Reverend Insanity

: Section 84: Discussion on Chang Shanyin

Although he won a big victory, Ma Yingjie did not have any arrogance, but Shen Shendao: "The warm marsh valley is easy to defend and has a large piece of warm mud. M. North Plains blizzard is coming, here is a natural shelter. If my family gets it, there will be a base. The attack can go in and retreat!"

"But I am more happy, but I have harvested more than 200,000 fearful horses. These horses will be enriched in the hands of the uncles, which will greatly enrich the size of the horses and add the supreme power of my horse to the next heroic conference. !"

His uncle, not someone else, is the Ma Zun who is one of the three great beast masters in Beiyuan today!

When I mentioned Ma Zun, there was an admirable color on the face of Ma’s master.

"My uncle and uncle is jealous of me, saying: It is not easy for us to become a large tribe. It has gone through hundreds of years of accumulation, hard work, and good luck. This is the day. But the tribe is big. It is even more difficult to hold this foundation. Even if you lay down the warm marsh, you just have a foundation to preserve the fire. If you really want to protect the whole family, even further, then you can only enter the king court!"

Ma Yingjie glanced at the crowd and continued: "Wang Tingfu is the grace of the giant Yang Xianzun left to the children. Especially in the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, there is a heritage of Xianzun! Uncle said, I The blood of the body has reached the standard of entering the 88-degree Zhenyang Building. If you can get the inheritance of Xianzun and later become a fairy, then our Ma family is a new super family in Beiyuan!"

"Super family..."

This name suddenly made the face of the Ma family appear fascinating.

"Small patriarchs, you are a rare genius of my family for centuries. The future of my family is on your shoulders."

"Although Ma Zun adults are silent, they are actually family-minded and far-sighted..."

"The old man can witness this and fight with the young patriarchs, it is a lifetime honour!"

"Last patriarchs, lead us to glory."

The Majia sergeants shouted excitedly.

Ma Yingjie smiled.

In fact, Ma Zun never said such a thing, but this is just what he made on the spot.

With the prestige of Ma Zun, Ma Yingjie successfully added lustre to his image. Imagine that even Ma Zun is so optimistic about his Ma Yingjie, other people are not optimistic, is there no eyes?

Ma Yingjie did not worry that Ma Zun knew about this and dismantled his own desk.

Ma Zun is a strange person. When he was a child, he rarely spoke. He was silent and his parents almost mistakenly thought that he was a dumb.

Ma Zun loves to become a madman. When he was a teenager, he was dubbed by the tribes as "the horse" and "the nerd."

He is a temperamental, unfinished life, only loves the horse, and lives with the horses all the year round. I don’t care about secular power and red chores, and I have no interest at all.

Ma Yingjie’s eyes are like a star: “You are the pillars and pillars of my Ma family. There are many excellent things on my body. It is worthy of my Ma Yingjie study. I am still too young, and the Ma family is not alone. I have to rely on you in the future."

"Where the little patriarchs said!"

"If you have less patriarchs, let us be ashamed."

"Over the years, the performance of the young patriarchs has penetrated into my heart. I must wait for the patriarchs!"

The Ma family replied quickly.

Ma Yingjie said again: "Uncle Ma Zun is hoping to be on my body, but to get the inheritance of the Xianzun Building in the 88th corner of Zhenyang, you have to look at the opportunity. But even if I have a commitment, in Zhenyang Building In addition, Wang Tingfu's place has the inheritance left by the sages of all generations. Therefore, the family who has always stayed in Wang Ting will have a full-fledged rise in strength. Every time I think of this, I can't help but feel at ease. ”

Everyone laughed.

"I don't think it's a heartbeat. Every time the old man thinks, he has to sneak out."

"Haha, the young patriarchs don't have to have too much pressure. If you fail once, you will come back. We are all heroes who don't give in!"

Wang Tingfu is a bit like Tianti Mountain, and the teachers often leave behind.

The Beiyuan environment is bad, there is a blizzard every ten years, and the snowstorm swept the entire North Plains. The storm is like a knife to scrape everything. Many of the inheritance buried in the wild will be destroyed.

Therefore, the establishment of the inheritance in the Wang Tingfu land has gradually become a tradition of the North Plains.

In Wang Tingfu's land, in addition to the immortal inheritance of the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower, there are many other inheritances reserved for those who have a chance.

Of course, this kind of person must first enter the Wang Tingfu land, and it is possible to harvest the romance.

The ability to escape from the blizzard, the blessed land of Enron's life, and the size and inheritance throughout the country, is the fierce competition of the various grasslands in each battle.

This competition has spread to the entire North Plains and is extremely large. Small tribes need to survive, medium-sized tribes have to go further, and large tribes have to keep their foundations. Not only the right way, but the magic martial artists also want to enter the blessed land and seek the inheritance of the sorcerer.

In order to unite each other, the Heroes Conference came into being. It was gradually formed a long time ago, and it is now a tradition that the North Plains cannot abandon.

When the snowstorms of the decade come, the heroic conferences will be held at the same time in the places of interest in the North Plains.

"We have destroyed the Fei family this time. It is very beneficial to our trip to the Tianchuan Heroes Conference. As long as we are married, we will be the only ones!"

"Yes, only winning at the heroic conference will attract more powerful people and make more tribes dependent. This is the first step and a very important step in the Battle of the North Plains."

"We are going to be in the court of Wang Tingfu, and we must look around. The Yuda Heroes' Conference, the Heroes' Meeting of the Giants, and the Caofu's Heroes Conference are all closely watched."

