Reverend Insanity

: Section 1: Feng 9 Song

Nine days later.

In the green valley, a tiny waterfall hangs down like a silver silk.

The water of the waterfall is sent to the ancient pool. The ancient pool is as deep as jade, and the water surface is slightly rippled.

In the water, the squid of various colors swim.

On the white rock by the water, Feng Jinhuang sat and his eyes closed.

Her beautiful and beautiful face reflected in the water, making this Wang Gutan suddenly have a lot of moving and beautiful. The squid in the water, the clear pool water, the silver waterfall, and the blue valley have become a foil.

However, Feng Jinhuang's good-looking brows are wrinkled and deeper.

Although I have tried my best to calm down, every time I insist on less than 30 minutes, a picture flashes from the deepest part of her heart.

The psychedelic pink crystal mountain peak, a naked man, looks down on her with a black scorpion.

And she kneels on the edge of the cliff, looks up, and sees the man down and down!

The broken blood hole, the left arm of the blood, the strong muscles, the broad chest, and the giant things between the legs... seem to be engraved in her heart.

The memory is so profound that the arrogant woman of the day can't forget it.

Especially next, this man seems to stretch out his right foot and step on his face! !

The feeling of being trampled on the face, Feng Jinhuang wants to forget, but this feeling is so clear, even she can clearly recall that feeling until now.

"Forget him, forget it! Peace of mind, peace, peace of mind, calmness..." Feng Jinhuang breathed more and more quickly.

Her nose is aggravated, her chest full of ups and downs, and the amplitude is more and more obvious.

In her heart. Shame, shame, and hatred are mixed up to form a volcano.

"How dare he do this? He dared to do this to me! Ah-!" Feng Jinhuang couldn't hold it anymore, suddenly opened a pair of phoenix eyes, and his body stood up violently.


The volcanic eruption in my heart filled her chest with anger, and almost filled her with her body!

"You are a mean and shameless thing, actually dare to step on my face, I want to smash your body!" Feng Jinhuang roared. In the eyes, the fire is sprayed bó, and the fists are slammed.


The roar of the giant cymbal seems to be the thunder of the thunder, which broke out and continued.

Feng Jinhuang's eyes fired. The beautiful flame will evaporate the ancient pool and bake the green hills. The fists of the boxing are slamming, and the frenzied attacks are even more difficult to fight around the sand and landslides!

With almost a few short breaks, Feng Jinhuang completely destroyed the valley. This horrible battle force is even shot with ten sources. It is not up to this level.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"You **** guy!!!"

"I want to take your flesh and pieces of life down! Put your bones and roots into pieces! Let your pain mourn for seven days and seven nights!"

"I swear, I want you to try your endless pain. Let your life be better than death, let you regret everything you have done to me. In the end, I will burn you to ashes and sway with the wind!"

Feng Jinhuang roared constantly. The anger in her chest made her lose her reason.

In the distance of a few hundred miles, a builder on the peak is a grasshopper.

Through the grassy window door to door. A pair of beautiful eyes quietly looked at Feng Jinhuang, full of worry.

"Hey, my little phoenix..." The owner of the beauty, dressed in white silk, with green and green belts, dignified and elegant, has a similarity with Feng Jinhuang in the face.

It is Feng Jinhuang’s biological mother, Bai Qingxian, six turns to the fairy!

"Don't look at it again. You have already watched the tea for seven or eight times. I have been carefully brewing the blue sea tide tea for you, so I have to cool down. Just sit down and drink." Feng Jiu Ge sits aside , helpless and authentic.

"Drink and drink, you will take tea. Feng Jinhuang is not your daughter? You are a father, even a little worry?" Bai Qing turned around, his brow wrinkled, tone of resentment.

"Hey, the Fenger of our family is so strong from an early age. The talents are excellent, and the sects are not the first to be judged. Now suddenly planted with the head, the fox fairy inheritance is the first failure of her life, and the most important. A failure. You are a father, actually still have the mood to drink tea here?"

"What's more important is that failure will be gone. Feng Er also ate a big loss! It was actually taken down by people! You think, Feng Er is so proud, never put any man of the same age In my eyes, I was beaten by the way of using my feet on my face, and it was the first time I saw the body of a man of the same age. This, this..."

The more the Baiqing fairy is said, the more urgent it is, the more chaotic it is, and the eyes are gradually reddening.

Feng Jiu song smashed, suddenly could not sit still, quickly got up, rushed to the side of Bai Qing fairy, held it in his arms, so life comforted: "Don't cry, don't cry, my good sunny. Not still Is there a husband? In fact, according to me, this thing is not without good."

"Oh? What are the benefits?" Bai Qing cast a doubtful look.

"Hey, Feng Er is our darling. I have always been proud of her and worried about her. She is too strong and victorious, and she takes the first place in everything. Yes, her talent is higher than me and she has savvy talent. But is the high talent, is it higher than all the heroes in the world? No matter how good the talent is, what is the ancient moon?" Feng Jiu sings the heart and explained.

"The ancient moon is ruined, and the daughter of the ancestors has to fail countless times. Feng Er can always experience success and victory, but can not taste the taste of failure. This is the flaw of her life, but also her weakness."

"Qing Er, you are six turns of Zhu Xian, I am a seven-turn fairy. But even if it is a nine-turn fairy, demon respect, it is only a longevity, can not live forever. We are now sheltering Feng Er, but one day we Will leave her. At that time, she only lives on her own. Let her taste the failure to make her mature."

