Reverend Insanity

: Section 149: Chrysanthemum Akita

This is a fierce fight.

Han did not stay strong and resisted, trying to pull back the situation. However, Fang Yuan saw his intentions every time, and analyzed his tactics, so that every time he resisted, he was suppressed. Every effort has failed.

After half an hour, there are only eight wild dogs left in the field.

Han didn't leave his face pale, his face was sweaty, and he was standing in the same place.

Plop the novel chapter.

He suddenly fell to the ground and pleaded with Fang Yuan loudly: "The little beastmaster, I beg you to take a life around me! I will give you a cow to repay your kindness. You are a genius, a enchanting The genius of the genius! I am fighting with you, but also the courage of the cold. You are obedient in the slavery, let me admire the five bodies. The little beastmaster, from now on, you are my master!"

"Oh, that's it. But how do you want me to believe in your sincerity? Unless you can take the initiative, I will plant a slave." Fang Yuan smiled faintly, and directed eight wild dogs, surrounded by Han. .

Han didn't leave his face flustered: "Big, adults, in this sacred place, the original locusts of the priests can't be used. Besides, I don't have slaves."

"Then I can't do anything." Fang Yuan waved his hand coldly, and eight wild dogs rushed at the same time.

"Founder adults! No!" Han did not stay bouncing, screaming and screaming, wanting to escape.

But it was already late, and eight wild dogs were firmly surrounded by him, opening his mouth wide and sharp teeth biting his body.

Han did not leave a scream of screaming, mad like an arm. Rolling on the ground.


Even if he has defenses like ice muscles, iron bones, and copper skin, it is not good in the blessed land. Was weakened to none.

"Founder, I will not bypass the ghosts... you!"

In the fierce curse, crying, the flesh that Han did not leave was torn off by the wild dog, the eyeballs were scratched, and the blood flowed across, revealing the pale bones.

Fang Yuan looked at it quietly. Until Han did not stay completely dead, motionless.

He waved gently and the eight wild dogs stopped attacking. Retreat to both sides and give way to Fangyuan.

Their bodies are covered with scarlet blood. Some are still licking the bones that Han does not leave, and some of them have Korean hair and broken skin.

The body that Han did not stay. It has been completely different.

But the belly. Under the conscious protection of Fangyuan, it is still very good.

Fang Yuan put his palm on the abdomen where Han did not stay, and his heart went into the air.

This is the standard four-turn mid-level open space.

However, because Han did not stay dead, his empty space is shrinking.

Constrained by the law of this blessed land, all his locusts are motionless and lie quietly in the shallow sea of ​​truth.

There are five cockroaches in total, all of which are slaves. There are two of the four turns.

Fangyuan browsed and extracted it all. Then easily refining, all of which are in your own space.

Throughout the process, he did not mobilize the Spring and Autumn.

The law of blessings did not restrain him at this moment, but helped him to refine these defects easily.

The dog king seems to encourage the killing of the priests, and the cruelty of the magical path can be seen.

Fang Yuan killed Han and left, leaving only seven wild dogs in his hand.

Just when Han did not stay dying, he killed one of the most injured wild dogs.

On the verge of death, people can often explode with strong power.

Fang Yuan looked at the seven wild dogs, and there was a trace of regret in the calm eyes.

"There are only seven wild dogs left, and each has an injury. For the next step, the difficulty naturally increases a lot. But compared to the harvest, the loss of the 12 wild dogs in the district is absolutely insignificant."

These wild dogs are also found everywhere in the mountains.

I can use twelve wild dogs, two for four turns, and three for three. This sale is too profitable.

"The inheritance of the Three Kings is not only a treasure of inheritance, but also the sorcerer who enters the blessed land. They are all moving treasures! Kill them and win their locusts, and they will be able to grow themselves!" Tiandi Weili, Fangyuan With a sneer, the murder in my heart gradually filled up.

The fog appeared again in front of him.

Fangyuan looked around.

In front of it, it is a shadow that represents the enemy of the sergeant.

On the left hand side, it is also a group of black shadows, but the edge of the shadow is a pointed shape of a bulge.

On the right hand side, there is a group of orange light and shadow, similar to the previous one. Represents the chrysanthemum Akita.

"I only have seven wild dogs. I don't have enough strength. I can't choose the sorcerer as an adversary. The risk is too big. On the left hand side, it is a hedgehog. It is covered with spikes and has more than twice the attack power of ordinary wild dogs. On the right It is a chrysanthemum Akita..."

When Fang Yuan's eyeball turned, he turned to the right.

Although the attacking ability of the hedgehog is relatively strong, it must be a heavy loss to overcome this pass. The seven wild dogs in Fang Yuan’s hands were wounded. Once they were stabbed by the thorns, they died.

Fangyuan has experience, the hedgehog is more troublesome, there is no armored dog, Yinying dog, etc. in the hands, can not encounter if you can not encounter.

These valuable experiences, in the early period of inheritance, are all cherished and deliberately hidden. Most people fall into a pit and eat a blood loss, so that others can fall into it once.

