Reverend Insanity

: Section 44: Power is fundamental

"Ah, the family wants to swallow our Ge family?" Ge Guang exclaimed. M

Gejia old people sighed long: "Hey, your sister is dead, they are not willing to listen to the father's explanation, why? Just want to use this excuse as a legitimate reason for the soldiers! But for the father to find Changshan Yin to help out. Changshan Yin It is a hero of Beiyuan. The prestige is extremely high. There is a regular family behind him. He is not daring to take the ruling. He regrets to stop today."

Ge Guang was amazed: "Is there still such a twist behind this? But Abba, my son has a little bit of trouble. Since you have already seen the home of the family, why do you have to promise this marriage, and give your sister to the monkey? How much?"

The Gejia old patriarch flexed his fingers and slammed Ge Guang’s head: “Do you not have a long brain here? Why do you agree to a marriage? Do you think that your father wants to grieve your daughter?! It’s not because of the blizzard, if it can With a family, we can borrow Red Valley to protect our tribes as much as possible! Sacrifice the happiness of your sister, but you can preserve the whole Ge family. This marriage is a transaction. Oh, unfortunately you My sister escaped marriage and died in the poisonous grassland!"

Ge Guang frowned and slammed his eyes: "Abba, I understand a little."

"No, you still don't understand." Gejiao patriarch knows his son very much, and hates iron. He continues to explain, "Tonight, the father and son are on the surface, and we are always inviting Changshan Yin. We are with us. In fact, the real purpose. It is to deal with our father and son. For the father, we will introduce Changshan Yin as a shield."

"That is very much to take out the chasing smoke, and the heart is sinister! You all doubt the time of Chang Shanyin, but the father is convinced of Chang Shanyin, believe him. Do you really be a father? Do you doubt it? The father is not so old. It!"

The Gejia old patriarch was awkward and his tone was desolate: "But the father can't doubt him. Our father and son can stand up against the family and use the power of Changshanyin. If you suspect him, then the father and son will provoke success and leave us. The relationship with Chang Shanyin. If Changshan Yin does not stand on our side, maybe the night banquet tonight, our father and son will not come back."

Ge Guang was surprised at his face: "Ah, are they too daring to such a degree, want to kill our father and son?"

"Hey, do you think that you went out to search this time, why did you encounter so many wind wolves? On Beiyuan, how many means of killing people with the beasts? But this is the case tonight. As for, but it will definitely be under house arrest. By then, they will use the things of Ge Wei as an excuse to swallow our Ge family, and the Ge family loses us. There is no leader and the ending is worrying."

Upon hearing his father's explanation, Ge Guang finally understood the danger tonight, and his face was full of fear.

"For the tribe, for the overall situation, even if Changshan Yin is really a murderer, we can't doubt him! Do you really think that I have forgotten the clues? How is it possible? But you have to mention this. In case it is confirmed that Changshan Yin is What should I do with the murderer?" The Gejia old patriarch has a long heart.

Ge Guang fell into silence, and he only said for a long time: "So Abba, the precious five-turned clues are ridiculed. To Changshan Yin. It is to make up for the crack in our relationship with him, let him stand on our side?"

The Gejia old patriarch nodded: "You finally have a little understanding. Son, although you have excellent qualifications, you are also highly qualified. But to become the new patriarch of Gejia. It is still far behind."

"Abba, it’s good to have you. Your son will definitely learn from you in the future. If you have less Ge family, you can do it. You can't miss you." Ge Guangxin is convinced.

The Gejia old patriarch shook his head slightly: "The years are not forgiving, I am old, and I am still old. I will rely on you in the future. 唉... After this incident, I have also recognized the man of the map. He is greedy. The wolf, more wealth, is also filled with his heart."

"Now your sister has gone, we want to borrow Red Yan Valley and lose the name. Can not break up the family, all of them rely on the family? No, Ge family must not be so annihilated, otherwise I am Gejia's sinner! After this night, I have already thought about it for my father. I can’t stay here, and I will be murdered by the homes sooner or later. After a few days, we will set off and rush to the Heroes Congress."

"Abba, we are leaving like this, will the family easily let us go?" Ge Guang asked worriedly.

"They certainly don't want to let us go, but we walked along with Chang Shanyin. The map is taboo, and it is not dare to take it." Gejia old patriarch smiled.

"Then we use Changshan Yin predecessors like this, isn't it..." Ge Guang was a little embarrassed.

"You fool! Why not use? What is wrong with the use? Good hunters are good at using everything around us. When we are not strong enough, we must make up for it with wisdom. All this is for the survival of the family!"

After the patriarch of Gejia reprimanded it, he paused and his face looked complicated: "But this Changshan Yin is indeed a hero who is well-deserved... Maybe he has already seen it, but he is always on our side. Just righteousness and support for the weak, this is the true model of the right way, the light of the world. Son, thank you, let us meet such people!"


Time flies, and it has been a few days.

In the room, Fang Yuan looked at the bones in his hand, burned by the wildfire, and breathed out a sigh of breath: "This is the last bone bamboo."

These days, he worked diligently and used up hundreds of bones and bamboo rafts in the gift box.

After his vigorous repairs, the most serious eight wounds on the bones of the bones were successfully repaired. Although today's war bones are still full of scars, they are finally out of danger.

