Reverend Insanity

: Section 101: Fang Yuan vs Zhu 8 (on)

"He, he actually dared to marry the predecessor?"

"This newcomer is too arrogant. m."

"The Zhuba adults taught him well and let him know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!"

After a short silence, the audience boiled.

"Young people, you should learn how to behave. I sincerely advise you, care about you. If you don't appreciate it, you will curse me. How can you be a surname like this? In the end, you must hit the wall everywhere. People will help you." Zhu Ba sighed.

Fang Yuan laughed happily: "Do you care about me, or dare not attack? Under my offensive, you can only passively defend. In the defensive, the anti-shock force hurts me, it is really amazing! In order to maintain this defense, How many squats do you have? How many at least? Are you at least defending and attacking, and your mind is not enough? I have already seen your tricks. You thought I would be these idiots off the court?!"

When the words came out, the spectators outside the stadium suddenly became angry and clamored.

"What shit!"

"I actually dare to say that we are stupid, and Laozi’s vision is much higher than you."

"This kid is too arrogant, Zhu Ba predecessor, he regards your kindness as a liver and lungs, and quickly clean up him."

Zhu Ba’s face has also changed, with a serious tone: “Young people, since you are so ignorant, then I will teach you lessons and make you recognize the reality. This is also a good thing for you.”

After that, he moved.

This move is not the same!

He was squashed into a huge ball of meat and rolled to Fang Yuan.

At the same time, a light black knife wrapped the giant ball.

Where the giant ball rolls, the slate cracks and the stone debris splashes. Originally, it was a crushing posture, coupled with sharp sharp knives, and increased power, and people could not help but rise up and avoid the heart.

"Appeared, Zhu Ba Daren's signature killing - hob meat!" The off-site sergeant shouted excitedly.

White condensed ice is also a gaze: "Mobile meat smashing, and then with a knife smash? Ordinary people do not have such power, but Zhu Big's huge body shape, immediately let the power multiply!"

"Is finally endured?" Faced with the fierce attack of the other side, Fang Yuan was not shocked and rejoiced, and his mouth outlined a hint of madness.


Mountain pig virtual shadow!

He slammed into the giant ball and went on the go!

"Is this kid crazy?"

"This is all hard, don't kill?!"

"To be alive!"

The spectators are all horrified.

The two sides collided, the meatballs suddenly stagnate, and Fangyuan was hit and flew out, then slammed and fell to the ground.

"Look, this is the end of the game."

"Hey? This kid is still not dead!"

Fang Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and jumped up.

The giant ball began to roll again and rolled over to Fangyuan. Fang Yuan laughed and rushed again.


A thunderous sound like a thunder, Fang Yuan was once again hit and flew out.


Hit the fly again.

boom! !

Hit the fly again.

"The general trend of this game has been fixed. Although Founder has gone all out to squat, but it is unfortunate that he has been restrained by his opponent." Some people gloated.

"Juba's killing is difficult to crack. The faster he rolls, the stronger the impact. In fact, Founder's handling is correct, that is, to curb the momentum of Zhu Ba in the early stage. But the method he chose is too strong. "Someone shook his head and sighed."

"I have never seen such a stupid guy. He hits Zhu Ba like this. Most of the power has to be shocked to him." Some people sneered with disdain.

"This kid shouldn't climb up. Um? He actually stood up again!"

Fang Yuan was hit and hit again and again, and stood up again and again.

He suffered a lot of injuries, but his self-reliance brought him tremendous help.

"If you are stubborn, let me die!" Zhu Ba made a roar and ran into Fang Yuan.


Fang Yuan did not change the tactics, and the mountain pig phantom flashed on his head.

The two sides collided with each other like two meteors.

But this time Fang Yuan did not fly, his fist was deeply embedded in the meat ball. Instead, the meat ball trembled fiercely, and the knife was vertical and horizontal, such as a black waterfall, and was killed in Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan was once again attacked and flew, and the knife was pouring out.

The canopy was hit hard, and the white light was weak and flashed and disappeared.

Fang Yuan was bathed in blood, and the whole body was long and wounded, as if it had been cut by countless blades. He is not like white ice, there is ice muscle defense. But the muscles of the whole body are mostly intact and the bones are not cut off.


When Fang Yuan thought about it, the blood stopped, the wound began to heal, and new meat soon grew. As for the recovery of damaged tendons, it is slower.

Bai Ningbing blinked in the eyes, and the heart said: "Fangyuan has no Tianpeng, and it is only relying on self-reliance and recovery. This battle is difficult to fight. Um?"

At this moment, Fang Yuan burst into a golden light.

The light condenses, and also forms a light armor - Jin Hao!

"This kid has a lot of defenses."

"The first is the canopy, the latter is the golden dragonfly. It is all three-turn defense. This kid is really rich!"

