Reverend Insanity

: Section 18: Fang Yuan, this little king 8 eggs!

"Do not sell gallstones, sell stone people?" Hefeng looked at the letter in his hand, sullen face. M.

In the fox fairy land, the sorrowful spirits are the most needed things. Once you have the courage to stimulate the soul, the strength of the entire Xianhemen disciples must be strengthened by three points.

And the gallstones can't leave the mountain of the sorrow, they can only be mined on the spot. In this way, through this head, Xianhemen disciples can enter and exit the Fox Fairy. After one or two trips, Fang Yuan’s vigilance gradually declined, and it’s much more convenient for Xianhemen to secretly move his hands and feet.

However, Fang Yuan did not live to sell gallstones, and He Fengyang was depressed: "When, my imperial concubine is actually suffering from a mortal thief!?"

He thought about his teeth and his handsome face, which seemed awkward and distorted at this time.

He has a fighting power, but he can't display it. The Fangyuan turtle is in the middle of the fox fairy blessing, just like a tortoise turtle, and there is a certain fairy voyage, ready to get out. He Fengyang, and even the entire Xianhemen have voted for this, and they are afraid to move him for the time being.

"It seems that the stone people who migrated into the foxes in the same year are still alive. However, the small thief of Fangyuan has sold so many stone people at once, how much courage he has used to cultivate!"

Think of it here, He Fengyang feels the heart is bleeding.

It has been a few months since the last transaction. The time in the fox fairy land will be extended by another five times. It will be about a year.

Fang Yuan has cultivated so many young and strong stone people. If you will use these courage to the Xianhemen, it will be good to cultivate disciples.

However, this source thief would rather cultivate a stone man than to use it for the crane. His heart is awkward, but hey!

It’s not just this that makes the cranes angry. More critical. He is still mad at himself - Fangyuan sells so many stone people, even if he is a celestial being, he can't help it.

Among the blessed land, if there are enough stone people, Zhu Xian can develop underground and exploit a large amount of underground resources.

A variety of metals, gems, ores, as well as locusts, underground creatures, etc., continue to flow.

Other than that. If the stone man is a little more, he can build a dungeon pool, which expands the space for the blessed land in disguise.

There is no strength in the blessed land, and most of the resources mined by the immortals come from the surface. This is just a plane. However, if there are more stone people, even the underground can be used, and the benefits must be doubled.

On the market, stone man slaves are in short supply.

Stone people spend most of their lives sleeping. An ordinary stone man died in the thousand years of his life. In his lifetime, he could only breed four descendants.

If you use the soul locust to give the stone people growth. It’s not impossible, there are a lot of Zhu Xian tried, but it has never been promoted successfully.

There is no reason for him, only one. That is the cost.

The value of the soul locust is much more expensive than a single stone man.

In addition to serving individual immortals, there are special needs for stone people, otherwise they will not be worth the loss.

In this world, only the source of the Wandering Mountain is mastered. I can train stone people so much.

And the price of the transaction, Fang Yuan in the letter. It also makes the wind and the wind move. Even if the crane does not need to sell itself, it will be very profitable.

But even if the transaction is cheap, Hefeng Yang is still not happy.

He knows that this is the bait thrown by Fangyuan.

Not afraid that you are not heart-warming, not afraid that you will not eat!

As Fang Yuan expected, the crane wind will move, and the crane door will be heart-warming. Other Zhu Xian will also be heart-wrenching. Stone man slave trade, will sell at least 100 years!

"Fangyuan is a wicked thief. It is really blackmail. But with this group of stone people, it is to let the elders, the two elders, and the three elders see the results. It can also make this guy shut up." I can breathe a sigh of relief." He winds a few breaths and calms down his mind.

His eyes narrowed and his mouth gradually overflowed with sneer: "But you don't want to be proud of Fangyuan. If you do the first day, I will do fifteen, you don't sell daring, then I don't sell relics. You don't want gold relics." Hey, Amethyst relics? No way!"


Fang Yuan was lying on the lounge chair and looking at the letter from the crane door.

Because the charm blue movie is still guarded on the Tianti Mountain, Xiaohuxian does not dare to open the door of the blessing, so Xianhemen used the Feijian biography book this time.

Fang Yuan glanced at it and took a panoramic view of the content.

In the letter, He Fengyang, in addition to the promise of the transaction, also clearly stated this time: to trade boldly. In order to be timid, he can sell relics. You can even help yourself through the seventh disaster.

Fang Yuan sneered again and again.

It is absolutely impossible for the crane to enter the fox fairy land, which is much more harmful than the disaster.

As for the stuck relic, can you catch the lifeline of Fangyuan? Ridiculous plan.

"I don't know how to trade, but I can't trade it, but I don't want to sell it. I don't want to worry about it. I just can't make a deal with Xianhemen in the future, but I have to expand it." Fang Yuan thought.

