Reverend Insanity

: Section 34: Gejia Camp

Fang Yuan followed the group of Ge Guang and went on to the West.

They have camel wolves and the speed is not slow.

Along the way, the team is in a good atmosphere.

On the one hand, the local source is intentionally close and has a plot. On the other hand, Ge Guang is also making great efforts to make friends and pay tribute.

The people of Beiyuan are very brave and fierce, and on the other hand they are bold and straightforward.

If you don't have the strength, the North Plains people will look down on you and make it difficult to make friends. But when your fist is strong and hard, Beiyuan people will admire you. When you are angry with them, their enthusiasm will let you fully understand what is called "seeing and hating late."

In just two days of hard work, Fang Yuan and Ge Guang played hot.

Fangyuan intends to use the springboard of Gejia to truly integrate into Beiyuan. After all, Chang Shanyin has disappeared for more than 20 years. When he comes back suddenly, there must be a process acceptable to the world.

At the same time, he lacks the Yuanshi, lacks defense, and needs to be traded.

Fang Yuan was on the body of Changshan Yin, and did not find any mites to defend. I thought it should have been blown up in the war of the bones.

And Ge Guang is also full of sense of mutuality, awe and curiosity.

The feeling is naturally because Fangyuan saved his life.

Awe is because along the way, Fangyuan harnesses the wolves and shows first-class accomplishments. And he is free to give pointers, often can break the barriers of Ge Guang practice, is really a predecessor's style, master's tolerance.

Curiosity is due to the fact that Fangyuan’s speech involves the past, and the feelings from time to time are not the same as the past, and the vicissitudes of the eyes, it is obviously a strong story. Ge Guang naturally gave birth to the desire to explore, but did not dare to ask.

Five days later, the group returned to the camp where the Gejia tribe was stationed.

The camp is vast, and a row of hòu real earth walls are erected in the periphery. The earth wall is as high as two feet. The greenery is green, the dark green vines are intertwined, and the large leaves are covered with a string of purple grape-like fruits.

This is of course not a fruit, but a fascination with the wood. When the herd attacked and killed, these purple grapes would burst into slurry, and the slurry would fall on the body of the herd, which would make it unclear, the body would not shake, and even the station would not stand. Not to mention the offensive battle.

Behind the earth wall is a tower of watch towers. There are usually three sergeants on the tower, one defensive sergeant and two reconnaissance sergeants taking turns watching.

The entrance to the camp was opened, and many of the sergeants came out and welcomed.

"The young patriarchs are back. The young patriarchs are back."

“The young patriarchs have just started a few days, is this coming back?”

"I heard that they encountered a group of wind wolves and almost died. Fortunately, there are slaves who help each other!"

"Is that middle-aged man? These wolves are following him, so great! I don't know which tribe is a master of Beiyuan."

When Fang Yuan and others were not close to the camp, they met the sergeant who was on the parade near the camp. Therefore, someone has to go back to the notification in advance.

Therefore, the news leaked, and many people pointed at each other. Curious.

Some of the children yelled and yelled and followed the team.

Fangyuan sat on the back of the camel and looked at Ge Guang, who was beside him. Every time he waved, he could trigger the cheers of the crowd. It can be seen that this young man is very prestigious in Gejia.

From the conversation along the way. Fang Yuan has thoroughly understood Ge Guang. He is Ge's brother, a typical Beiyuan person, who is bold and loyal, and regards glory as life. The brave martial arts have also increased, and the traditional concept of the North Plains men’s respect for women is also deep in the bone marrow. So for the sister to escape marriage. Very angry and disgusted.

But this kind of anger and resentment does not mean that the brothers and sisters are close to each other.

On the contrary, if he knows that Fangyuan is the murderer who killed his sister, even if he has no real thing, he will take his teeth and hands and feet to avenge his efforts.

In the past 500 years, Fangyuan had lived in Beiyuan and had a profound understanding of the Beiyuan people.

A group of people walked along the avenue and headed for the camp.

Surrounded by tents, it is quite similar to the yurt on earth. These are the houses where mortals live.

Many people heard the movements, and they picked up the curtains and went out to see the wolves around Fangyuan. Also saw the young patriarchs, all busy with their right hand to cover their hearts, salute to Ge Guang, and say hello loudly.

In southern Xinjiang, mortals encounter sergeants and have squats. But in Beiyuan, the brave men's knees are only the heavens and the earth, the ancestors, and the elders. They are not easy to kneel when they are ordinary, even if they encounter patriarchs and old families.

These people wear ordinary leather gowns. Some families are good, women wear jewelry, and men are lined with gold and purple lines. Some homes are bad, they are worn and worn, and even patched.

But this is always better than the slave.

Along the way, Fang Yuan saw the people lying on the ground, all slaves.

These slaves are mostly undressed and have thin yellow skin. In Beiyuan, these slaves are in a very low status and their lives are quite miserable.

In the heart of the Beiyuan people, the sacred slaves are equivalent to raising cattle and sheep. The slave trade is most popular in Beiyuan.

In Beiyuan, the tents are all mortal. The tent area is located on the outskirts of the camp, and the inner circumference is where the monks live.

If the herd strikes the camp, the first thing that will suffer is the mortal.

After Fang Yuan and his group walked through the tent area, they came to the area where the Yanshi lived.

The priests on the prairie, the place where they lived is not a tent, but a squatter.

A squatter is a house made of shackles. A simple squatter is a cockroach. The squatter house with complex points is that many cockroaches are combined and built together.