Jin Hao and Tian Peng can not be used at the same time. They have been hidden by Fang Yuan. This is its debut.

White condensate ice slightly, and immediately reacted. I have added a lot of locusts, and Fang Yuan is sure to continue to increase. For his source, Jin Hao is slightly better than Tian Fu, and it is more suitable for him to play.

"Even if you have a golden plaque, the results will not change." The sound of Zhu Ba's snoring sound came from the meat ball.

The meat ball was crushed and Fangyuan started to charge. He was hit again.

"How many times do you have to say that you can understand? You can't beat me. If you continue, you will only take your own insults." Zhu Ba sighed.

"Okay, when are you going to install it?" Fang Yuan stood up and wiped the blood stains on his lips. There was no hope in the eyes of others, but he saw the victory beckoning to him!

it's time.

Fang Yuan lowered his eyes and covered the fine mans that flashed in his pupil.


He started the charge again.

"I don't know what to do, then I will let you know a deep understanding of the real gap between us." Zhu Ba crushed him.


Fang Yuan suddenly rushed in one step and avoided.


Fifty steps away, he quickly turned and killed again.


At the moment he ran into it, he urged him to go all out and a brown bear flashed out.

The meat ball was hit by this blow, and the flesh of the whole body swayed like a stream of water, and immediately shocked to Fangyuan.

Fangyuan stepped back a few steps and pounced again.

He slammed around the meat ball, punched to the flesh, and the place of each attack was different. This greatly improved the difficulty of the Zhuba defense.

This time, Fang Yuan’s offensive is unprecedentedly violent!

The Zhu 艹 艹 艹 蛊 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Zhu Ba was extremely angry, he took off the meat ball and changed back to human form. The knife was born again, and it was transferred to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is not surprised, but the more locusts used by Zhu Ba, the more difficult it is to balance.

His heart is already messed up!

Those opponents in the past, who were hit by him, will take the initiative to admit defeat. Even if there is persistence, after seeing the crushing attack of Zhu Ba, it will also be eliminated.

But he came across Fangyuan.

There are many kinds of men in this world. Some men are in love with their families, and some men are born with great ambition.

There is a kind of man, and when he is looking for something, even the whole world can't stop his way.

Fang Yuan is such a man!

No one can stop him, and a district is a Zhu eight?

Horse shadow!


His speed has soared and he has even rushed fifty steps. With the power of the horse, it is 30% faster than the speed of the mountain pig.

The horseshoe is spread and the horse is flying!

Zhu Ba did not expect that Fang Yuan had such a card, and was caught off guard, and the knife fell behind Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan has already felt his face.

No words. Only - punch!

The punch was fierce, and the air was blown up. The recoil made the stone bricks at the foot of Fangyuan instantly crack into countless pieces, shaking the ground.

Zhu Ba was beaten by this punch, and his fat flesh trembled in an attempt to share the damage. Then he gave 80% of it to the source.

But Fang Yuan followed, another boxing came.

Zhu Ba is huge and agile. Was attacked again by Fang Yuan.

"I, I want to... shock!" Zhu Baeyu rounded his eyes and tried to escape several mites in the body.

But he just touched his heart and he was arrogant. Now, at the same time, these locusts are motivated at the same time. If they are in a good state, but now it is his chaotic flight, and the full force of the locusts for so long, the state has fallen.

A mistake occurred.

Zhu Ba’s body trembled like a plump of water, suddenly stagnation.

Defense collapse!

Fang Yuan’s last punch, he is still digesting the process of turning. The power of this boxing was born to him.

The pain came, and his heart trembled. The power of Fang Yuan’s punch was interrupted on the way back to the earthquake. Eighty percent of the boxing power broke out in his body.


In an instant, Zhu Ba painful cardiac arrest!

Fang Yuanhu looked at the light. In this case, he waited for a long time and was finally created by him in advance.

Seize the opportunity and fight!

The boxing wind broke out in abrupt moments. The bear power shadow, the pig power virtual shadow, the crocodile force virtual shadow, and the horsepower virtual shadow flashed in midair.

The wind whistling, the herd was screaming, and Fang Yuan was covered in gold armor, and it was just fierce, and it was shot and punched In the eyes of everyone, the huge Zhuba was "small" The source of the party, painfully mourned, and constantly retreating.

But he was a very fat body, he became only the beating of sandbags.

The momentum of Fangyuan continues to rise, and the violent and fierce, let the viewers feel the unstoppable feeling of this person.

The pain was like a tsunami, and it was almost overwhelmed by the wisdom of Zhu Ba.

He is more difficult to motivate several locusts and cooperate with defense.

Fang Yuan firmly grasped the upper hand, and Zhu Ba has been stunned.

"How could this be? It’s just that..."

"Is it really being said by Founder?"

The watchers were in a daze, and the amazing turn of the battle made them stunned.

(To be continued) q

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