Reverend Insanity

: Section 187: He is also dead

"It is already the forty-eighth off. M." Wu Shentong silently calculated.

He is from Wujia, Wujia is the first super-family in Southern Xinjiang, with profound knowledge and the existence of a giant. And he is also a slave teacher who is mainly trained by the Wu family. The accomplishments on the slavery are not the same.

The name of Wu Shentong is domineering, but in fact, I am skinny and sallow, such as a sick student.

In fact, he was originally wolf-waisted and body-building. In a battle, the blue sky and the poison of the blue sky.

He found the holy hand medical treatment.

The saints touched his chest, his eyes brightened, and sighed: "You are late, and the poison has penetrated into your bone marrow. I will keep your life and repair, but the poison is deep and difficult to eradicate. From now on You have to come to the treatment every once in a while. I will help you regularly eliminate toxins."

It is precisely because of the blue sky and viciousness that Wu Shentong has been thinning day by day, and it has become like this.

"I don't know which teacher will be my opponent next time?" Wu Shentong walked in the fog, his eyes deep.

Just now, among the three options, he chose the road ahead.

In the canine king heritage, the more you choose, the more you choose. But most of the sergeants will be safe and choose the dog group. If you have to do so, you have to choose to play against other people.

No matter how large the dog group is, it is a group of animals. But with the command of the sergeant, even a weak dog group will have certain threats.

However, Wu Shentong is doing the opposite and doing the same. As long as he can fight against others, he will not choose another way.

"On the rumors of slavery, I am first class in southern Xinjiang. In this three-legged mountain, I am almost the first. Only two opponents can threaten me. One is a witch. He is a five-turn teacher. It is also a slave teacher. But the slave is extremely resource-intensive, and he has to change the genre halfway through the middle. The other is Zhang Sansan. He is a genuine slave teacher, but it is not as good as me."

Wu Shentong has great advantages in the slavery. On the qualifications, Zhang Sansan is still his junior. In this canine king heritage, he is even hard to deal with the witch. Also not afraid.

With such a strong strength, he certainly has to give priority to opponents and eliminate competitors as much as possible.

Finally left him alone, monopolizing the canine king heritage.

This is the savvy calculation of Wu Shentong.

"If you count the number, the next opponent. It should be the 23rd person I am attacking. Hey, I am unlucky to meet me."

Wu Shen was cold in his heart and stopped.

By the side, the dog group was orderly guarding him.

He stared at the other end of the fog. In the fog, shadows and shadows, one after another, a group of dogs and beasts with blue and purple skin.

"Oh, it’s a corpse dog." Wu Shentong chuckled.

he knows. This kind of dog and beast is very useful in the early stages of the game. Because of this kind of dog and beast, you can swallow the body and accelerate the recovery of the injury.

But in the later stages, the corpse dog will be weaker. Because of this kind of dog. The speed is not as good as the telegraph dog, the defense is not as good as the armor dog, and the unity is not as good as the chrysanthemum Akita.

"Only those sergeants who are guest slaves will be crazy about this useless corpse dog. Interlacing like a mountain. Not a slave teacher, no decades of dip. How can you know the truth of slavery?"

Wu Shentong thought of those sorcerers and smiled disdainfully.

But the next moment, his brow wrinkled slightly.

In the fog ahead, the corpse dogs are still emerging.

"This is a bit more. It seems that for this victory, I have to pay a small price." Wu Shen said.

However, immediately after the emergence of a large number of kangaroo dogs, different dogs and animals appeared in his field of vision.

"Chrysanthemum Akita dog! The number is relatively large, um... It seems that this person is also a little rumor in the slavery." Wu Shentong nodded faintly.

"The other party is a combination of a corpse dog and a chrysanthemum Akita dog. Although the number is relatively large, the lineup is actually fragile. I only need to use a few dogs and kings to assault, and the dog group smashed and slammed hard. It will be able to break it down and lay the victory."

"Hey, the other person actually has a hedgehog?"

Wu Shentong saw the hedgehog in the fog.

These dogs are often full of spikes, and attacking them is to damage themselves.

If you say that a strong iron dog is defensive, it is a hard bone. Then the hedgehog is a thorny bone. To swallow the hedgehog, you have to be mentally prepared for the throat to be stabbed.

"The Hedgehog has so many! It seems that this person, luck is very good, actually can be compiled into such a large group. How can I not have such good luck?"

Wu Shentong sighed and immediately adjusted the tactics.

"The other side has a hedgehog. I will use the armored dog group as the striker and the telegraph dog group on both sides. When the battle is over, the armored dog group will slowly advance, the two wings will fly together, and the telegraph dog group will pass the past, then the victory can be won. set!"

However, after the hedgehog, a large number of telegraph dogs appeared in the fog.

The face of Wu Shentong is dignified.

The appearance of the telegraph dog group means that his tactics have not worked. Because the other party has a fast text dog, it can also be reversed.

"The number of even telegraph dogs is so huge!" The more telegraph dogs that appear in the field of vision, the more ugly the face of Wu Shentong.

When he wants to come: the other side can have so many dogs and animals, can not explain with luck. Obviously, the other party is also a master who is proficient in slavery and has already constituted a threat to himself.