With 500 years of experience in the past, Fang Yuan knows that the price he sells is slightly lower than that in the market.

Xianhemen made this sale, which must be very profitable.

However, this is also deliberately arranged by Fang Yuan.

At present, he needs the identity of the disciple of Xianhemen, and he also needs to stabilize and maintain this hypocritical and weak relationship.

"This interest can be used to ease the pressure on He Feng Yang. He wants to slowly plot my blessing, and I just need the word 'Xu Xu'. I will become a fairy in the future, but also afraid of the crane. The face of the door?" Fang Yuan smiled lightly.

He looked at the letter again. At the end of the letter, He Fengyang agreed on the time and asked Fangyuan to open the portal and pass the hole into it.

The scale of this sale is very large, and Fangyuan wants to sell 60,000 stone people. But these stone people cannot go out from the blessed land.

At present, the charm blue movie is still on the Tianti Mountain. If you open the door and let it rush in again, Fangyuan has a big trouble.

In this case, it is necessary to use the hole.

This is up to five turns, divided into two, one mother, one child.

The role is to erect in the two places to form a corridor. When the teacher enters from the end of the child, he can come out from the mother. In the same way, from the mother's side, I can reach the child here.

Cave mantles are often used to connect two different blessed land. In normal times, the hole is used to transport various resources. During the war, the reinforcements were able to carry out rapid support through the tunnel.

"To trade, to transport these stone people, it is inevitable to use the cave. But I am worried that your hole will be a hand or a foot. Or my own refining insurance."

Fang Yuan read this, the atmosphere of the Spring and Autumn Period leaked a trace, and he quickly refining the flying sword in his hand and quickly returning a letter.

After half a day, He Fengyang took over the letter and started to look at it. I saw a large number of locusts and various materials.

"Oh? I don't want to use the hole I gave, but I improved the secret recipe of the hole, and I want to refine my new locust?" The crane wind is angry.

"Fart! The hole has been widely used for more than 500 years. The secret recipe has long been known to Zhu Xian. It can be improved only when you are there. Fang Yuan, the little thief, is too strong, but also wants to take advantage of it. I am not willing to refuse his trade. I don’t need to know that there is a relic in need of these refinings. Or a spring egg tart, or a rare locust on the strength. Um? No?"

He Fengyang looked a few times and found that there was no relic, spring egg tart, and there was no shadow of the locust.

There are a lot of biased door materials, as well as low-turning mites. The highest five-turn locust is a soil locust that is used to increase the success of smelting. In addition to this, it requires a lot of four turns, there are common steps to change the shape, there is a very practical side push side.

The idea of ​​He Fengyang has been shaken: "Look at this posture, it seems that it is really necessary to refine. As long as the luck is normal, these materials can already be used to refine three holes. Can it be said that he really improved the cave? What is the secret of 蛊? No, Fangyuan is only a mortal person in the district. But what if it is the celestial being behind him?"

If the secret is improved, then the new one must be stronger than the hole.

He Feng Yang can not help but feel heart.

Even if he can't get the secret recipe, after Fang Yuan refining, he will definitely hand over the son to him. At that time, he can make a lot of things from the son-in-law and even restore the secret recipe.

Two days later, Fang Yuan received a letter.

Fang Yuan began to look at it, and as he expected, the letter Zhongfeng Yang looked for various excuses, deliberately cut a lot of materials and locusts, the purpose is self-evident, is to test the real secret recipe of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan can't help but shake his head and laugh. This crane is too delicate, and this is his advantage and his shortcoming.

Although the number of dealings is small, but Fang Yuan has already seen the majority of He Fengyang.

He immediately replied righteously and asked the crane to raise anything, otherwise he would not be able to refine the locusts.

However, the wind and the wind are arrogant, and the snake is continued. The excuse is that he is about to believe.

Letters to the letter, after a few times, Fang Yuan "helpless" chose a compromise, and listed another name.

"Kids You and I are still tender." Hefeng raised this letter, which gave up some of the things on the list. Then, I went on to find an excuse to delay.

One to two, it took a lot of time to grind.

When Fang Yuan showed extreme helplessness and anger, He Fengyang only stopped, and felt that the fire was over. He took the sixth name after repeated reductions and went back to the ground.

However, he did not do well in his refining, painstaking research, and trials and trials.

Half a month after Zhongzhou time, he received a hole from the source of the source.

As a jewel, he continued to patience and study.

This time, he studied for three days and finally succeeded in launching the secret recipe.

Seeing this secret recipe, He Fengyang furious and violent: "Fangyuan, you are a little bastard! This is obviously the secret of the ordinary hole!"

For a time, he screamed at Fangyuan's despicable and shameless deceit, and even more broadly, involving Fangyuan's 18th generation ancestors. 8

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