Reverend Insanity

: Section 99: White condensed ice vs iron knife

According to the conscience, Bai Ningbing really does not know the iron knife. M.

When Fang Bai left Qingmao Mountain, the people with a knives and gangs were eating gray after their ass. Even if it was the inheritance of Baigushan, the final pursuit of the battle, Fang Bai and the two did not have a hard time with the iron knife.

Until recently, after the hardships and hundreds of people came to the merchant city, they were opposite to Fangyuan for the first time.

Then Fang Yuan led them to the Lion House. After a word, the hundred people sold the iron in the pot and dropped 500,000. Leaving a hard knife, he was taken by the Lion House and used as a guard outside the gate.

Of course, Bai Ningbing does not know that there is such a flaw.

But the iron knife is knowing Bai Ningbing.

From the wanted order of the hundred families, he has long remembered the face of Fang Bai and the deepest in his heart.

Now when I see Bai Ningbing, I am naturally ecstatic.

God is not thin, God has eyes, so I have the opportunity to revenge so soon!

But after his ecstasy, he was furious.

Bai Ningbing's lightly floating "Who are you?", all the grievances, anger, hatred, and humiliation in the pains of the iron knife are all swayed up, forming a vengeful flame of spurting like a magma!

Your murderer, killing my family and the Lord, has killed me and died, which has caused me to be forced to be a guard by the broth, which has caused me to be seen by acquaintances.

These are all harmful to you, you are the chief culprit. You actually don't know who I am!



When the battle began, the iron knife did not hesitate to rush to Bai Ningbing.

Feel the other party's fierce murder, Bai Ningbing blue picked up, coldly screamed, and suddenly hedged.

The two sides approached quickly and arrived in front of each other.

Iron handcuffs! Hand blade!

In an instant, the iron knife bitterly turned into steel, and the palm edge became a sharp edge.

Ice blade!

Bai Ningbing put his hands together and suddenly pulled it, and instantly condensed an ice crystal sword.


Just listen to a whisper, the iron hand is like a blade, the ice blade is cold, and they fight each other.

The two sides crossed each other and ran five or six steps along the usual habit. White condensed ice twisted his hand, oh, three ice cones hit the back of the iron knife.

The iron knife bitterly sighed, turned hard, turned his arms, brushed, smashed the ice cones, and then violently rushed to the white condensate.

White condensate eyes condensed.

Just a short-lived fight, she already understood that this person is a strong enemy.

"Very good. I can use him to test my locust mix." Bai Ningbing is wary.

She is not a freak of Fangyuan. She has no rich experience and can only try one by one. Participating in the performance of the military, one for the Yuanshi, and the other is to honing their own set of locusts in the battle.


At this time, the speed of the iron knife increased sharply, and a residue was left, like the tail was dragged behind.

He suddenly accelerated, and a few blinks of effort rushed to the front of Bai Ningbing.

"Fast!" Bai Ningbing smashed.

The iron knife has stretched his arms, and his arms are lifted high. From top to bottom, with the axe, he chopped down to the white ice.

Not yet cut, the sharp wind is blowing, and the white condensed ice and silver are sent to the back of the brain, and the face is faint and cold.

The arm is like a two-handed blade, which is rapidly expanding in the shackles of white condensed ice!

The iron knife first used the iron handcuffs, and then the hand blade, so that the edge of his palm is sharp as a knife.

Not only that, but the inner and outer sides of his forearms also became flat and sharp edges.

The iron knife is so hard that it is so strong that it can’t be taken seriously, and the boulder can be cut off, let alone the fragile body?

Rao is a white condensed ice with ice muscle jade bone protector, and does not dare to slap its edge, can only temporarily retreat.

White condensed ice on one side, while waving the ice blade to resist.

The iron knife is bitter, and the arms are swaying like a windmill. A hand-knife is quickly cut.

Uh... the sound of the collision between the ice blade and the hand knife is endless.

Bai Ningbing condensed an ice blade again, and the double knife was in his hand, all the way back, resisting the rapid and violent attack of the iron knife.

The ice blade is an advanced knives with two turns of ice skates. The blade is harder and the blade is sharper.

However, the iron knife is also the third turn of the operation. He is matched with the iron handcuffs and the hand blade. The hand blade is the core of the whole set of mites on his body.

For a time, the ice flakes danced and the ice blade was scarred.

The iron knife bitterly smashed the iron blade. He was older than Bai Ningbing, and he was more old than Bai Ningbing. With his anger and anger, he played an imposing manner and stopped the Bai Ningbing for hundreds of steps.

The iron knife bitterness can be seen by the iron family and the main arm, relying on the right arm and the right arm, naturally has its extraordinary.

If the iron family is the patriarch after the lord, then the iron knife is like a family member like Wei Yang!

Bai Ningbing was suppressed by the cockroaches, and he will be lost for a long time. His body was cut out of blood and blood was scattered all the way.

"This is not the case... Frost spit!" Bai Ningbing violently mobilized the real element and poured it on his tongue.

On her tongue, there is a pale blue mark of a hexagonal ice flower, which is the symbol of frost spit.

She slammed her eyes and snorted.

Light blue chills, suddenly cover the iron knife, let his arms, most of his chest, are stained with a layer of frost.

A chill came, and the iron knife slammed into a chill, as if in the hot summer, was poured a sip of ice water, and the attack slowly slowed down.

