Reverend Insanity

: Section 147: First entry into the canine king heritage

At the moment when he was involved in the light column, Fang Yuan felt a strong sense of weightlessness. M

When he had a certain vision, he found himself standing in an empty wilderness.

Looking around, I saw that the sky was a gray and white.

On the earth, the short mounds of gray rocks are like graves.

The gray ground is not fertile, some are hard and dry, with sparse brown grass.

The whiteness of the sky, the gray of the earth, and the yellow of the dry grass make up the three primary colors of the world.

Other than that, there seems to be no other color.

Silence in the ear, more accurately, it should be dead. There is no wind, no leaves, and birds and beasts.

When you are in it, you will feel the whole world, leaving only one soul.

Invisible, the feelings of loneliness, loneliness, sorrow and even panic will spread.

Although it entered the inheritance at the same time as Bai Ningbing, Fangyuan was alone.

But Fangyuan has always calmed down.

"This is the inheritance of the dog king." He looked around and whispered, talking to himself.

The inheritance of the Three Kings, and the inheritance of other ordinary five-turn teachers, has a big difference.

The ordinary five-transition inheritance, whether placed in Zhongzhou, Nanjiang, Beiyuan, or the East China Sea, West Desert, are in the big world.

The place where the Three Kings were placed in the inheritance was based on the blessings of the Immortals.

In the past, the three kings were struggling, and inadvertently discovered the inheritance of an ancient immortal, which was able to rise and rise.

The three kings each had their own talents, but they failed in the six-turn attack. They were placed in this place before the death.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is not a big world at this time.

It is a fairyland - a small world that depends on the big world.

Every world. There are different rules.

To enter the world, we must follow the corresponding rules.

"Bai Ningbing has entered the inheritance with me, but at this time it must be assigned to other places by this small world. But it does not matter, as long as she and I can go down and shut down, there will always be meeting."

Fang Yuan is clear, this is the unique space law of the small world.

At the same time, there is still a time method.

"The time flow rate here is about three times that of the outside world." Fang Yuan's empty center, has been sleeping in the spring and autumn. It has already revived and is recovering at a speed three times faster than the outside world.

Spring and Autumn are the water in the long river of time, as food nourishment.

In this small world, the flow of water in the long river. It is three times faster than the outside world. Therefore, it is of great help to the recovery of the Spring and Autumn Period.

But the source of the other party is not good news.

The pressure of the Spring and Autumn Period to restore its prosperity will not be affordable for the four turns.

Inheritance of the canine king, for Fang Yuan, is a good opportunity, and the same is the land of death.

"The past day here. The outside world is three days. It is necessary to act as soon as possible to save time." Fang Yuan’s heart was born with a sense of urgency.

Fortunately, he has memories of past lives, and he is no stranger to the inheritance of this dog.

"If I don't expect it. There should be a canine beast nearby." Fangyuan took a step and continued to move while looking up and constantly searching.

"Wang, Wang, Wang."

The cry suddenly came. A thin wild dog with bright green eyes. Run to Fangyuan.

This wild dog, thin only left skinny, full mouth yellow teeth, only to the source of the calf height.

It is very fierce, obviously hungry, smelling the flesh and smell of Fang Yuan, desperately rushing.

Fangyuan slightly frowned, this wild dog is very common, the first pass encountered it, it seems that today's luck is not good.

He stood still in silence, letting the wild dogs run.

In the current environment, the rest of the locusts on Fangyuan are not easy to call, and only one turn of the cockroach can be used.

This is also the rule of law in this small world.

The dog king remodeled the celestial sacred land, so that the sergeant can only bring one 驭 dog to enter his inheritance at the same time. At the same time, the rest of the locusts can not be used freely.

Of course, except for the Spring and Autumn Period.

The Spring and Autumn Period is six turns, and the locusts reach six turns. No matter the big world or the small world, there is only one.

Spring and Autumn, it is not a common thing, but a fairy.

Even in the blessed land, you can control it as you wish.

"It is not only the inheritance of the dog king, but also the inheritance of the king and the inheritance of the king. The first time the sergeants entered the inheritance, they could only use one turn of the dog, the paper crane and the blast."

Seeing that the wild dog rushed to himself, Fangyuan promptly urged the squat dog in the open air.

This dog is like a jade, only the size of the thumb. The shape of the jade looks like a dog's head.

Fang Yuan only mobilized a drop of bright gold real yuan, and this cockroach dog madly spurred.

The cockroach licks the incarnation of a jade light, and the violent shot comes out. Then, it was shot into the wild dog's body with lightning speed.

