Reverend Insanity

: Section 49: If you can do what you can, you can feel at ease.

Zhang Zhu screamed, but after all, he was involved. A thrilling chase of all the way to death, the two entered a flying elephant. Eventually ran to a cliff, blocked by two flying elephants.

The ground vibrates and the flying elephant collides.

"Kids, run separately!" Zhang Zhu shouted and flew to the left.

"Mom!" Chen Xin yelled, and did not have time to move. The flying elephant slammed into it, and then the cliff was pulled out of the pit, and the ivory was inserted into the rock.

Both flying elephants are temporarily subject to control.

"Give me, my life should not be absolutely!" Zhang Zhu sighed a few mouthfuls of gas, soft on the ground...

The mountain wall is shaking, and both flying elephants are roaring. Constantly slamming the head, the debris is splashed, and the hole in which the ivory is inserted is constantly expanding.

Zhang Zhu saw a burst of horror, knowing that these two flying elephants will soon get out of trouble, and quickly braced up and tried to climb.

He just stood up, and suddenly the wind came and it was shocking!


A white bone gun, with a spiral of texture, pierced from his back to his chest, and then the tip of the gun was nailed to the ground.

Blood ran down the bone gun, flowing down and dripping on the ground.

Zhang Zhu moves a stagnation, slightly open his mouth, and immediately spills a bright red blood from the corner of his mouth.

He slowly bowed his head and saw the deadly spiral bone gun.

At first, he thought it was the ivory of the white feathers, but immediately, he realized that this was obviously an attack by the sergeant.

"Who is it?" He wants to turn his head and see the murderer behind him.

But the next second.

Hey, another bone gun stunned!

The gun was shot directly from behind his head, then pulled out of his mouth and the gun tip was dead on the ground.

Zhang Zhu was firmly fixed, his eyes widened in vain, but the pupils shrank into a little.

he died.

Death is not eye-catching.

In a hidden corner, Fang Yuan looked far away.

These are the ones that he has already touched the bottom of Zhang Zhu. This column is his obstacle and must be removed.

The two white bone guns gradually disintegrated and turned into little white light, dissipating in the air.

Zhang Zhu had no support and fell to the ground.

A white feather flying elephant pulled out his teeth and rushed to the front of Zhang Zhu’s body and stepped on it. Just step it into meat and smash the bones.

The white feathers flew, and the flying elephants rose up and flew into the air.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan took back his sight and Zhang Zhu was completely dead. The flying elephant smashed the body and saved Fangyuan from cleaning up the crime scene.

He quietly retired.

Shortly after he left, another white feather flying elephant also flew away.

Its ivory will pierce the mountain wall, leaving two deep holes of the size of the bowl. The mountain wall is recessed into a large piece, and the gravel is scattered around.

Suddenly, the gravel pile trembled and then a head emerged from it.

"My embarrassed, scared me! Fortunately, I have buried the ground, escaped this robbery..." Chen Xin got up from the ground, panting, cold sweat, and then afraid.

This buried land can make the sergeant sneak into the ground and temporarily hide. The downside is that once used, the division can only be buried in one place and cannot move. And when urging, you need to continue to motivate a large number of real elements.

Chen Xin has been chased and run until the last moment, only to have time to use it.

"The situation is getting more and more chaotic. Actually, there are some teachers who have assassinated Zhang Zhu." After glanced at the body of Zhang Zhu, he has been stepped into a meat mud, and it is beyond recognition. Chen Xin swallowed a mouthful of water and Cangjie fled.

The elephants raged for more than an hour, and this left.

Shang Xinci and Xiaodie supported each other and walked out of the rainforest.

They were so muddy and wolf-stricken, and the little butterfly had a blue-purple face on her face, apparently when she fled and ran into something.

"Miss..." She was scared and timid, death was so close to her, and her body was shaking when she walked.

Shang Xinci patted her hand and gave comfort. But in fact, she is also pale.

Along the way, the body was everywhere, and the blood flowed in the wild. Tattered wheels, tragic camel chickens, and black-skinned beetles, winged snakes, traversed the business road.

As the surviving enemies gradually gathered together, the snoring, mourning, and crying sounded into one.

As the leader of the caravan, Jia Long looked blue. This time the casualties were too heavy. The entire caravan was seriously reduced, and there was no one left. It was completely disabled.

After gathering the team, only one hundred more were left. Most of them are sorcerers, and a small part is mortal.

The most powerful Jia Jia and Chen Jia are hurt and bones, let alone other teams. There are only three sorcerers left in the Lin family, and some unfortunate family members have even died.

There are also dangers in the rain forest. Many of them are not killed by the stamping of Bai Yufei, but they are kindly greeted by the beasts and poisonous insects in the rain forest.

"Baiyun, it’s great to see you. Just in the rainforest, thank you for taking a white feather flying elephant for us." In the group, Shang Xinci discovered Bai Ningbing and took the initiative to thank him.

Fang Yuan is not worried about Bai Ningbing, worried that she and Zhang Zhu are connected, so he personally attacked Zhang Zhu. Bai Ningbing is responsible for secretly following the business and protecting her life.

"There is nothing. I have always had a good report. Miss Zhang, it is not me who saved you, but the good deeds you used to have." Bai Ningbing said.

She is usually silent and barely speaks. If you speak, you also deliberately change and lower your voice.

At this time, she is no longer hidden, speaks in a normal tone, her tone is cold, her voice is clear, and she is obviously a female voice, which makes the face of the mercy and jealousy reveal a strange color.

