Reverend Insanity

: Section 144: Despicable and shameless

In the view of Xue Sansi, the lush valley is zooming in sharply!

The violent wind whistled in her ears. M*/.//*

On the face of Xue Sansi's face-to-face, a pair of tiger cubs clung to the square source on the ground, and the young man in his mouth showed a bloodthirsty smile.

She fǎngfóyǐjīng saw that the little beastmaster was smashed into the shape of minced meat under her unprecedented violent impact.

"This kind of impact power, he can't support it!"

When she saw Fangyuan urging the golden dragonfly and propping up a bright golden defensive mask, she couldn't help but sneer in her heart. "Fiction.

"Three turns of gold 罡蛊? 哼, even if it is a four-turn gold bell, it is difficult to resist my impact."

The battle between the four transfer divisions is very strong, and yǐjīng is not defended by the three-turn locust nénggòu.

"This time, let zhīdào young and frivolous end!" Xue Sansi's murder, almost filled to overflow.

"I am finished, Founder is going to die this time!" Feel the violent offensive of Xue Sansi, many people in the valley appearance warfare.

"Very good, the little beastmaster is too embarrassed, it is the lesson to learn!" Many righteous teachers are also gloating.

"It seems that the little beastmaster still wants to rely on Kim Min Jong, jìnháng hard resistance. This is really naive."

"No, maybe he will use the virtual power of the beast. The power of the eight great beasts is not the same. But rúgu, he does this, it may not be the agreement that has just been set. As long as he shoots and breaks this agreement, it means him. Lost this test."

Many people present, whether it is the right way. Still the Magic Road Master, I hope that Fang Yuan will lose this game.

These days, Fangyuan is active. Bringing them a huge psychological pressure.

"No, there is still an influencing factor on the field. That is Bai Ningbing!"


Several figures suddenly fell to the entrance to the valley, faintly surrounding Bai Ningbing.

These people, tacitly, took measures together.

Once Bai Ningbing rescues the source, they will block it.

The horrible thing about black and white eyes. It is because these two four-turners are intimate partners. Nowadays, the white condensed ice is contained, and the nàme little beastmaster is less fierce.

Once the little beast is in the body, nàme leaves white condensate alone. It is not terrible.

Looking at Xue Sansi in the sky, Fang Yuan’s eyes are calm and there is a hint of laughter in the depths of his eyes.

Xue Sansi has not yet collided with him, but created an invisible wind pressure. Yǐjīng covered him overwhelmingly. Shown from the other side. The coming collision force is huge and fierce.

The illusion of shackles shrouded Xue Sansi, and her back wings continued to fan, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the ground was getting closer.

Seeing this collision, it is necessary to come.


Fangyuan's eyes flashed and spurred the mites in the open space. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)


He slammed to the left and rushed out. Then one sideways.


And rushed out of the hundred steps.

"Little Beastmaster, you!!!" Xue Sansi saw Fang Yuan suddenly ran away. In an instant, the anger is soaring, and the eyes of the eyes are going to look out. Desperate!

She tried to adjust, but her speed was too fast, and she tried her best to speed up. She could only let Fangyuan run out of the scope of attack.

Seeing Fangyuan suddenly retreat, the people watching the battle have not yet reacted, and the next big explosion is as loud as a blue sky.


Xue Sansi hit the ground on the ground. In an instant, everyone watching the battle near the valley could tremble with the rocks under his feet!

The crushed stone smashed and smashed, and the violent wind pressure generated by the impact expanded to the surrounding area.

Wherever he went, he swept the rocks and uprooted the trees and flowers.

The smoke and dust rolled up, and the tremendous destructive power formed a circular pit with a diameter of more than three feet in an instant.

Everyone was shocked and stunned, and shìhòu, who was so impressed by this huge impact force, Fang Yuan suddenly turned his direction and rushed into the smoke.

Crossing, smashing!

He used both, regardless of the wind pressure and the pain caused by the broken stones, and quickly approached Fei Tianhu Xue Sansi.

The whole person of Xue Sansi fell in the deepest part of the center of the crater, and the huge impact force made her whole person sullen and uncomfortable.

Her ears were ringing and her eyes were dizzy.

The fierce illusion of cockroaches has already dissipated. The strong momentum that has just erupted, yǐjīng no longer exists.

Coolie, go all out!

Fang Yuan arrived and his eyes were fierce.


The beasts of eight consecutive beasts sounded together.

Mountain pigs, brown bears, crocodiles, green cows, horses, stone tortoises, white elephants, black pelicans, eight animal shadows, appearing in the air above the head of Fangyuan!


The gold real yuan jùè consumption, infused into the strength of the gas, produces an invisible huge strength.

The eight great beasts are attached to this strength, and they have become virtual and suddenly become lifelike.

Fang Yuan’s mind was moved, and the eight great beasts rushed down the pit together.

Xue Sansi swayed his body and just wanted to pull his feet out of the ground. He suddenly heard the beast above the head.

She quickly looked up and felt that it was black, countless attacks and violently pouring on her.


At the bottom of the crater, there was a fierce wrestling sound.

Xue Sansi struggled hard and tried to resist. In the end, it is a four-turn teacher, with a thin foundation.

However, after half a sip of tea, the fighting sound stopped. There are still five left in the Eight Great Shadows, and they are then taken back by Fang Yuan.