"The birds leave the nest and fly alone. After they have to withstand setbacks, they can exercise their wings and fight in the sky. In the future, Fenger will leave us and we will be relieved."

"Feng Er is my heart, I can't help but protect her in the blessed land for a lifetime..." Bai Qing fairy leaned on the chest of Feng Jiu Ge and wiped the wet eyes.

She sighed and said: "Hey, you are right. Feng Er will one day leave us, let her exercise more. It should be too much. But she lost too much. The fox fairy inheritance lost. Said, but the kid of Xianhemen is so bullied, how can you not be a father?"

"Hey." Feng Jiu song snorted, narrow eyes narrowed up, cold awning flashed, "This time, the crane gate did indeed do too much, although it promised to compensate our other nine major factions, to compensate. But I Fengjiu The daughter of the song. Is it so easy to be bullied? Tell you whether it is, I have already written a letter and passed it on. If the crane is not aware of the lift, I will go to the door to find him!"

This is called Bai Qingxian's heart is wide, the original husband has already acted. But immediately, Bai Qing and nervously looked at his love lang: "Fu Jun. You can eliminate the fire, but don't make a big move. When you hit the top ten sects, Xianhemen is also one of the suffering masters. People know that the husband is the biggest, but this kind of thing You can stop doing it."

"I know, I know. Haha, Sunny is relieved." Feng Jiu Ge calmed his wife in the arms. Both eyes can't help but pick up and chill in my heart. "Overall of the top ten schools in China, there is still no one worth to shoot for."


South of Central China. Three thousand feet above the mountains.

In the sky, Feihe Mountain is suspended above the sea of ​​clouds, and it is magnificent.

On the mountain, the pines burst into flames. A lively fairy weather.

At this time, in the Shangqing Pavilion at the top of the mountain. It is a dignified atmosphere.

"Feng Jiu Ge, deceive me too much!" Too great elders blow their beards and blink, their hands pinched a letter of bóbó, and they trembled with anger.

With a bang, he took a piece of stationery on the white jade table.

In the letter, Feng Jiu Ge put forward quite excessive demands. But from the beginning to the end, the elders of the elders dare not to tear or burn the letter.

This stationery, which is the color of the black and white, is the result of the five-transition letter of the blue-bird. Once destroyed, Feng Jiu Ge must be aware that if the Feng Jiu Ge is angry, the situation is even more troublesome.

This person, Feng Jiu Ge, was born in Magic Road. In the past, he got a singularity, boring his head and repairing it, and he did not say anything to the six-turned fairyland. Then, after the exit, the blockbuster, challenge the world of Yingjie, no one can do. Ten dispatched people singled out and lost in succession, they had to join forces to resist the enemy.

Feng Jiu Ge was not afraid of it. He went all the way to 30 million miles. He suddenly turned to the front of the army and went straight to Huanglong. He made the top ten factions confusing, and there was chaos and helplessness.

Fortunately, there is a white-and-white fairy who is spiritually fasting, and finally touches this demon head with emotion.

"In the past, Feng Jiu Ge was repaired with six turns, and it was impossible to think of the ten factions. Now he is a seven-turned, and backed by one of the ten factions. This person has a fairy, he The requirements, although too much, can be promised." Taishang two elders twitched out the letter paper, looked at it, the tone is not urgent.

"He Feng Yang, you are responsible for this, how can there be such a big leak? What source is not the child of our crane, you are in the heart, so protect him?" A thunder-like voice, in In the Qingqing Pavilion, the window shook with a slight tremor.

The person who spoke, named Lei Tan, and the six-turned immortal, is the opposite of He Fengyang.

There are disputes in some places, and there are also factions in the interior of the Crane Gate.

For a time, all eyes were concentrated on the crane.

The crane wind rises like a teenager, and it is as warm as jade. A pair of bicolor long eyebrows, hanging to the waist.

He looked calm and looked around for a moment. Then he smiled slowly and said: "This source is indeed not my disciple, but his brother-in-law, Fang Zheng, is the person under my door, or the first of the elite disciples of this generation. ""

Lei Tan sneered: "A relative of a small elite disciple, it is worthy of us to shield him like this!! Hefeng Yang, you know, in order to maintain this source, we must compensate for the other nine things. ?"

"Of course I know Hefeng Yang took a look at Lei Tan and sneered with disdain. "But these things are tripled, not as much as a fox." What's more, there is still a Dingxian cruiser? ”

For a time, many elders in the elders were faint.

"Hefeng Yang! What do you mean by this?" Lei Tan frowned, and forced to ask.

(ps: The third largest volume, the new beginning. In recent days, the two have been restored, and it is also the high tide of the plot. Many people voted for the monthly pass, the recommended ticket, and the reward. Thanks to the "old rare" classmates. 50,000 hits

Reward, thanks to the book friends 130807155332014, the soul of the maple, the wind, the sound of the waves, the ve_KER, the mosquito son, the shui ding, the 10,000 rewards of the students of the Beidou fish, several of them

Reward many times. There are many other students, too many, I can hardly list them here, forget about Haihan! )

(Some readers and classmates, I know the situation, I have tried my best. There are many students, just for this book, registration number subscription. Thank you for your support! I am very touched... I am not good at expressing my feelings, some are dull. A thousand words are translated into one sentence - it is good to have you.)

(The third volume is the new beginning of this book. For me, I am also starting to re-launch and work hard. I don't want to say anything more, look at the action.) (To be continued) [This text is updated by the sailing group. @pea pod bar offer] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. )

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