Reverend Insanity

: Section 63: Conspiracy

A fairy, hovering in the air, exudes a beautiful Huaguang. M

The glare of the lemon color, all over the body of white condensed ice, deep into her empty space.

On her empty wall, she has attached a yellow-green light vine, which is densely attached to it.

After a while, the old stone man took a deep breath and took the fairy to his own space: "Well, your space is protected by my perpetuality, and you can save you three months. According to your speed of practice, After three months, you have to come to me and reinforce the air."

It has been so many days since the Battle of Trident Hill. The qualification of Bai Ningbing has been restored to 10%, and it has been reduced to one of the ten best of the North.

Ten percent of the real yuan brings great pressure to the air. If the non-stone old man uses the permanent shackles to strengthen the open space, the white condensed ice will not survive to this day.

Although the old man of the Rock has a life-saving feeling for himself, Bai Ningbing has no sincere gratitude, but has been standing straight and cold.

After the old man of the stone removed the fairy, she opened her blue eyes, her eyes were cold and her expression was indifferent.

She is no longer a fledgling ignorant child.

She learned a lot from Fang Yuan.

The old man of Meteorite took the initiative to find her through Qiu Jiu, obviously to use her. And she joined the shadows, at best it was just a deal.

The attitude of the old man of Shishi is very gentle. He smiles slightly: "White condensate ice, as long as you sincerely attach my shadow to the sect, send a new pledge again. I will take the shot and turn you into a man."

"Oh, no need. You help me to suppress the empty space. I will temporarily join the shadow sect, help you deal with Fang Yuan, and seek the sacred tour in his hands. This is a fair transaction. My man's body. Or I personally take it. Come back, it’s wonderful enough. Under the cover of others, what is my white ice?”

After saying this, Bai Ningbing turned and left.

It was only after going out of the secret room that the white condensed ice was as cold as the ice, and it was loosened, and the brows were wrinkled and the eyes were cold.

This seven-turned Zhidao 蛊仙砚石老人, she did not like it. I always feel that he has an ulterior motive.

Although the other party is Zhu Xian, Bai Ningbing never fears death. A person who is not afraid of death, what are you afraid of?

However, the other party and his purpose are the same, they all want to deal with Fangyuan, Bai Ningbing also agreed to the deal. Temporarily added to the shadows.


Together with the thought, Bai Ningbing can't help but think of the situation in the Three Kings' blessings that day.

Under the eyes of the public, Fang Yuan flew against the sky, and turned into a fairy with the mortal body.

Later, the three kings blessed the land and everyone was in chaos. They fled the Sancha Mountain. Datong wind blows up and eventually razes the entire Sancha Mountain into a flat land.

The name of the little beastmaster was recited by thousands of people, and soon it was madly transmitted to southern Xinjiang. Fangyuan is missing. The command of Zhu Xian reached the forces of all parties.

Bai Ningbing, who is traveling with him, has naturally become the target of major forces competing for hunting. Whether it is the right way or the magic road, I want to catch her.

If Wei Yang does not care about loyalty, he intentionally puts white condensed ice, and when the injury is severely dying. Also encountered Qiu Jiu, Bai Ningbing has long been a prisoner.

Qiu Jiu cured her wounds. She was asked to join the shadow sect and deal with Fang Yuan’s suggestion.

Bai Ningbing failed to calculate the source, and he is even more convinced that Fangyuan has the prophecy of predicting. Behind her, she heard that Qiu Jiu, who can also calculate the layout, couldn’t help but move.

Although she is not afraid of death, she has lost her life and allowed Fang Yuan to live. She is really reluctant. It is really a great failure in life. It is not wonderful.

Therefore, she promised Qiu Jiu and temporarily became a shadow sect. And with the old stone, Qiu Jiu together with the immortal sea swearing, set the agreement: once killed Fangyuan, she will be separated, and restore freedom. At the same time, the shadows should not deal with her directly or indirectly.

When the back of Bai Ningbing disappeared, the face of the old man of the meteorite slowly gloomy.

On the white condensed ice, there is a demon, so that the old man who is a martyrdom of Zhidao is also difficult to control.

"This child can't be lawless, but the situation is forced to join me. It is not a person who lives for a long time." The old man of Shishi is very deep-eyed.

"But it doesn't matter. I have been planning for the eternal life for so many years. I am still afraid of what kind of waves this little fish will make?" Hey!"

The old man of the meteorite snorted and turned his gaze to the mirror of Tongtian.

Just then, there was a **** who came to him - "I have the secret of the second open space here, for your gods to swim."

The master of the gods, claiming to be old.

"Oh..." The old man of the Rocks laughed.

The fish is hooked!

Who said that he is a bait, only fishing source? Fang Yuan is just a small fish, and the earthly spirit is the real big fish.

"Zhufudi, the legend has collected a myriad of secret recipes. From the cave to the blessed land, the world is called the world's first blessed land! More importantly, it has a lot of fairy tales. Tianyuanbao Huanglian bears the brunt, I must Get it!"

