Reverend Insanity

: Section 361: Yuan Shishengsheng

I got the point of the star fairy, and there were many celestial reactions on the spot.

"It seems that Ju Yang Xian Zun is still in the right way."

"He does have a big difference with Fangyuan, whether it is acting or philosophy. Fangyuan is cruel, you can sacrifice your subordinates at will, and use everything as his tool. Juyang Xianzun is not, he is very protective. Have a strong family relationship."

"Hey, I want to say that he is farther than Fangyuan. He knows that if he does it like Fangyuan, he will not wear it with Tianting, and it will be difficult to ease it. He has already counted on the future and will show it to Yuanshixian!"

"In my opinion, everything is a trick of the stars and celestial celestial beings. Stars and celestial adults swear by the heavens, sit and watch Fangyuan plundering in my Zhongzhou. To be honest, there are still some injustices in my heart. But now, Xingsu Xianzun did not give the hope of Juyang Xianzun, but this plan finally tempted the giant Yang Xianzun to take the initiative to evacuate. The result was so amazing! Oh, I really shouldn’t use my own shallow insights to try to figure out the wisdom of the stars. what."

The ancestors of the sea and the sea are closed and closed, like a stone statue, suspended in the sky.

On top of his head, the star board slowly chooses to shoot a blue column and always cover it.

After a while, the portal of Xianhai, the ancestor of Qihai, slowly opened, causing a burst of cheers.

Subsequently, the eight-turn weather in Xianhai Xianyu, the first to slowly fly out.

Then there is the earthly fairy, and then there are other airways.

The masses are shaking.

"The ancestors of the sea are strong, but in front of the stars, they can only be slaughtered."

"How easy it is to blast the fairy scorpion, but the ancestors of the sea, the sage of the sage, have been completely controlled by the stars, and even the self-explosive scorpion has become a luxury."

"Once the Yuan Shixianzun resurrection, these airways can give him more than half the strength. Stars and fairy statues are really worthwhile!"

The immortals are amazed again and again.

Xingsu Xianzun clearly completely suppressed the ancestors of the sea, completely controlled the minds of the ancestors of the sea, and replaced the idea of ​​the sea with his own thoughts.

Therefore, it is possible to open the Xianyu portal on its own initiative and to suppress all the locusts in the fairy tales.

Of course, these airway locusts are still the ancestors of the sea, filled with the will of the sea.

It is even more difficult for the stars to worship the will in the fairy tales than to control the minds of the ancestors. Because these immortals don't have a mind, the best and most effective way to expel them is to directly refine these airways.

Xingsu Xianzun does not intend to do so.

She just suppressed these fairy scorpions, stopped them from self-destruction, and kept them, and in the future they will be handed over to Master Yuan Shixianzun to deal with them.

Yuan Shi Xian Zun is an airway repair, dealing with these airways is more powerful than her star.

After all the immortals were taken out, it was the turn of heaven and earth.

In the presence of the public, there was a strong cheer in the heavens.

This is the airway world secret!

Can be compared to the spoils of the nine-turn fairy! !

The ancestors of the sea can urge the killing, and the core is naturally.

The secrets of heaven and earth are hard to destroy in an instant, so it is easier to become a spoils than Xian. Since Xingsu Xianzun can suppress all kinds of immortals of the ancestors of the sea, it is also a matter of course.

"With this world secret, even if the master does not leave anything in the secret store of the Yuan Dynasty, it can also show the power of the air."

Stars Xianzun is satisfied, but has not forgotten to check these fairy tales and the secrets of heaven and earth.

Fangyuan is cautious and she is extremely cautious.

Even in the heavens, there is no slightest intention.

After using all the means to examine the hundreds of times, Stars and Sisters confirmed that these fairy tales and heaven and earth secrets are no problem.

In the end, Xingsu Xianzun put these spoils into the suppression of the fairy tales.

This is the last possibility to guard against it.

That is, after all, Fang Yuan is a revered monk, perhaps some means, the star fairy can not see. However, these spoils were put into the suppression of the sentimental array. Even if the means of Fangyuan was launched, it would inevitably be detected by the star fairy, and there was sufficient time to counter it.

"Even if there is no means for Fangyuan to be seen by me, it is bound to be small, and it can be suppressed by Xianzheng alone."

Xingsu Xianzun has ample confidence in this aspect.

She even traded Xianyu indirectly through Fang Heyang.

She is not afraid of Fang Yuan’s hands on the fairy tales?

Of course there are such concerns.

However, this kind of concern is very small, and Stars and Sisters can confidently see the hands and feet of Fangyuan. For other sages, such as Ju Yang Xian Zun also have this confidence.

This is not self-confidence.

The practice of propagating roads is too broad.

This advantage is that the refining road has developed very well, and many refining locusts are eligible for promotion to nine turns. The downside is that everyone will practice the road and understand the road.

Tian Ting has been in business for more than three million years, and Xingsu Xianzun is a wise man. Do you know the refining methods of falsehood?

This kind of fraud is everywhere in the mortal world!

If Fang Yuan is directly making fakes, the star fairy can be seen even if it is not a refining.

