Reverend Insanity

: Section 28: No business!

"Why do you want to stop?" The school's old brow raised and laughed. He stretched his finger and pointed at Fangyuan. He said, "This child has already taken control of the whole situation. The starting hand is extremely measured. You see that he cuts his neck and only cuts the left and right sides, never slashing the back of the head." It is because he also knows that cutting the left and right necks can make people faint on the spot. After cutting the back of the head, there is a possibility of death, so they voluntarily gave up such an attack."

"You look at the teenagers who fell to the ground. Which one was seriously injured? No! Even if there is a serious injury, what about it? With the treatment of the teacher in our school, can you cure this kind of bruise?"

"But the old man, this is too arrogant. It is blocked at the gate, and we don't put our guards in our eyes. We are ignored. The key is how the tribes will treat our school." A small C and other students clamored for the school, and did not stop. The spread of things, I am afraid that your reputation may also have an impact on the reputation of the adults." The guards squinted and whispered.

"Hey, do you think that this kid has been ignored, and his dignity has been offended?" The school house was old and unhappy, sneer, and the sharp-eyed eyes glanced down. The guards all bowed their heads and did not dare.

"What's wrong with fighting? If you don't kill people, you can inspire the students' competitive thinking and temper their fighting will. If we want to ban this kind of fighting, it will kill the fighting passion of the students! In the past, there is no Do you fight every time, and it happens very often. It’s just that in the second half of the year, the teenagers have mastered some fighting methods. With strength, they can’t help but itch, just like the age of combat. Why didn't you stop it before?" The old school of the school asked.

"It may be because the previous struggles were all single battles. There are very few such large scales. But this source is too noisy!" The guards replied.

“No, no.” The school’s old man shook his head. “This is because you dare not stop it. Because after the second half of the year, the sergeant has the fighting power beyond the mortal, the mortal body of your district, what to stop? Now you want to stop the party. Source, it may be that he has just practiced and lacked strength. He feels that he has ignored you and that his dignity has been offended. But you must remember that these students are all ancient moons! It is the people of my ancient family, yours. Master! Even if the age is small, the strength is weak, and it is your master!"

The old tone of the family suddenly turned sharply.

"You don't surname the ancient moon, what count? Look at your loyalty, so give a position of the guard, reward you with some sweetness. But in essence, you are still slaves. Just a slave! A slave, also dare to discuss the master, the master The thing?" The old face of the family is gloomy.

"The subordinate does not mean this, it does not mean this!"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

The guards were so scared that they were on the ground and smashed their heads.

The school’s old man snorted and pointed to the head of the guard who had just said that Fang Yuan was too noisy: “You talk about the master and the leader.”

After a meal, the old family said to others: "After half a month, re-evaluate the new leader."

The other guards suddenly brightened their eyes and suddenly they were uplifted.

"The guard leader, you can get half a stone every month!"

"Be able to be the leader, it is the person on the people. In addition to the masters, see other people dare to give me a face?"

"If I was on this head, how beautiful would it be..."

"Well, what are you doing here? Don't roll down, wait until the fight is over, clean up the venue!" The old man yelled.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Subsequent retreat!"

The guards are sincerely afraid to go underground. Walking on the stairs, I don’t know who is in a mess and fell down. Suddenly, a series of crashes fell into the ground.

However, in the old power of the school, the guards were blushing, and they endured hard and did not make any other noise.

"Hey, slaves are like dogs. Every time they get rid of their bones, they itch. They have to beat and let them know the awe. Then they throw some dog bones that are small and profitable, let them bite the dog and fight for my family." The so-called big stick, the first hand radish, this is the only way for the superior." The school teacher listened to the movement downstairs, sneered in his heart, turned his head, through the window, looking to the school gate.

More than a dozen students were added to the ground at the entrance.

Fang Yuan stood proudly, and there were three girls on the opposite side, leaning back and huddled.

"You, you, don't come over!"

"Come on, we will shoot you with the moon!!"

In their hands, there was a radiance of water blue, which seemed to be rushed, and actually called the real yuan to spur the moonlight.

Fang Yuan’s body is still an ordinary fifteen-year-old boy. If they issue a moon-blade attack, it’s really not easy.

However, he was not afraid. He sneered with disdain and approached the girls step by step: "You are so bold, forget the rules of the school? You are not allowed to fight with locusts in the school, otherwise you will be expelled. You have to If you want to be fired, let's take a shot."

"This..." The girls hesitated.

"There is indeed this rule." The blue light in their hands gradually dissipated.

In Fang Yuan’s eyes, Li Mang flashed, and he slammed the flaws. He rushed forward, waving his hands, burning flowers, and slashing two.

There is still one left, the fighting spirit is mourning, and the knees are soft, and they fall to the ground. She cried with pears and rain, and pleaded with Fang Yuan: "You should not come over Fangyuan, beg you to let me go."

