Reverend Insanity

: Section 81: Jianying蛊

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Fang Yuan's shape is like electricity, and he rushes to Tang Qing. M


When the wind swelled, Tang Qing’s eyes were black, and he had not had time to react. Fang Yuan’s fist hit his chest.

In an instant, Tang Qing only felt a sharp pain suddenly hit, almost let him faint on the spot.

The wind whispered in the ear, and the vision quickly reversed. His whole person was attacked by Fang Yuan and he was able to fly out.

Then he fell to the ground, his vision turned around, and the grass was a little while, and the shed was the martial arts field. He rubbed the ground, rolling all the way, the turf was rubbed off by him, and the fertile soft black soil churned out.

He was covered with grass clippings and black mud, grassy juice, muddy soil and **** smell, mixed together and rushed into his nose.

He lay down on the ground, his eyes narrowed, and all the way rolled over, causing him to be scattered all over the body, and there was a feeling of soreness everywhere.

But these feelings are drizzling compared to the pain in his chest!

He looked down at his chest and immediately took a breath.

I saw the left side of my chest, was beaten two inches by the hard, raw skin, the pale ribs are exposed, it is obviously broken.

The blood of big stocks and big stocks, do not spit out like money.

Fang Yuan Juli was in the body, and the surprise attack succeeded, causing Tang Qing to suffer heavy losses.

Tang Qingyi rounded his eyes. After the horror, his fury and hatred, like volcanic magma, erupted in his heart.

"This little rabbit scorpion, mean and shameless, sneak attack on me! Let me be seriously injured, I want to kill him, take him a thousand knives!"

"Dead!" At this moment, Tang Qing’s ear came from Fang Yuan’s low drink.

Fang Yuan joined a few steps and rushed to the front of Tang Qing. He lifted a foot and stepped on the middle of Tang Qing’s legs.

Tang Qing only felt a flower in front of her eyes and raised her eyes subconsciously. Fang Yuan urged the canopy to squat, covered in a layer of white light, and the light made his heart tremble.

It turned out to be a three-turn teacher!

Fang Yuan used to hold up the shackles. At this time, he fought and couldn’t cover up the three-turn atmosphere.

Straight out the soup green and fly to the sky. So young three-turner? !

He subconsciously screamed to defend against locusts, and suddenly a blue wind wraps around.

Fang Yuan’s foot has been planned for a long time, and he could have trampled Tang Qing’s lower body. However, it was blocked by the breeze and the strength was greatly reduced.

"Ah-!" Tang Qing opened his mouth wide, his expression was distorted to the extreme, and he made a scream of screaming.

Although there is defense, but after all, the key points are severely hit. If he is shocked, he will use his waist and abdomen to sit up from the ground and stretch his arms to subconsciously protect his crotch.

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed cold, and his left hand pinched his fist and slammed straight out.

This punch, he tried his best.

The wind is whistling!


Shrouded in a white light fist, hitting Tang Qing's face heavily.

Tang Qing’s screams came to an abrupt end, and he leaned back at a faster rate, and his back was squatting on the ground.

No motion, no breath.

A fatal blow!

His entire bridge of the nose was hit into the face, the eyeball burst out, and the eyelids protruded more than half, and the skull broke in an instant.

The blood ran down slowly, soaking the dirt and green grass around him.

Fang Yuan is looking down at the top, and the scene seems to be solidified.

After a few breaths, an exclamation sounded around.

"Dead, dead!"

"Someone was killed by alive!"

The two or three teachers who watched the battle were all stunned. Even Wei Yang can't help but swell.

In the battlefield, although the battle is frequent, there are not many deaths.

Once the two sides have the means to play the military, they can also admit defeat. Secondly, the teacher who presided over the performance of the military can promptly shoot. Third, the two sides of the battle are usually more restrained. After all, they are all mixed in the military area. Although it is contending for the benefit, it will not really make a life.

Fang Yuan can kill this soup, there are two main reasons.

The first is that Tang Qing has just closed out, and his sensitivity to combat has been greatly reduced. In exchange for the usual, he will use the defense in time, and will not fall into such a situation.

The second is that Fangyuan looks young, and uses the interest to cover up the atmosphere, which leads to the relaxation of Tang Qingxin's mind, and then suddenly violently attacked. The first hit hit Tang Qing, and then the two rabbits were as fast as the fall, let the host The martial artists who played the martial arts did not have time to react, and Tang Qing was killed by him.

The master of the martial arts field, flew all the way, and rushed over.

But when he saw the face of Tang Qing's depression, and the brain and blood that ooze out from the crack of the skull, he had to dispel the idea of ​​salvation.

"Young people, you are too embarrassed to start!" He glanced at the source, and there was dissatisfaction in his tone.

