Reverend Insanity

: Section 159: New cards

() The radiance dissipated, and a dragonfly slowly fell into the palm of Fangyuan. m

This is a water cage, specially designed to capture wild mites, with a miraculous effect.

The opposite Mao people are still in the process of refining. When he saw that the source had been completed, he suddenly made a desperate roar.

In the sky, under a thunder, slamming and killing him.

Like the canine king heritage, the letter to the king is also cruel. Every time the teacher goes further, he will take blood and die.

Fang Yuan sighed and took the water cage into the bag and continued on.

If he remembers it, this is already the thirty-second level in the letter to the king.

The inheritance of the letter king is the inheritance of the road. Every ten levels, the layers of difficulty are superimposed, and the Mao people appearing are more intelligent and powerful.

In the first 20 levels, Fang Yuan can still rely on words to flatter the Mao people, disturb their state of mind, and let them fail in refining, so that they can win without fighting.

But by the 30th level, these Mao people have grown in size and wisdom, and Fangyuan can only be hands-on and formally fight.

Fortunately, the refining materials of the top 20 are accumulated in the hands of Fangyuan, so that Fangyuan has sufficient choice when refining.

These smelting materials can be saved by the sergeants as the capital for the next step.

This is also a trick that was intentionally left when the letter king arranged the inheritance. Even in the past life of Fangyuan, this trick was published after a year, and it is widely known. Now of course, it is kept secret. Even if someone understands this trick, it is only a small amount.

Fang Yuan has been going on like this. Relying on the rich accumulation in his hands, as well as the experience of previous life, he has scored better results than the dog king heritage.

After the fortieth off. The difficulty of inheriting the letter of the king has skyrocketed several times.

At this time, the sergeants can use one of their own mites. However, in the inheritance of the letter king, the shackles that can be used must only be the shackles of the refining.

Fangyuan did not have a locust locust, and the materials in his hands were almost consumed.

He began to feel struggling.

Every pass is very difficult.

Fortunately, after the forty gates, the letter of the king will give the teacher a corresponding reward.

These rewards. There are refining locusts, secret recipes, and Yuanshi. Very rich.

Fang Yuan went to the forty-fourth level and ushered in a chance to send it out. He seized the opportunity and retreated from the inheritance of the letter king.

The time of this pass is longer than that of the dog king.

Go back to Trident Hill. Fang Yuan found that the purple mask of the Iron House still stands. Tiejia four old patience is very full, did not enter the three kings inheritance, Bai Ningbing is still trapped.

The three beams of the mountain are already shrinking, leaving only the thickness of the bowl.

But as long as the light column exists, even if only a thin needle is left, it means that the portal is not closed and can still enter.

But every time it is turned on. No matter which of the three kings inherits, the sorcerer can only enter once.

Fang Yuan found Li Xian. Make a trade again.

Li Xian was surprised to see if Fang Yuan could come up with so many things.

"Tell you a bad news. The iron family has been asking for help from the family. The iron family has sent a group of strong support, which may be bad for you."

Fang Yuan was not surprised. The iron man’s action was also expected by him: “Oh? Who are the strong guys?”

"The leader is the iron tyrant of the iron family. This person is a strong teacher and four high-level repairs. In addition, there are also iron men. This woman is one of the eight major masters of the iron family, in the past two years. The new star of the limelight! The eight masters of the iron family, each of them are people in the dragon and phoenix. Especially this iron if the man, is the iron daughter of the cold-blooded personal daughter, the young has been the four-level initial repair. ”

In response to the support of the iron family, Li Xian focused on the introduction of Tie Ruo-nan. On the contrary, there is very little introduction to this person.

The iron tyrant has already become a famous figure, and everyone knows it. However, if Tie Ruo is a new star, it can only be regarded as a small reputation, and it has not yet reached the common knowledge of southern Xinjiang.

Li Xian did not know that Fang Yuan was quite familiar with Tie Ruo.

"She really promoted to four turns. Iron tyrant repair, Tiejia really sent this person to come, just like the past life..." Fang Yuan thought about it.

Li Xian has been observing his eyes and seeing it. Seeing that Fang Yuan has always been calm, he feels more jealous.

"The little beastmaster, the iron family, this strong support arrived, the iron family four old will be able to free up their hands, deal with Bai Ningbing. If you shoot now, you still have time." Li Xian face eagerly advised.

"The next transaction, please Li Leisure, you pay more attention." Fang Yuan smiled and turned and left the cave.

When Fang Yuan left, Li’s face sank.

In his tiny eyes, there was a burst of brilliance: "I have already ignited this kind of wind, this little beastmaster is still sitting still? He really does not worry about the safety of his companions? Is it the relationship between Bai Ningbing and him, Not as close as the rumors? No, Bai Ningbing is so beautiful, he is a man, he will definitely save. It seems that I have to contact the fox charm..."

