Reverend Insanity

: Section 109: Auction (final)

"Haha, I am afraid that the business is now stunned. M" In the box No. 9, Wei Yang couldn't help but smile. "But, Founder, you didn't buy the hard work, really don't matter?"

On the side, Shang Xinci also cast a concern on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "The hard work is indeed a must, but I don't want to do this big head, spend eighty-one thousand to buy only. I would rather have my own. Eighty-one thousand... enough for me to try many times It is."

"But the possibility of failure in refining is great, and you will also have damage to the black brother."

Fang Yuan gently shook his head. He decided to do this, but he could not explain it to outsiders.

"Oh! This square is just playing the business. The Shangyu spent a total of eighty-one thousand, and bought a bitter force." The eyes of the masses are sharp.

"Shangyu this idiot, it is simply to give us a small boss!" Business owners are angry.

"It’s true that Fangzheng played really, even I was cheated by him." Some people felt.

"The bystanders are clear, the authorities are fascinated. I have long realized that something is wrong." Someone was behind.

"The merchants are small and tempted to retaliate, so they have been following the price. But the Founder has not got what he wants, and both of them are losers. So the auction house can't be arrogant."

“The real winner, only the auction house.”

"The family is happy, a hard-working man, sold for eighty thousand!"

Everyone talked a lot and whispered.

But in fact, they ignored a big winner.

That is the sudden-known An Yu girl.


Shang Hao struggled to throw the celadon cup in his hand to the ground and smash it.

In the box No. 5, the slaves slammed their heads in an instant, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Shang Yang sat in his seat. The nose is thick and strong, and the forehead is blue and straight, and the face is full of anger.

Being squared!

Eighty-one thousand, ah, I bought a bitter force, I can’t use it at all.

Shang Yan feels that his heart is bleeding!

In fact, he is savvy. From that setback, he learned the lesson and ate a long and wise. Over the past year, we have worked hard to make the shops run very well.

But personality determines fate.

He is the man with a small belly. Hatred made him stunned and caught the trap of Fang Yuan.

"Founder, Founder, if it is not a poisonous oath, I will definitely kill you, and you will be slashing!" Shang Hao kept snarling in his heart.

The auction will continue.

The fourteenth lot. The fifteenth, sixteen... eighteen... twenty-eight...

One bid was picked up and the atmosphere was warm, so people quickly forgot the dispute between Fangyuan and Shangyu.

"The following is the thirty-second lottery - four turns of the wind." The voice of the female teacher is still crisp and sweet.

The wind is shaped like a butterfly, and it has blue-blue wings. Each time it is fanned, there will be a diamond-like starburst in the surrounding air. Nature is very eye-catching.

The wind is bleak. It is a very special aphid. It absorbs the vitality of life and is born from the wind. It is a natural cockroach. So far, there are no secret masters. Study the recipe for refining them.

Secret masters are generally divided into three major schools. In the past genre, we studied the disappearance of the force, the airway and other locust secrets, trying to restore. Now genre, study natural cockroaches. Trying to delve into the secret of combining them. There are also future genres, specializing in the creation of new locusts.

The wind is not only special. The use is also special.

It works for an ethnic group and uses an invisible force to create a popular hobby or habit in the group.

In ancient times, the sergeants used it to deal with the herd. For example, to deal with a steel needle pig herd, after the sergeant used the atmosphere, this steel needle pig group suddenly formed a kind of habit of using the whole body fur.

The steel needle pig's fur, such as the root iron needle, attack and defense. After the stone was smashed, the fur was gradually destroyed, and the sergeants dealt with it without any effort.

But later, the sergeants gradually discovered that the temperament used to rule the tribes and families is a great weapon.

Some families, lack of food, but love to brew. After using the atmosphere, after changing the habit of making wine, the food increased and the family grew.

The temperament can be used not only for internal but also for external use.

In history, there is a very famous example.

The two families competed, and the weaker ones used the temperament, which made the powerful family suddenly rise up the trend of women's small feet.

This has led to a significant reduction in the workforce of women in this family. The female sergeant also lost a lot of fighting power, and was eventually reversed by the weak family.

After all, this is a world of jealousy, and there are strange locusts.

After the female sergeant introduced a pass, she said: "The atmosphere is ambiguous, and the reserve price is 260,000 yuan."

"Thirty thousand." The old wing of the wing family did not regret the first price.

"Three thousand five thousand." Feifei's Feifei Feng did not show weakness.

"Three hundred and seventy thousand." a secret master shouted.

"Three hundred and eighty thousand." Wei Yang opened. He is in charge of the wind and rain building, and he hopes to use this ethos to make his subordinates do their best and do their best.

"Fifty thousand!" Fang Yuan shouted again.

The audience was quiet.

Fang Yuan was quiet for a long time. This time, the voice reminded everyone of it. Not long ago, he and Shang Hao contend.

"Fifty thousand yuan stone, buy a style? Founder, you still want to pit me? When I am a fool!" Shang Yan grinned, burning in the eyes of resentment.

He just spent eighty thousand and spent another 500,000, but he is going bankrupt.

