Profound Jade Snake Burrow is Central Continent’s famous Super Resource Point.

It belongs to one of the Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, the Heaven’s Jealousy Manor, Profound Jade Snake Burrow, the annual output of resources, the Central Continent ranks in the top five, the output resources are also very rich, including Enslave Dao, Transformation Dao, Earth Dao, Dark Dao, Space Dao, Poison Dao.

Profound Jade Snake Burrow is a poison that is amassive. Profound Jade Snake is the dominant player in the world. Each Profound Jade Snake is Immemorial Desolate Beast, which is born from jade, has no scales, is light green like jade, and emits a pure aroma.

The most precious of Profound Jade Snake Burrow is Profound Jade Snake. It is not easy to find Profound Jade Snake. Not only because Profound Jade Snake is small and quiet, but also because Profound Jade Snake Burrow itself has a complex structure and caves. Because of the Space Dao’s Dao Marks, there are often small caves with large hole caves, nested in layers.

Heaven’s Jealousy Manor, despite having the Super Resource Point, also placed Immortal Formation, but still has no control over it. To capture Profound Jade Snake every year, you need Heaven’s Jealousy Manor special intention to send more Gu Immortals expert and explore Profound Jade Snake Burrow.

But now for Fang Yuan, there is not so much trouble.

“Start.” After a moment of brewing, Fang Yuan spurred the ultimate move.

a moment later, the ground shakes.

The entire Profound Jade Snake Burrow slowly pulled up the air in the rolling smoke, then under the Fang Yuan’s hand paragraph, temporarily zoomed out and successfully invested in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

This is already the eleventh Super Resource Point that Fang Yuan has succeeded.

“Constellation Immortal Venerable, you don’t hand over my clone, I will charge you all the Central Continent’s Resource Points!” Fang Yuan did not forget to let go.

But there is no movement on the Constellation Immortal Venerable. Obviously it is ironic to keep Heavenly Court and resurrect Genesis Immortal Venerable, not to shake the outside world.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, keep on doing.

He arrived at Fallen Heavenly River’s Source.

The river hangs down from the ten thousand zhang high, and the river of hundreds of millions of hesitations slams on the surface of the river. The sound of the water of hong long long is like a thunder. It ignited a huge amount of water vapor, forming a thick fog, and shrouded the square hundred li.

The river was formed because Bo Qing sprinted the Rank 9 Realm.

Fallen Heavenly River can’t help but pull out an inland ocean, and the river rushes to the road, forming the first river across Central Continent continent. It slanted across the Central Continent and eventually flowed out of Central Continent to the Eastern Sea.

Even if it is confused for two days, it only slightly weakens the scale of Fallen Heavenly River’s. It is still vast and magnificent.

After receiving Profound Jade Snake Burrow, Fang Yuan arrived Fallen Heavenly River’s Source.

“I accept!” Fang Yuan started.

After a few moments, Fallen Heavenly River’s scale has shrunk by a full 60%!

This 60% Fallen Heavenly River was acquired by Fang Yuan as Paragon Immortal Aperture.

The inland ocean level at the source of Fallen Heavenly River has fallen in the middle hundred zhang, the middle reaches of Fallen Heavenly River’s midstream, the downstream of the river, the bare riverbed, the vegetation around the river, crops, temperature, life and interest, etc., have a comprehensive negative impact.

Fang Yuan closes and quickly leaves the Fallen Heavenly River, arrived Spirit Shore Spring.

This is the Super Resource Point controlled by the Ancient Soul Gate. The Ancient Soul Gate once sent Yang Feng to guard the place, but was killed by the old man.

But now Yang Feng has been following the Giant Soul Gate and has been stationed in the Central Continent Heavenly Court.

Fang Yuan easily cracks the Immortal Formation and takes Spirit Shore Spring away.

After Spirit Shore Spring, it is the Can River.

