Reverend Insanity

: Section 88: Surge in power

After a while.

"Hey..." Fang Yuanhan Mang, secretly remember the names of these immortals.

Fishing rod, giant stone Daxian, electric Huang Tianmu...

"The old man of the Rock, it turned out to be you." He finally understood who is against him, because most of these immortals are people who attacked the blessed land in the memory of the world five hundred years ago.

"Most of these celestial beings come from Beiyuan, but there are also people from southern Xinjiang, the East China Sea, the West Desert, and the Central Plains. Together with the old people of the Rock, this sect of the celestial being hidden in the dark is really huge!"

Because of this unusual confrontation, Fang Yuan was informed of a lot of intelligence, and he was secretly shocked.

What kind of force is it, who is it?

In his previous life, he was ignorant at all and has been kept in the dark.

Such a powerful force, hidden behind the scenes, is not a simple snake, but a tiger roosting the jungle.

What is it planning and what is the goal?

The future development, the five-domain war, what role does it play in it? What position is the old man of the Rock in this power?

Think about the confrontation just now, just like the undercurrent, they didn’t do their best at the beginning, but they played the best.

Others simply can't detect it, they only think it is the usual bidding behavior.

Even even myself, if it is not the memory of the past five hundred years, I am afraid that I will only feel that I am not lucky, and I encounter fierce competition when purchasing materials.

They secretly shot, quietly interfered, and found that they could not stop, and quietly closed their hands.

The whole sniper's behavior is like a stone thrown in the water, and after a few laps, the water surface has returned to calm.

Fang Yuan knew clearly that the reason why he was able to get rid of the other side’s blockade this time was that he was only a foundation. More importantly, the other party is not willing to expose, do not want to provoke doubt, so they did not try their best.

Although Fangyuan was a celestial being in the past, it is now only a mortal.

Although sitting on a blessed land, it is absolutely impossible to match the two singers, let alone the crane and the mysterious and powerful forces.

"The reason why I am causing the attention of the old stone people is probably because of the immortality." Fang Yuan secretly indulged.

At the beginning, he used the mortal body to refine the fairy tales in the eyes of the public. It was too conspicuous and too eye-catching.

Fairy, even if it is a fairy, it is rarely owned. What's more, is this six-turned best for Xianxian? Naturally, it will cause the embarrassment of the immortals.

It’s strange that this limelight is too big!

But Fangyuan has no way. At that time, the situation was forced, he could only do so. Doing so is also the best result, no one.

"It has passed so long, and now the news must have spread. The cranes must be investigated, but this is a good thing."

"The more they investigate, the more they know about my feet. I am only in my thirties. It is a street child after the break of a small and medium-sized family. A spoiler is more practical. It is a magician!"

"Such people, low qualifications, lack of resources. Can actually know the scene of the Fox Fairyland, can actually refine the fairy? How is this possible? It is like the ants suddenly grow up and swallow the elephant. The fat pig suddenly grows out Wings, flying higher than the eagle."

As a word on earth, it is unscientific!

"In this way, they naturally speculate that there is a high person behind me! Such an expert is at least a powerful and mysterious fairy. And I am just a chess piece released by the people behind the scenes."

"So, if they want to deal with me, they must consider the people behind the scenes, or the factors behind the scenes. If it is behind the scenes, is it a group of people, a super family, or a super martial art? No one says no. Qing. Everyone wants to go deeper into the investigation and find ways to figure it out."

"Before I can't figure it out, as long as I've been huddled in the fox fairy land and don't touch the bottom line, they're just tempted, not tearing the skin."

The thoughts in Fang Yuan’s mind, one after another, the electric light and the flint, generally analyze the current situation.

"Of course, this situation is only temporary. After all, the paper can't hold the fire. Once they find out the truth or lose patience, then my big trouble will come."

Once Xianhemen attacked Fox Fairyland, the best result left to Fangyuan was to blew the blessing land, and both of them lost. No one could get it.

Losing the blessing of the blessed land, Fang Yuan became a street mouse that everyone called.

The reason why he manages the identity of Chang Shanyin is that he has prepared for the future and left a path for the future.

The three caves of the Rex Rabbit, Fang Yuan is a magical Tao Xiong, naturally deep in essence.

Fangyuan sighed and sighed.

He must practice as soon as possible, and it is best to re-create the immortals before the cranes and the mysterious forces. But even then, it is a huge disaster. If you can’t get through, it’s a sad ending with a broken body.

"The pressure is heavy..."

Although Fang Yuan obtained the best interests in the Three Kings Land, he lost his initiative after this battle.

Spring and Autumn, Xianhemen, Wandering Mountain, mysterious forces, blessings and disasters...

Although he got the fox fairy land, his strength soared, but he was even more precarious.

All kinds of fierce situations, sinister situations, step by step to oppress him, like a whip or a sickle, driving him behind him.

If he is a slower step, it is an unimaginable result!

If you change to others, I am afraid that I will be exhausted and the situation will be crushed into slag. There is also only Fangyuan, searching for the intestines, exhausting care, and drilling a line of vitality from the crisis.

But even if he keeps working hard, the situation is still not getting better.

Just like now, he has encountered a new problem.

Xianyuan Stone is not enough!

He originally sold a large number of secret recipes and acquired twenty-eight celestial stones. However, it took a few times, especially after the purchase of Daxie, the sales of Xianshi were too big, and it has already bottomed out.