In southern Xinjiang, large caravans wading in the mountains and forests also have squatters.

On the Qingmao Mountain, the Jiajia caravan carried a squatter house with a wooden raft and a Samsung hole.

It is as high as 18 meters, a veritable giant tree. The roots are thick, the roots are entangled like dragons and snakes, a small part of the naked scorpion is exposed on the surface, and the rest is deeply rooted under the surface.

There are three layers in the trunk, the surface of the trunk, and the window is also open. The defensive power is not comparable to the flow of tents.

When used, it was planted by the logistics sergeant, and the real thing was irrigated. When recovered, seeds are formed.

But in Beiyuan, the general squatter houses are all towering giant trees like Samsung Cave. Such a towering tree. In thunderstorms, it is extremely vulnerable to thunder.

Therefore, Fangyuan’s first sight of the squatter house is the most common house lizard in Beiyuan.

This is a two-turn urn, shaped like a lizard, with different colors, the most common are dark green, sky blue, milky white. They are huge. Comparable to the bus on earth. The two eyes of the lizard are made into windows. On both sides of the body, there are also windows.

The lizard squatted on the ground and his mouth opened, revealing the threshold.

Push the door open and go inside. It is a long aisle. On both sides of the aisle, it is a room. At the end of the aisle is the huts, which temporarily store feces.

When the tribes set off, the lizards would climb up, and the thick limbs would alternate.

When there is too much feces in the shack. These lizards will lick, lift their tails to expose the anus, and expel the feces.

The family living in the squatter has at least one sergeant.

The living environment here. It is obviously higher than the tent area.

At the door of the squatter house, the big stomach horse is often standing, and the horse is wrapped around the big teeth of the lizard. A few people, there are camel wolves.

Fang Yuan and others passed through these lizards. I saw the oyster mushroom forest.

This kind of squatter house is planted with a large number of mushroom houses. Forming. Each house is a huge mushroom, with a fleshy gray conical roof, which can smoothly slide down the rain, does not attract lightning strikes, and is also very stable in the wind.

The thick cylindrical root of the mushroom is a white wall with a window on it.

A few mushroom houses are combined, and it is a small courtyard with a different style. Dozens of mushroom houseplants planted each other and circled a meadow to form a small garden.

Most of the people living in the mushroom forest are old family members or wealthy family members.

After hearing the movements of Fang Yuan and others, the windows of these mushroom houses were opened one after another, revealing the faces of some women in Beiyuan. Some lively children simply ran out and reached out to touch the wolf of the wind wolf or the poisonous wolf, which was much more daring than the children of the mortal family.

"Changshan Yin Enren, the front is the king's account of our Ge family." Ge Guang began.

Everyone came to the middle of the camp, where hundreds of mushroom houses were set up.

An old man, his face is very similar to Ge Guang, leading a group of teachers and welcoming him.

Fang Yuan guessed that he was the patriarch of the Ge family. In order to show politeness, he came down with a camel.

The old patriarch quickly walked to the front of Fangyuan, his right hand caressed, and the other source deeply bowed: "Respected strong, you save my son, is to save the future of our Ge family. Come in, please. Here is a good kumiss, and the cattle and sheep are also on the barbecue. For those of you, we will have someone to feed them."

"Good." Fang Yuan nodded, and entered the largest mushroom forest with the Ge family.

In the mushroom forest, the largest one is in the mushroom house, and everyone is seated in turn.

The fragrant kumiss, in a leather bag, is held by a beautiful young girl and stands behind everyone.

A lot of food, served on the table.

In a short while, some people will bake the whole lamb, roast the whole cow, and carry it to the room.

The Gejia old patriarch personally stepped down to the center of the site, cut the eyes of the cattle and sheep with a dagger, and cut off the meat on the chest and the chest. Then it was placed in the golden plate, held in both hands, and sent to Fangyuan’s short table.

"Benevolence, please." Gejia old patriarch took the glass and stood in front of Fangyuan and toasted him.

Beiyuan people are most respectful and hospitable. In Beiyuan, the host toasted the guests, if the guests all drink that is the respect for the owner. On the contrary, if you don't drink, you will look down on it and disdain your attitude.

When Fangyuan drank a bowl full of kumiss, everyone in the room applauded loudly, and the atmosphere began to heat up.

After the Gejia old patriarchs respected, it was Ge Guang who continued to toast, and Fang Yuan also drank in one breath. Then, other old toasts. Fang Yuan has no dissatisfaction with drinking, showing the arrogance that makes everyone more open.

After three rounds of wine, the atmosphere inside the house has been heated up.

"Chang Shan Yin's benevolent, your name makes me familiar. Are you a Changjia tribe? At home, I also have acquaintances. My second daughter is married to a regular family. Maybe between us, there are relatives. "The Gejia old patriarch put down his glass, his face was slightly red, his eyes were bright and clear."

"Ge family, I know what you want to ask. I am a family member of Changjia Yuanfeng, a mountain character, the only son in the family. My father is Chang Shengchun, my mother is Chang Cui." Fang Yuan sighed In one breath, the tone replied slyly.

The eyes of the Gejia old patriarch, screaming and screaming, looked at Fang Yuan with shock: "You, you really are Changshan Yin Warriors!?"

(Ps: The time of the scheduled update is wrong. It was originally set at 20 o'clock this evening, and it was set at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I am very sorry. Although the two are more difficult, since they have promised, they will definitely bite this month.

Hold. ) (To be continued) [This text is set by the Kaihang update group @pea pod bar novel

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