Reverend Insanity

: Section 96: 500,000 wolves

On the grassland under the curtain of night, San Yi is running hard. M

The biting cold wind is coming on the road. He is full of sweat.

"Come on, hurry up!" He yelled in his heart, and the real element in the openness frantically poured into the mobile shackles.

Hey -!

Behind him, a group of night wolves chased him.

Because of the body of the night wolf cub carried by Sany, the pursuit has already lasted for half a cup of tea.

If it is changed to the past, the time of this half-baked tea is fleeting for Sanyo. However, behind the wolves group, Susan easily felt that it was so difficult and long.

"Come on, finally arrived!" Seeing the small valley in front, Sang Yizhen sent out new power and plunged into the valley.


Nearly 20,000 night wolves, like a black flood, the speed is not reduced, and it is also poured into the valley.

"Come in, come in!" The squatting ambush in the valley, shouted joyfully.

"Quickly close the net, there is no loss." The head of the three-turn squad who was in charge of the ambush immediately issued an order.

"The earth wall, pile it up for me!" A group of two transfer sergeants, united, and simultaneously mobilized two turn to earth.

So many piles of mounds, together, immediately let the narrow entrance of the valley, the soil and stone quickly bulge, forming a barrier that is only three turns of the wall.

Therefore, at the same time, on the other side of the valley, there are also dozens of sergeants standing together and launching two turn-down sarcophagi.

A large number of falling rocks rolled down and sealed the entrance.

The exit of this valley has long been sealed. Now that the entrance is gone, the night wolves that came in suddenly became the shackles.

The night wolf king beasts found that it was not right, immediately led the wolves, climbed the valley, ready to climb.

But at this moment, a loud and screaming wolf screamed and rang through the clouds.

Fang Yuan rode the night wolf, and a large number of night wolves, from top to bottom, launched a charge.

The wild night wolf group, eyes reddened, roaring again and again, because of the power of the wolf, but it is not stunned.

God clear!

Fang Yuan thought of a move and called out a god.

This is a four-turn locust, which was infused by the real yuan and immediately turned into a breeze.

The breeze slowly, boasting the audience.

The wild night wolf group, which was originally affected by the smashing of the onion, became violent, and was immediately awake by the breeze.

The Wolf Emperor screamed again, and this wild night wolf group suddenly had a huge chaos, the formation was faintly broken, and the fighting spirit was severely shaken.

Fang Yuanlang laughed, and this led the wolves to really rush to the past.

As early as the division, the division took part in the battle and entangled the wild Wanlang king.

Fang Yuan first mobilized the wolves, smashed the wild wolves and firmly controlled the whole situation. Then he turned to the front of the wild Wanlang Wang, and he took the opportunity to spur the four turns of the wolf.

In the end, he only paid hundreds of nights of wolf casualties, and he smoothly collected the Wanlang King and nearly 20,000 wolves.

After you're done, leave these sergeants to clean the battlefield, and Fang Yuan leads a larger wolf and rushes to the next location.

There, there is a large group of wild night wolves waiting for him to collect.

"Good job." Three-turn leader patted Sang Yi's shoulder and handed him five hundred yuan stone, one three-turn, "This is the reward you deserve."

Sang Yi wiped the sweat from his head and took the stones and mites unevenly.

He looked far and wide, and his envious eyes were bet on the back of Fang Yuan.

"Although I am a three-turn teacher, I have a small name on the Magic Road. But compared with the Wolf King, it is nothing. This is the real big man. When can I have such an achievement?"

This night, Fang Yuan turned thousands of miles and compiled 70,000 wild night wolves.

Until dawn, the night wolf was not going out to hunt, and they all returned to the wolf's nest. Fang Yuan led the wolves and rushed back to the black camp.

After the establishment of the Black House, there were a lot of people, and there were five giant camps, which were stationed nearby.

Fangyuan's wolves are deposited in these five camps and are fed by specialized personnel.

These days, he has compiled a large number of night wolves. In the original, there were only about 30,000 night wolves, and now it has skyrocketed to 320,000!

The night wolf group has become one of the most powerful forces in the hands of Fangyuan.

Coupled with the previous Zhu Yanwo, the wind wolf, the water wolf, etc., the number of wolves in Fang Yuan’s hands has soared to 5,300,000!

"Thanks to the night wolf emperor, it is extremely easy to assemble the night wolf group." With a good wolf group, Fang Yuan took a tired body and returned to the secret room to rest.

The number of night wolves has increased, and the number of Wanlang kings that Fangyuan has driven has also increased several times.

A large number of night wolf kings, burdened with his soul, let him more and more experience a deep sense of the soul.

After sleeping for a few hours, Fang Yuan opened his eyes and sat on the futon, continuing to suffer.

The wolf is awkward.

He urged the wolf soul, and the soul of thousands of people slowly changed toward the wolf soul under the power of the dragon.

He originally had a hundred-level wolf soul, with a human body, a wolf ear, a wolf tail, and a wolf claw. But after that, after a lot of courage in the Wandering Mountain, the soul expanded into a thousand souls, but the effect of the original wolf soul was diluted, and it returned to the normal soul.