The river is like a slender jade belt, carved in the middle of Central Continent. The riverside willow green, clear breeze and ripples. The water of the canal river is always so soothing, like a beautiful long song, the tunes are melodious. There are many cans growing in the river.

Wind and Cloud Residence is in charge of the Can River and hosts a canal river festival every year.

But soon after the canal was carried by the river with Fang Yuan, all moved into the Immortal Aperture. Even if there is a Can River Festival in the future, it can only be held in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

After the canal, it was Hidden Dragon Cavern.

Hidden Dragon Cavern once banned the Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast Di Cang Sheng, where there are the huge Enslave Dao, Law Dao Dao Marks, and the huge Immortal Formation remnants of the Heavenly Court, for most of the Formation Dao Gu Immortal Have great value for reference.

After Hidden Dragon Cavern entered the Paragon Immortal Aperture, it was the turn of Lakeheart Mountain.

This is the Spiritual Fate House headquarters.

Can be selected as the sect station by Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, of course the people are outstanding and the land is blessed by spirits.

Lakeheart Mountain itself is the Super Resource Point, which includes not only Secret Inheritance Peak, Lesser Cold Peak, Affection Peak, Ferocity Peak, Heavenly Flower Peak, etc., but also Fairy Life Tablet Room, Time Dao cultivation Immortal Formation and more.

Of course, the Life Tablet Gu in the Fairy Life Tablet Room has been taken away, and the Immortal Gu in the Time Dao cultivation Immortal Formation has also been taken away, but most of these facilities are still intact and can be used with a little repair.

Soon, Lakeheart Mountain became a scene in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Lakeheart Mountain is followed by the Mountain Tortoise Valley, followed by the Prisoner Valley, Red River Beach, Hundred Sector Woodland, Phosphorescent Light River, Earth Qi Stone Forest, Quiet Rain Valley…

Fang Yuan is arrogant, unscrupulous!

Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects evacuated, Constellation Immortal Venerable stayed in Heavenly Court, leaving Fang Yuan without any resistance at all.

His search efficiency is extremely high!

If you are a character like Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, to relocate these Resource Points, you can only use the Luck Dao means or the Blood Dao means to simulate other genres and make a hard move.

Fang Yuan is a Paragon Immortal Body. Dao Marks is not mutually exclusive, so all kinds of genre can be used. It is better to move the caves and so on, of course, Earth Dao. Grabbing the forest is naturally a good means of Wood Dao.

What’s more, in Fang Yuan’s hand Immortal Gu is numerous and has a huge reserve. Rank 9 Immortal Gu Not to mention, Rank 8 Immortal Gu refining is generally easier to drink.

The Resource Point is charged by him, and the entire Central Continent’s essence is being plundered by him, and there is no sign of appetite!

There are still some Resource Points, and Fang Yuan can’t get it all at the moment.

For example, Melancholy Wind Mountain Range, the entire mountain range is too large, and Fang Yuan cannot move the entire mountain range in a short time. He moved the 1~2 mountain is very fast, but the mountain range is continuous, and the continuation is not the 1~2 mountain.

Another example is Maojiao Mountain. There was Undefeatable Blessed Land on Maojiao Mountain, and Fang Yuan first went there, but was destroyed by Heavenly Court in advance.

There is also a reincarnation battlefield. This is the Battlefield Ultimate Move, which was personally arranged by Paradise Immortal Venerable. It is recognized as the passage of the first first Battlefield Ultimate Move! After Fang Yuan took a moment to discuss, he left immediately.

He is not impossible to collect, just need to refer to and calculate. This is time consuming, a lot of energy, and the specific time is difficult to predict.

Fang Yuan has a lot of experience in looting, so it is very efficient to act.

Fallen Heavenly River He left 40%, not that he was willing to stay, but that he spent a lot of time and energy. Instead of wasting it here, it is better to go to other places to search!

Central Continent is caught in an unprecedented turmoil.

Even Fate Great War, there is no such turmoil and chaos.