In the hands of Fang Yuan, there are only four poor celestial stones. But there are too many places he puts in.

In desperation, he had to temporarily stop investing in the wolves.

However, Fang Yuan’s plan is a slavery, a double-education, and now has a second open space, making this plan more feasible.

There are usually three aspects to determining the strength of a slave.

The first aspect is the size of the slave herd.

The second aspect is the slave locust in the empty space of the sergeant.

The third aspect is the soul of the slave teacher. The depth of the soul is deep, and the more beasts that are driven, the more powerful Beastmasters can be compiled. The longer it takes to command the herd to fight.

"After my strong acquisition, my wolves have already reached the second-class level in the North Plains. The first-class is the three masters of the world's slaves - Ma Zun, Jiang Dao, Yang Ruo ""

"But my slave locusts are all from Changshan Yin, only four turns. I have to rise five times to cope with the North Plains war."

"Fortunately, the Wandering Mountain is dying, but it can still be used. With courage, it has greatly reduced my expenses, but in addition, I have a lot of wolf souls and continue to transform the wolf soul."

In the face of rapid training needs, Xianyuan Stone in the hands of Fang Yuan appears to be stretched. The vigorous acquisition of the wolves has only raised the first of the three major aspects of slavery.

Next, he bought several kinds of sputum in Bao Huangtian, many refining materials, and five indispensable wolf souls in the future.

In this way, he spent another fairy stone, leaving only three in his hand.

Fang Yuan will look at the relics.

His second open space, just formed, is only a first step, and needs to be practiced.

But where does Fangyuan come from? It is only possible to help him in a short time by directly using the relics.

Although there is a heart, but because of the fact that Xianyuan Stone is not much, Fangyuan has to retreat to the next level, only buy bronze, red iron, silver, gold relics.

After that, I chose the locusts that transformed the body.

The body is like a skin sac, carrying a soul. The soul is strong, and the strength of the body is not good, it will become a bottleneck, limiting the growth of the soul.

For the same reason, if the body strength is not enough, then you should be careful when using force locusts. Once the force is excessive and the enemy is not hit, the muscles will be torn and the bones will break.

When Fangyuan ended the deal, he had only two pieces of Xianyuan Stone in his hand.

These two pieces of Xianyuan Stone, he is reserved to deal with unexpected situations.

Two days later, Fang Yuan did not leave the Fox Fairy, and practiced on the Wrath Mountain.

"This is the last one to know." Climbing on a cliff, Fang Yuan reached out and squeezed the cockroach.


With a soft bang, a yellow-brown muddy water flowed out.

This is a gangrene, itself eroded by the power of the muddy scorpion, no longer has the miraculous effect of growing souls.

"The soul of the mountain is getting weaker, and the good courage is getting less and less... However, after collecting these days, because of the large number of bases, my soul has reached the soul of thousands."

Fang Yuan closed his eyes and felt the soul of the body.

The soul of this thousand people is obviously more solid than before, and there is a heavy illusion. It seems to be stuffed in the body of Fangyuan, and there is a feeling of overflowing.

Thousand souls are one of the symbols of slave masters. At the beginning of Changshan Yin, there were thousands of souls.

Fang Yuan slowly opened his eyes, a thought, called the little fox, so that he immediately moved into the sacred palace in the mountains.

Sitting on the futon, he took out a silver relic.

After the previous test, this silver relic has no problem, and Fang Yuan will infuse the real yuan.

After he had to squat, he opened his eyes and looked at the second empty space. He nodded with satisfaction.

"The second air, also reached the peak of three turns."

In this way, Fang Yuan’s first open space is a five-turn peak, and the crystal violet is true. The second open space is the peak of three turns, snow and silver.

Snow and silver real yuan, although not comparable to the crystal purple real yuan, but good can provide some help to Fangyuan.

After all, in the battle of the North Plains Wang Ting, the three-turner is the absolute backbone.

"After I used the gold relic, I achieved a four-turn peak, which is even better. Of course, what makes me most happy is that the second space has given me another place for my life. So I will be alone. Can have two life orders!"

(ps: a late chapter ~ and the late New Year blessing! It is expected to be updated in the third day of the third day, so there is no loss of faith in the words. Call... spit out a sigh of gas, thank you first Qingyi Erya shoes Remind. Tonight's class reunion, come back in advance, the card is not playing, the wine is not drinking, just to catch this chapter. I know, I owe a lot of people, many fans. Here, I want to apologize to everyone, very no I am very embarrassed! I am a thin man, lazy, and have a lot of shortcomings. I am really happy to get approval from all of you. I am happy and embarrassed by the perseverance.

(With the new year, my life has also undergone many changes. Before that, I also revealed my full-time ideas to some of my friends. Next, I will complete this book with a mentality of work and hard work! Of course, February is an adjustment month, and there are not many updates. The real effort is starting in March! The original plan of the book is the end of the year, but after the year, it was found that it was half written. This book is extraordinary, I can finally get rid of some Things, go well to complete a naive, yet real dream.)

(2014, I am here, I will come and go. Net text, I am coming, two feet are coming in. Zhu Jun, I am coming, I don’t want to let you down, don’t want to owe you, then let us work together – this ordinary person is difficult to understand , arrogant and paranoid dreams!)

(2014.2.3, 22:50, 蛊真人.) (To be continued.)q

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