Reverend Insanity

: Section 61: Each calculation

Steamed lamb, roasted duck, steamed Babao pig, Jiangmi stuffed duck, fried squid, assorted intestines, sesame oil rolls, honey yam, freshly picked peach, eight treasures, steamed magnolia tablets, brown lips, hump, Antler, bear paw, three fresh wood soup, beeswax elbow, three fresh shark fins...

After a while, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing sat on the three-story pedestal, and in front of them were filled with a large table of dishes, all with a variety of colors and flavors. M (百书斋.)

Fang Yuan took bamboo chopsticks and ate a few mouthfuls. He first ate the steamed magnolia tablets, which was fresh and refreshing, which made people feel refreshed. Also used a piece of freshly picked peach, sweet but not greasy. Then take the bear's paw, which is fat and delicious. The steamed lamb is also crispy and tender, and it is stained with some seasonings.

Bai Ningbing took a sip of Sanxian Muyu soup, suddenly filled with mouthfuls, and his lips were fragrant, and he was also mobilized to appetite.

"With you for so many days, it is rare to see you generously." She ate while not forgetting the source of the other party.

Fang Yuan smiled and didn't talk. He knew the doubts and anxiety in Bai Ningbing's heart.

He approached the business with all his heart and tried his best to protect her. When I arrived at the destination, I deliberately separated. This incident made Bai Ningbing unable to see through.

Fang Yuan is now the second peak, only one step away from three turns. At the beginning, he set up a three-turn agreement with Bai Ningbing, and now he has reached the final pass.

But Fang Yuan certainly will not keep the contract! In his eyes, this kind of honesty is nothing but a compromise under no help, or a wonderful camouflage, a realistic mask.

The source of this is clear, Bai Ningbing is also clear.

So she was anxious.

Because she has already foreseen that Fangyuan’s **** will definitely break the contract. However, she has no way to take Fangyuan. Yangshuo is in the hands of Fangyuan.

There are no hundred families to hunt down now, no animal tides. Fang Bai and two people at the same table to eat, seemingly harmonious and warm, but in fact the relationship has been tense to the extreme, and then one step forward, is to fall apart.

This step is when Fangyuan officially promotes three turns.

Once he was promoted to three turns, there was no room for the last bit between him and Bai Ningbing. Both sides must face each other hard and face to face.

How to deal with white condensate?

Fang Yuan is eating. I am thinking about it.

His cultivation is impossible to stagnate, and there is always a day when the contradictions erupt.

The current situation is very subtle.

Fangyuan gravel has the upper hand because it controls the impotence, but in fact Bai Ningbing also holds the handle of Fangyuan.

She and Fang Yuan walked along. He personally participated in the inheritance of Baigushan, and witnessed how Fangyuan attracted the herd to attack the caravan.

She knows too much.

Compared with Ding Hao’s potential threat, the risk of Bai Ningbing’s source is undoubtedly much greater.

"If you kill the white ice, you don't have to worry about it. But my repair is not enough. It is the best chance to kill Bai Ningbing on the road, but at that time I have to use her strength to ensure survival. Probability. In addition, it is not good to be around. It is not good to start. Bai Ningbing, this guy, has always been secretly alerting me. She has the protection of ice muscles and bones, and she can’t do a single blow. And she fights. The consciousness is very good, after the recent period of tempering. More old-spirited..."

In Fang Yuan’s mind, the thoughts are tumbling, and the same white condensed ice is also thinking hard.

"Running from Qingmao Mountain, now, there is finally a breather. I must get Yangshuo. Change back to the male body! Direct violent robbing, the success rate is not big. Unless I will kill Fangyuan instantly. But Fangyuan This bastard, although only two turns, but the overall combat power is much stronger. He is a freak, the combat experience is extremely hot. And his mind is extremely deep and cloudy, no evil, no morality can bind him, everything is Can do it."

"What's more important is that he didn't find out his cards. But I don't have no advantage. He is practicing now, and I have to rely on me. And I know that he has a lot of secrets. Maybe I can use these things to force him to compromise. Use the poisonous oath and sign a contract with him that cannot be repented. In addition, you can use the strong swearing, the arrogance, the empty hand, and so on, to steal the impotence..."

Bai Ningbing is not stupid. She has been patiently observing her way along the way and has been thinking about it.

The two had dinner at the same table, but they were separated by two or three steps. They looked like friends, but they were counting each other.

The external pressures have subsided, and the contradictions between them have suddenly emerged. In the relatively safe environment of the business city, they also have the time to think about these things.

But the more you think deeply, the more difficult these two people are!

Fang Yuan did nothing to worry about, but what about Bai Ningbing? In her life philosophy, as long as I live a wonderful life. Wait, moral principles? What it is?

They are actually very similar, they also despise the world, they are equally willing, they are also extremely eager for power, and they only believe in themselves.

