Reverend Insanity

: Section 100: Stars

"After all, there is no success..." Yuliang Liang, carrying his hands, looked at the drizzle outside the window and sighed.

This shark's-winged wolf, he deliberately caught it from the wild and paid a lot of money.

Then, he moved his hands and feet on the shark's wolf. I was afraid that the other side could see the flaws and carefully selected a five-turned soul to be planted on the shark's-winged wolf.

In the end, he also dispatched the famous magical killer Shadow Swordsman of Beiyuan, and handed the corresponding locust that started the soul explosion to her hands, thousands of miles.

He carefully designed this assassination plan, for which he did not hesitate to lose energy, and repeatedly calculated the calculations three or four times. Until all the flaws are eliminated.

Regardless of the state of the shark's fin wolf, the location, time of its appearance, or even the coping attitude of the shark's wolf, he considered it.

But even then, there is still no success.

At the crucial moment, the Wolf King Chang Shanyin noticed something wrong and let others take it. Shadow Swordsman and Silk Xuan saw the machine is not good, had to start the soul burst.

The power of the soul burst, invisible and colorless, can not be detected by the naked eye. But Chang Shanyin blurted out the first time and told the truth.

Although attacked and pinned by Bian Si Xuan, he only retreated to the extreme edge of the soul explosion range, but at the critical moment, he was calm and extraordinary, and even used his own supporter as a shield to block most of the soul power.

"Under the prestigious name, there is no vain, and it is worthy of being the name of the wolf king of Beiyuan." After listening to the report of Bian Sixuan, the oriental Yu Liang, the degree of attention of the other source, rose to a higher level.

The beast wolf is in front of him, but he can withstand the temptation. Cautious personality, correct judgment under the crisis, instantly recognize the vision of the soul, the coldness of the person as a meat shield, and the assassination, but there is no blind pursuit of calm...

"Wolf King..." Oriental Yu Liang muttered in his mouth, and his heart became heavier.

"The Eastern lord does not have to worry. Although Chang Shanyin took his own person as a meat shield at the most critical moment, he was still blocked by me, or was affected by the soul explosion. In particular, he also blew my brain. Hey. Even if he can't help his life, he will greatly curb his combat power. It can be said that the Wolf King has been abolished."

In the corner of the study, Side Silk was in black, standing in the shadows, and the sound was cold.

"Blasting brains?" Oriental Yu Liang slightly glimpsed, he was the first to hear this nickname.

Bian Si Xuan chuckled and immediately explained the origin of this embarrassment for him.

"This is actually the case..." After listening to the oriental Yu Liang, the scorpion was slightly brighter and seemed to be relieved. He thanked the side silk Xuan Xuan. "There was a shadow swordsman who shot and lost a good card."

Bian Si Xuan did not speak.

In fact, she also feels distressed.

Since she experimented with the use of cerebral palsy, this cockroach has indeed become one of the means of her bottom. Many assassinations rely on it to build a wonderful work.

However, when the assassination of Changshan Yin, the situation was urgent, she could not kill Changshan Yin on the spot, and it was too late to recycle. Before the enemy is surrounded, she must retreat and save herself.

"This is the reward for your promise beforehand." Oriental Yu Liang called a locust from the open space.

This is a dark, single-cornered shell with a fist-sized size that gives a sense of solidity.

This is a four-turn stack.

The eyes of Bian Si Xuan fell to the shadows, and they could not help but show some eager emotions. Although she has multiple swords and shadows, but the offensive is scattered, encountering opponents who defend deep hòu, it is extremely difficult to fight.

If you can have a stack of shadows, stacking multiple swords and shadows together, you can form a strong attack of the offensive. The improvement in her combat power is huge.

But soon, Bian Sixuan regained his gaze and did not accept the shadows.

In the shadows, she heard a clear, cold, slightly proud voice: "This stack of shadows is first placed in the hands of the lords. After the death of the Wolf King, I will come again."

After that, she blended into the shadows and disappeared.

The Oriental Yu Liang had a slight glimpse and had to recapture the 叠 蛊.

"This Shadow Swordsman really talks about credit. It's no wonder that as a magical Taoist repair, it can be mixed with water among the major tribes. Many right-handed teachers don't hesitate to spend a lot of money, specifically asking her to take a shot. It seems that she is blasting. Confidence... If the cerebral palsy can really solve the Wolf King, then I will lose a big heartache. This is the best situation."

"But, if not? If the cerebral palsy is successfully solved by Chang Shanyin? At the crucial moment, he would rather choose to resist the soul explosion, let the cerebral palsy into the deafness, which shows that he has certain confidence and means to solve Got this trouble..."

The eyes of the Oriental Yu Liang were depressed: "But the Wolf King has indeed been affected by the soul explosion... Now the number of variables has increased. It seems that I have to recalculate it."

Thinking of this, he walked over to the bookcase, twisted the top of the incense burner, and opened the secret passage.

Along the secret road, he came to the depths of the ground.

Here, he had planted a sacral bacterium.

This is a kind of squatter house. The space inside is small, but it is enough for one person to practice alone. The most important thing is that the sclerotium scorpion defense deep hòu can guarantee the personal safety of the oriental Yu Liang.