When the Majia high-level officials were eagerly discussing, a communications sergeant rushed to the latest information for Ma Yingjie.

Ma Yingjie started to look at it, his face was so heavy, and he immediately handed the information to everyone around him.

The people circulated in turn, and occasionally issued a small exclamation, sigh or guess.

"The Eastern tribes actually pressed the Zhao family in advance, so that they are the hegemons of the grass government heroes."

"This time, in the case of the martial arts, Nur’s family sent out Nuertu, and the Lu family might not be able to resist it."

"As for the Yutian Heroes Conference, it is also a storm. Actually, I ran out of the former Wolf King Changshan Yin!"

"This is always fierce in the mountains, and actually led the Ge family to pick one, and even Yan Feifei lost."

"Yutian, the black Loulan of the black family, Liu Wenwu of the Liu family are all Zhong Junjie. Now the wolf king is out, the impact is quite big. The situation in Yutian immediately became confusing."

Soon, the focus of discussion was concentrated on Fang Yuan.

Chang Shanyin’s identity has been spreading in Beiyuan for many years. Suddenly, the scam was resurrected and it caused a sensation.

Before Ge Jia was just an ordinary medium-sized family, but it was because Chang Shanyin intervened, and he was hard to pick three, and Yan Feifei’s fierce players were defeated.

In particular, they found out that when Ge’s new patriarch was still a three-turn young sergeant, their evaluation of Chang Shanyin could not help but pull up several levels.

"Every ten years of competition, there will always be a ghost and a zombie coming out of the corner. Just this time, I have a big one."

"Less patriarch, you said that if this wolf king Chang Shanyin and my family Ma Zun adults fight, what will happen?"

Everyone can't help but worry.

Ma Yingjie brows slightly wrinkled.

If you are a sect of other genres, then it will be. But this often Shanyin is a slave teacher, and he is best at an enemy.

But he alone, under the leadership of the army, can change the battle!

"Just the information, you have seen it. The strength of the slave sergeant depends on the size of the herd in his hand. He often has a comeback, and his hands are ordinary turtles, night wolves or wind wolves, but There are only three beasts of the beasts. Now I have died and I am seriously injured. How can I compare with my uncle Ma Zun?"

Ma Yingjie snorted and continued to inspire morale: "In the hands of Uncle Ma Zun, there were originally 300,000 horses. Now there are so many fearless horses, the scale can be expanded to 500,000! He also controls a Ma Huang, a nine-headed beastmaster, and five different beasts. Do you say that the Wolf King can compare with him?"

The surrounding teacher took a breath of cold air and was surprised and happy.

"I don't want the strength of Ma Zun adults to be so huge!"

"The Wolf King, compared with the Ma Zun of my family, is simply a baby."

"Fifty thousand, this size is too big. It is enough to kill seven or eight medium-sized families."

Ma Yingjie’s words are another turn: “But the wolf king Chang Shanyin can’t be underestimated. My family wants to be the master of Wang Ting, and sooner or later I have to run into this person. More importantly, once he participates in the heroic conference, he will be attached to the gold family. Get help. There will be a large number of teachers to help him conquer the wolves and drive them."

The joy on the faces of the people gradually converges.

The young sorcerer said here and deeply sighed: "We have annexed the family, but it is only the first step of the Long March. There will be more and more powerful opponents in the future. We can only defeat them if we are closely united. And thus enter the king's court."

"Yes, the young chiefs said it was right."

"The young patriarch is wise and martial, and the old man admires it!"

"We have patriarchs in the Ma family, and the leaders of the young patriarchs will definitely dominate the North!"

Unconsciously, the people were beaten by Ma Yingjie in a few words, and they were more compactly united by Ma Yingjie.

The little patriarch of the Ma family smiled at the bottom of his heart.

On the surface, he is light and windy, and he is in the chest.

"Abba, you are so bad..." At this moment, a sad crying voice came from under the hillside.

This voice attracted the attention of all the horses.

Ma Yingjie saw far away. In the battlefield of the corpse, a child, on a scarred body, burst into tears and was very sad.

"Bad boy, roll me over. You are already a slave to my horse!" An adult man is beside him, kicking and kicking the child, and then picking him up.

But the child struggled and bit the bite on the wrist of an adult man.

The adult man screamed and had to let go.

The child rolled for a while and rushed to the body to cry.

"Hey..." Ma Yingjie sighed from the heart. "There is no wish for me. But in the troubled times, who can be alone? Not you die, but I am dead. The manpower is small, I can do it." The maintenance of my own family, so that my children in the Ma family will not have such an encounter."

"The little patriarchs are benevolent." The people around him sighed.

Ma Yingjie pointed to the bottom: "This child is also a loyal and filial person. It is difficult for me. I am alone, stop him, send this child to me, and be my own slave in the future."

"Yes, adults."

They did not dissuade them, and the adoption of slaves in Beiyuan was a legacy.

Besides, a child who is less than thirteen years has no reopening at all. How can he threaten his own young people?

"Children, get up!" A senior at the Ma family stopped the adult man from beating the child and raised the child's neck.

The child struggled: "No, I want to be with my dad."

"Child, your father is dead. You are lucky today, and I was taken care of by the patriarchs of my family." The horse's high-level tone eased.

But this child does not listen, just crying: "Abba, Abba!"

Suddenly he paused and looked at Abba's body with a dull look.

"Ah! You are not my father, my father's skin is darker than you, the nose is higher than you, the hair is white..." The child was surprised to talk to himself, then angered, kicked a body, immediately Cried again, "Abba, where are you?"

Everyone in the Ma family has a black line. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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