From the perspective of others, they are **** demons, all of which are harmful to society. Their death is the benefit of the world.

It is because of this similarity that the two of them feel tricky.

The enemy that is really difficult to deal with is often yourself.

More critically, they have their handles pinched in each other's hands. If you don't win the battle and let the other party have a breathing space, then the other party must be close to the end!

The more people want to get a headache.

"White condensed ice is a bad guy to deal with." Fang Yuan secretly gnawed his teeth, and the resources available on his hands were too small.

"Fangyuan this **** has no weaknesses..." Bai Ningbing raised his eyes and his eyes were cold.

The two couldn't think of any good ideas, and they raised their gaze and looked at each other.

The gaze collided in midair and then touched.

The dishes in front of you, although delicious, but the two people are heavy in mind, can not eat the taste.

Although it was a half-fold, it still cost Fangyuan fifteen yuan stone.

It is worthy of being a business city, and the price is very high.

The two filled their stomachs and went out of the restaurant.

Fang Yuan just walked to the street and listened to the passers-by.

"Do you know? Just at the South Gate, the business family leader appeared!"

"How can it be?"

"Real things, he came fast, went fast, the whole street was sensational..."

"Bragging! What kind of character is the business family leader, how can it appear on the street for no reason?"

The rumors flew, some said that it was Shangyanfei, and some people denied it.

Fangyuan chose Dongmen to enter the city, while Shangxin Ci entered the south gate. This matter has been passed to the East Gate and has been distorted beyond recognition.

I heard it in Bai Ningbing. This is just one of the gossips and I didn't pay attention. People around me quickly talked about other topics.

But in the minds of Fang Yuan, it is the most clear information.

He couldn't help but smile. It seems that the business is kind of this thing, and it does not go beyond the memory.

Next, just wait for the fruit to mature and lie on your head.

"Look, this is the Flying Blue Whale, the winged caravan!" Suddenly, someone on the street pointed the sky and exclaimed.

For a time, the pedestrians on the street stopped at the same time and looked up.

Huge shadows shrouded.

In the sky, a blue whale flies slowly.

It is not appropriate to say that it is "flying". It is better to say "tour".

Flying blue whale, this is a behemoth that can wander freely in the sky.

It lived on the East China Sea for nine days, and its temperament was mild and peaceful. It was often controlled by the priests with the royal whales and used for trade.

The flying blue whale is huge, like a hill. The dealer team hides in its body and flies in the sky. It is not only dangerous but also faster than the team that is doing business in the mountains.

But the flying blue whales have to swallow thousands of pounds of food every day, not a large family can not afford.

The entire southern Xinjiang, with the flying blue whale, only the wing family.

Wing is also one of the overlords of southern Xinjiang. Its status is similar to that of merchants, and it is inextricably linked with the East China Sea.

"It’s really amazing." Bai Ningbing sighed.

She recalled the former Baijiazhai, this flying blue whale once fell down in Baijiazhai, the entire Baijiazhai must be destroyed.

The huge figure moved on the mountain, and the flying blue whale slowly landed on one side of the mountain.

Fang Yuan can be seen from afar, it opens its mouth, and the dense black spots slowly move out of its mouth.

These black spots are the caravans of the wing family. It’s just too far away and I can’t see it clearly.

"The wing of the caravan came, it seems that the market is going to be turbulent again."

"I heard that the Wings brought a five-turner this time and they are going to auction in Shangshan."

"Yuanjia has a connection with the East China Sea. This time it will definitely bring a lot of specialties from the East China Sea, which is worth buying."

The topic of the pedestrians has been completely transferred to the wing family caravan.

Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing walked all the way up.

The ancient moon cottage is just a glimpse of the Qingmao Mountain, while the merchant city covers almost the entire Shangshan Mountain.

In southern Xinjiang, even the first family of Wujia, there is no such a vast mountain city.

The entire business city, all kinds of buildings, there are bamboo buildings, there are adobe houses, brick houses, shacks, tree houses, mushroom houses, caves ~ ~ towers and bunkers and so on.

These buildings are mixed together, like a layer of colorful clothes on the Shangshan Mountain.

As the trade center of South Xinjiang, the business city is well-deserved as the first.

But if anyone thinks that this is the whole of the business city, then it is a big mistake.

This is just the outer city of the business city.

Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing came to a huge cave.

"The two are going to enter the inner city? Please pay one hundred yuan for each person." The defender who is here, asks for it.

“If you just go in, you need a hundred yuan stone?” Bai Ningbing expressed surprise.

“The inner city space is small, this is also to prevent irrelevant people from entering. It is also convenient to maintain law and order.” Yan Shi explained politely.

After several thousand years of business, Shangshan Mountain not only spreads the business city on the surface of the mountain, but also deepens into the interior of the mountain and builds the inner city.

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