Bai Ningbing quickly jumped and pulled away the distance from the iron knife.

The iron knife still wants to stick it again, but will Bai Lingbing give him a chance?

Ice cones!


A sharp ice cone, a group of solid snowballs, bitterly hit the iron knife. Formed a dense rain-like attack, and the hardship of the iron knife was hard to contain.

Bai Ningbing spit out a suffocating sigh, and the iron knife's bitter offensive was swift and swift, and until now, she only took a breath.

"This person is obviously not far from the war and is good at melee. But how can I lose to you if I am more than a knife? Ice crystal!"

Bai Ningbing is proud of his heart, and his silver hair is elegant. A pair of jewel-like blue scorpions burst into a fierce cold light.

The previous knife wound has stopped bleeding. This is the hemostatic effect of ice muscle.

The ice crystal 蛊 is the life of the white condensed ice. Once it is urging, it only listens to the icing sound of a slap, and it rang through the whole body of white condensed ice.

The flesh and blood disappeared and all turned into diamond-like crystal ice.

At first glance, Bai Ningbing seems to be an ice sculpture. Her expression disappeared, and the original indifferent face was even more ruthless. The eyelids couldn't move anymore, and a pair of blue enamel surfaces also condensed a thick layer of transparent frost.

She swelled slightly and her body height increased by two or three inches. The whole person added a bit of cold domineering.

She was struck by a hard knife, and she did not even have the spare force to push the ice crystal. It has finally been mobilized.

When the teacher used it, he scored his heart.

This is true whether it is combat or refining. Strong as a source, but only a stable one-hearted use, one heart and four use time can not be too long, otherwise there will be mistakes.

Just as Bai Ningbing tried to resist the fast attack of the iron knife, the mind was highly concentrated, and nothing could be taken. If there is a distraction in the kind of bones, it will inevitably have flaws. Obscured by the iron knife, the consequences are serious.

Any change will consume God. Instead, it remains the same, only one thought is needed.

"It's my turn now."

She drank a little, took a big step, and rushed to the iron knife with a cold killing.

Uh... Both sides slammed together and launched a fierce attack.

Attack and attack!

White condensate ice double knife in hand, waving vertical and horizontal. The iron knife is hard to use, and it is more flexible.

In just a few breaths, the two sides shot hundreds of times, white ice blades and black iron-like hand blades, lightning-like cross-fire, and soon to form a black and white shadow.

There were not many spectators around, and when I saw this scene, I was chilling and stunned.

Evenly matched!

Bai Ningbing incarnates the ice crystal, the whole body is like ice, and the iron knife is cut on it, and only a trace of ice marks can be cut.

On the other hand, the defense of the iron knife is also very good, let him become a black iron man, the ice blade is cut on it, draw a scar.

But gradually, the iron knife feels pressure.

Bai Ningbing put his heart down on his own defense, and his mind is more focused on the offense. Soon, the more he plays, the sharper he is.

"This guy, actually improved. The battle is so good, I use it as a sharpening stone, tempering knife!" The iron knife is so shocked that he can clearly feel the offensive of Bai Ningbing, becoming more and more under pressure. Concise, more and more threatening.

His heart stirred and his hands slowed down, and he suddenly called Bai Ningbing Bai Ningbing to capture a flaw.

"Good opportunity!" In the eyes of Bai Ningbing, the light was suddenly released, and the right hand cut a knife to the head of the iron knife.

Iron knife can't do it, it can only resist. He is very confident in his defense, and every melee warrior will not be weak. As long as you don't cut your eyes, everything is fine.

But at this time, Bai Ningbing promoted a locust in the open space.

Ice blast!


The ice blade of Bai Ningbing’s right hand suddenly exploded.

This change made the iron knife bitter, and the power of the explosion tore his defense.

He closed his eyes subconsciously, and the pain suddenly hit.

"Not good, she was calculated!" Iron knife painstakingly, his combat experience is rich, timid, and suffered a sudden change, but not panic, quickly opened the shadow of the shadows.

Bai Ningbing will naturally not let go of this great opportunity, but also mobilize the mobile 蛊, chasing after him, slashing with a knife.

The iron knife bitterly listened to the sound, relying on rich experience, and keen intuition, actually resisted the attack of Bai Ningbing.

However, Bai Ningbing firmly grasps the upper hand, and it has become a fact that the iron knife wants to turn over and hopes to smash.

In the madness, he barely opened his eyes and found that his left eye had collapsed, his right eye was also hit hard, and his eyes were filled with blood.

"I admit defeat!" He yelled at his throat.

"The winners and losers have been divided, the two sides stopped!" The presiding teacher immediately announced that Bai Ningbing sneered, the offensive was more urgent.

But suddenly a huge invisible force separates her from the iron knife. The business city is on the show, and it has its own layout.

As long as the host teacher responded, immediately shot, there is rarely a situation that can kill.

"Hey!" Bai Ningbing was displeased with her face. She found that this force wrapped her around, so she couldn't move.

She can only stop.

The iron knife gasped and gasped, eliminated the defense, and quickly started treatment.

He also has treatments, but he certainly can't cure his left eye. Only temporarily stabilize the injury to the right eye and try to keep your right eye.

"This little thief is really mean and shameless. I was blinded by her. I almost died. Hate! Hate!" There is still a lingering linger in the heart of the sword, mixed with anger and hatred.

(To be continued) q

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