"Right, Baiyun, have you seen Zhang Zhushu?" Shang Xinci asked, looking anxious. "I have searched all the time and have not found him yet."

Bai Ningbing sighed in the heart, Fangyuan has returned, she knows that Zhang Zhu must die.

"Miss don't worry, Zhang Zhu is a teacher, and his skills are extraordinary. Maybe he is coming back." She advised.

"I hope so." The mercy of the business is tight, and the anxiety in the heart is thicker.

Over there, Jia Long’s leader stood up and shouted: “Everyone listens, the **** smell here will soon lead to other herds. We must evacuate as soon as possible. Everyone moves quickly, can bring the goods, try to bring On the move, you must give up. We must leave here during a fragrant time."

The danger has not yet passed, and the public has only to reinvigorate the spirit, and grieve in his heart and busy.

"Help me, who will save me! My blood is still flowing..."

"Take me, I just have a leg, I can still go."

"Please, I will give you Yuanshi as a reward. Two, three? Four!"

The slaves who were seriously injured and unable to move were pleading.

Few people get help, and these disabilities can't bring labor, but they are cumbersome. Many of the entries were ruthlessly abandoned.

Looking at the crowds, many of them went crazy and cursed loudly.

Some climbed on the ground and wanted to catch up with the caravan.

"Help me, Miss Zhang, you are the most kind and kind!"

"Miss Zhang, please do it well..."

Shang Xinci hesitated, his lips trembled, his face was white and bloodless, his eyes were flustered and free.

The mountain wind blew her green tunic, and she was confused and weak as if it were a small grass in the wind and rain.

"Miss Zhang, let's go. It's not the time for you to be kind." Fang Yuan walked to her side, held her arm and forced her to go forward.

Ping rì is like a sparrow-like little butterfly, at this time also shut up without saying anything, boring head and rushing, legs and feet tremble.

"Believe me, everything will be fine." Fang Yuan has a soft tone.

The business heart is curious and keeps breathing deeply. As if the air was thin, she could not breathe.

At first she just used her nose to breathe. Gradually, she opened her mouth and swallowed the air.

Her footsteps are becoming more and more vain, and her limbs are becoming weaker. It is not Fangyuan who is holding her. She is afraid to fall to the ground.

Bloody suffocating, her body was soaked in sweat, and the mountain breeze blew, she shuddered.

Just after this chill, the breath of business enthusiasm gradually calmed down.

After walking more than ten steps, she no longer breathes. After thirty steps, she closed her mouth and her breath was no longer strong. After more than fifty steps, her footsteps appeared to be strong again, and no need for Fangyuan to help.

The mountain road stretched steeply upwards. She walked up a **** and a mountain breeze blew her hair.

She reached out and arranged while walking.

When she reorganized her hair, the confusion, fear, and worry in her eyes faded, leaving only a firm color.

"Thank you." She said the other side.

Fangyuan nodded and loosened her hand.

Standing on the slope, she slowly stopped and looked back.

"Do you know? This is the toughest road I have ever walked since I was born." She sighed faintly, her face still white, and her voice was soft.

There is a smile on the corner of Fangyuan’s mouth. Is this a kind of mercy? Sure enough, it is the name of the South Xinjiang.

Even Bai Ningbing can't help but look at it.

It’s not easy for a girl to be able to adjust so quickly after the tragic change.

On this road, there is a constant cry of crying voices. This voice has nothing to do with the whites. For the mercy, it is the biggest torture and torture!

Especially when Zhang Zhu disappeared and the biggest reliance disappeared, Shang Xinci could bravely face all of this, and it was indeed a sigh.

This section of the road is an ordinary mountain road, and it is also a difficult and anxious heart. The business mind bites the teeth, does not fall down, and walks firmly.

As if in an instant, she matured.

Fang Yuan suddenly chuckled and looked at the business with deep gaze: "Miss Zhang Jia, you are kind, why not rescue those who have been abandoned?"

This is in exchange for the glare of Kocho.

The business is kind and grinning: "If I can save them, I will definitely shoot. Unfortunately, I will do my best and I will not be able to save them."

"Hehehe." Fang Yuan smiled. "This is the place where I appreciate you the most. The irrational kindness is a crime. Although you are a fan, you admire me. Miss Zhang, the road to life, There are a lot of wind and rain, sometimes the road is so muddy, as long as you can do what you can, you can feel at ease."

Shang Xinci looked at Fang Yuan, and the beauty of the wave was a turn.

She has long vaguely guessed that Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing are not ordinary. Just the voice of Fang Yuan, let her confirm this.

In her cognition, she inadvertently gave Fang Bai two help, these can only be Xiao En Xiao Hui, but won the recognition and appreciation of Fang Bai Erjin.

After that, Fang Bai entered the game several times and returned to First, he helped the monkeys to help each other, and then helped him make money. He just saved his life.

A weak woman herself was expelled by the family in disguise, and the goods were lost more than half. What is worthy of their plot?


Under such circumstances, they still stand by themselves. Just this action, I know that although they are mysterious, they are pure and honest, and they are hidden in the heart.

It’s my luck to meet them both.

With this in mind, the heart of the business is full of emotions, and she deeply gaze at Fangyuan and sincerely.

"Thank you."

Although there are only two words, it reveals her deep gratitude.

Bai Ningbing couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

If you let the business know, almost all the disasters are directed by Fang Yuan. I don't know what attitude she will be?

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