Reverend Insanity

: Section 331: Mixed 1 gas

In the words of Juyang Xianzun, the fog and body and body shocks will be revealed, and the color of the movement will be revealed: "The ancestors are wise! The so-called Feijia internal consumption is just our external disguise. In fact, if the beast wave breaks out, we will go up and down. One heart, how can it be destroyed?"

"I lost countless resources in the last century, but I didn't have the old base of the squad. Afterwards, the forbidden land was opened to remove the depths of the forbidden land!"

"However, the legend of Taikoo has already recovered a lot in secret, not unconscious. We all took his calculations and were eventually overwhelmed by the beast."

"However, we have to do our best to fight back, and we have not let a sigh of anger, and finally let his will completely dissipate!"


"If it is not the last thing to stir up, I will be sure that Wei Ling Beiyuan, with a steady stream of Xianyuan Stone, become the first golden tribe, to some extent compared with the heavens!!"

After listening to these words, Yao Wang couldn’t help but widen his eyes and asked questions.

"A gas?"

"Isn't that the earliest ancient legendary wild animal in history? According to legend, he was killed by Yuan Shixian, how can he still survive?"

"A steady stream of celestial stones? Is it the secret of the predecessors of the celestial stone that you broke through?"

Ju Yang Xian Zun is silent, if the resurrection is foggy, just get the fairy stone, that is no different. However, according to the results of the inspection, this fog is very helpful to him.

In the **** sea, the drug king is more and more excited. He takes the boxing palm: "Well, the timing of the resurrection of the foggy predecessors is just right. As long as we have this, we can produce the fairy stone, and we will be able to make a great vigour and catch up with heaven. It is definitely an opportunity. Heaven has stopped distributing the Yuanxian Yuanshi. Once we distribute it, we can bring the impression that the outsiders will live beyond heaven!"

The drug Huang Yue said that the more joyful.

"Tian Ting stopped sending Xianyuan Stone? Hey, that is, they have no way to produce it." Fei Yu still squatted on the ground, but straight up the upper body, sneer in the mouth, a very positive posture.

"Oh? You got up and talked, and talked in detail." Juyang Xianzun came to the **** sea at this moment and fell to the front of the fog.

"Yes." After the fog was deeply worshipped again, he got up. "Then I will start from the beginning."

The fog is slowly saying: "We all know that between heaven and earth, the vitality is endless, Yuanquan produces Yuanshi, but no one has found Xianyuanquan to produce Xianyuan Stone."

"Wild locusts can swallow their vital energy regardless of the scorpion and the fairy scorpion, so they can ignite their own power. But once refining, the locust becomes a private thing, it loses this ability, the locust can only use the real element, Xianyuan."

"The real yuan and the fairy yuan here, including the owner of the locust, also include other repairs. For example, once the mites are borrowed, the locusts can take the other sacred sacred yuan. For example, the sacred house can be captured. The 蛊修仙元 stored in the fairy house."

"What is the root of all this?"

"According to my research, the reason is that regardless of the true yuan, the fairy yuan, the inner China contains our own will. The wild locusts contain the meaning of heaven and earth, but the things of heaven and earth, so it is the true essence of heaven and earth. We refine the 蛊The worm, will expel the gods inside, and replace it with our humanity."

"At this point, the locusts have become private, and the people inside are not recognized by the outside world, so they can no longer absorb the outside world."

"Lend to others, the people in the locusts recognize other repairs, and the energy consumption is provoked by other people's real yuan and Xianyuan."

"Different sages contain different meanings, so they can be used. This is also the last resort when many six-turn singers attack the main blessings."

The drug king wondered: "What does this have to do with the output of Xian Yuanshi?"

"No hurry, listen to me to explain, you will understand." The fog smiled.

"We are empty and produce real yuan, and Xianyuan originates from Xianyuan. These all contain our own personal will. So there is no Yuanshi or Xianyuanshi?"

"Of course there is!"

"The Yuanshi produced by Yuanquan is the true element of the tough solidification of God. It is only that there is too little God in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and it is easy to ignore the past. However, these heavenly intentions secretly enter us when we take the Yuanshi. The mind that affects our thinking. This is a means for God to control us!"

"It is a pity that most of the repairs in the world have been attracted by the effect of real yuan recovery after the Yuanshi. I have not noticed this."

"Even if they realize that they don't care. Because God is more ubiquitous than the air, it is normal to mix some in the Yuanshi."

"Xianyuan Stone issued by Heavenly Court is actually in the same way as Yuanshi."

"Why did Tianting issue six turns of Xianyuan Stone?"

"This is actually a big plot of heaven!"

During the Yuanshi Xianzun period, Tianting deliberately distributed Xianyuanshi. These celestial stones were passed to the hands of the aliens at that time, and they were taken by these aliens. The heavenly infiltration penetrated."

"At that time, God's willingness to protect the Terran, the Terran will be a hero, will replace all the status of the alien."