When Fate Great War was dominated by Gu Immortal, Heavenly Court and Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects all stood by.

But now Heavenly Court, Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects’ Gu Immortal has shrunk completely, and in the Heavenly Court, Central Continent has become undefended.

Fang Yuan’s behavior of looting and relocating Resource Point is unobtrusive. Every time is shaken by the earth, it is widely known, and people’s hearts are motivated.

“Venerable eats meat, can we always drink soup?”

“Even if it is a soup, it is enough for us to drink.”

“This is Central Continent, and Gu Immortal of 10 Great Ancient Sects is gone! There is no chance, it’s too rare.”

The Five Regions Boundary Wall did not exist, and the other four domains of Gu Immortal began to act. Then there is Central Continent’s rare Demonic Path Gu Immortal, loose immortal, and finally Central Continent Righteous Path Gu Immortal.

Central Continent Righteous Path is not just 10 Great Ancient Sects, but also many superpowers such as Great Heavenly Sword School, Lightning Language Sect, Exorcism Faction and more.

Of course, these Rightse Path acts to defend Central Continent and help Heavenly Court’s slogan.

Of course, these people do not dare to appear in front of Fang Yuan, but Central Continent is vast and there are many Resource Point. Many of the Resource Point Fang Yuan are invisible, or in the rear of the looting plan, which is the stage for many Gu Immortals.

Paragon Immortal Aperture is also a mess.

Gu Immortals is busy dizzying.

There has never been a moment when a Resource Point of this size has moved in.

This is like a flood of water coming from a steady stream.

Crucially, the Super Resource Point abounds and occupies the majority, making Paragon Immortal Aperture’s Gu Immortals shocked.

“revered master! The entire Central Continent was looted.”

“This is the power of Venerable, this is Fang Yuan!”

“Very good, now Qi Sea is captured by Constellation Immortal Venerable, Genesis Immortal Venerable is the resurrection, and the harvest will be a barren Central Continent.”

“The first circle of Wind Arteries is built!”

“Light Arteries has built a second lap.”

“Dark Dao also reached the first lap!”

Paragon Immortal Aperture’s photo flow rate is quite different from the outside of the Five Regions. Various Dao Arteries were quickly built, Metal Dao, Light Dao, Dark Dao, Poison Dao, Law Dao, Enslave Dao, Transformation Dao…

Gu Immortals went all the way to the Liver Vitalizing Immortal Great Hall after squeezing out all his energy. It is not uncommon for someone to reach the limit and burst the liver. The Great Hall of Treatment has been built in several places in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

For a time, Gu Immortal in many Paragon Immortal Apertures, like Yu Zi, had Saline Liver.

If the people are not rich, the horses are not fat.

Fang Yuan’s non-business makes him Paragon Immortal Aperture’s development, reaching unprecedented unprecedented terrifying efficiency!

Central Continent is a land of four wars, but it is also a resourceful place, and the Five Regions is second only to the Eastern Sea. Eastern Sea is more Water Dao resources, but Central Continent’s resources are rich and comprehensive, and they are not biased.

Central Continent has been developed by Heavenly Court for more than three million years, reaching the limit of development, and almost every Immortal Rank Resource Point has not been missed.

These have become the object of Fang Yuan’s plunder.

In Paragon Immortal Aperture, many of Dao Arteries are built almost overnight. This is great for stabilizing Paragon Immortal Aperture!

So even though Paragon Immortal Aperture has swallowed so many Resource Points, it is more stable than before because of Dao Arteries large accomplishment.

With this foundation, Fang Yuan began collecting Primordial Realm in Treasure Yellow Heaven and began to annex Blessed Land around.

Primordial Realm He has been kept in Treasure Yellow Heaven, and now he is no longer hiding and starting to pick it up.

There are many Blessed Lands scattered throughout Central Continent.

For example, because of Qi tide, the exposed Blessed Land, such as Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Star Form Blessed Land, which were abandoned after Fang Yuan succeeded.

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