Reverend Insanity

: Section 61: Nothing can't be sold

After a few months, Fang Yuan finally entered the fox fairy land again.

The little fox is very happy. Because the time flow rate of Fox Fairyland is five times that of the outside world. Fang Yuan spent several months in Beiyuan, and it has been more than a year for her.

Fang Yuan first looked at the star gate behind him.

This star gate is even smaller than the one on the North Plains. There will be only one person high, barely let Fangyuan in and out.

The side of the Crescent Lake in Beiyuan is very tall and has a few feet wide.

"Star Gate is not a mother, it consumes too many real yuan, and five revolutionary peaks can't support three breaths. Only Xianyuan can be used for a long time. Xiaohuxian urges one and the other is in my hands. It’s also motivated, but I don’t need to spend real money.”

"However, the stimuli of the stargate not only need the celestial element, but also a large amount of starlight, in order to condense into a door. Beiyuan is one of the five domains, the stars are a little bit, and the stars are abundant. But in the fox fairy land, the starlight is too weak. The source of the starlight is just a bunch of stars."

While thinking about it, Fang Yuan turned his gaze to a group of stars and babies flying in the air.

Star Firefly is a three-turn cockroach with a small size and is similar to a normal firefly. But they bloom, but it is a real blue star.

This group of stars is full of more than 500. Because of the stimulating star threshold, thirty-two have already died. If you maintain the star threshold, you will die one on average for three breaths.

More than five hundred stars are flamboyant, seemingly numerous, in fact, how long can not maintain the star gate.

Therefore, Fang Yuan immediately ordered Xiao Foxxian to stop stimulating the star threshold.

The star gate dissipated and re-formed into an elliptical sapphire. The little fox fairy sticks out the pink little hand and takes this precious star sill to his own hands.

"Master, give it to you." Xiao Huxian held the stargate in both hands, looked up, and stared at the watery eyes, and handed the stargate to Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan touched her little fox ear and smiled softly: "Just put it here, take care of it. If I want to use it in the future, I will send you a letter by pushing the cup."

"Okay, Master. I must keep it safe!" Xiao Foxxian solemnly put the stargate into the small pocket on the clothes and patted the pocket with a small hand.

As for the star-shaped plaque of Beiyuan, it fell on the grass and was closely guarded by the Wanlang group.

"Master, there are two pieces of Xianyuan Stone here. It is the people who listened to your instructions, and bought the Star Firefly with the secret recipe of Xianyu. More than that."

Ordinary Yuanshi, the size of a duck egg, is an oval gray stone. And the fairy stone is also the size of the duck egg, but it is not an ellipse, but a bead. The whole body is crystal clear and transparent, like crystal clear, but it has a jade-like moisturizing.

If Yuanshi is like a mortal, then the fairy stone is a fairy.

Xianyuan Stone is very precious and can be used to supplement Xianyuan. The same is also the precious currency used in the trading of Zhuxian. In the vast world of shackles, only the heavens produce the sage stone.

"See also Xianyuan Stone." Fang Yuan smiled and sighed.

These two pieces of Xianyuan Stone are of extremely high value and cannot be exchanged for 200 million yuan.

Five hundred years ago, in the hands of Fang Yuan, the Xianyuan Stone was only more than 60 pieces.

Fang Yuan put away the fairy stone: "Well, let's go back to the soul mountain."

Xiao Huxian immediately sighed happily, then grabbed Fang Yuan’s hand and moved to the Soul Palace in the next moment.

"Quickly push the sky," Fang Yuan ordered.

The other star gate was placed in Beiyuan, and he was not at ease.

There are many nights and long dreams. Fangyuan must hurry up and deal with the affairs of Fox Fairyland as soon as possible.

Xiao Huxian quickly urged Tongtian.

The hole is connected to the blessed land, and once planted, it cannot be changed. In the same way, Tongtianyu can only connect to a hole in the sky.

Fang Yuan’s only one-day scorpion, since Unicom’s Bao Huangtian, can no longer be replaced in the future.

The little fox fairy consumes a slight celestial element, and the whole body is transformed into a round mirror with a boundless side, embedded in midair.

In the round mirror, it shows the scene of Bao Huangtian.

This cave is empty and swaying with a lemon-like yellow light. There are no mountains, vegetation, or herds in the ordinary caves.

Above the blessed land is the cave.

The most famous cave day is recorded in "The Legend of the People", which is the famous nine days of Taikoo.

Tairi Yangshuo refines the Xianyou raft, flies for nine days, picking a piece of blue jade bamboo in the blue sky. In the blue sky, collect the octagonal diamonds in the starlight debris.

Nine days of Taikoo, day, red sky, orange sky, yellow sky, green sky, blue sky, blue sky, purple sky, black sky.

But later, the sons of the ancestors made a big noise, and the orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple were successively crashed in seven days. Today, only the day and the black are alternately alternated.

The source of Bao Huangtian involves Huang Tian in the nine days of Taikoo.

In the Middle Ages, there was an eight-turn celestial being, known as Duobao real person, and unexpectedly got a piece of yellow sky. After he integrated it into his own cave, he formed Bao Huangtian.

Bao Huangtian is a very special cave. It is empty, there are no mountains and trees, no birds and beasts, only treasures.

Bao Huang Tianzhong has eight turns of fairy 蛊 - Baoguang 蛊.

