Reverend Insanity

: Section 89: Powerful practice has a mystery

Eight days later.


On the small square, the square brick paved with stars and stones has a clear vision and a brilliant star.

Fang Yuan stood at one end of the square, carrying his hands, his feet slightly open, his eyes closed, and his breathing was deep and long.

In front of him, there are more than a dozen stone pillars.

Each stone pillar has a diameter of two feet, and it is black and hard. Between the stone pillars, they are placed at intervals, almost covering the entire small square.


Fangyuan spit out a sigh of gas and suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, the sky is like a lightning bolt!


He took a step, strode forward, and after a few steps, rushed to a stone pillar.

The footsteps stopped, the waist was twisted, the arms were arrogant, and the fists swept past.


A muffled sound, the stone pillar trembled, and was shot into a spherical deep pit, and the stone fluttered for a time.

Come again.

Fang Yuan sighed with gas, or fist or palm, and took turns to attack. At the same time, flying legs, kicks, elbows, knees, shoulders... every part of the body was turned into a sharp offensive weapon.


The muffled sound continued, the stone pillars continued to tremble, and the stone chips continued to fly around.

Fang Yuan did not stop in a breath, attacking like a torrential rain, endless.

It takes a lot of effort, and this stone column is cut in half by volume, like a small tree in a storm.


Fang Yuan violently slammed his legs and slammed it, and the sound of the stone column was finally in jeopardy. It was finally broken, and it fell into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Fangyuan slowly closed his legs and his breathing was short. A fine layer of sweat oozes from the forehead.

He glanced at the ground.

The two broken stone pillars have been unrecognizable and the surface is pitted. They are all traces of Fang Yuan’s fists.

"This is because I have not used all my strength to go to the ordinary attack. It is really difficult to play the virtual shadow."


He snorted and slammed into the nearest stone pillar in two consecutive steps.

He turned his hand to the right hand and slammed it toward the stone pillar.


A virtual shadow brown bear suddenly appeared in the midair behind Fang Yuan. It is fat and body-like. Open the mouth of the blood basin, revealing the white teeth. At the same time, raising the right palm to slap, it is like the action of Fangyuan.

In this moment. Fang Yuan suddenly felt that he had added a powerful force to his right palm!


Fang Yuan shot on the stone pillar and made a loud noise.

The thick stone pillars that both of them could not hold, were suddenly snapped. A bang. Kneeling on the ground. Pull the floor tiles out of a shallow pit.

An anti-seismic force immediately came to Fangyuan, and it shocked Fang Yuan’s right palm.

After Fang Yuan bought the brown bear, he used it all the time. Now that he has done a good job, he has added a bear force.

"The previous stone pillar, dozens of times, was able to destroy it. It took all the effort to go after it. Just a blow, the stone pillar was smashed..."

Fang Yuan feels the gap between each other.

Going all out is not an attacking class. It is to assist the locusts. But when it comes out, there will be a magical effect!

Fang Yuan’s performance before and after is completely different.

It is rare to use auxiliary 蛊 as the core. Most of the sergeants, assisting the locusts in the whole set of cockroaches, are only sufficient for the main fulcrum.

Give an example of the side.

Wei Yang is based on the mobile twilight rainbow trout, attacking the knife light as one of the main fulcrums, and the auxiliary light source as the fulcrum. The light source 蛊 can greatly reduce the real element consumption of light mites.

If you go all out, you can help you to be the core. From this aspect, we can also see its precious value.

"But... Tianpeng's defense is considerable, but it lacks rigidity. If it is replaced by gold, the effect will be even better." Fang Yuanxin said.

Just after the entire attack, he spurred the canopy. Otherwise, your hands and feet will be rotten.

The role of force is mutual.

Although Fangyuan's bones are all sacral bones, but the flesh and blood are still mortal. Just a shot, if there is no protection from the canopy, the bones will not have anything, but the flesh will be blurred.

However, Kim Min Jong is still out of stock.

Fangyuan has no money.

At the beginning, although he had more than 900,000 yuan stones, he was divided into half by Bai Ningbing.

Then, in order to go all out, it took a lot of money to go to the gambling stone workshop.

In addition, the whole process of food and clothing, as well as feeding locusts, in the third inner city of the business, the cost is very large.

Then, it was a big change of blood and a large number of Yuanshi. Eight days ago, he would only have more than 80,000 yuan of stone left in the martial arts field and handed it to Li Ran in public.

By now, Fang Yuan is not only breezy, but also responsible for debt.

Because in accordance with the swearing-in agreement, he still needs to hand over Li Ran’s 120,000 yuan stone.

Fang Yuan knows that this is a necessary investment.

Reputation is second, mainly to stabilize Li Ran, showing a sincere cooperation. Although Fang Yuan had used his words and did not believe in the poisonous oaths of his body as early as a few days ago.

Li Ran is the unexpected harvest of Fang Yuan. Killing Li Ran will leave evidence and trigger business suspicion. It is definitely a failure, so Fang Yuan does not take it.

In terms of the source of the other party, Li Ran is a very useful piece, although it is not easy to use. It will be uncertain. Fang Yuan can also use Li Ran to set a five-turn from Wujia to go to the secret recipe.

Now, the most important thing is to stabilize the Wu family through Li Ran.

Three days ago, Li Ran had contacted the connector person through an emergency contact. He said that Fang Yuan is a person who can use it. As a result, the possibility of revenge of the Wu family is very small.