Fang Yuan is condescending, overlooking the girl, the cold voice came: "a piece of stone."

The girl shuddered and suddenly realized that she quickly opened the money bag and took out the three or four yuan stone. He held it in the palm of his hand and raised it to Fangyuan: "You don't want to hit me, I will give it to you, I will give it to you!"

Fang Yuan faceless, slowly explored his right hand, extended his index finger and thumb, and gently squeezed a piece of stone from the girl's hand.

The girl's body is trembling, and Fang Yuan's hand is slim and pale with the boy's peculiarity, but in her eyes, it is as terrible as a claw.

"I have said that I only took a piece of Yuanshi." Fang Yuan paused and said plainly, "You can go."

The girl looked at Fangyuan for a while, and then she wanted to get up, but her limbs were weak and she couldn’t stand up.

Her heart is already full of the fear of the other source, afraid of a little strength can not be made.

When the school family saw this scene, they could not help but shook their heads.

Taking this opportunity to discover the individual combat talents of the students is also one of his observations.

Although this girl who fell to the ground has C and other qualifications, but this kind of heart can only be used as a logistics teacher, engaged in production in the family, do not expect her to go to the battlefield.

"It is this source..." The old schoolman squatted on his chin, his eyes glared and his flashes of light.

He feels that this source is really interesting, not only has combat talent, but also knows the size. Only extorting a piece of Yuanshi did not exceed the bottom line in his heart. However, if Fang Yuan wants to extort two pieces, it will be excessive, and he will get interference.

There are only three subsidies in the school. Being extorted, it is harmless. But to extort two pieces, what subsidies are there? Simply send it to Fangyuan directly.

Soon, the last batch of students also arrived. They have only five people, including the twin brothers of Fang Yuan.

"Brother, how can you do this?! You are too courageous, even hitting the classmate directly at the gate, blackmailing their Yuanshi!" Gu Yuefang was stunned, he could not believe the sight, "I advise You are going to admit your mistakes to the school's family, otherwise you will make such a big thing, it is not a joke, maybe you will be fired!"

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "You said it makes sense."

Founder sighed a sigh of relief, it seems that his brother is not completely crazy, can listen to persuasion.

But soon he heard Fang Yuan again: "Everyone has a stone."

"What?" Founder opened his mouth in amazement. "Is even I have to pay?"

"My dear brother, of course you can not pay." Fang Yuan's tone is very gentle, "but the end will be the same as them."

Fang Yuan refers to the teenagers who fell to the ground, or were in a coma, or awkward.

"The younger brothers are not let go!"

"This source is crazy, too ferocious..."

"We can't beat him. The hero doesn't eat the loss before the eyes, or he has to pay the first time."

"Yes, I paid the Yuanshi first. Anyway, I only handed one piece. After I went back, I reported it to the division commander. He was very well received!"

In the case of the foresight of the car, the remaining teenagers took the unrelenting eyes and accepted the blackmail of Fangyuan.

"Wait a minute." They are about to leave, but they are stopped by Fang Yuan.

"Fangyuan, can you think of it?" The teenagers suddenly became nervous.

Fang Yuan, facing the teenagers in the same place, gently sighed: "Do you think that I will kneel down and search for them one by one?"

The teenagers stunned, and this was a sudden stunned, one by one, and hesitated to stand still.

Fang Yuan stared at them narrowed his eyes.

The coldness of the eyes flashed, and the five teenagers suddenly felt guilty and felt scalp numb.

"Well, Fangyuan, we understand what you mean."

"Help you this time."

Forced by Fang Yuan’s arrogance, they had to bow their heads one by one, searched out the money bags of the teenagers on the ground and took out a piece of Yuanshi. Then bring them together and hand them over to Fangyuan.

There were fifty-seven people in the class, each of whom was blackmailed for robbing a piece of Yuanshi, and Fangyuan had fifty-six pieces in his hand.

He had 20 pieces before, but spent ten pieces and bought a few jars of green bamboo wine. Coupled with his own subsidies and rewards, there are now seventy-nine yuan stones on hand.

"Robbery and extortion of this kind of business is the most profitable." Fang Yuan slammed the suddenly rising money bag into his arms and swayed away.

The teenagers who left the land were quite dead on the ground.

There are still a few teenagers, and the Founder is mixed in, staring at the back of Fang Yuan's gradual departure.

"Come on."

"All speed points, the small masters are properly arranged."

"Treat the sorcerer, where are you, come over!"

The guards shouted and clamored for each other. For a small leader, they are very motivated.

(ps: I had a problem with the layout yesterday, and I have already modified it. I am very sorry, adding obstacles to everyone’s reading. The new book is on the new book list, um, very happy, thanks to the support of old and new friends! I also saw the power of the big guys, and the popularity is gradually improving. The style of this book is special, I hope that the people in the same way can support more. This book will be written down, stable and updated, my books are finished, this aspect The exercise is full of drops!)

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