Reverend Insanity

: Section 344: Dual Warfare Source

Since Fang Yuan has risen to the sky, Juyang Xianzun has been paying close attention to it.

When Fangyuan and Xingsu Xianzun played against each other, Juyang Xianzun was happy first. After all, the dual respect is the most beneficial to him.

But then, he was faintly worried that Fangyuan could not eat the attack of the star fairy, and lost too early.

"If Fangyuan can't hold it, I will help him." Juyang Xianzun was already secretly preparing to help the source.

Of course he is uneasy.

First of all, Fangyuan is too weak, and it is not beneficial to Juyang Xianzun. In the view of Juyang Xianzun, Tianting is still the most important enemy.

Secondly, Juyang Xianzun still thinks that Fangyuan and Xingsu Xianzun continue to consume, so he has to help Fangyuan, to maintain the situation of the double-esteem, and let him be the most beneficial.

"After all, I have mastered the hybrid, and Xianyuan has been greatly supplemented. It is even more harmful for them to consume some of them in the confrontation of the Sayādaw!"

Juyang Xianzun was such an idea at the time.

This is not wrong.

Still very wise.

It’s just that he doesn’t know the truth.

He just knows the message he got from this angle.

But what he didn't think of was that after the star-studded fairy and Fangyuan met, Fangyuan had the upper hand!

This made him unexpected.

After all, in his impression, Fang Yuan refining the track marks is the last. Although there is great potential, the Xianyuan reserve is also the last one.

Why do you have the upper hand?

Also played Stars Xianzun initiative to ask for help from his giant Yang Xianzun!

However, Juyang Xianzun witnessed the whole process of the double contenders. After the accident, it was not unexpected.

This is a very deep impression on him.

Fang Yuan has developed such a powerful killing trick with the core of the heavens and the earth, and has swept the prototype of the battle system of the Stars.

It is also common sense for Fangyuan to win.

When I went to the horror of the dream, the sound of the soul and the sound of the squad, the giant Yang Xianzun did not actually worry too much, but a little put down the worry and the source of the other source of inquiry.


The lack of Fangyuan Xianyuan, the scale of refining and natural trails, and finally, what is the rest of his time spent doing?

Now the giant Yang Xianzun saw it.

"Oh, it turned out to be used to calculate killings."

This is also a relatively correct choice in the eyes of Juyang Xianzun.

In particular, using the secrets of heaven and earth as the core, he is more reassured.

"It seems that Fang Yuan has not turned nine cents, so this has used the secrets of heaven and earth, and formed a killing move for the quasi-nine turn."

Juyang Xianzun can not help but envy.

Fangyuan's world is the most secretive, and there are many stars and celestial statues. The number of the giant yang sage is the least, only one, but only the **** sea.

He also wants to have a complete world secret!

Juyang Xianzun watched the battle in the sidelines, and saw that Fangyuan rushed to the thrill of the dream. However, when he saw that Fang Yuan actually resisted the murder of the star fairy, he was still unsettled.

Xingsu Xianzun motivated the mind to take the core of the wisdom of the killing, Juyang Xianzun had long been expected.

However, he did not think that Fang Yuan actually has a defensive means to resist the sorrowful murder of the star fairy!

Fang Yuan's existing countercurrent body protection printing has already made Jiuyang Xianzun a very headache. It took a lot of pains to secretly calculate the means of improvement and transport to deal with it. I did not expect Fangyuan to have another defensive means, and it was beyond the countercurrent body protection.

The performance of Fangyuan once again came beyond the expectation of Juyang Xianzun.

This time, Juyang Xianzhao is jealous.

No way, Stars and Immortals can't see the defense of Fangyuan, so is the same!

"I didn't expect Fangyuan Xianyou to have such a profound accomplishment in Zhidao. In a short period of time, he was able to create, calculate, and improve so many means of killing." Juyang Xianzun participated in the battle group, his eyes fixed on Fangyuan, praised From the lungs.

This is actually nothing.

Fangyuan possesses the stolen genius, and has the wisdom to squat. With the advantage of the supreme celestial body, the compound killing itself is easy to create. These advantages come from a single point of view, and it is already a great achievement for the sages to be jealous. Now these advantages are combined and superimposed, even Fangyuan feels terrible!

What is going to be a shocking dream, the sound of the soul, and the killing of the Skynet, etc., are only part of the recent achievements of Fangyuan.

The reason why they chose them is because Fang Yuan feels that they are suitable for this situation.

With their same killings, Fang Yuan still has at least ten.

It can be seen that the power of the stolen genius, of course, the eight-turn wisdom also provides a lot of help.

Mainly because of the two, Fang Yuan has come to the forefront of killing and improving, and has many hands. When you go out, you can also pick the right and choose it carefully.

Of course, there is nothing on the surface of Fangyuan.

In the face of Juyang Xianzun, he frowned and snorted: "I am sure that Heavenly Dreams will be won. Does Juyang Xianyou want to stop me? Between Tianting and me, I am stubborn and weak, and the giant Yang Xianzun is at the bottom. Still not clear?"

Juyang Xianzun looked at Fang Yuan’s sharp eyes and eased it, becoming a bit complicated.