"Fifty thousand once ... twice ... three times, the deal!" shouted the female teacher.

The price of 500,000 is slightly higher than everyone expected, and no one has increased the price.

The temperament is effective against the forces, and it is rarely used for personal purposes, which also makes most people lack of interest.

"Founder brother, this style can be won by 460,000." Wei Yang sighed.

Shang Xin Ci has different opinions: "No, considering the two homes of the wing family and the flying family, it is likely to compete, making the price break through all the way. The asking price is 500,000, and it is the right choice to dispel their thoughts at once. ”

"460,000...500,000...more than 40,000 yuan. Wei Da Ge. This is the only one I will accept." Fang Yuan waved his hand and did not care about the tunnel.

"Why, do you want to rebuild the ancient moon cottage?" Wei Yang was surprised. He did not expect Fang Yuan to be really interested in the wind.

Just now, he thought that this was Fang Yuan’s bid for him.

"Of course there is demand, but this matter has not been done, but it still needs to be kept secret." Fang Yuan smiled and did not explain too much.

"Hey. God gods." Bai Ningbing did not get used to the style of Fangyuan, knowing that he must have a plot, could not help but secretly vigilant.

After the temperament, it was a package.

Thirty-eight meals were popular and a set was synthesized. Auction together.

The meal is only a second turn locust, but it is very practical. It can make the priests feed on the wind and fill their stomachs.

Jujiazhai is located on the Hurricane Mountain and is good at windy aphids. A meal is one of their characteristics.

Time is constantly flowing.

Thirty-fourth lot, thirty-five... thirty-eight...fourty-four...

Fang Yuan did not even shoot, but Wei Yang shot once, and successfully bought a light class. It is a wish.

Bai Ningbing also took three consecutive shots, and finally started a three-turned tornado.

Just as Fangyuan was bored, the last forty-nine auctions appeared.

"This is the ultimate treasure of this auction. It is not a locust, nor a precious smelting accessory. It is a secret recipe." The female sergeant slowly introduced.

Then she added: "This secret recipe, because it is very precious, has not yet been identified."

This sentence undoubtedly evokes the curiosity of most people.

A precious recipe for refining. Be cautious to identify. Because once it is handed over to the master of the secret recipe, this secret recipe has the danger of leaking out.

Secret recipe. The secret, of course, is that the fewer people you know, the better. Without the secret of the secrets of the public, the price will be worse than a blank sheet of paper.

The female servant has a veteran experience, and she has no intention to speak, leaving the time for everyone to react.

Seeing the scattered eyes of the crowd, they concentrated on their own bodies. The female teacher smiled and threw a bomb: "This secret recipe is related to Tianyuanbao Junlian."

"Tianyuanbao Junlian? I didn't get it wrong!"

"Three-turn Tianyuan Baolian, four-turn Tianyuanbao Junlian, five-turn Tianyuanbao Wanglian... This series of 蛊 is so famous, it is just like a thunder."

"This is the core of Yuanlian Xianzun. It is said that whoever refines the six-turn Tianyuanbao Huanglian has the opportunity to inherit the legacy of Yuanlian Xianzun!"

"I don't think of Jujiazhai, there are such collections..."

The crowd in the auction room is boiling.

The female sergeant then said: "I think you all know about Tianyuan Baolian. I won't introduce it here. This is a secret recipe on how to combine Tianyuanbao Junlian. The price is 500,000 yuan! ”

The price of the secret recipe is much higher than the locust.

The secret recipe of the four-turned Yuanbao Baolian is more expensive than the Tianyuanbao Junlian itself.

It is better to teach people than to fish. In theory, there are secret recipes, there will be countless Tianyuanbao Junlian.

"Wait a minute, I have a question. This secret recipe, can you need Tianyuan Baolian as a joint material?" Fang Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and asked loudly.

The female sergeant's face changed slightly. She did not want to answer, but knew that Fangyuan was the owner of the Bauhinia token.

She always wanted to evade this problem deliberately, but did not expect Fangyuan to be so agile and discovered the key points.

In desperation, she had to tell the truth: "Although in principle, the contents of the secret recipe will not be announced. But the business is based on honesty, and this secret recipe does require Tianyuan Baolian as the main material."

Everyone can't help but feel awkward.

"We want to use Tianyuan Baolian as the main material. Where can we find this stuff?"

"It's no wonder that Juji got this secret and did not combine Tianyuanbao Junlian."

"What is the use of this secret recipe? It is too embarrassing to not be in the store before the village."

"Good insurance, there is a party who has asked for such a question."

"The most important thing is that this recipe is true or false, and it has not been identified yet."

"This secret recipe can be collected by the Ju family, I think it is not bad. I am out of 50 million yuan stone." A secret recipe master quoted.

Despite this, the secret of Tian Yuanbao Junlian is still very attractive to some teachers.

"Five thousand five thousand."

"Five hundred and eighty thousand."

Prices have risen alternately, getting slower and slower, eventually reaching 660,000.

"The sixty-seven thousand." Wei Yang's final offer, so that he finally bought this secret recipe.

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