Xue Sansi is a loser and he is bleak. At the bottom of the pit, she was a fragment of her broken body, blood was spilled over the ground, mixed with white bones, brains, hair and so on.

The smoke and dust scattered, the entire battlefield became clear at a glance.

Seeing such a result, the people watching the war broke out.

"The flying tiger is dead, and another four turns to the teacher, and is beaten by the little beastmaster!"

"Isn't the Little Beastmaster agreed with Xue Sansi? It was a good move, and he actually left."

"This battle. It should be the failure of the Little Beastmaster. Because he violated the rules of the contract that Zìjǐ set!"

There was a lot of noise in the valley, and people were very surprised. Indignant, the shameless behavior of the other source expressed strong indignation and contempt.

White condensed ice sneer, faintly glanced at zhōuéi a circle.

Such a result, she had expected. The so-called agreement is nothing but a pit dug by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is a shíme-like person, her white condensate ice is the most shīè, the most qīhǔ people!

The teacher who was originally surrounded by Bai Ningbing. They also retired at the same time.

Fang Yuan listened to the surrounding of the valley, and countless teachers blamed Zìjǐ for blaming. The sound of ridicule, his hands are carrying, his face is calm, his eyes are picking up. It seems to have a sense of enjoyment.

In his view: the so-called integrity. However, I am afraid that zìjǐ is deceived, so I hope and ask others for the standard.

To walk the magic road, you have to be unscrupulous and have no taboos.

What about breaking the agreement?

What if you don’t keep your promise?

As long as the strength is strong enough, how do you come when you want to come. What can other people's contempt and ridicule be? These incompetent and pale words can only show the helplessness of the weak, and can move zìjǐ a hair?


As for this Xue Sansi, it is stupid. Actually bound by fame. Run to fight with zìjǐ.

In Fang Yuan’s heart, I dismissed it: “Fame is used for it. It’s just a tool. But there are a lot of people on the shìè, and regard reputation as something heavier than life. It’s ridiculous! Of course, in this In guòchéng, I also played tricks."

Xue Sansi and the cross-browed tyrant, Fei Li are different, she has a flying scorpion, as long as the machine is not good, flying high, Fangyuan took her méiyǒu way.

Therefore, at the beginning of Fang Yuan, he proposed a gambling. The purpose is to curb the mobility of Xue Sansi.

The so-called three-shot, when Fang Yuan came up, he thought about obeying méiyǒu.

Xue Sansi stepped into the trap set by Fangyuan step by step, and Fangyuan’s serious injury tempted her to keep moving forward.

After the second shot, Fang Yuan deliberately healed in front of her. Xue Sansi did not want to see zìjǐ's efforts in vain, his heart was anxious, and méiyǒu thought more, flew to the sky and chose the strongest way of impact.

But in the end, Fang Yuan instead relied on her strength, and she was able to fight back and fight it.

If it is really an ordinary battle, Xue Sansi has wings to fly, never such a róngyì will be killed by Fangyuan.

"Little Beastmaster, you are despicable and shameless."

"You violated the agreement, you are a loser in this battle!"

Many of the spectators are yelling and saying similar things.

"Yes. I admit defeat, then how?" Fang Yuan snorted and responded loudly.

His voice echoed in the valley.

The original noisy questioning slammed down.

Yes, even if you lose? Look at the winner, it has become a **** rotten meat, even if her aunt can not recognize the daughter of zìjǐ. Such a win or lose, what is the meaning of shíme?

After reacting to this point, the sound of the valley zhōuéi suddenly increased by octaves, which was more fierce than before.

Fang Yuan’s frank and direct admittance shows his shamelessness, which is even more irritating and annoyed.

Fang Yuan looked up and laughed: "You are so fènnù, do you want to avenge Xue Sansi? I am still not so zhīdào her popularity is so good. Come and come, the revenge will come down, I will continue!"

The sound of the valley zhōuéi slammed down, and soon it became silent.

Although Fang Yuan has some tricks, he killed Xue Sansi. However, Xue Sansi bìjìng is a famous figure in the middle of the four-turn, not kěnéng three hits. She was also beaten into a meat by Fang Yuan, once again showing the powerful fighting power of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan repaired the first stage with four turns, and broke the three-fourth-fourth-level strongman. This kind of strength, in addition to a limited number of people, who is not frightened?

Moreover, the heavier the damage to Fangyuan, the stronger the combat power.

Fang Yuan challenged them, arrogant, but no one stood up.

Between the characters of the magic, mutual jealous and suspicion, almost all of the lone ranger, méiyǒu people for the beginning of Xue Sansi. However, some people in the right way want to eradicate the devil of Fangyuan, but at the moment it is not good.

For shíme?

Because one stop comes out will be said to be Xue Sansi revenge. Xue Sansi is a man in the magic road.

"Is there a méiyǒu person to avenge her? In the end, is there méiyǒu?" Fang Yuan asked again and again.

Numerous spectators have some face-to-face water, and some face each other, but méiyǒu is alone.

"Méiyǒu, then I will leave." Fang Yuan raised his brow, lifted his foot and took a few steps, and stopped. "I am really gone."

Still no one spoke.

The strength of Fangyuan has overwhelmed the audience. The attitude is arrogant, causing many unsatisfactory four-strong players.

Many people are eager to move, but eventually they endure.

"Ha ha ha..." Fang Yuan laughed and took a big step, and Shiran went out of the battlefield in the valley. To be continued...)

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