The wild dog whimpered, as if it had been hit by a lightning strike, and immediately fell down.

Because of the inertia of the previous run, it rubbed the ground and rolled all the way to the foot of Fangyuan.

After a moment of rest, the wild dog suddenly climbed up.

But this time, it did not reveal the uneven teeth of the other side, but squatted on the ground, squirming at the source and shaking the tail.

"Get up." Fang Yuan thought of a move.

The wild dog stood up obediently.

It has a soft fur and a dull coat, but no wounds. The dog is directly in its soul and does not cause any damage to the body of the wild dog.

It landed on all fours and the head only reached the center of the calf of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan observed it in detail and shook his head slightly.

This is a very ordinary wild dog, and the fighting power is worrying. However, this is also the case, so that the source is so easy, you can squat on it.

"In any case, I will rely on it to get through the second level."

When Fang Yuan was thinking about it in his heart, a world of heaven and earth suddenly came, and he wrapped his whole body.

At the time, Fangyuan could not move.

In front of him, suddenly there was a flash of Biman, and the second cockerel appeared in the air.

Fang Yuan knows that this is a reward for inheritance and the key to the second pass.

This dog is only a turn, refining is extremely easy.

When Fang Yuan refining this shackle, the moment he was in the empty space, he slammed, and he disappeared in the same place, and was moved to another place by this heaven and earth.

It is still a wilderness, a gray world, a brownish yellow grass.

Fangyuan stood on a low mound with three stray wild dogs around the mound.

They are also skinny, with two heads looking down and looking for food in the grass. The third one, it seems a bit old, and simply squats on the ground without moving.

The sudden appearance of Fang Yuan immediately inspired the madness of these three wild dogs.

They are like electric shocks, they start to run and run to Fangyuan from three directions at the same time.

The first wild dog controlled by Fang Yuan was provoked. Under the command of Fang Yuan, spread four claws and rush toward the wild dog in one direction.

But it can only block a wild dog, and soon the second one rushes to Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan’s technique was re-applied, and the new second dog was used to domesticate it.

The third wild dog was also culled, and Fang Yuan used it with one heart and two, and simultaneously directed two wild dogs to play.

If you change to an ordinary teacher, you are not familiar with how to control the dog and beast. At this time, the double-line operation will definitely not support it. However, Fang Yuan is not nervous, and he has more than enough.

He had memories of the world five hundred years ago, experienced and commanded many herds. In particular, the group of blood-winged bats in the blood sea heritage.

In this life, in order to inherit the Sancha Mountain, he also trained in the business city for several months, specifically training how to operate the dog and beast.

The battle is developing steadily in the direction expected by Fangyuan.

However, Fang Yuan frowned slightly: "The first wild dog, the physical state is really poor. So hard to beat, I am afraid I will win in the end, and only a wild dog."

With this in mind, he began to consciously direct two wild dogs and fight back.

In the end, Fangyuan successfully merged the two battle groups into one.

This time, the pressure of Fang Yuan’s command was suddenly doubled. However, it also established a huge advantage.

The two wild dogs in Fang Yuan’s hands have precise and ingenious cooperation, but their enemies are fighting each other.

Not long after, this fierce battle is over.

The bodies of two wild dogs lay on the ground, and blood flowed to the ground.

The two wild dogs controlled by Fang Yuan stood on the ground and were all wounded. The first one in the previous one was more serious. The second one is healthier.

As soon as the battle was over, Tiandi Weili came back again, wrapping Fangyuan and two ordinary wild dogs in his hands.

The field of vision suddenly changed dramatically, and the sense of weight loss once again hit the whole body of Fangyuan.

"Entering the third round..." Fang Yuan began to observe the surroundings at the first time.

This time, he also stood at the top of the mound just surrounded by six wild dogs.

"Six!" Fangyuan eyes condensed and felt some slight pressure.

There are only two wild dogs in his hand, and the other's strength is three times that of his own. At the same time, his two wild dogs are still injured.

Did not leave him any time to think, the six wild dogs found his next moment, and began to charge him with drowning.

Fang Yuan suddenly turned bright, he saw a pit, and quickly jumped.

He jumped into the pit, leaned against the thick rock wall, and placed the only two wild dogs in front.

Six wild dogs rushed to him madly, pulling apart from each other. Two healthy wild dogs first rushed to the mound, and the remaining four, each with disabilities, were left behind.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

If it is six healthy wild dogs, then he has no chance to win. But now, relying on this terrain, and his own subtle manipulation, he is confident that he can pass this pass and enter the next round! (To be continued) 8

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