In his mind, compared with the star of the heavenly fairy, the source is still weak.


Because Fangyuan Xianyuan is not enough!

He achieved the shortest time for his sages, and he did not even have a base camp. During this time, how many natural roads he saw in refining and refining?


Therefore, don't look at Fangyuan now fierce, and even suppressed the star fairy. In fact, it is entirely based on the novelty and powerful power of killing.

How many cents can he support?

How can I fight a long-term war and a war of attrition?

Juyang Xianzun seems that the Fangyuan situation is not optimistic.

However, although Fangyuan is even weaker, Juyang Xianzun still wants to stop Fangyuan and temporarily stand on the side of the star.


Because Fangyuan wants a heavenly dream.

This is not possible!

So many dreams of heaven and earth, if they are absorbed by Fang Yuan, will inevitably lead to his rise. In turn, change the strength and weakness of the Sayādaw confrontation.

This is the situation that Juyang Xianzun does not want to see.

Juyang Xianzun feels that Tianting and Xingsu Xianzun are his greatest threats, and they want to curb the rise of Fangyuan, the weakest and most promising Supreme.

Therefore, he only participated in the war, on the surface to help the stars and immortals, secretly trying to make the stars and square source to consume, maintain and expand their leading position among them!

The choice of Juyang Xianzun, standing from his point of view, is undoubtedly very sensible.

With his help, the star fairy Xian suddenly changed the battle, and in turn suppressed Fangyuan.

The environment in the battlefield of the sky is not helpful to the three, and both sides rely on their own heritage and strength. In this case, Fang Yuan is in a position to show up.

After all, he is an enemy.

Of course, all of this is in the case that Fangyuan retains most of its strength and does not really go all out.

Three confrontations, playing the day of the earthquake.

The celestial beings in the five domains all looked up and watched the battle.

"Oops, the lord's situation is not very good."

"Good, Fangyuan, this devil is also today!"

"I didn't expect that my giant Yang Xianzu and Tianting joined forces."

"Tianting did not find the trouble of my giant Yang Xianzu, but I still know it."

"The combination of vertical and horizontal, it is easy to let the giant Yang Xianzun help to lining up, the star of the fairy statue is not the first person of Zhidao."

The eight turns of the celestial beings are more thorough. When the Fangyuan is suppressed, the situation is getting more and more worrisome.

The thunder blew up, and the killings collided, causing thousands of broken rays.

Fangyuan’s situation is not good, but it is actually calm.

Because the two masters have joined forces, but the genre is not the same, only the wheel battle against the source.

And the two are jealous of each other, and any one wants to lay the battlefield, and the other party will not allow it.

Therefore, there is no threat of killing the battlefield. Fang Yuan is the key choice for the war and is still in his own hands.

What is more crucial is that dreams have been deep into the dreams of heaven and are constantly making progress.

Because the avatar and the realm of the realm are the same, Fangyuan can clearly feel that his own heaven and earth realm is slowly rising!

Therefore, Fangyuan only needs to maintain such a situation.

What is the use of the winning and losing advantage on the surface?

It makes sense for people to sigh with a scent of Buddha. However, Fang Yuan has already passed the age of sighing, and he is more willing to compete for real benefits.

If the choices of honor and profit are contrary to each other, Fang Yuan certainly does not hesitate to choose the latter.

This is the case now.

He can be strong and press the doubles. But what can you do if you can’t kill them?

On the contrary, it has caused jealousy, which has led to a closer degree of cooperation between the two esteems. This is not to add to his own!

As for the hearts and morale of the five domains, Xianyuan does not dispute this.

What is the use of these things?

Even if Fangyuan’s battle today is fiasco, the five-field 蛊仙 still can’t beat Fangyuan, and still have to fear and fear the source.

As long as the source is not dead, the house, the two-day aliens, who can the East China Sea superpowers rely on?

Still have to follow Fangyuan!

It’s just more uneasy than before, and the future is sad.

But what do the troubles of these little people have to do with his source?

Fangyuan does not need to care about these.

Say a thousand and ten thousand, these little people are just resources and tools in Fang Yuan’s eyes. The world of martial arts focuses on the strong, and the real trend is only to see the dispute of the sage.

Fang Yuan is defeated As long as the dream is really big, he is the biggest winner in the back. It can be said that although the defeat is still winning.

And even if Stars Xianzun and Juyang Xianzun played Fangyuan with a lot of wolverines, as long as Fangyuan was alive and drew all the heavenly dreams, it would be a victory.

Fang Yuan knows this, and Xingsu Xianzun naturally knows it.

Seeing that the two dears joined forces, they did not retreat from the source, and still let him learn the true meaning of the heavenly dream.

Xingsu Xianzun is really anxious.

She said to Juyang Xianzun: "Juyang Xianyou, if this situation continues, it is really necessary for the refining demon to be honored. What else do you keep?"

Juyang Xianzun screamed coldly: "Don't the star fairy friends not be kept?"

Xingsu Xianzun looked suspicious: "I will brew and kill, look for Fangyuan's dream path, try to eradicate it!"

Juyang Xianzun glanced at her deeply and immediately nodded: "Then I will break the countercurrent body print of Fangyuan, exert pressure and fight for you."

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