Li Xiaobai and Su Qihan can almost survive the death of the dead, but the result is that they are bounced back by the soil wall.

“What is this?!” For a time, almost all of Gu Immortal was shocked.

“A Battlefield Ultimate Move… is even faster than my Rumors Cage!” Zhou Xiongxin changed his face.

The other members of Heavenly Court’s are also very ugly.

They have not completely trapped Qi Sea Old Ancestor and found that they were first loaded into a Battlefield Ultimate Move.

“It is the ultimate move of Wu Shuai.” Qi Sea Old Ancestor laughed.

Before the war, they have exchanged their strengths and means.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor knows: This is Wu Shuai’s Battlefield Ultimate Move.

The core Immortal Gu used is the Rank 8 Ant Cave. This move is based on Blessed Land and Celestial Grotto, which first sent countless Ant Legion erosions. Only after reaching a certain level can it be launched.

Once launched, the original Blessed Lands and Celestial Grottos can be quickly collapsed and turned into an ant colony. The process of launching is very fast, but the initial stage savings take a long time.

So, the fastest build of the Battlefield Ultimate Move is the Rumors Cage ultimate move.

After Wu Shuai evoked the ultimate move of the Wanjun ant colony, all the existences in the Splendid Script Celestial Grotto were directly collected and included in this battlefield.

He immediately mobilized Ant Legion, like a torrent of water, killing Gu Immortal everywhere. At the same time, many ants were dispatched, constantly smashing the resources and making Ant Legion’s rapid breeding.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals has been attacked by Ant Legion and saw Ant Legion and the battlefield so complement each other, all clear comprehension – Wu Shuai is the owner of this Battlefield Ultimate Move!

“We still underestimated him.”

“Fang Yuan’s three major clones have many novel ways to improve almost all the ultimate move. What about the Fang Yuan ontology?”

“Now, when we are not talking about Constellation Immortal Venerable, we have to get rid of this battlefield!”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals quickly communicated and reached a consensus.

But it is not easy to find a person in this vast ant colony battlefield comparable to the Splendid Script Celestial Grotto space.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals tried a variety of means at one time, but it was fruitless.

Wu Shuai hides in a corner and begins to calmly schedule Ant Legion, along the numerous ramps, from all directions to Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court Four Formations formed the Battle Formation, temporarily trapping Qi Sea Old Ancestor, but at the moment it was attacked by the outside world.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor saw the machine and incited thousands of airflows, letting the Heavenly Court four cents back to the enemy, life and death.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals can’t find Wu Shuai for the time being, only concentrate on suppressing Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

After several rounds of confrontation, Heavenly Court’s four cents vomited blood, and the momentum was once again swayed. In contrast, Qi Sea Old Ancestor is still full of energy and full of enthusiasm.

“If this array is a collection of four genres, the power should be better. Unfortunately, there is one less Wind Dao expert.” Qi Sea Old Ancestor smiled, the longer he saw, the more things he saw.

“Qi Sea, look at the hoop!” Jin Gū Immortal King flew down and screamed hundreds of Jin Gū, fluttering in the air.

Jin Gū tried to fall on Qi Sea, but was resisted by the airflow around Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

Duke Mei silhouette suddenly appeared, white brows like snow, suddenly growing, piercing the air, entangled Qi Hai Old Ancestor’s arms.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor low roaring sound A burst of air, like a vast expanse of rock, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood !

The airstream impacted Jin Gū Immortal King, Duke Mei and Heavenly Court.

At the crucial moment, Monarch Divine Light, Zhou Xiongxin and the others took action and helped six Heavenly Court members.

Qi Sha Primordial Monarch Giants suddenly rushed over, a giant hand like a hill, according to Qi Sea Old Ancestor head down!

At the crucial moment, Qi Sea Old Ancestor smiled lightly.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Return to the sea!

This move was improved by 3 Qi Return ultimate move, with Heaven Qi and Earth Qi as the core of the two Rank 8 Immortal Gu. It can teach all life in the range of ultimate move, and gradually transform into airflow, which belongs to Qi Sea Old Ancestor. , turned into Qi Dao’s Dao Marks.

Therefore, this is not only a means of attack, but also can be used for cultivation, gaining its own size of Qi Dao’s Dao Marks.

This kind of recruitment can be huge, secretive, but there are two huge drawbacks.

The first is that it takes a lot of life essence.

The second drawback is that once this move is triggered, regardless of success or failure, Qi Hai Old Ancestor’s own time cannot be mobilized for the second time.

Under the atmospheric move, Heavenly Court Gu Immortals was first strained, unable to move a single step.

Subsequently, Duke Mei suffered first, first eyebrows, then skin, flesh and blood, and finally bones, internal organs, etc., all melted into airflow, absorbed by Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

When Duke Mei melted into the skeletal stage, Jin Gū Immortal King also began to melt into gas, which eventually turned into nothing.

Duke Mei and Jin Gū Immortal King were killed in succession, followed by Monarch Divine Light, Zhou Xiongxin and the others, and then the farthest Heavenly Court.

The first thing I couldn’t hold was Wan Zihong, then Crown Prince Feng Xian, and finally Bai Cangshui and Feng Bo.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor scans four people: “You still lack tacit understanding. What’s more important is that the two of them are newly resurrected. The Gu insect is incomplete and the state is broken. It is the biggest flaw in the Battle Formation. I want to trap me, I am delusional!”

Heavenly Court Four cents teeth perseverance, there is no room for talking.

Qi Sha Primordial Monarch is not flat, he has been melted for most of the time, but still lifts his broken fist and wants to squat to Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

“You seem to have forgotten me.” Wu Shuai’s voice conveyed, Ant Legion densely packed, attached to Qi Sha Primordial Monarch.

a moment later , Qi Sha Primordial Monarch The giant crashed.

“The body is coming, we won this battle!” Wu Shuai laughed heartily.

He can see that he doesn’t have to take action himself. Just a little more than a smile, the Qi Sea Old Ancestor can completely defeat the Heavenly Court.

“Is it?” At the ruin, Crown Prince Feng Xian suddenly showed a smug smile. “You fall into trap, Qi Sea Old Ancestor.”

The voice did not fall, the center of the four-phase offset array, Qi Sea Old Ancestor suddenly shocked.

The airflow around him changed rapidly, and it turned into a figure of Lin Jianxing’s figure, standing behind Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

The Lin Jianxing vivid and lifelike formed by the airflow is a facial expression.

a moment later, he stepped forward and forcibly walked into Qi Sea Old Ancestor with the body.

Qi Sea Old Ancestor was hit hard and the defense fell apart.

Not far from the battlefield.

Constellation’s Will in Embroidery House suddenly smiles, throwing out the Constellation Chessboard, regardless of the Zhan Budu in front of him: “Now, let’s take a look at the true secret of Boundless Starry Sky Computing Formation!”

The Boundless Starry Sky Computing Formation crashed, and the rest of the stars were self-exploding, and a burst of brilliance emerged. With the cooperation of Constellation Chessboard, this force directly smashed the ant colony battlefield, bombing the Heavenly Court, such as Crown Prince Feng Xian, and finally Qi Hai Old Ancestor.

“Go!” The voice of Constellation’s Will came out of the Constellation Chessboard.

The Constellation Chessboard spins rapidly over the head of the Qi Sea Old Ancestor, shining a star, always covering the Qi Sea Old Ancestor, and dragging him to the Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court Portal opened a trace, apparently already prepared a long time.

Fang Yuan will come to see this scene, suddenly exposed and angry: “Constellation Immortal Venerable, it turned out to be your conspiracy calculation!”

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