Reverend Insanity

: Section 48: Guild Wars (middle)

The attack of the Wanlang King made the Ge family nervous.

In the distance, quite a few eyes brightened: "Don't you say that this Wanlang Wang is going to fight now?"

But soon, his eyes dimmed.

After Wan Wang Wang attacked and killed Fang Yuan, he did not continue the follow-up actions, but continued to sit behind the town and dispatched wolves.

Another thousand wolves, rushing over, make up for the blank of this battlefield caused by the sincerity of the previous thousand wolves.

The Thousand-Wolf King is burning with a red flame, and there is always a black smoke in his nostrils.

"This is a three-turn burnt." Fang Yuan recognized a locust.

With this locust, to protect the king of the wolf, the light smoke of the wolf has not fallen, it will be burned clean.

Fang Yuan's eyelids shook and looked deeply at the Wanlang Wang in the distance. Wan Wang Wang also seems to be staring at him, reaching the level of the Beastmaster, the wisdom will far exceed the same kind, obviously this is its initiative for Fangyuan.

"Ge Guang left, with three old people, killing this wolf! Others, follow me." Fang Yuan turned and left, it is not impossible to conquer this thousand wolf king, but it is very troublesome. It’s a waste of time.

If this is not the case, then change it. Anyway, the battlefield is so big, Fangyuan does not believe that all the wolf kings have the means to restrain the wolves.

Sure enough, he transferred a few places and made a big profit. Just one hour or so, he conquered seventeen hundred wolf kings, two thousand wolves.

Counting the wolves before, Fang Yuan has four thousand wolves in his hands, more than 30 hundred wolf kings, and more than 8,000 ordinary wolves, nearly 10,000.

Most of these are turtles. But there is also a king of the windy wolf. There are also poisonous Wolf King, Water Wolf King and Wind Wolf King in the King of the Wolf.

After his bottom-up salary, the strength of the battlefield is also a trade-off. The original Wanwan group of more than 30,000 heads was partially compiled by Fangyuan, and there were countless deaths, leaving about 20,000.

The battle is going on in full swing. The Gejia old patriarch brows gradually loosened and he has already seen the hope of victory.

"With Chang Shanyin's shot, the pressure on my family front is much smaller."

"In the end, it is a legendary hero. This is a real thing!"

"It is not surprising that he is a four-turner and a slave. It is best for such a battlefield."

The old friends of the family praised the atmosphere in the account.

"Don't care, the Wanlang King has not yet been dispatched, and the outcome of this battle has not been determined." The Gejia old patriarch spoke in time and warned.

"The patriarchs are right, they can't relax."

"But it depends on me. This Wanlang Wang may not participate in the war. The loss of the wolves is mostly, and the situation in which the Wolf King takes the initiative to retreat is also very common."

"Well? Not good!"

While talking, the Wanlang King suddenly shouted. The wolves on the entire battlefield heard this groan and launched a mad attack.

More than 20,000 turtles were desperately killed, and they rushed to the camp. For a time, Ge Jia was caught off guard and was defeated.

"Command the front line, quickly retreat to the second line of defense." Gejia old patriarch immediately ordered.

"The wolves have launched a total attack!" Ge Guang, who is on the front line, suddenly changed his face.

"You go to assist the frontline sergeant to retreat. I will go back to the ranch and wait for my support." Fang Yuan looks like iron.

"Adults, we are in the command of the patriarch, to protect you." Some of the teachers hesitated.

Fang Yuan has a pair of eyes, and his eyes are shot and his eyes are everywhere. The sergeants have bowed their heads.

"Ge Guang." Fang Yuan looked at the minority patriarch of the Ge family.

Ge Guang bit his teeth and said: "I listen to my uncle."

After that, he waved his hand: "All come with me!"

Fang Yuan rushed back to the ranch and surrounded by wolves.

He brought all the wolves together. Nearly 10,000 wolves are crowded with each other. This temporary pasture instantly looks very small.

Fang Yuan thought of a move, a healthy "water wolf", from the wolves.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a water wolf. But in the eyes of Fang Yuan, it is a white-eyed wolf.

White-eyed wolves are exotic animals, like the cockroaches in the tiger group, the thunder pigs in the pigs, and so on. But for an ordinary adult beast, the body will automatically attract wild locusts to live in, and have the power to rival the beastmaster.

But the white-eyed wolf at the moment is just a young age and has not yet grown. It is like a watery skin, with a touch of blue, very like an ordinary water wolf. But as long as people carefully observe it, they can find that its wolf is black and white, much different from the ordinary water wolf.

When it is fully adult, its entire wolverine will turn white. At the same time, their vision will also rise, which is comparable to some four-turn reconnaissance. Even in the dark, vision is not affected at all.

Fang Yuan was on the market, and unexpectedly found that after the white-eyed wolf, he bought the water wolves that he was in.

Now this white-eyed wolf has been successfully planted by Fang Yuan for three turns of wolf. At the same time, in order to accelerate its growth, it used three more.

This has led to a surge in the food intake of white-eyed wolves, which is thirteen times that of ordinary water waves. At the same time, the life will be shortened accordingly.

"Go." Fang Yuan made an order in his heart. This white-eyed wolf has surpassed the speed of the wind wolf and quickly pulled out of the pasture to a high place.