Originally, there is a Bauhinia token in hand, and the source will attract the attention of the merchant. Fang Yuan is also a three-turn repair, and he has gone all out to fight, and his combat power has skyrocketed. If you really want to retaliate, you have to take three or four turns to get the shot. The power of mobilizing this old level of the family has broken the tacit understanding of the first-class family.

With Li Ran, the benefits are here.

"Come back." Fang Yuan took back his loose thoughts and sipped a low voice.

He sinks himself. Holding the arm, the mind is moving, and then the semi-finished silver element is poured into the shackles.


The wonderful power of locusts. Immediately let his legs fly forward uncontrollably.


In a straight line, he sprinted more than ten steps and knocked down three stone pillars in succession. When I reached the fourth pillar, I kept shaking, but I didn't fall.

This is still the case when Fangyuan did not use all-out efforts.

Straight smashing is the mobile 买 that Fangyuan bought, and the effect is to forcibly break through.

If there is no obstacle. Straight forward 50 steps, and the momentum stopped. If there are obstacles, there will be less than fifty steps.

This is more suitable for the source than jumping grass.

The jumping power of jumping grass. It is the power of its own locusts. The power of the shackles is derived from the source itself.

The stronger the power of Fangyuan, the better the forcible breakthrough effect of a straight hit. In a battle with Li Ran, Fang Yuan also spurred the shadow of the mountain pig. It is a perfect match. Li Ran will be hit hard!


Fang Yuan then spurred a glimpse, and the whole person suddenly rushed out laterally, like a overbearing crab, hitting the stone pillar and falling to the ground.

This is the horizontal rush, similar to the straight squat, but the lateral charge.

Fangyuan sold the jump grass, bought the cross-baked, straight hit, and acted as his own mobile phone.

no doubt. These two dragonflies can exert their strength on the move, which is very suitable for the strength of the division. Let the move itself. It has become a means of attack.

"When I get four rounds, I can combine these two smashes into a smashing smash and use them."

This is a long-term investment, saving money from the side.

Next, Fang Yuan alternately used the two locusts, which turned into a bull and ran across the small square.

This time, he is single-minded.

Not only do you use squatting or squatting, but you also use your best efforts at the same time.

The stone pillars were constantly hit and flew, and then slammed on the ground, making a thunderous sound.

"Using the power of the pig power, you can hit the five stone pillars and knock down the eight. Use the bear force virtual shadow, hit an average of seven flying, knocking down five stone pillars. If you use the crocodile force virtual shadow, you can fly three stone pillars. Hit four."

Fang Yuan carefully understands the subtleties of this.

Obviously, the force of the mountain pig is suitable for collision, the distance of the charge is long, and the whole process is good. The strength of the brown bear is strong in the first half and weak in the second half. As for the power of the crocodile, it is not suitable for such an attack.

"The current efforts to go all out can only motivate the power of a dragonfly. It is impossible to simultaneously push the shadow of the pig power and the shadow of the bear power. That is to say, the power of my double pig is a waste. Other animal powers can enhance other offensive capabilities."

"Now I have the power of a pair of pigs, a bear, and a crocodile, and I have reached the limit of my body. It is time to use reinforced steel."

Fangyuan has already bought reinforced concrete.

The reinforcement of the steel and iron bones can be said to complement each other.

However, reinforced concrete is different from iron skeleton. The latter is a consumable type, and the former requires a period of continuous use, and the quantity changes to a qualitative change, and a reinforcing effect is formed on the square source.

When the servant came to pick up the ruins of the square, Fang Yuan returned to the secret room.

He didn't want to waste every minute, and he started to revive himself.

Three days later, the fifth inner city played the battlefield.

A blue man was standing in front of Fang Yuan, panting and screaming.

"Just fighting this kid for five or six rounds, I was seriously injured. Going all out to get rid of it, it's really not covered... It's horrible to recruit a movie with a beastly force!"

The blue man was staring at Fangyuan tightly and reluctantly spirited.

"Can't lose! Just defeat him, and according to the rules of the military field, I will be able to go all out. With this, I can also repair the power!"

The blue man thought of this, screamed and rushed to Fangyuan again.

Water jail!

He opened his mouth and spit out a blue water polo. The water polo grows rapidly and covers the entire source.

Fang Yuan snorted and waved his fist in the water, arbitrarily hitting.

Pig power shadow!

The water polo swayed three times, strongly deformed, but not broken.

"It's useless. In order to deal with me, I am a loan shark that I borrowed. I bought these three waters." The blue man smirked.

Fang Yuan’s eyes were fierce, he did not panic, and he took another shot.

Bear power shadow!

The water polo trembled fiercely and deformed sharply, almost to be broken, but eventually it was reduced to a spherical shape.

"The animal power is fierce, the water flows to the soft, to the soft, just you can't break it." The blue man sighed with a sigh of relief let go of his heart.

But it is at this time.

Fangyuan lifts the side kick, the crocodile force shadow!

Crocodiles are different from mountain pigs and brown bears. They are amphibians and are familiar with water.


The water polo is broken and the effect is immediate.

"What?!" The blue man was shocked.



The blue-haired big man was smashed out by Fangyuan, spurting blood, and flew twenty steps, which fell to the ground.

He struggled, but climbed halfway and fell again.

like a statue.

he died. To be continued.

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