Reverend Insanity

: Section 12: Land Disaster (below)

It held his head and made a scream. m. The blue lightning was also scattered, and it took a long time to stabilize.

Apparently, the film entered the Wandering Mountain and was hurt by the vibration of the soul.

In the sorrowful palace, the smoke shadow faithfully reflected this scene, Fang Yuan looked at the face.

Just then, if it wasn’t for the timely movement of the spirit, I’m afraid he would plant it.

Xiao Huxian patted his chest, his face brushed white, and he was afraid after a while.

The house leaks and the night rain, the charm blue movie also came to participate in the war, no doubt the whole situation is worse!

Charm blue movie did not sneak attack success, anger and anger, aligning with the turbulent mountain.

Every time it hits, it makes the sorrowful palace sway. Hit the surface of the mountain, the soil splashes, causing a huge black pit and deep, and seeing the blood in the heart of Fangyuan.

This is the Wandering Mountain!

The whole world, there is only one place!

Fortunately, the Charm Blue movie stopped the offensive after hitting dozens of times. Its soul is seriously injured, and the electric light is scattered and chaotic.

In this period of work, the spirits moved the mud crab twice. In total, it lost five green celestial elements!

The original large number of fox army has been lost.

Calling Xiaohu Xianqi is very incomparable, this wild animal is only a small bruise, the pace is still as steady as ever. It’s just a piece of diamond bone that doesn’t move!

Whether it is the charm blue movie or the mud crab, it is all a purpose, that is, destroy the center, exhaust the fairy yuan, kill the spirit. The ultimate goal is to destroy the entire blessed land.

They are in the same camp, they have no infighting, but they cooperate with each other.

When Fang Yuan and Ling Ling were in a terrible headache for this mud crab, the Charm Blue movie abandoned the Wandering Mountain and aimed the world.

It didn't dare to rush again in the Wandering Mountain, it began to hit the day and the ground.

The earth is destroyed, and the pits are one by one. The sky shattered, showing the scars of the mirror.

Fang Yuan felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Not good, the master! There is a loophole in the blessed land!" Xiaohu Xian was anxious.

The impact of the charm blue movie shattered the world and caused a hole in the blessing.

"Cut the blessed land around the loopholes." Fang Yuan's body is as cold as ice, with a tone of indifference.

"Ah?" Xiaohu Xianyu eyes wide open and exclaimed.

In doing so, if you give up completely, you can no longer recover.

There are loopholes in the blessed land, which can be compensated by Xianyuan. If not compensated in time, the loopholes will expand and form a channel.

Once the passage is formed, the celestial beings outside the blessed land will inevitably flock to the scene, and the scene will be even more unmanageable.

On the Tianti Mountain, there is a magic road.

The right way is not to attack, because the family is big. But there are many people who are mad at the magic road, who are single and do, and like to take risks. Anyway, this kind of thing, Fangyuan has not done much in the past 500 years.

Under the command of Fang Yuan, Xiao Huxian successively abandoned hundreds of acres of blessed land.

Charm blue movies are constantly being destroyed, causing loopholes. The earth is constantly being abandoned.

The mud crabs constantly slammed the mountains of the soul, and the earth spirits had to be constantly moved. The loss of the Qingxianxianyuan has reached 13 pieces.

"Hey, the blessed land has become smaller, and Xianyuan has lost a lot of it..." The little fox fairy tears and screams, crying and crying.

"Don't cry!" Fang Yuan snorted and his face was blue.

"It is useless to delay this. The only hope is to kill these two evils! But I have not used it as a attacking fairy, even if it is five turns and hitting the mud crab, it will not be effective in a short time! Count, there is only one bet!" Fang Yuan bite his teeth and also made a noise.

The wild beast is so powerful that relying on the majestic physique and ferocious resilience, you can ignore many of the five turns.

Especially this slough crab, the strong defense, is also attached to the upper level in the wild beast. There are quite a few five turns of Fangyuan, such as Jinshao, Songsong, Wuqiu, etc., which act on the mud crabs. Just like dropping small stones in the lake, they can only sway a slight ripple. It is necessary to continue to attack in order to gradually receive some effects.

However, Fangyuan could not motivate these locusts and attack.

Once he walked up the hill, he would be hit by the Charm Blue movie. Even if the locusts are handed over to the spirits, Fangyuan does not dare to take risks.

The spirits will also perish. Once it is destroyed by the enchanting blue movie, the ability of Fangyuan to use the Dingxian Swim to retreat is gone.

The only thing that can really change the situation is Xian.

Although Fangyuan has two immortals, there is no attack power.

"Don't move again, let this **** mud crab, attack the Wandering Mountain!" Fang Yuan broke a drink and ordered the little fox of the earth, "all the power of the development of the Wraith Mountain!"

Hey -!

The Wandering Mountain has been bound by the little fox fairy, and it is completely open at this moment, and suddenly the whole mountain is picked up. The invisible power of the invisible soul directly expanded to the outside of the mountain, extending a thousand steps away and sweeping everything around.

There is nothing to change under the control of the spirits.

The giant crab-like mud crab quickly approached the Wandering Mountain.

Under the power of the Wraith Mountain, its hard shell can not play any protective role. The soul is attacked strongly, causing it to stagnate.