Sending the bones of the bones back to the air, Fang Yuan began to examine his own space.

He is the master of the four-turn peak.

Therefore, the wall is empty and is a transparent crystal film. Zhenyuanhai is as high as 90%, all of which are real gold.

However, soon after Fang Yuanchu arrived in Beiyuan, in the absence of complete adaptation, the real gold is only equivalent to the first-level light gold real yuan.

Therefore, Fang Yuan’s current repairs have temporarily stagnated. With the real gold, it is of course impossible to break through the barriers and become a five-turn teacher.

"To speed up the pace of adaptation, there is no way. The most common use is to use three more shackles to speed up their own time. But in this way, the remaining life of the sergeant will be shortened by three times."

This is a quick success, and Fang Yuan certainly does not take it.

Originally it was not because he cherished his life, but the spring and autumn.

If Fang Yuan used three more shackles for himself, the flow rate of his long river was three times faster. Then, the Spring and Autumn Period, who lives on him, will recover three times faster.

In addition to the sacred spring and autumn scorpion, as well as the Dingxian Swim, which is hidden in the venomous grassland, there are still many locusts on Fangyuan.

Bear the brunt. Two five-turn cockroaches are from the native of Beiyuan.

One is just the bones of the bones, which are currently being repaired and cannot provide any help within a short time.

The other one is a clue, which can be used for reconnaissance and tracking.

"There is still a place in Gejia. There is actually a five-turn clue. This cockroach can be used to track locusts, which is a powerful means of catching wild locusts and preventing them from escaping. Unfortunately, although the Gejia old patriarch has this locust, I dare not go out and find my own daughter."

For the battle between Gejia and Manjia, Fangyuandong is on fire.

The three sons of the family are quite numerous and have great ambitions. I want to get a bit of a patriarch. However, due to lack of self-cultivation, I will look at Gejia. Want to greet Ge Ge by welcoming Ge, to help him compete for the treasure of the patriarch.

The savage figure does not necessarily see a lot of real intentions. But he has always been interested in annexing Ge.

The Ge family wants to use the marriage, sacrifice Ge Ge alone, and rely on the red Yan Valley of the home, to survive the blizzard of ten years. Get through the difficulties before you.

Of course, the Ge family did not want to dismantle the entire tribe, but the family wanted to completely annex the big fat. But I am afraid that the bones in the meat will get stuck in the throat.

Ge Wei escaped. The barbaric family tried to seize this legitimate excuse. It is even possible to secretly shoot Geguang.

As long as the Ge family father and son are killed, then the Ge family will have no leader, and will be caught in civil strife, which is more convenient for the family to annex.

Ge Guang knows ignorance, but the old patriarch of Gejia is old and refined, and gradually sees the situation. He finds that he is unable to satisfy the greed of the ruthless figure, but he is deeply immersed in the mud, and he has no choice but to be in the tribe. Do not give the chance to start a secret home.

The arrival of Chang Shanyin brought hope to the Ge family.

The Gejia old patriarch may have thought of using it when he learned the identity of Fang Yuan’s “Chang Shanyin”. Therefore, he enthusiastically hosted Fang Yuan and even sent a million gifts at a meeting.

After that, he also used it very well, and with the power of Chang Shanyin, he competed with the barbarians.

The dinner under the moonlight night seemed to be a happy one. In fact, the competition of the three parties was soaring in the back, hiding the danger of the knife and axe.

The result is--

The offensive of the home side was frustrated. Not only did it not target the family, but it also lost the legitimate excuse of Ge Wei. But this party has not failed, they are still the most powerful.

Gejia side, launched Changshan Yin, used his power to successfully defend his own tribe and temporarily passed the crisis. They have succeeded, but they are still in a weak position.

Fang Yuan, on the other hand, squats and understands the confusion, and with the struggle of these two parties, he achieved the purpose of debuting at the same time, and at the same time benefited from it and strengthened himself.

People are the spirit of all things, and the struggle between people is not all the fierce and simple fight Even in the popular North Plains, there is also a contest between wisdom and calculation.

As for Ge Wei...

This simple girl is just a victim of the political struggle between the two families.

Even according to Fang Yuan’s secret guess, Ge’s escape from marriage is quite embarrassing. I was able to escape in the Gejia camp, which was tight in the outer pines. I said that it was not the Gejia old patriarch who secretly arranged and tried the barbarians. It is a pity that there will always be accidents in the real world. Although the calculations are good, they can't keep up with the changes. Maybe it is the power of the eldest family's eldest son and the second son. I am afraid that I will sit on the big and hope that Ge Wei will die. In short, Ge Wei fled to the rotted grassland and met Fang Yuan before a series of things happened.

Shaking his head, Fang Yuan took these guesses out of his mind: "The basis of any strategy is strength. Why do the family not directly annex Ge, because they are not super-families, but large tribes, and their strength is limited. Why did Ge family turn to safety? In addition to using me, they themselves have been a large family, with a foundation. If the Gejia old patriarch, he has five transformations, I am afraid that I have already taken out the clues."

"No matter which world, power is fundamentally embarrassing. As a result, savvy, such as the Gejia old patriarch, I am afraid to prepare for the migration of the tribe. Ten years of snow and ice crisis, still have to rely on Wang Ting to avoid disaster!" 8

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