For him, the hurricane has become an instinct. Only by sitting and watching, fighting in the water can get more benefits.

"Is this true?" Fox charmed the news of Li Xian, his eyes were bright and very exciting.

"How can I lie to my careful liver?" Li Xian smiled as he touched the waist of the fox charm.

Fox charmed a soft smile, and actively plunged into the arms of Li Xian, spoiled: "It is still Li Ge's painful slave."


A round bead, lying quietly in the palm of Fang Yuan's palm.

It is golden in color, only the size of the thumb, and in the dim light of the cave, it emits a faint metallic glow.

This is the gold relic, four turns of locusts!

This kind of embarrassment is strictly controlled by the major families in the market. Even if Li is idle, it is difficult to get it.

All of them are so embarrassed that they can directly improve the four realms of the four-turner. Four turns, five turns, is already a family high-level, a gold relic can change the confrontation pattern of high-level combat power.

"I am also lucky this time. In the inheritance of the letter king, I actually got a gold relic as a reward." After Fang Yuan’s emotion, after a thought, he will be urged.

The gold relics suddenly turned into a golden mang, and broke into the empty space of Fangyuan.

In the open space of Fangyuan, the Jiucheng Zhenyuan tide has risen and fallen. At the center, the Spring and Autumn Period is hidden.

As soon as the gold relics came in, they were suppressed by the spring and autumn. Fang Yuan had to let the Spring and Autumn Period disappear, and then manipulate the gold relic.

A golden glow of light, suddenly filled in, covering the entire open space. And the bright golden real yuan sea, meet together. The walls are empty and warm.

Just after this night, when the morning sun shone on the Sancha Mountain, Fangyuan slowly opened his eyes.

Four turns in the middle!

If you use nine eyes of wine worms, he will have four high-end fine gold real yuan!

At this moment, he officially surpassed Bai Ningbing and later came to the fore. At the same time, the sturdy and sturdy, can bear more pressure from the spring and autumn. Let the spring and autumn smash this time, and postpone it for a while.

"The next step is to refine it..."

Fang Yuan did not rush to motivate the wine worms, but took out a cockroach.

This is like a bone ball of the size of a quail egg. On the surface, there are black and white horizontal zebra stripes.

Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing used to rely on this to escape to heaven.

Nothing wrong, this is the footless bird.

Although there are only three turns, it is able to travel thousands of miles a day, which is the first mobile mount in five turns. But it also has a major flaw, which is that it can only fly once.

When it landed, it was the moment of death.

This is nothing but a bird, and it is also a reward from Fang Yuan from the inheritance of the letter king.

Jiugonghua, ask Dingshi, Jinwuliujing, cold grass...

Fang Yuan puts the materials into one by one, and throws them into the Yuanshi at intervals.

A large part of these smelting materials were saved from the inheritance of the letter king, and the other part was purchased from Li Xian.

He is consuming more than 180,000 pieces of Yuanshi.

Bone wing!

Four turns of aphids, shaped like a feather, white and flawless, all-body bone, light as a feather.

When Fang Yuan’s thoughts moved, the cockroaches flew to the back of him and spread out to form two pairs of winged wings that covered the source and almost the entire back.

Then mobilize the real element and pour it into the bone wing...

The intense pain suddenly struck, and numerous bone spurs grew on the spine and ribs of Fangyuan. The bone thorn pierces the flesh and blood, and stretches out and merges to form two large bone wings.

This bone wing is like the wings of a bird, wide and long. Fold it up and the tail can reach the ground. To know the source of today, but a veritable eight-foot male.


A soft bang, the bones stretched out. The cave immediately seemed less spacious.

The bones of the ordinary are just white colors. But now Fang Yuan, the bone wing, is not only dark as ink, but also exudes the luster of metal, such as steel like iron.

This is because the bones of Fangyuan are extraordinary and have the effect of iron skeletons. At the same time, he has been using four-turn fine iron skeletons recently.

This led to the bones of Fangyuan, far beyond the toughness of others. It is not so much a simple bone wing, it is better to say that it is the wing of the iron bone!

Fangyuan gently swayed, and only listened to the A strong whirlwind was blown up.

The use of the bone wing is like a body part that is born with nature.

Fangyuan nodded with satisfaction.

Ordinary teacher, is very cautious about the use of the bone wing. It usually takes two or three years to train to fly. If used for combat, training takes longer, at least five years.

After all, people's feet are walking on the ground, not flying creatures.

But Fangyuan does not have such a problem.

The experience of the past five hundred years, in terms of flight, also left a rich wealth.

It is conceivable that if he suddenly uses it, he will certainly be unprepared for the enemy.

The newly promoted cultivation, the bone wing, this is the new card of Fangyuan!

"The next step is to deal with the white condensate." Fang Yuan put away the bones, and the cold eyes in the eyes flashed. (To be continued.)

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