It is very common to go to the three-turn Baoguang Temple. The four-turn and five-turn Baoguang Temple is often only available to large forces. Baoguang Xianyu, which is more than five turns, is of course only the only one, just in Baotian Tianzhong.

Baoguangyu is specifically used to test the value of items. The higher the value of the item, the greater the grandeur that appears.

In the business city, when the martial arts are performed, the treasures on both sides will be tested to evaluate the value of the locusts in the hands of the sergeants.

The main use of Baoguangyu is not only for identification, but also for treasure hunting.

The detection range of Baoguangyu is very small, and it is often combined with other mites to expand its detection range.

When Duobao was a real person, he had the treasure of Xianxie, and he found countless treasures. Over time, the name "Duobao" was born.

The little fox is constantly urging the sky, the mirrors are changing, and the pictures of various items are flashing.

A variety of materials such as locusts, herds, aliens, vegetation, veins, soil, water, and wine are all sold.

Suddenly, the picture is certain, showing a cluster of stars.

"Master, it is still sold by the Vientiane Star." Xiaohuxian communicated a few words with the gods, the other side.

"Star 蛊 蛊 can not multiply each other, I need a lot of ordinary star worms. You ask him the price." Fang Yuan nodded, said.

Xiaohuxian communicated a few words and turned to Fangyuan to report: "Master, Vientiane Xingjun said not to sell."

Fang Yuan was not disappointed, but instead laughed a few times: "Hehehe, there is nothing in this world that can't be sold. It is often not profitable to sell, it is not exciting."

When he said, he wrote several pieces of the sacred sacred remnants in his memory on several pieces of cowhide, and then threw them into the sky.

These cowhide are very common, but because of the record of the remnant of Xian, it seems worthwhile.

After entering the Baohuangtian through Tongtian, a piece of leather on the leather showed a glory of one to three feet. These treasures are colorful, colorful, and beautiful.

"Tell him, the price is good to discuss." Fang Yuanlang laughed, and said to Xiaohu.

He is not afraid that Vientiane will not be tempted.

The temptation of Xian Xian to the immortality is extremely incomparable. Although these are the remnants, even so, they are also very tight goods.

The immortals of the old-aged generations who have been repaired for years, which ones are not holding a few pieces, and a dozen pieces of the mortal remains?

But these remnants, they are often not sold.

The same remnant of the immortal, combined with each other, will always promote the correct formula. After these recipes were converted into fairy tales, others could not have them.

Because of this relationship, Xian Xian's remnants rarely trade. Even if there is, it is only the victim's replacement.

Previously, Fang Yuan used the most secret recipe in memory. Baoguang only had three feet, and he exchanged a star-shaped phoenix with the Vientiane Xingjun. At the same time, Vientiane Xingjun also subsidized two Yuanyuan stones.

Nowadays, with so many secret recipes, Baoguang is at least a sigh of relief.

These remnants, after being cast in, immediately caused countless concentration in Bao Huangtian.

A lot of gods, swarming, and the little foxes used the chanting to receive a small face, and some of them were whitish.

"Master, a lot of immortals came to God and asked us how to sell these remnants!"

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "If you pass the gods and read them, tell them: These remnants are all sold, but they must be one by one. Let me say that the star worms must be at least 100,000."

The little fox fairy passed the **** and recited it. Immediately, there was a female singer who called the "shake fairy", saying that she had cultivated a lot of star worms in her blessed land and was willing to exchange.

Fang Yuan smiled.

Sure enough, the Vientiane Xingjun could not sit still and changed his attitude.

Then, there is another third immortal, claiming to be "Emperor." There are star worms in the hands.

Fang Yuan waited for a while, and then he did not see Zhu Xian’s speech. He couldn’t help but feel the emotion: This star worm is not a worm of the Taikoo. It has been so cruel to today.

With a competitor, everything is easy.

Fangyuan sits on the Diaoyutai to make the three bids. This is a naked conspiracy, but what kind of idiots do you practice at the level of Zhu Xian? The three did not have a vicious bid, but instead negotiated properly, each with more than 33,000 star worms.

The three groups of star worms entered the Tongtian scorpion, each bursting with Baoguang.

Among them, the swarm of the fairy light, the treasure is the weakest, only one foot and eight feet. The insects of the Emperor Yuan show two treasures of Baoguang. Vientiane Xingjun's treasure is the strongest, with two feet and three, because his insects are still mixed with many stars.

"It seems that this Vientiane star is in the hands of a large number of star worms. I remembered that after the appearance of the star scorpion, Vientiane Xingjun earned a lot of celestial stones by selling the stars."

Fang Yuan suddenly recalled a message.

Five hundred years of memory, after all, too much, many details are not clear, but now I see this, the original fuzzy memory is clear.

After the appearance of the star-gate, the price of the star-shaped scorpion also rose. Later generations, Huang Tianzhong, did not even sell the star worms, and only sold the stars.

You can't multiply, only ordinary insects have this ability.

Immediately, Fang Yuan used three secret recipes and obtained 100,000 star worms. As long as it is cultivated slowly, the future source of Starfire will not be expensive, so you can use it yourself.

(ps: This Monday, the day is worse, I am in a bad state, I need to adjust the time.) (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote, monthly pass, your support, It is my biggest motivation. )

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