Reverend Insanity

: Section 26: Death of Changshan Yin

Fang Yuan will rush into the air. M.

After the white-bone wheel enters the open air, it floats on the surface of the real gold. With the waves, it is half-sinking and half-floating, and it looks like a dead end.

The locusts are of course wounded, destroyed, and destroyed.

"This white bone wheel is already on the verge of being broken and can no longer be used. Unless I can find the bone bamboo scorpion, and then combine it with the wildfire, repair it." Fang Yuan pondered in his heart.

There are many treatments, not for the human body.

Some cockroaches, such as wolf smog, are used to treat injuries on the wolf. There are also some flaws, such as cast iron, which are used to treat sawtooth gold.

The bone bamboo raft, combined with the wildfire scorpion, can repair the damage of the white bone wheel and make it capable of fighting again.

"Speaking of this, this white bone wheel is also famous, from the eight-turn magic road, the immortal hand. This person is known as the proud bones. He is very talented, shocked and brilliant, when he is promoted six turns, suffering from the hands of no fairy, then I came up with a killing trick called the White Bone Chariot. The White Bone Chariot consists of many five turns of the white bone wheel, and it is powerful and powerful, and it can be compared with the six-turned fairy!"

"With this whimsy, Shen Xiu repaired to the eight-turn realm, and also carried forward the battle of the white bones battlefield, combined with three fairy tales, forming a more powerful big killing battle bone battlefield. With this, he did not know the slaughter How many immortals, fiercely broadcast, so that the right way to get the hand. Hey, when can I repair this realm?"

In the past 500 years of Fangyuan's past life, it was a six-turn repair, and a key step away from the seven-turn. Later, after refining the Spring and Autumn Period, he was attacked by the right path, and he had to smash himself.

Every time I think of the blood sea ancestors, the proud bones, the ghosts and demon statues, Fang Yuan can not help but fascinated.

"When a man is born, he is so self-contained, unconstrained by the world, and he is unscrupulous. See who is not pleasing to the eye. Whoever kills him when he is evil, and when he is good, when he is good, Fuze is born. The world moves with my heart, rules everything, will All the enemies who dare to resist themselves step on their feet. This is a big, happy life!"

Fang Yuan deeply sighed in his heart, and took out the beads from his arms.

The enamel enamel has been dusty and the light is dim. Inside, the seal of the immortal tour, the fragrance of the fairy scent is also weakened.

Fangyuan took out the dark cast.

This cockroach and dust mites are almost the same shape, and they are also a silkworm cocoon, but the whole body is deep black.

Fangyuan mobilized the real yuan, the black silkworm cocoons squirmed, dozens of threaded ends writhing out, smart as a snake, climbing on the beads.

A few blinks of effort, the enamel enamel was wrapped in a layer of black silkworm cocoons.

This is the "Pearl of the Pearl", which was also developed during the Five-War War. It was designed to cover the atmosphere of locusts.

In this way, the atmosphere of Dingxianyou is even weaker.

"Changshan Yin Warrior, do you want to seal this beautiful jade butterfly?" Ge Wei stood aside and gradually saw the clue.

Fang Yuan smiled at her mysteriously, and took the black beads that were not slipping into the autumn, and continued to look for it on the battlefield.

This battlefield was left over twenty years ago during the Battle of Chang Shanyin and Haji.

Chang Shanyin is a four-turn peak, and the Ha-bone is already a five-turn primary, and there are a large group of subordinates.

The two of them were originally playing together, but the two of them fell in love with the woman, and finally chose Changshan Yin. Since then, the hatred of grievances, and because of the follow-up, hatred has continued to deepen, and ultimately can only be washed with each other's life and blood.

After the Hadang bones poisoned the mother of Chang Shanyin, Chang Shanyin led the snow group to find the snow wash, leading the wolves into the septic grasslands.

After that, Chang Shanyin set up an ambush here. When the Harb bones came in with a horse thief, the large group of wolves came in from all directions.

This fierce battle of life and death, playing dark.

In the end, the wolves did not, and the horses died and fled. At the end of the strong shackles, Chang Shanyin, and the real-depleted Harbin bones and short-armed soldiers, hand-to-hand fight.

Both of them smashed their eyes and took advantage of everything they could use.

They twisted together, biting with their teeth, rubbing their hands, and fighting all the strength of the body, then both fell to the ground, almost no effort to breathe.

These two life and death enemies, once the most intimate partners, are only two or three steps away from each other, but they can only breathe and scream at each other.

They are all powerful teachers, one is a hero of glory, and the other is a fierce devil, and they lose their strength. At this moment, it is as fragile as a child. Even if a rabbit runs over and blocks their nose, they can suffocate and die.

It was a stalemate for a moment, and suddenly suddenly burst into laughter. In the end, he is a five-turn teacher, and the real yuan recovery speed is faster than Chang Shanyin.

His real element first recovered, enough for him to provoke a poisonous spear.

Seeing that the bone spear shot at himself, Changshan Yuyin rounded his eyes and made a miraculous effort in the desperate situation.