Of course, if you give Fangyuan a long-term development, Stars Xianzun will not dare to take risks in this aspect.

She will be cautious in the flow of the source of the other party!

After the fairy tales and the land of the ancestors of Qihai were taken out, Xingsu Xianzun moved out of the resource points from the qihaixian.

Most of the airway resources are preserved in the sea.

The resources that have been relocated have one thing in common, that is, there are many traces of non-airway genre.

After doing this, Stars Xianzun began to officially spur the killing.

These martial arts killings are all quietly created by her, and no one outside her knows.

After more than a dozen killings were taken out, the fairy tales and minds of the ancestors of the sea were collapsing, and all kinds of airway resources and the entire body were restored to airflow.

The huge airflow is accumulated together to form a fuzzy shape of the qigong fruit.

The star of Xianzun’s eyes illuminate the light of wisdom, and successively use three killings to destroy the will, thoughts and residual emotions of the ancestors contained in the Qigong fruit.

The soul of the ancestors of Qihai was proposed and held in the soul hall of Xianyuwu Town. This fairy house once held the ghost demon statue, and at this moment, the detention of a sea of ​​souls can be described as overkill.

Qigong fruit began to gradually stabilize.

Xingsu Xianzun began to stop all kinds of wisdom means, and finally she carefully removed the star board.

Qigong fruit does not have the strong support of the star fairy, but it is more clear and stable.

Stars Xianzun checked for a moment, and my mind relaxed a little. As she expected, Qigong has already approached the Yuanshi means and no longer needs her external support.

She can't continue to blend, in case she does something bad. After all, the traces are mutually exclusive, and the stars and sacred monks practice the wisdom and the stars, not the airways.

It is best to let the means of Yuan Shixianzun continue to launch, and then resurrect and resurrect.

"For more than three million years, the means left by the Yuanshi Xianzun adults is still valid! It is really admirable."

"Well, Yuan Shixianzun resurrection is just around the corner!"

"It's my fault." Qin Dingling, who had just resurrected the rebirth, had a sly look. "If it weren't me who was confused, it would lead the ancestors of the sea to harvest the qigong fruit of the heavenly court, then Yuanshi Xianzun would be the first resurreed sage. !"

All the people gave a sound of comfort.

Xingsu Xianzun also came to the eye: "Qin Dingling, you don't have to be too self-blaming. You are not a wise man, a sinister sinister, a sinister sinister, once blinded to the world, you can not calculate the true identity of the ancestors of the sea is normal."

"Even if I am, I will make mistakes. Knowing the mistakes can improve Mo Dazhen, and it is the life of my generation to do what I know when I am wrong."

"Xianzun advised me, I will remember it in my heart!"

The Qigong fruit is very large.

The airway of the ancestors of Qihai is transformed into Qigong. The qigong fruit after the conversion is stable is a bit larger than the one that was converted before the source.

As time goes by, Qigong is still growing.

Before the change, the heavenly group will become more and more frightened. But now that all the people look at Qigong, it is a look that looks very much.

The process of the resurrection of Yuan Shi, once interrupted by Fang Yuan, was continued by the star fairy.

But not long after, the fringe of Xingsu Xianzun was slightly wrinkled. She is keenly aware that the speed at which Qigong is growing is slowing down.

"It seems that there is something wrong ~ she quickly checked.

The whole process of investigation is also cautious. Too much tough investigation and killing will also affect the process of Yuan Shi's resurrection.

Her refining and heavenly wisdom road traces helped her a lot of work, and soon, the star fairy Xianzun learned the reason.

Yuan Shixianzun left all kinds of means in Tianting, and most of them were related to the resurrection. For example, Yuan Shiqi Wall.

"The plan of Shizun should be to make perfect use of the Qigong fruit produced by the gas flow, so that he can resurrect smoothly. The various airway means arranged in Tianting are backup supplements. When the Qigong fruit is slightly worse, these airway means will be reversed. Come over and fill in the qigong."

However, because of the previous several wars, these airway means were greatly damaged, which led to the weak growth of Qigong.

In order to return these airway methods to the old ones, there are some incompetences in the stars.

But after thinking about it for a while, she thought of the ingenious way of avoiding it.

After all, the existence of these airway means, the ultimate goal is to supply Qigong.

Xingsu Xianzun immediately ordered all the airway celestial materials in the treasury of the heavens to be collected and fully estimated.

Soon after, she was pale and sweaty and got an airway.

The foundation of the airway fairy tales lies in all kinds of meta-airway means. The fairy tales are quickly completed under the arrangement of the stars.

Subsequently, Stars and Immortals put a large number of airway fairy materials into the fairy tales.

The fairy squadron was launched, and the airway fairy squad was milled. First, it was reduced to various kinds of airflows, and then it was compressed and condensed into a single stream, which was injected into the channel of the anti-inflation function of the Yuanqi airway.

Qigong has benefited from this and has grown rapidly again.

However, the good times are not long, and the airway celestial materials in the heavenly reserve are consumed too fast, and will soon be bottomed out.


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