But immediately, it was maddened by madness, and the speed was more than doubled.


Huge cheeks, like a steel pliers dance, heavily squatting on the mountains of the Soul.

The hard rock is so fragile as the flour at this moment, and it is easily pulled out of the pothole.

The crater is at least four acres in size, with soot and dust, and the entire sorrowful palace is shaken.

The little fox of the earth is scared and white, and the sorrowful palace is constantly smashing, the dust is splattered, and the cracks on the walls and columns are fierce like snakes.

Suddenly, Xiao Huxian made a scream: "Not good! The charm blue movie has gone to the north, and it is destroying the world, causing a lot of loopholes."

The image in front of Fang Yuan has changed, showing that the charm blue movie is constantly attacking the world and causing loopholes.

The eastern and northern parts of the blessed land have been eroded by the forces left by the disasters all the year round and are inherently weaker than other regions. The Charm Blue movie is a weakness of the blessed land and attacks.

"Fortunately, we have reconciled the water and fire, otherwise the destruction effect of the charm blue movie will be ten times more serious than now! Master, what should we do?" Xiao Foxxian has been at a loss.

The situation is so bad that it is impossible to add.

The slough crab is like a steel hammer that goes straight into the heart, violently consuming Xianyuan, and is destroying the Wandering Mountain.

The charm blue movie is simply sinister. Dedicated to the weakness of the blessed land, I will give blood to the blessed land. Every loop it creates is a **** wound in the blessed land.

In the eyes of Fang Yuan, the fierce light flashed.

The more critical the situation, the more inspiring his fighting spirit!

"The spirit, move the mud crabs, move three thousand steps each time!"


In this way, the distance is shortened and the consumption of Xianyuan is reduced accordingly. Within the distance of three thousand steps around the Wraith Mountain, the power of the Soul can still cause damage to the mud crab.

"The spirit of the earth, the entire northern region will be abandoned!" Fang Yuan ordered.

"Ah?!" Xiaohuxian was shocked and could hardly believe his ears.

In the northern domain of Fox Fairyland, there is a vast area of ​​one million acres. If Fangyuan says a word, it is necessary to abandon it all?

Once abandoned, Fox Fairy will always lack this layout!

Fang Yuan is definitely a big deal this time! The fox fairy land is only six million acres, and he will give up one-sixth of a sudden.

"Master, this, this..." Xiao Foxxian hesitated.

"Snapshot, I said it!" Fang Yuan stared at the image in front of him and shouted.

The little fox fairy smashed the red mouth, and the eyes quickly filled with tears. Tears rolled down and she cried.

The earthly spirit is the representative of heaven and earth, and the abandonment of the land of the blessed land is like the flesh of the human being. Discarding the entire northern region is like a person who has to cut down one of his thighs.

"Master, don't, don't!" Little Fox fairy cried aloud and pleaded.

However, Fang Yuan looks cold and ice-like, and does not make the slightest compromise.

The master's order can not be violated, the little fox fairy had no choice but to endure the love, and the entire northern domain was directly abandoned!

The Charm Blue movie is in the center of the northern region, destroying the world and causing loopholes. When it was detected that it was not right, it quickly transferred and attempted to rush out of the northern domain.

However, it was a distance of ten miles. It did not leave in time and was trapped in the northern domain.

It made a screaming, shrill scream, and the voice was full of unwillingness. But the chess is a difference, the charm blue movie can only fall to the outside continent with the evaporation of the northern region.

"Successful!" Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan was almost shouting excitedly.

If you change to the usual, the charm blue movie soul is not hurt, you can definitely react in time. If it is not at this moment, it will madly attack the heavens and the earth, causing the energy to be sloppy, the speed to drop, and it will be able to quickly detach.

At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan reluctantly cuts love, abandons the car and protects the handsome, and finally solves the scourge of the charm blue movie!

As for what kind of trouble it will bring to the outside of Zhongzhou, it will not be considered by Fangyuan.


The entire Wraith Mountain is still continually oscillating, and the soul of the wild animal mud crab is so strong, it is hard to support, and the impact on the Wandering Mountain.

The closer to the Wrath Mountain, the stronger the power of the Soul.

Xiao Huxian had to move the mud crabs out again and again.

Fighting to the present is to see the details of both sides.

If the soul of the wild animal is deep, it will be defeated by Fangyuan. Conversely, if the mountains are not standing, it is the failure of the disaster.

砰, 砰, 砰.

The center pillar of the sorrowful palace is constantly falling girders are broken. The smoke and dust came together, accompanied by the crying of the little fox fairy.

Fang Yuan was indifferent and stood silently.

"Power, I need more power!" He tightened his fists and made a resentful cry in his heart.

Why do you continue to grow, face this world, destiny, or so weak?

"Then continue to grow, become stronger, stronger, stronger!"

In such a silent cry, the action of the slough crab gradually slowed down, and eventually it fell on the mountainside of the Wandering Mountain, without breath.

The sixth disaster was finally overpowered.

(ps: Calling for the monthly ticket. Recently, a secret recipe broke out at the end of the new month. To refine it, you need a lot of monthly tickets. Dear! I am working hard, everyone should support as much as possible to see if this book can be reached. What kind of step. The people in the magic road will become stronger, stronger, stronger!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support, that is me The biggest motivation.)

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