"In the period of the Stars and Immortals, the stars and celestial beings will be able to distort God's will and greatly influence God's will. The celestial stones are widely circulated. The celestial celestial beings used these celestial stones, which is equivalent to being constantly God's infiltration, influenced and manipulated by heaven!"

When the drug lord heard this, he couldn’t help but sigh: "Is it... so? Can we follow the example of heaven and spread the sacred stone to achieve a favorable result for our longevity?"

Fog shook his head: "Unless we can be like the stars, we can tamper with God."

The drug king is a little impatient: "Even if you can't have the effect, but as long as the source of the eternal celestial stone, it is also very beneficial to the longevity. For the predecessors, how do we produce the celestial stone?"

The fog again waved his hand: "No hurry, no hurry, listen to me slowly."

"We produce true elements, we need individual will and empty space. To produce Xianyuan, we need individual will and fairy. To produce Yuanshi, we need God's will and Yuanquan. What about Xianyuan Stone?"

Yao Huang blinked: "Is it necessary to produce the fairy stone, do you need God's will and fairy, or God's will and Xianyuanquan?"

Fei Yu shook his head: "There are a lot of eight turns of celestial beings. If you don't have the chance to come to the robbery, you will swallow the fragments of the ancient nine days. From then on, the fairy will become a cave, hovering one place, and the eight turns of the celestial being a caged bird. One step. These caves have a sense of God, and there are also fairy tales. Why can't they produce Xianyuan Stone?"

"As for Tianyi and Xianyuanquan? This is a long-standing speculation by the world about Tianting Xianyuan Stone. It is believed that Tianting won the only Xianyuanquan between heaven and earth. But in fact, this is a vain thing. There is no fairy in the world. spring."

Yaowang sighed: "If you are a senior, don't sell it."

Even Juyang Xianzun said: "You can just say it."

The fog did not dare to violate the life of the giant Yang Xianzun, and regretfully sighed: "Then I will say it."

"According to my research, Yuanquan is essentially an ordinary Tiandao resource point. It is blended with heavens, waterways, and dirt road traces. Therefore, there is God's will, the spring water appears, and the produced stone is hard and solid."

"Tiandao seeks the balance of all things, and it will never produce resources like Xianyuanshi. Xianyuan is the most basic. There is no fairy, and many more can not play the proper power." The wide circulation has greatly improved the survival of Zhu Xian in the disaster. The output of Xianyuan Stone can only be artificial."

"However, even if it is artificial, it will always be circumvented. It must be indoctrinated to have the output of Xianyuan Stone. This will form a dead knot."

Fei Yu clearly pointed out that to produce Xianyuan Stone, God is the most crucial factor.

It is obviously impossible to let God’s willingness to do it and to do it, but it is against the fundamental principles of heaven.

But this is not absolute.

In history, Heaven has done it.

During the Yuan Shi Xianzun period, it was the speciality of a gas, which produced the Xianyuan Stone.

During the period of Xingsu Xianzun, one person committed suicide, but Xingsu Xianzun joined the road in his later years, tampering with God's will, letting Tianyi and Tianyuan origin cooperate with each other and continue to produce Xianyuan Stone.

"So, what is special about a gas? If he has committed suicide, how can he resurrect?" Ju Yang Xianzun asked with a shot.

Fei Mi immediately replied: "A gas is not his full name, his full name should be a hybrid. He is a very special legendary wild animal, similar to the emperor of the future generations ~ ~ 蛊 升 升 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"If the three gas is successful, the three gas mixture will be compressed continuously, and it will become smaller and smaller until it reaches the limit. This air mass is a mixed gas."

"This is the root of the hybrid. As long as there is a sorcerer in the heavens and the earth, it will produce a mixed spirit. If he destroys, he can be born again!"

"He was originally discovered and spotted by an orc in the Taikoo years. Therefore, with the immortality, the strength has risen and become the legend of Taikoo."

"Yuan Shi Xian Zun conquered all ethnic groups and aliens, and he was defeated by Xian Zun. He was captured in the defeat. But Yuan Shixianzun declared that he had been killed."

"Yuan Shi Xian Zun is imprisoned and uses it to produce Xian Yuanshi."

"Anyone loses his freedom, he is unwilling, and he has been trying to break free. He has tried a variety of methods, but he has failed in the face of Yuanshi Xianzun. After Yuanshi Xianzun, it is the replacement of the star fairy. The latter is better at planning than the former. It’s savvy, and there’s only suicide in desperation.”

"This is why he committed suicide in heaven."

The drug king did not understand: "How can he produce the fairy stone?"

Juyang Xianzun is a flash of fine flash in his eyes, whispering to himself: "It turns out."

At this moment, Juyang Xianzun finally understood why the result of the killing was born, which led to the rebirth of the fog.

Because of his rebirth, he can indirectly bring the supplement of Juyang Xianzun Xianyuan!

This is more practical than the nine-turned, and more beneficial to the giant Yang Xianzun.

Just the way itself is a variable.

Juyang Xianzun can make good variables for him happen, but the specific can not be controlled. Because this involves a fixed number.


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