Although the battle was short-lived, he had a panoramic view. Fang Yuan took control of the overall situation. He could have kept his hand and let go of Tang Qing’s surname, but he did not.

Fang Yuan shrugged indifferently: "A human life is gone, what a fuss. According to the rules of the military field, I killed him. His things are my spoils, right?"

The teacher who presided over the martial arts field snorted unsatisfactorily: "The things on his body are yours, but vines 蛊 we have to recycle. Young people, I have to remind you that you don't respect life, such an idea. very dangerous!"

"I am really sorry." Wei Yang took a look of apology and walked behind him. "My brother, who has been wandering outside, has come here for the first time."

The priest did not recognize Wei Yang, and there was a hint of disgust in his face: "Hey, you are like this, you invade into a surname, bloodthirsty and slaughter. Forget it, don't tell you, take your vines Come."

Fang Yuan 掏 藤 藤 蛊 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Fang Yuan’s mind plunged into it, and the number of wins in the original zero has now become one.

He also searched the body of Tang Qing and got four cockroaches. Three two turns, one turn, are ordinary cockroaches, with a total value of about two thousand stones.

Tang Qing’s death was so sudden that he did not let him have a self-destructive locust.

It’s just that he just retired, and his body is only twenty or thirty.

"Founder brother, in the future it is best to try to kill the killer." After the performance of the battlefield, Wei Yang persuaded Fang Yuandao.

"Although in the performance of the military field, life and death are not discussed, but..." Wei Yang slowly shook his head. "It is not necessary to do life and death every time. The Yanwu District is said to be big and big, and it is small and small. A stronger opponent than you. Everyone looks up and sees them. After all, they all live in the business city, and they have to spare people and spare people."

Fangyuan frowned slightly: "But I spared others, others may not spare me. I have also met the magician before, and I will start without saying anything. You don't kill the killer, the people kill the killer, my past experience tells I can kill the killer, or else I have a long night dream, never give the enemy a chance! Because of this, I can live to the present."

Wei Yang was a bit dumb.

He suddenly thought that this source in front of him is not the former himself? It’s a hot feeling, you don’t trust anyone, and you have no sense of security.

The Magic Road Master is the least insecure.

Different from the right-handed division, the right-handed division has family support, a group of people to help, and a stable supply of resources, so they have a sense of security and can trust each other.

The Magic Road Masters are all scattered, and without the support of the family power, they have to make their own stones and get food. A lot of times, when you eat up, you don’t have a meal, can you feel safe?

In order for them to survive, they have to take risks and kill people. The magical martial arts teacher is too thin, and often does not dare to move the right way, so he extends the claws to each other.

In this way, the evil surnames cycle. There is even less trust between the magicians and teachers, and they often start when they meet.

They are even less secure, so the tricks are even more hot.

Wei Yang turned from the magic road to the right path. The rich experience made him more aware of the two things, and he was more profound than ordinary people.

Why is the right path Rongchang, the magic road can only be suppressed in the wind?

This is the reason.

Fang Yuan is very hot and Wei Yang is very understandable. It is because of this understanding that his other source is pity.

"Although he has been trained to achieve three turns, he has a fighting talent, but after all, he is a child. Hey, seeing his offensive is so fierce, he knows how much he has suffered. Now think about it, if he is merciful, it seems strange. What?"

"He has no mercy, just like other magical sorcerers, just having to participate in the martial arts have such a problem. I have not been like this before? Oh, forget it, after a long time, he will slowly change. This kind of The process is subtle and cannot be forced to guide."

Thinking of this, Wei Yang will not persuade, but the turn of the front, talking about the battle.

"Founder, you said before, you have used a lot of shackles to transform your body and increase your strength. How much have you used?"

"Since David asked, the younger brother knows nothing. One shared three kinds of cockroaches, black and white cockroaches, crocodile force, just bought a brown bear power 前 a few days ago, now is being used." Fang Yuan smiled.

"Hehehe, black and white 豕蛊 gives you the power of two pigs, the crocodile force gives you the power of a crocodile. But the younger brother, you thought about it, if it was just a mountain pig colliding with your opponent, what would it cause? Kind of injury?" Wei Yang with an inspiring tone.

Fang Yuan knows Wei Yang's intentions. Suo surnamed him, and blurted out and debuted: "If the person has no defense, how can the fetus survive the wild boar collision? It must be hit by the waist and the belly is bad, and it is terrible."

Wei Yang’s face was more intense: “If you put the man’s head in the mouth of a crocodile, what would the crocodile bite down?”

"It must be bitten, like a crispy melon fruit falling on the ground." Fang Yuan replied.

Wei Yang then asked: "You have the power of a double pig, the power of a crocodile, and your own strength. You can only hit the opponent's chest and break a few ribs." You hit the third punch on his face, but he can only punch the skull out. Why do you say this?"