After entering the middle, the Oriental Yu Liang will close the entrance. The whole sacral bacterium, Wang Shuo, formed a ball and went deep into the ground, which stopped.

The inner wall of the sacral bacterium is soft, hòu real, like a carpet. Oriental Yu Liang sat down directly and his eyes slowly closed.

His heart was put into his own empty space, mobilized five turns of real yuan, poured into the star chanting.

He began to think -

"If the wolf king Chang Shanyin solved the blast, what should I do with him?"

This problem has just been produced in his mind, and under the influence of the star chanting, it has become a thought.

Ordinary thoughts, invisible and inferior, can only exist in my mind.

But this thought, exuding the blue starlight, can not only be seen with the naked eye, but also can leave the mind, explore the head, and fly directly to the top of the head of the oriental Yu Liang.

Oriental Yu Liang soon thought: "There are basically three ways to deal with the slaves."

"The first is the law of Wang Shuo Dao, who treats the master of the slaves with the master of slavery." The second thought of exuding the stars, flew out of the mind of the oriental Yu Liang, and flew together with the first star.

"The second is the hegemonic method. With the dagger tactics, the fierce battle will be rushed, and the life will be taken from the Wan Junjun." The third star is flying out and hovering around the first star.

"The third is the method of martyrdom, assassination of Changshanyin, or buying bribes, or by emotion." The fourth star read also flew out, entangled with the previous star, and sometimes collided. But no matter how the collision, the four stars are always four, no change.

Then, Yu Liang of the East recalled: the military strength of the party, the military strength of the other party, the grain of both sides, the character and motivation of Chang Shanyin, the information of each of the strongest divisions of the party, the information of the other strong players, the recent weather Forecasting and changing trends, the geographical environment on the battlefield, how many hills, how many lakes, how many herds around, and the possibility of other major forces involved...


In an instant, hundreds of thousands of stars were produced at the same time, and then they came out of their minds and flew over the top of the head of the oriental Yu Liang.

For a time, the stars are shining!

The face of the oriental Yu Liang was suddenly white, and the sea of ​​the true Yuan in the open space also fell a lot.

He skillfully manipulates these stars.

A star is pronounced, big and small, big no more than big toe, and small is not smaller than little finger. In a small space, these stars collide with each other.

Some of the stars read each other and hit three or four, or even five or six new stars.

Some stars are merged with each other. Some stars read, but they differentiated into several.

Thousands of stars, filled with the entire space, intensive, surrounded by the East Yu Liang.

The true sea surface is slowly falling, and the mind of the Oriental Yu Liang is completely betting. The manipulation of these stars is constantly merging, constantly colliding, and constantly diverging.

As he continued his efforts, the number of stars was gradually reduced with the help of other wise locusts.

After two hours of continuous, the original hundreds of stars, only eight.

But these eight stars, each with a fist size, starlight, contains complex thoughts.

When these stars read and flew into the minds of the oriental Yu Liang, the eyes of the oriental Yu Liang flashed the light of wisdom.

He succeeded in figuring out many ways to deal with the Wolf King. These methods are well-organized and clear.

If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that if you think about it for a month or two, you may not be able to sort out the numerous factors that are complicated and messy, let alone find a solution to the situation from a mess.

However, relying on the means of wisdom, the Oriental Yu Liang only spent two hours, and got the answer.

However, these answers are not unique.

After taking the Yuanshi to restore the real yuan, and after taking a break, the Oriental Yu Liang once again deduced the same problem.

This time, he only spent one and a half hours and got seven stars.

Star thoughts got into his mind, and after he took it, he got some answers. These answers are very similar to the previous ones, only slightly different in the details.

Oriental Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief and really stopped.

After a relying on Yuanshi to supplement, his real yuan is only restored to its peak state.

It’s just the depths of the soul, and there is a feeling of weakness and exhaustion, always lingering and dispelling.

The deduction of Zhidao not only promotes locusts, consumes real yuan, but also consumes the power of the soul. The more the number of calculations, the larger the scale of the operation, the longer the calculation, the more the soul will consume.

Weakness is the norm. If it is difficult to push, the soul will be damaged or even die out!

Of course, as a five-turn Zhidao teacher, the Oriental Yuliang, who is pointed by Zhu Xian, naturally has a complete set of locusts.

Four turns, refining the gods!

The meat of the oriental Yu Liang was immediately thinned down, and the physical energy of the body became the soul of the soul under the transformation of the refined gods.

The soul gets a big supplement, and the feeling of weakness quickly dissipates.

But a strong sense of hunger came immediately.

Oriental Yu Liang touched the belly, and smiled in his heart: "The refining of the gods, although it is the secret of my oriental family, the treatment of the soul is good, but the treatment of the symptoms is not a cure. The soul and wisdom are closely related, if I can have a legend In the courage, I want to count how to calculate it. Even if it is a soul injury, it can be quickly restored. Unfortunately, it is only in the mountains of the Soul..." (To be continued) [] If you like this work, You are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. ) Bring @pea pods @TB小红鸡@神韵有意@小乐鸡@神兽导师

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