The effect of the wolf soul is not obvious. More than one hour, the wolf ear on the top of the soul of Fangyuan is a little taller.

But the other party's source, the heavy feeling in the depths of the soul, has been reduced a lot.

After turning into a wolf soul, it is easier to control the wolves. The wolves will identify the slaves from the deepest part of the soul and treat them as their kind.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a five-turn wolf soul in my hand. I only use the four-wheeled wolf soul. The latter acts on the soul of a hundred people, and the efficiency is obvious, but to the soul of a thousand people, this speed is slow."

After a long time of urging, Fang Yuan took away the wolf soul, and he was quite sorry in his heart.

But five turns, it has never been easy to start.

Refining the four-turned wolf soul requires a complete soul of the Wanlang King. To refine the five-turn wolf soul, you need the soul of the wolf.

Moreover, even if the master of the refining singer personally took the shot, the success of refining the five-turned wolf soul could be less than 50%.

Fang Yuan originally wanted to acquire in Baohuang Tianzhong, but he thought that only the remaining two pieces of Xianyuan Stone and the mysterious forces lurking in the dark, and steadily, also dispelled this plan.

"Although I can't directly accept the purchase in Baohuang Tianzhong, I have already made this request to Heiloulan. The black family is a golden tribe, and the old family is always a fairy. The foundation is extremely deep. It has been two or three days, I may as well go now. Ask me."

With this in mind, Fang Yuan went out of the Chamber of Secrets.

After seeing Hei Loulan, the other party said that he could not help.

"Shanyin's younger brother, I don't really care. I have written a letter of assistance to the old people. But they think that instead of giving you five revolutionary wolves, it is better to be a living wolf. But the wolf can not follow. I just gave it to you, they mean to use warfare to change. After all, I have to serve the people."

Hei Loulan is very embarrassed. Since Fang Yuan’s swearing oath, his attitude has not been as enthusiastic as before.

Coupled with these days, using a lot of manpower and material resources to facilitate the collection of the night wolf group, he also feels that he has done enough for Fang Yuan.

At the same time, the number of wolves in Fangyuan has expanded to more than 500,000. Such a huge force also made him secretly jealous. Despite the poisonous oath, He Loulan has some extra defenses in the subconscious.

Fang Yuan nodded and expressed understanding.

He has also been ordering the little fox fairy, staring at Bao Huangtian, if there is a wolf in the native of Beiyuan, try to win.

But unfortunately, the beastmaster itself is rarely sold. These days, there is a beast to betrayed. But it is not a wolf, but a pig king.

Fang Yuan also heard the voice of Hei Loulan at the moment, knowing that he was about to press, he had already sharpened his knife and wanted to open the expedition.

These days, Tianchuan, Mengqiu, Caofu and other places in the North Plains have already been fought and fought. Among the major favorites that competed for the title of Wang Ting, only the black family did not move and accumulated the wolves.

Nowadays, the wolves have accumulated almost the same, and the black Loulan, full of hope, has long been waiting.

"So, Loulan brothers want to attack the forces first?" Fang Yuan asked.

Black House laughed haha, patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder: “The younger brother’s eyes are sharp and he can see it. I don’t want to be a younger brother. I want to attack the grass house directly and eradicate the oriental tribe. The oriental tribe is rich in beauty, especially the oriental rain. It’s the big beautiful man in the north. I want to kill their men and grab their women! Ah haha...”

Fang Yuan’s slight glimpse, the development of history still has inertia, and it has returned to the Eastern tribes.

"However, now I have my 500,000 wolves, and it is not the same as the previous life. Oriental family... Hehe." Fang Yuan sneered in his heart.

To this extent, it has already affected the development of history.

But what about it?

Let history be unrecognizable.

As long as the interests are current, he will be trapped in the sky and flooded! Take care of him, and stink forever!

The next day, all the members of the black family set off for the departure of the village, all the way to the direction of the grass house.

The news came out and immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

The storm is changing, and the grass house is on the verge of enemies.

At the Yutian Heroes Conference, Liu Hei and his two families are evenly matched. The grass-roots heroes' meeting The Eastern tribes have the greatest advantage, and they have already assembled a large number of families. Only the Zhao family is left, and it is difficult to withstand the pressure and is unwilling to agree to the harsh conditions of the Eastern family.

The black family army has attracted almost all the attention of the Eastern tribes. Zhao Jia suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and had signs of diverting the camp to the direction of the unicorn.

The patriarch of this generation of the Oriental family is the five-turn Zhidao sect of the East Yu Liang.

He stayed up all night, and after the calculations, he immediately changed his original tough attitude. The conditions for membership were no longer harsh, but he became extremely tolerant.

Oriental Yu Liang personally lobbied and invited Zhao to join the league!

The Zhao family is hesitant.

Zhao Jia and the Oriental family have long ago hatred. These years, it is getting deeper and deeper. But the sincerity of the Oriental family is obvious. The conditions for opening are so tempting.

Perhaps this is a rare opportunity to make the Zhao family and the eastern tribes abandon their former suspicions and resolve their old grievances. RS


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