This time, instead of Fangyuan’s answer, Wei Yang continued: “Boxing feet can only exert a part of the strength of the human body. Although you have the power of a double pig and a crocodile in your body, how many of them can really be played? The biggest drawback of the practice of strength is this! The strength of a person is like a big water tank filled with water, but in real combat, the water used is only a small part of all the water."

"Black and white cockroaches, crocodile cockroaches, and brown bears are powerful. These cockroaches can permanently increase their strength. They are all expensive. You put in so much money, and the results may not be one tenth. If you put this money into other areas, it will definitely be more effective."

"It turned out that Wei Da Ge said so much, still want to persuade me to give up strength." Fang Yuan smiled a little, this one can understand.

"I also understand that the body structure of the human body and the beast is different. It is really difficult to exert their strength. But with the help of one heart, I have heard that many powerful teachers can make the animal power imaginary and play. The full power of the locusts."

"Oh, huh, it is indeed such a thing. When I was playing in the military field, I also encountered a lot of strengths. Many people use skillfulness. In occasional attacks, there can be a virtual force to play. All the forces that go out are very threatening. But you don't know, the number of such attacks is too small. Moreover, the attack method is also very limited. Only specific moves can make the virtual power shadow, it is easy Can evade." Wei Yang continued to persuade.

Fang Yuan was silent for a moment, thinking that because of this, he needed the legendary 蛊.

In the mouth, "Da Wei, your good intentions I received. But strength is my choice, I still want to verify it myself."

"Hey, then you have to verify it." Wei Yang sighed, Fang Yuan was so "obsessed with obscurity", he is not good to continue to persuade.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan has already participated in the performance of Wu, Wei Yang feels: the next fact will impress Fang Yuan's heart.

Fang Yuan has to live in the business city for two or three years, and there is still time, Wei Yang is not in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, it is half a month later.

In the gambling stone workshop, the shopkeeper bent over and stood on the side of Fangyuan, accompanied by a smile.

"Die Big Brother, you also come to pick a few stones to play? Maybe you can gamble on good things. Today I treat you!" Fang Yuan said with a smile.

Wei Yang stood beside Fang Yuan. He shook his head: "Today is Tang Xiong's forcible challenge to you. I can't think of the Tang Qing who killed you. It is actually the brother of this person. Founder is still cautious. In order to revenge, Tang Xiong deliberately descended from the fourth inner city to the fifth inner city. He was small and famous, and he was able to break out the power of the three bears.

Although he said so, his expression does not appear to be worried, but instead hides his expectations.

These days, Fang Yuan won another battle, which is already the third game.

Wei Yang hopes that this Tang Xiong can "wake up" Fang Yuan and let him abandon his strength and transform his genre.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. What are you afraid of? I don't gamble, I will shoot. I have seen a few good stones." Fang Yuan had a bright light in his eyes and reached out and selected a few stones.

The treasurer's busy commanding buddy carefully removed the selected stone.

Fang Yuan suddenly snorted and pointed at the counter: "This piece of stone is like a star stone?"

The shopkeeper stunned and quickly smiled: "You are really a glimpse of the torch, this stone is still small a few years ago. At that time, the counter foot was kicked by a gambler, and the small one took a piece. The square stone of the square is just the right one."

Fang Yuan frowned: "The stone is used to gamble. How can it be used as a stone? It is a treasure of the treasure! Let's choose it today."

"Yes, yes, the lesson of the guests!" The shopkeeper nodded, but he did not agree.

The star stone phase is very important, and it is better to use arrow-like and meteor shapes. This stone was a bad stone at first sight. It was placed on the counter before, so he was stuffed underneath and balanced the counter.

Several buddies worked together to pull out the star stones at the foot of the counter and send them to other stone to the Jieshitai.

On the Jieshi stage, several young Jieshi masters are working on a stone for a middle-aged teacher. The movement is slow and meticulous.

Wei Yang’s other source of stone, in fact, is not appreciated. Seeing him choose the stone so much, he even shook his head. Even if he does not gamble, he also knows the important surname of the appearance. The last stone of Fangyuan is simply a selection. Even he could not see the past. It is no wonder that Fang Yuan was soaked in the gambling area these days, and Yuan Shihua went down, but he did not see any gains.

Even if you occasionally gamble some cockroaches, it is a turn or two, or simply a corpse.

In the heart of Wei Yang, Fang Yuan’s gambling is just a waste of money. However, he did not persuade that the fewer Fangyuan Yuanshi, the more he needed to rely on the business, which is something he likes to see.

Fang Yuan’s heart was stirring, his face was calm, and his eyes looked at Jie Shitai with full expectation.

These days, he lingered in the gambling stone gambling in the gambling stone district, and deliberately selected some bad stones to make an impression.