"Who is the other party? Will it be a witch, or a chapter three? In any case, this will be a hard fight. The tactics can only be adapted and temporarily adjusted. But fortunately, I still have a trump card!"

Thinking of this, Wu Shentong must be in the heart.

He squatted to the center of his own large army, where there were a group of dogs and animals, about one hundred and twenty.

These dogs are large in size and are twice as large as ordinary dogs. With claws, the back is wide and thick, and the nose is like a lion.

This is a heavy Thai dog.

The heavy Thai dog is comparable to the armored dog in defense. In terms of unity, it is more comparable to the chrysanthemum Akita.

"In this canine king heritage, there are hundreds of kinds of dogs and beasts, only a few canines can become the main force, heavy Thai dogs are one of them. Telegraph dogs, chrysanthemum Akita dogs, armored dogs and other animals. Extremely extreme, The advantages and disadvantages are obvious and difficult to rely on. Only the canine beasts of heavy Thai dogs can depend on them. The more the number, the stronger the combat power."

Wu Shentong looked at his own heavy Thai dogs and was very satisfied with his heart.

This is his hard work, and he has worked hard. I usually fight, I don’t use it, I have been hiding in the snow.

"It seems that this hard battle. I have to use the heavy Thai dog. I believe that when the move, the other party's look must be very shocked. Hahaha..."

When I think of the beauty, Wu Shen’s mouth is hooked up and full of smiles.

But the next moment, the smile on his lips was stagnant.

The end of the fog. There are also heavy Thai dogs.

"There is also a heavy Thai dog in the other side? Yes, the other side is also a master in the slave system. Of course, I also understand the excellence of the heavy Thai dog, so I will accumulate it."

More and more heavy-dogs came out of the fog, and Wushen’s eyes gradually picked up and the brows were twisted into a big bang.

"A lot, how can there be so many heavy Thai dogs?"

The heavy Thai dog that has always relied on the trump card. There are also opponents, naturally causing psychological pressure on Wu Shentong.

Suddenly, Wu Shen passed through the hole and turned to the fog.

He saw a gastronomically powerful dog king.

"Heavy Thai dog king! The other side actually has a heavy Thai dog king!" Wu Shentong saw this scene. A heart sinks straight.

With the canine king, the fighting power of the dog group will skyrocket several times. More crucially, Wu Shentong did not have a heavy Thai dog king to compete, then his ace army. It is necessary to be under the pressure of the other dog king, which leads to a decline in combat power.

Between this and the other. His trump card has lost its effect.

"Bitter fight, this will be an unprecedented battle! Who is the other party? Is it a witch or a chapter three? It must be one of them! The witch is more likely."

Wu Shentong has lost control of the battle.

"The other side's army is stronger than me. I won more defeats in this battle! If this battle can win, it will be a victory. My loss must be extremely heavy, and I will not be able to continue."

Wu Shentong has already regretted it.

But very quickly, his feelings are not simply regrets, so simple.

His eyes were getting bigger and bigger, and his mouth slowly opened unconsciously.

His eyes popped out, like someone behind the eyeballs playing boxing. The look on his face changed from horror to shock, and from shock to panic.

In the fog, not only heavy Thai dogs continue to flood, but also green dogs, smoke dogs, Hengguang dogs, and star-rated dogs!

Qinghua dog, a green scale, Shen Jun extraordinary.

Tobacco dogs, smoke and mouth, are not tamed.

Hengguang dog, a white hair, bright and soft.

Star-rated dog, slender and straight, squatting.

"How is it possible!" Wu Shentong shouted, "Qinghua, Yanyan, Guangheng, Xingheng, Zhongtai, each has its own merits, and it is difficult to distinguish it. It is also called the Five-Year Dog. It can form a vast army! How can he gather? So many dogs and animals?"

It is even more incredible that Wu Shentong is not only a large number of Wuyue dogs and beasts, but also the respective dogs and beasts, as well as the dog king!

"Who is he? How can he sit on so many dogs and beasts? Unbelievable! Is this an illusion?" The dogs and beasts in the fog are still flooding out, and the soul of Wushentong has been greatly affected.

The combat power on your own side, compared with the other side, is simply the baby at the foot of the giant.

It can't be compared at all.

Wu Shentong has no intention of war. There is no chance of winning this battle.

As long as the other party simply waved his hand, the dog swarmed up and let him know how much he had commanding skills.

The gap between the two sides’ military power is no longer a skill to make up for.

"Who is he? Is it a three-turn slave sergeant on the Sancha Mountain? Impossible! Even if it is a five-way slave, how can there be such a huge dog group? I have to look, I must see See who the other party is!"

Wu Shentong squeezed the order card tightly, while screaming at the fog ~ ~ in the fog, gradually appeared a person figure.

"Is it really going to reveal the true face?" Wu Shen passed the sweat on his head and swallowed a mouthful of water.


Just then, a soft bang, Fang Yuan suddenly appeared behind him.

"Who is it?" Wu Shen is aware of the abnormalities and will return in the future.

Fang Yuan put his hand on his head and squeezed it hard.


His head was pinched.

He is also dead.

On the other side of the fog, Bai Ningbing came out and came out.

"How many customs are there?" She saw Fang Yuan, yawned, and looked like a sleepy eye. (To be continued) 8

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