Reverend Insanity

: Section 108: 7 Star Lights

Standing on the back of the two-headed rhinoceros, the Shadow Swordsman and the Flying Power two strong men patrolled around. m

There was chaos on the battlefield. There were already three teams of four or four divisions, and three of them had won. Among them, the black family won two games, and the eastern tribe won one.

A few elite soldiers are still entangled with each other, because before the calculation of the East Yu Liang, so in this regard, the black family is slightly weaker than the disadvantage.

Wolves and crocodiles, crabs, and fauna are also in a stalemate.

Fang Yuan has no trace, and I don’t know where it is hiding.

Bian Si Xuan, Dong Broken search failed, his face was black.

Oriental Yu Liang quickly accepted the fact of this failure. He smiled aloud: "This is a bit interesting, but I have already expected this. As long as the Wolf King continues to command the wolves, his soul fluctuations will not cover up, sooner or later. Now his position. Hei Loulan, your failure is only temporarily delayed."

"Ha ha ha." Hei Loulan laughed and looked up, and the laughter was full of disdain. "Oriental children, do you really think I was restrained by you?"

Said, his skin turned into a dark night. At the same time, from his pores, he emptied a long black smoke.

The black smoke rolled and quickly enveloped it.

In a short while, Hei Loulan turned into a human-shaped black smoke, and the smoke was smoky. From the outside, he could only see a pair of red bloodthirsty eyes.

In the heart of the oriental Yu Liang, suddenly a strong feeling of badness rises.

The thought of retreating immediately crossed his mind.

However, although the cloud vortex restrained the dark whirlpool, it will be black. However, on the other hand, it is not a dark whirl to contain the cloud vortex.

The next moment, the black smoke of the black Loulan was actually put into the dark swirl.

"Not good!" Oriental Yu Liang immediately felt a creepy.

But it is too late.

The black giant ball, as big as a hill, was slowly swallowed up by the cloud vortex. But at this moment, the dark swirls shrink again.

The cloud vortex did not respond well and quickly gathered.

But in the next moment, the dark vortex suddenly violently expanded.

"No, not so much expansion, it is better to say - explosion!" Oriental Yu Liang moved.

There is no sound, it is a silent explosion.

The cloud vortex supported only three breaths and was broken by the dark swirl. The giant ball of the darkness is constantly rising. It is like a prehistoric monster. It opens its mouth and engulfs everything, including human beings.

Until this battlefield of ten miles was covered, the semi-circular dark ball suddenly disappeared.

There is no sound wave generated by a conventional explosion, and there is no air wave. This strange and violent explosion has a corrosive power and has a sinister poison that melts everything.

After the dark vortex dissipated, the battlefield of ten miles was completely emptied, leaving only one black man in the middle of the sky, and the eastern Yu Liang in the underground.

The rest of the people, etc., were all smothered by the dark vortex, eroding into nothingness!

Hei Loulan looked down at the oriental Yu Liang at his feet. He was panting and extremely exhausted. He was bathed with black and red blood.

But his mouth is full of crazy smiles.

"Ha ha ha, the oriental Yu Liang can not only think of the sneak sneak swaying, but I can also improve the original killings! How, I carefully prepared for you a big meal, how is it? This is me The means of keeping the snow all the time is that the next of my parents did not tell."

Black Loulan laughed loudly and laughter resounded throughout the battlefield.

For a time, his momentum overwhelmed the surrounding, even the soldiers in the battle, could not help but cast his attention.

When he saw that the Black House had the upper hand, the morale of the Black House was high. On the contrary, the teachers of the Eastern tribes are under pressure.

It will be crucial to compete with the spirit of the soldiers, and the contest between Hei Loulan and Dongliang Yuliang is not only a personal life and death, but an impact on the battlefield.

"Cough and cough..."

The black laughter of Hei Loulan stopped abruptly and spit out a few black blood.

Although his power is enormous, he kills one thousand and loses eight hundred. It is a self-mutilation trick, no matter what the outcome, once it is motivated, most of the locusts that form the dark whirlwind will die.

When the locusts are annihilated, the sergeant will naturally be countered.

However, this has already made a big profit.

Hei Loulan not only got rid of the difficulties in one fell swoop, but also suppressed the Oriental Yu Liang, and he also killed Wei Xin, Jiang Yan and E Xuan Ming who were in the same spirit.

When the three men died, the mixed herd immediately did not have a unified command and gave birth to fierce guilt. As Fang Yuan said before, it is not broken.

Running around, the chaotic attacking herd of monsters makes the battlefield more chaotic.

The oriental Yu Liang looked dignified and slowly rose.

Black Loulan’s confidential work is doing very well. He has no relevant evidence, and the murderous killing of the lethality is beyond his expectations.