Although he has been secretly restrained and slaps, the gambling stone is like a bottomless abyss. In less than a month, he swallowed nearly 100,000 yuan.

But think of the legend that is about to be won, let alone 100,000, even if it is 500,000 yuan stone is worth it.

This is only a legendary locust, although it is only three turns, but the effect is strange, it has disappeared.

Most likely, this is the last one in the whole world.

Wei Yang frowned: "We must pay attention to the time. When we are going to rush to the martial arts field, the treasurer can solve the stone faster?"

"Of course, of course." The treasurer naturally recognized that Wei Yang, the foreign surname, was in power and nodded.

He ran to the stone platform, reached out and waved, and said to the masters of the stone: "Go and go."

I rushed these little stone masters to the side.

"My stone..." The middle-aged teacher screamed.

The stone was a fine work, and it was disturbed by the shopkeeper. The little masters were so busy that the stones of the middle-aged teacher were damaged.

"Li Ran, don't call. You come out of the Yuanshi, this shop is returned to you." The shopkeeper shouted.

The middle-aged teacher was unshaven and glared at his eyes. His tone was very unsatisfactory: "What if there is a flaw in this stone?"

The treasurer sneered disdainfully and waved to the middle-aged teacher: "Get it, Li Ran. You gambled on the stone for so many years, are the gambling inferior stones, what good things have been made? You don't make trouble, then you will even pay compensation." No!"

"I am embarrassed, the store is bullying, the dog's eyes are low, and one day I will be a leader!" The middle-aged teacher whispered in his mouth, his voice was angry and angry, and he still didn't scream.

The name "Li Ran..." evokes a certain memory of Fangyuan.

In his eyes, a strange color was revealed.

Looks like this Li Ran, is the one who gambled the legendary sly. Of course, it may be the same name and the same name... But no matter what, the opportunity of Li Ran’s success has been taken away by Fang Yuan.

Five teachers began to appear, and the stone began.

The young masters looked at them silently, and these predecessors were showing off the means. Obviously, many hard stones can be solved with a very simple method that consumes a few real yuan. However, the masters have to use all their strengths to make the real yuan suffer, and the steps are complicated, but they can only improve the success rate.

More than a dozen pieces of stone, including miscellaneous, inferior, medium, were quickly solved by the masters.

"The locust is out, it’s a sword!"

"Three-turned swordsmanship, rare..."

"Live, absolutely live. Congratulations to your guests."

The masters repeatedly confessed to Fang Yuan, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Yuan has been continually refining these days, and there is no decent harvest. The teachers who are engaged in these things are also uneasy.

The shopkeeper's fart ran over and looked like a smile: "You have made a big profit! You can sell 32,000 yuan stone. You only spent 8,000 yuan to buy the stone." ”

The people around him looked at Fangyuan with envy, and Li Ran was even grinning, and his voice was sour and muttering: "Hey, he took the dog and took it."

"Well, my brother, Jianying and my knife are all in the same name. I suggest you not to sell it, keep it for yourself." Wei Yang also congratulated.

"Hehehe, this is called hard work, I will say that my luck will not be so bad." Fang Yuan smiled, "Wei brother, today is over the test, I invite you to drink, let us celebrate."

Wei Yang nodded, not welcome. He did not know that Fang Yuan’s face was laughing and laughing, but in fact he was shocked by the waves!

Jian Ying is only an accident, not his goal.

The star stone of the stepped foot, after cutting it, there is no flaw at all, it is a solid waste stone!

How could this be?

That legendary cockroach, where did you go? !

For a time, Fang Yuan’s thoughts fluctuated and his heart surged.

Countless doubts filled his mind.

How could this be? !

Isn't the legendary locust hidden in this star stone?

If it is not this hard stone, where will it be? Maybe, not this stone, or is it this gambling stone workshop?

Perhaps this rumor is wrong at all? Where should I go and look for the legendary cockroach?

The development of things has greatly exceeded the expectations of Fangyuan. The legendary locust that was thought to be at your is now missing, and the unexpectedly captured swordsman can't make up for Yuanyuan's Yuanshi investment.

"If there is no legend, my efforts are in vain. It’s damn, how can it be? The rumor may be wrong, but it can be rumored to be so wide, it must not be groundless. Especially the details are so detailed, there is no difference in relevant rumors. The credibility is great. But it is..."

Fangyuan secretly bites his teeth.

Without this legendary singer, his strength to practice is like a castle in the air.

"Does it really want me to change the direction of practice? If this is the case, the inheritance of the Three Kings will be greatly affected!"

The result of Jieshi has largely disrupted the plan of Fangyuan. But he does not know the problem, and where it comes from.

The rumors that have been cited as a basis, at this moment also cast a thick layer of mysterious fog.

"The time is almost up, we should go to the military area." At this time, Wei Yang reminded.

(To be continued) q

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