In the eyes of the old man of the Rock, there is a ray of incomparable light, full of greed.

He started planning a long time ago.

Even the second openness in the hands of Zhai Diling was that he secretly arranged and deliberately flowed into the hands of the earth.

In order to refine the nature of the locusts, it is sure to refine the second emptiness!

"The next step is that I have to wait for the opportunity to find out!" The old man sneered with a sneer, and passed on the mind, and promised to slap the earth and hand in the treasure.

God swims from the mirror, even if there are many mites gaining the effect of the sky, it also makes the cracks of the Tongtian plaque full, and after a few breaths completely destroyed.

Regardless of this scorpio, there are still a few stocks in the blessed land.

The spirits looked at the gods in their hands and laughed happily. "I have long wanted to refine the second space, haha, this is really good!"

He immediately took out a Tongtian, communicated with Bao Huangtian, and began to search for smelting materials.

"Hehehe, I am also in the middle of my life!" Through the sky, the old man of the stone saw this scene and laughed.

It’s a matter of fairy tales, this heavyweight deal naturally falls into the eyes of many immortals.

Fang Yuan has also been paying attention.

"Who bought the gods?" Fang Yuan blinked. Ask the little fox fairy immediately.

"It's an old fairy."

"Where is the spirit of the earth... I really can't tell what I expected." Fang Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Tongtian.

After a while, he noticed that the scorpion began to buy smelt materials, and his eyes flashed out of the cold.

"Hey, so many 蛊仙, while selling precious smelting materials, and selling it to 琅琊地灵, this is obviously a trap. Although the earth has wisdom, but the sorrow is deeper. It is very easy to be used by the celestial. Wait……"

Fang Yuan suddenly had a shock.

The names of these people are very familiar with the jindo 蛊 铁 铁 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩 贩Not all of them are aimed at the blessed land, and participate in the second wave of the tide?

For a time, Fang Yuan’s eyes were brilliant, and he realized that one was originally buried in history. A huge conspiracy that is not known.

"This is the case! Five hundred years ago, the blessed land has suffered seven waves of attack and finally annihilated. Here, there is a black hand behind the scenes, and it has been plotting."

The previous source was just a spectator, and now he is in the game. Found this truth.

"This old man of the meteorite, selling the gods and snoring, is not only targeting himself, but the greater purpose is to bless the land. Seven waves of attack. How many times has he organized the organization?"

"If he is a Southern Xinjiang Zhu Xian, then why are these North Plains Zhu Xian, why would he listen to his transfer? Is it pure use, or is it a direct order?"

no doubt. The wisdom of the old man is a well-organized. An organized celestial. This news alone is filled with invisible pressure.

Fang Yuan still does not know that this organization is the shadow sect he once heard!

But this does not prevent his guessing the power and mystery of this organization.

How big is an organization that can span southern and northern China? However, such an organization, Fang Yuan has never known, and has not heard of it in the past five hundred years. How mysterious is this organization?

"Of course, all these speculations are based on the fact that the old man of the Rock is based on the Southern Xinjiang. Maybe I just met it?"

"Think about it again, will the first wave of attacks be arranged by the old man of the Rock? Is the remaining wave of offensives his own? At least the seventh wave of offensive is shot by Heaven, definitely not a meteor. The old man's handwriting."

This source is certain.

The heavens are high on the top, from Zhongzhou, the roots are red, and the non-Nanjiang can not be intervened.

In the five major domains, the largest organization of the immortals, only the heavens and the past.

The strength of the heavens is suffocating. Only eight turns, nine turns of Zhu Xian can enter.

This can also be judged from the results.

After the court took out, all the secret recipes in the blessed land were taken away.

"Where is the old stone of the past life, where is it?"

The old man of the Rock, this is a mysterious figure hidden in the depths of history! Behind him, there is also a mysterious organization, at least across the two major areas of North and South.

"Zhidao Xianxian, mysterious organization, heaven... The road to eternal life is really difficult and dangerous. When I am obstructing these obstacles, how can it be fun?"

The more difficulties there are, the more powerful the enemy, the more aggressive the source is.

The road he took, from the beginning, was doomed to loneliness and loneliness, destined to be enemies with the world. Heaven and mysterious organization are like two giant beasts on this road. At the same time, this dark road is covered with thorn traps, full of conspiracy.

This is a very difficult road.

It seems that since ancient times, no one has come to an end.

Fang Yuan is alone to fight This is his personal expedition, a person's jihad.

The source of all the power is just the simplest and simplest, the most greedy and huge, the most ridiculous and disdainful, the most incomprehensible...


Regarding eternal life, it seems unrealistic dreams.

Can't succeed, Fangyuan never considered it.

He only knows that even if he fails, he will not regret it.

Today, through a deal, he discovered a shadow vortex that was originally hidden. Then he looked at his own path a little, it was incomparably dark, incomparably difficult, almost step by step.

"Since there is no road, then you will find one."

Fang Yuan smiled slightly and looked at the light. He cleaned up the complicated thoughts and turned his eyes to Tongtian.

It’s time to buy a relic. 8

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