Wolf Gu Yu!

Fang Yuan reached out and blocked his right eye. He only looked at the white-eyed wolf with his left eye. At the same time, he mobilized the real yuan and poured it into the reconnaissance plaque of Changshanyin.

In an instant, the scene of his left eye has changed. As if he stood alone, overlooking the battlefield ahead.

This is the effect of the wolf, and the vision of a wolf is transferred to the eyes of the teacher.

Fang Yuan opened his right eye again, and two different pictures were introduced into his mind at the same time.

On the left is a battlefield, so that Fangyuan can always see the situation. On the right is a ranch, and the wolves are crowded together.

Fang Yuan called the wolf king one by one and searched the locusts on them.

If there are rare locusts, Fangyuan will detain them themselves, so as not to be destroyed in the battlefield.

Of course, his focus is still awkward.

The wolf howling is a one-time consumption.

After catching so many wolves, Fang Yuan also consumed a lot of wolves.

In general, the body of the Beastmaster may have parasitics of the corresponding beast.

Sure enough, Fang Yuan from the body of these wolves. Searched for a three-turned wolf howling, five two turned into a wolf.

As for other locusts, they are more common, and there are also one or two fine products, but Fangyuan has not looked up. Simply stay on the wolf king and save their fighting power.

Wolf haze!

Fang Yuan urged this four-turn treatment sputum, which is specially used to treat the wound of the wolf. The rolling wolf smoke covered the entire pasture for a long time.

The true sea surface in Fangyuan’s empty space is rapidly declining. I quickly saw the bottom.

Treating so many wolves at once is very expensive for real yuan.

After the real yuan bottomed out, Fang Yuan took out the Yuanshi and responded as soon as possible.

After treating it twice, Fang Yuan saw that the Gejia old patriarch led a group of old people and rushed to the front. Not a while. A violent explosion came from the front line.

Through the picture of the left eye, Fang Yuan observed that the Wanlang Wang, who was still unable to move, also fell into the battlefield. The Gejia old patriarch and others are entangled in their struggle.

In the presence of Wan Wang, the impact was extremely great. The wolves were driven by it and the offensive was even more crazy.

The second line of defense of the entire Ge family. Therefore, it was also broken.

Fortunately, there are water channels to block the road, the vast majority of Gejia Yanshi retreat smoothly, retreat to the third line of defense. For a time, the atmosphere of the battle was extremely dignified.

The third line of defense is the last line of defense. The back is the mortal with low combat power. Once it falls, the consequences are unimaginable!

"There is no time to treat it again." The empty yuan is restored to 90%, and Fangyuan glances around.

After these three treatments, these wolves were seriously injured. It became a minor injury. The slightly injured wolf is completely cured.


Fang Yuan screamed in the sky and gave a wolf-like roar.

The wolves in the pasture, under the action of the locusts, the body swells a little. The spirit of the spirit is extremely exciting, and the combat power is skyrocketing!

Fang Yuan laughed and rode on the camel, and his heart moved a little, and suddenly the wolves screamed.

Hey -!

At this moment, the sky is like a blood, the wind is blowing, and the flag is overturned. The wolf howling stopped the clouds and spread a thousand miles away.

"Well? Chang Shanyin is finally going to shoot!" Outside the battlefield, the savage and savage look became dignified.

The Ge family is very happy.

"Changshan Yin is a Changshan Yinda!"

"We still have Changshan Yin adults..."

"Chang Shan Yin adults, come to support us, everyone can withstand!!"

"Let it go, let the Changshan Yin adults let the road open."

For a time, Ge Jiajun’s heart was set and his morale was soaring.

On the side of the side of the camel wolf, the big hand gently waved, and the wolf rushed across the simple fence around the ranch, but it did not directly rush to the north, but rushed to the south.

Just like a dam collapsed, a torrent of water rushed out! The entire wolf swiftly rushed out of the camp, slamming into the battlefield with twelve beastmasters as arrows.

The wolves have been fighting for a long time, and they have been exhausted. Under the impact of such a large force, there are countless deaths and injuries.

With only one impact, Fangyuan collapsed the turtlebacks of the battlefield in the south of the camp.

Wolverine! Wolverine! Wolverine!

Under the protection of the wolves, Fang Yuan repeatedly shot, and the three wolves were turned into light smoke, and they immediately recruited three beasts.

"Left turn ~ ~ charge!" He thought, the entire wolf group slowly turned direction, rushed to the southeast front of the camp.

Fang Yuan’s eyes were like an eagle, and he quickly locked the thousand wolves on the front.

The king of the wolf screamed and tried to mobilize the wolves. But most of the wolves are in the front line and it is difficult to turn around at a time.

This thousand wolf king, only transferred back hundreds of wolves, was overwhelmed by the army of Fangyuan.

Three turns of wolf!

Fang Yuanzhen was on time, and a smoky light fell. The Thousand Wolf King may have been scared. He choked and there was no resistance on the soul. He switched to Fang Yuan.

This is the fifth thousand wolf king!

Under the call of the wolves, who had been fighting with the sergeant, they turned their guns and remitted them into the army of Fangyuan.

The southeast front was calm. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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