With this strength, he struggled halfway through the body, but the poisonous bone spear, which was originally aimed at his head, still stabbed his chest.

The severe pain caused Changshan Yin to scream. Relying on the strength of the wolf-powered increase, he cut off the slender bone spear and held it in his hand, then dragged his body step by step and moved to the side of the bone.

In the end, Chang Shanyin inserted the tip of the murderous green spear in the eyelids of the harps and killed the deadly enemy.

Although Chang Shanyin won, but the poison on the bone spear has spread to his whole body.

By relying on some real elements that had just recovered, he spurred the burial of the wolf.

This is the use of one hundred and eight, different kinds of pregnant female wolves, specially used to save lives. As long as there is a hint of breath, you can hang it.

Chang Shanyin used this cockroach, drilled into the ground, fell into a deep sleep, and lingered.

After more than 30 years, Ma Hongyun, who was a three-turner, was chased here by the wolves. In the case of nowhere, the accidental discovery of Changshan Yin buried in the ground.

After Ma Hongyun saved Chang Shanyin, the latter not only helped him to repel the wolves, but also helped him to become one of the four major players. In the future grassland hegemony, countless great achievements were made, and Ma Hongyun, who was born as a slave, was pushed to the throne of the Lord of the Royal Court.

Chang Shanyin has experienced the ups and downs of life, and is quite legendary. When he returns to the rivers and lakes, his story has been widely circulated in Beiyuan, not a secret.

Later, with the help of Ma Hongyun, he practiced the seven-turned immortal realm and achieved the title of "Sirius", which was even more powerful.

In the end, he resisted the aggression of Zhongzhou, and died in the battlefield. His descendants made a biography for him. This is why Fangyuan knew the process so clearly.

"Hmm? Found it!"

The long search has finally come to fruition.

Fang Yuan stepped forward and found a huge wolf tail on the grass.

This wolf tail, covered with mud, was mostly covered by poisonous grass and could hardly be seen. If it is not the source of the source, and the careful search, it is impossible to find.

"At the beginning, Ma Hongyun was on the way to escape, and was stumped by this wolf tail. After he pulled out the wolf tail, he saved Changshan Yin and saved himself."

Fang Yuan was in a tidal wave. He grabbed the wolf tail and pulled it out with force.

Suddenly the land was tumbling, a huge female wolf body, eyes closed, purple hair, belly white, was brought out.

It is huge, even if it is lying, almost one person is tall.

Ge Wei ran in a hurry and took a look of surprise: "What is this wolf, how is it so big? Oops, it seems to be a female wolf, you see it belly, definitely pregnant!"

"This is not a wolf, but a kind of awkwardness." Fang Yuan said as he spoke from the cup, taking out the sharp dagger.

He inserted the dagger on the wolf's belly and then forced a long hole.

Instantly, the inflated wolf belly broke open, a large amount of amniotic fluid, mixed with blood, spewed out from the wound, and the lower part of Fangyuan was soaked.

Ge Wei was not good at seeing the machine, and quickly jumped back and avoided his own suffering.

Then she opened her mouth in surprise and cried, "How come a wolf, is it a person?!"

There is another person who comes out with the amniotic fluid. It is the real Changshan Yin!

He was closed and his body was full of injuries, especially the half-bone spear in his chest. He is covered in thick amniotic fluid, his expression is painful, and his skin is green.

Fang Yuan quickly squatted down and then extended his hands. It seemed that he was looking at the injury of Chang Shanyin's body. In fact, he was secretly pinched on the neck of Changshan Yin.

Poor Chang Shanyin, a hero who succeeded in killing the enemy, continued to live on the locust for more than 20 years. After waiting for another ten years or so, there will be a hit monarch to save him. But now Fangyuan has put a foot in it, killing this future man, the famous "Sirius", and the next seven turns of the celestial being killed.

Changshan Yin is dying, unconscious, and even less prepared, leaving only a hint of faint breath.

When Fang Yuan killed him, his body did not tremble. Not to mention the use of consciousness to detonate the locusts.

Fang Yuan explored his heart into his open space and immediately found several turtles inside.

The turtle is also a storage 蛊, and it is almost the same as 皓珠蛊 is used to seal mites.

Before entering the wolf's belly, Chang Shanyin printed a letter on the turtle in order to prevent the mites from starving to death.

These four-turn cockroaches, like elliptical stones, are slightly larger than the fists. The surface of the stone is covered with lines, reminiscent of the tortoise shell.

When the breath of the Spring and Autumn Period leaked, Fang Yuan instantly refining these turtles.

He took out all the turtles and smashed them under the curious eyes of Ge, and shattered them to reveal the mites inside.

A total of eight locusts are subordinate to the slave road, each of which is a rare turn of four turns. Some of them are even more precious than ordinary five-turners. With the combination of Changshan heart, with this set of locusts, it is famous in Beiyuan. With this trick, kill five enemies.

With the help of Spring and Autumn, Fang Yuan will use it for his own use.

"As a result, I have a well-made set of four-turned origins from the North Plains!" His mouth smiled. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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