Fangyuan took the step and the fog in front of him was getting weaker.

At his feet, seven wild dogs followed.

They all followed the source and killed them all. In particular, the last game and the South did not leave a fierce battle, violently consuming their vitality and combat effectiveness.

A single dog squatted out of the air and fell into the hands of Fangyuan.

When the fog disappeared completely, Fangyuan harvested twenty cockroaches, all of which were a turn.

It is difficult to recycle the dog, it is planted in the soul of the dog and beast. After the death of the dog and beast, the soul disappeared and the dog bark disappeared.

Even if the sergeant took a lot of squats before entering the inheritance, it would not be a good thing.

Wei Li in the blessed land will smash the rest of the scorpion in the hands of the priest. They are all taken out and will not be returned. Only one is left for the teacher.

After a few times down. The teachers have learned everything.

There are fifty or sixty chrysanthemum Akita dogs in front of Fangyuan.

These canines have orange-yellow skin and are like oranges. The long ears are hanging down and covering the ear holes. At the same time, there are chrysanthemum-like patterns on the fur.

Their size is similar to that of ordinary wild dogs. It's even shorter.

However, Fang Yuan’s face has changed slightly.

Chrysanthemum Akita is naturally good at coordinating, the more the number, the stronger it is. And the location where he appeared. It is also extremely bad. In the middle of the flat, no terrain can rely on combat. Relying on the seven wild dogs in the district, it is easy to be surrounded by embezzlement. In the end, Fang Yuan's end. It’s better than where you can’t stay.

"You must rush to the hill as soon as possible!" It’s just a breath of effort. Fang Yuan saw the terrain clearly, and he did not hesitate to go to the hill.

After he ran out of five steps, the Chrysanthemum Akita also found him.


They made a long whimper, and countless chrysanthemum Akita dogs raised their necks and echoed each other.

For a time, all the chrysanthemum Akita dogs in the vicinity spontaneously merged into one place, and then merged into a river-like offensive. Killed to Fangyuan.

Such a situation, if it is placed in the wild dog. Or the body of a telegraph dog or a hedgehog will never happen. Unless there is a dog king command.

However, the chrysanthemum Akita dog has a strong sense of unity. Under the dispatch of the dog king, there is still a collective charge.

This is completely different from singles.

Fangyuan risked and rushed to the hills. Almost the next second, the chrysanthemum Akita dog group was surrounded.

Fangyuan stepped back and leaned against a cliff defense.

The chrysanthemum Akita dog paused for a moment and launched a wave of charge.

Due to the small size of the ground, the dogs can only be fifteen at a time.

Fang Yuan quickly mobilized seven wild dogs and resisted forward.

The two sides fought a battle, and Fang Yuan resisted with exquisite control.

At the same time, he waved his arm and took advantage of the opportunity to pick up five dogs.

All of a sudden, he has a lot of new forces in his hands! Five healthy Chrysanthemum Akita dogs, rushing to the side, joined the Fangyuan's armpits, causing the situation to turn.

Originally fifteen to seven, now ten pairs of twelve, Fangyuan has an advantage.

The companions turned into enemies, causing the dogs to panic and panic. Fang Yuan rushed to attack, killing six chrysanthemum Akita dogs and repelling the remaining four.

He could have completely eaten ten chrysanthemum Akita dogs, and four chrysanthemum Akita dogs were deliberately let go.

Fangyuan has a lot of experience and it doesn't stop there.

He has twenty squat dogs, but they are not used directly together, but in batches.

This terrain limits the number of dogs and animals that participate in the battle. At the same time, the fewer dogs and beasts, the more capable the ability to manipulate the source.

There are more dogs and beasts, of course, but they are distracted, and there are fewer subtle manipulations.

The chrysanthemum Akita dog group launched a shock to Fangyuan’s defensive circle.

Fang Yuan carefully calculated that every time he used the cockroach, he took it right and used it in the most critical place. He is not only limited to the selection of the healthiest Chrysanthemum Akita, but the main disruption of the chrysanthemum Akita dog's battle such income, it seems not obvious, but accumulated, but more.

The chrysanthemum Akita dog group has launched nearly ten wave shocks, and each time it is repelled by Fangyuan.

When Fang Yuan had only three scorpions in his hand, the remaining ten chrysanthemum Akita dogs fled.

These chrysanthemum Akita dogs were injured and were previously deliberately released by Fang Yuan, avoiding the crazy counterattack before their dying.

Now they are all scared and choose to retreat.

"In the end, there is still no leader of the dog king, otherwise it will not escape so easily." Fang Yuan spit out a sigh of gas, did not choose to pursue.

This down, his original seven wild dogs, there are still three, but added sixteen chrysanthemum Akita.

Under the subtle manipulation of Fangyuan, the damage is evenly distributed to these dogs and animals. Although these dogs and beasts were wounded, they still retained their combat power, which caused Fang Yuan’s last round of heavy losses to be greatly restored. (To be continued...)

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