Reverend Insanity

: Section 189: Qingtian Bikong, Fox Immortal Jin Huang

"I can't think of my luck so good, I can inadvertently hit this weak area. m." Long Qingtian blinked, showing obvious excitement.

To know the inheritance of the Three Kings, although there are only a hundred customs, but each level has countless choices, like a branching giant wood.

He can get here, rarer than Wanzhong, and he is very lucky.

"The world is suppressed here, it is very weak. It can make me use a dragonfly. Haha, I will use the blue sky to poison this piece of blessed land, so that I can get through the outside world and form a channel."

"As soon as the passage is formed, I will be able to push the locusts around here. I don't have to follow the rules of the Three Kings. Then, based on this, I will continue to radiate and benefit greatly. Hehehe, huh? who!"

Long Qingtian noticed a strange shape and turned suddenly. He saw a person in the distance.

"Little Beast King Founder?" Long Qingtian squinted his eyes and noticed that Fangyuan was eccentric.

Fang Yuan did not answer, waved directly, and a spur of lightning spurted out.

Long Qingtian snorted and hurriedly urged the locust defense.

He is surrounded by blue-green and blue-skinned poison, which has already eroded the big field. Fangyuan has no means of detoxification, and does not dare to touch the scorpion venom.

At this point, Fang Yuan's body only left the shadow of the beast, but he did not have four turns to go all out. Therefore, you can't arbitrarily push it out.

Fortunately, he killed so many masters and seized a lot of locusts, which can be used for distant battles.

After several rounds, Long Qingtian was successfully defeated by Fang Yuan.

Long Qingtian can only motivate a locust at the same time. However, Fangyuan has the help of the spirit and can be used at will. There is a huge gap between the two.

Although the victory, Fang Yuan is ugly.

The body of Long Qingtian. A bleak green color is obviously eroded by the blue sky.

The master of this magical road, before he died, smiled happily toward Fang Yuan, and used the blue sky to poison himself.

Fang Yuan did not kill Long Qingtian. He knew that he was desperate and committed suicide.

"It is a generation of devils." Fang Yuan spit out a sigh of gas.

The blue sky is too poisonous and has disappeared. In today's southern Xinjiang. I am afraid that only four doctors can cure.

If Fang Yuan wants to take it, he will have to touch the poison. If there is a poison in the blue sky, no matter what time, the whole body will be turned into a piece of blue light.

It is rare to have a teacher and a poison in the blue sky. Can survive.

The Wushen of Wujia is already a very lucky case.

Even if Fangyuan is poisoned, it may not be able to get mites. Here, the suppression of the heavens and the earth is weak, and Long Qingtian can completely blast the locusts one by one.

The benefits and risks are so disproportionate that Fangyuan naturally does not take risks.

"But in this way, the last Xianyuan budget is also consumed by Long Qingtian. The qualification of the beastly placenta is only eighty-nine."

Fang Yuan’s heart is very regrettable. In the end, it’s hard work, but it has not reached the estimated 90%.

"In the end, it is still too weak. This kind of calculation. You can only do everything, listen to the fate."

Long Qingtian’s sudden incident made Fangyuan somewhat unprepared.

After all, Fang Yuan is a person, not a god. This layer of change cannot be expected.

Although he has memories of past lives, he also tries to remember as much as possible. But this kind of detail, as long as the parties do not say, who knows?

Moreover, since he was born again, he has changed a lot of things. Whether Long Qingtian’s incident happened in the past is hard to say.

"The beastly placenta is also awkward. What's worse is that this piece of heaven and earth has already been poisoned by blue sky, so sooner or later it will be poisoned! By then, this piece of heaven and earth will fester and turn into a blue light, forming a huge loophole."

Fang Yuan looked at this piece of heaven and earth, and the blue color continued to deepen and spread continuously.

Such a loophole will intensify the decline of the blessed land. It also means the weakness of the earth.

"Change is a blessed place for young people. As long as the celestial yuan is sufficient, even if it can't solve the poison, it can also remove the diseased land and make up for the loopholes. But this piece of blessed land is too old, and the celestial Yuan is lacking. The loophole will surely be the last straw to crush the camel. Oh, it’s not much time left for me to smelt. I have to hurry."

At this point, Fangyuan’s ruthless slaughter has finally come to an end. He returned to the main hall, race against time, and continue to refine!

The time passed by, the pressure brought by the Spring and Autumn Period is increasing day by day.

On average, Fangyuan sleeps only half an hour every day and frantically squeezes his potential.

Under his hard work, there have been many indispensable failures in the process of refining, but the progress has been quite rapid. The earthly spirits are also frequently praised.

While Fangyuan is making a successful leap, his biological brother is also very enthusiastic.

Zhongzhou, Tianti Mountain.

In the center of the fox fairy land, on the mountain of the Soul, Founder struggled to climb, surpassing one figure after another.

During this time, he became a wind and attracted many people's attention.

"It is him, the Founder of the Crane Gate! He is more than one!" Someone envied.

"Founder..." Looking at the back of Founder's rising climb, Bixia Fairy's eyes are complicated.

"This kid really has a weird look! Look at this trend, I am afraid he will be the first to climb to the top!" The other side is hostile Wei Wei, and at this time have to admit that Founder is likely to win.

Founder hands and feet, and strive to climb.

He gasped and gasped, and with the help of Tianhe's superiors, he surpassed the ten elites one after another.

In the end, there were only three people on his head.

Xiao Qixing, Ying Shengji, Feng Jinhuang!

"This kid finally caught up with the first echelon, and I don't want to use it once." He Fengyang has always been concerned. Seeing this situation, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"No more accidents, this winner will be produced among the four." A fairy believes.

"The rise of Xianhemen is very fast, huh, huh, but whoever is deer, is not sure at the last moment."

"It is true that Xianhemen is only the fourth, and the gap between the top three is obvious. Then I can see if he can, overtake in a limited time."

The immortals communicated with each other.

The battle for the whole inheritance, at this moment, finally entered the final stage!


In the hall, a group of bright colors are colorful, full of water tank size, floating in the air and mad.

Fang Yuan presided over Xuanguang, his eyes were red, full of bloodshot eyes, and suddenly he said: "take Liu Shihuang three or two."

Suddenly, the bas-relief of the hall was separated from the bronze bricks and turned into a solid, which was Liu Shihuang.

This is the ancient stone, it is difficult to see in the past, and it was taken by the spirits, and it was divided into three or two, and it took the initiative to fly into the colorful light.

Fang Yuan was filled with enthusiasm and did not dare to be sloppy. When I saw Xuanguang suddenly became yellow, and said: "Take 30 snowballs."

Thirty snowballs smashed into the yellow light. The size of the water tank is still yellow, but the volume is shrinking.

In the end, it turned into a little, forming a khaki stone, which was unremarkable.

Fang Yuan carefully took the stone and took a sigh of relief. This refining, which lasted for two days and one night, finally came to an end.

He was so tired that he immediately lay on the ground and fell asleep, hoping to sleep for seven days and seven nights.

But after less than half an hour, he was awakened by the spirit on time.

This stone can't last for a long time, and after a quarter of an hour, it will evaporate and dissipate. At that time, Fang Yuan’s efforts were abandoned, and the bamboo baskets were filled with water. Everything had to start from the beginning.

"It is difficult to refine, it must be a good teacher, but also to be proficient in refining. Even if I am like this, I have the hardships and hardships of memories and memories of the past life. I have almost lost a lot of times, and it is extremely difficult. It is no wonder that no one can rectify the past life. In the second space."

Fang Yuan felt the emotion, patted his cheek and let himself work hard to wake up.

After half a break, he felt much better, but his head was still groggy, which was too much mental and too tired.

The second open space is as high as six turns, and refining the fairy is naturally extraordinary.

At this time, Fang Yuan did not need to look in the mirror. He knew that his image must be scattered, his face was pale, his eyes were dark and he was very embarrassed.

"The spirit, how many cents are there?" he asked.

"There are still five cents left." The spirit immediately replied, and there was a weakness in the voice.

At this time, Fangyuan has killed Longqingtian, and it has already passed for 18 days.

The speed of the blessing of the blessed land made Fang Yuan secretly scared.

In order to support the opening of the Three Kings heritage, Xianyuan consumes a lot. This abnormality has already made the outside world boil.

During this time, more sergeants came and entered the blessed land to explore, including many famous masters.

"There are only five cents left, but the refining is only two-thirds. The spirit, today is the number of months?" Fang Yuan looked dignified and asked.

"According to the calendar you said, it is already October 19."

"October According to my plan, another five days is the last step in refining the second open space. October 24th...咦? This day in history Isn't that the victory of Feng Jinhuang and the inheritance of Fox Fairyland?" Fang Yuan suddenly thought of Feng Jinhuang.

This female talent is outstanding, and the background is deep. After inheriting the fox fairy land, it is even more soaring. In the future, with this practice, he will become a celestial being, and the glory will cover the four wilderness.

Fangyuan fled south of the former country and came to Zhongzhou. He made the immortal and established the blood-winged demon. This woman is a deadly enemy. Hundreds of battles in size and size. In the end, Fang Yuan combined with several magicians and celestial beings to attack and kill the fox fairy land, and paid the price of blood to kill him.

"At present, my influence, I am afraid it will not reach Nakasu. Feng Jinhuang won the Fox Fairy Land, and the income is Qitian! Even if it is the second empty space, it is no match."

Fang Yuan sighed, and the enemy of the previous life had to fly to the sky, but he couldn’t stop it.

Fang Yuan still doesn't know that his younger brother is still alive, and at this time he is fiercely competing with Feng Jinhuang and others.

The impact of his rebirth has already spread to the top ten sects of Zhongzhou. (To be continued) 8

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