In fact, he was originally composed of E Xuanming, Wei Xin and Jiang Yan. He secretly prepared a means of escape and could directly transfer the three people from the original place to the rear of the battlefield.

However, Hei Loulan apparently added Yudao locusts when he improved the murder. When the dark vortex explodes, the surrounding space is locked, and the means of the eastern Yuliang is also invalid.

"Oriental Yu Liang, you are now confessing to lose, but still have time. As long as you surrender, I can not succumb to the past, regardless of the suspicion, appoint you as the first military division." Hei Loulan Road, in public to recruit Oriental Yu Liang.

Oriental Yu Liang sneered.

The name of the black Loulan erotic, widely circulated, has long smashed the beauty of his sister's oriental rain. Even if the Oriental Yuliang surrendered to other forces, it would not be possible to choose to return to Heloulan.

"Black Loulan, you are too optimistic. Even if you have the upper hand now, but it is far from victory. Come on, let us have a good comparison. Seven Stars!"

The oriental Yu Liang sighed softly, and seven lights were flashing around him.

These seven groups of lights, different colors, around his body, constantly hovering, draw a beautiful light tail.

This is the signature of the East Yu Liang, the seven lights have different effects. Under their blessing, the Oriental Yu Liang urges the stars to recite.


Countless thoughts, spewing out, starry. Even in the daytime, it can't cover the edge of these stars.

A large number of stars are rising above the air, just a few breaths, and the Oriental Yu Liang has produced at least tens of thousands of stars.

In midair, the stars are connected into one piece, forming a large nebula that is magnificent.

"Black Loulan, pick me up!" Oriental Yu Liang sighed, and the stars next to him rushed to the black Loulan.

The huge scale has caused a whistling whistle, and the momentum is extremely amazing.

"Hey!" In the depths of He Loulan's eyes, there was a hint of jealous light.

Zhidao is not an unarmed generation. Every genre school, since it exists, must have the means of attack.

The genre without the means of attack and kill will be eliminated and annihilated in the long river of history.

Many years ago, Hei Loulan and East Yuliang played against each other. At that time, but thousands of scales of the star, but it was to let the black Loulan suffer.

The star is amazing, directly attacking the enemy's mind, and it is difficult to prevent it.

"With so many stars, it seems that the oriental Yu Liang is really desperate! It is not so bad to damage the soul or the body. It is no longer a damage to the soul or the body. Two years of life. I am in a bad state, or it is better to temporarily avoid the edge."

Hei Loulan saw the star of this scale, and suddenly he retired.

With a bang, he disappeared in the same place, and when he appeared again, he was far away from the thousand steps.

But the star is amazing, and if it is lightning fast, it will open up and kill the black Loulan.

Hei Loulan snorted and used his treatment to evade.

Stars are brought together into a huge nebula, constantly chasing the black Loulan on the battlefield. Wherever you go, no one is turning over.

Some weak-minded sorcerers were directly swayed into idiots by the majestic stars.

Most of the sorcerers were permeated by the stars and immediately became dizzy and unstable.

Only those of the most powerful sergeants, strong will, heart and lightning, will knock out the alien stars one by one. But as a result, these fierce battles have slowed down because of the defense of the stars.

The four-turn sergeant can traverse the battlefield, but the five-turn squad, once the squad, can affect the entire battle.

The East Yu Liang made a full effort, and He Loulan was pushed into the wind. The majestic star, forming a nebula, became the first force to dominate the battlefield!

Although the star reading is extremely fast, the degree of the star of the oriental Yu Liang is also very amazing.

Over time, the size of the nebula has not declined at all, but has risen slightly.

Almost everyone's attention on the entire battlefield is concentrated on the nebula. When the nebula rushed, most of the sergeants chose to flee, fearing that they would be shocked into dementia.

However, the face of Dongfang Yuliang did not have the slightest joy, but instead shrouded a layer of sorrow.

The movement of Hei Loulan is quite good, and Xing Nian is also catching up. Oriental Yu Liang knows the truth, the two most important people in the entire black family army are Hei Loulan and Chang Shanyin.

Now Black Loulan runs faster than the rabbit, and Chang Shanyin is also hidden in the dark, deliberately suppressing the soul, and only one point is used to manipulate the wolves. I want to dig him out of this chaotic battlefield, and I hope it is very embarrassing.

"If this is the case, then I will destroy your elite soldiers. I will see if you can still endure!" The eyes of the East Yu Liang are cold, and the clouds of the stars in the air suddenly turn to the elite. The group swooped over.

These elite soldiers, at least two are converted to repair. It is mixed with a three-turner as a leader.

They are numerous, but they are not the enemy of the East Yu Liang. Under the special care of the cloud of Xing Nian, the black butterfly of the black family suddenly fell apart and suffered numerous deaths and injuries.

"The elite of my family!" Seeing this scene, the Ye family screamed with great pain.

"Not yet?" Oriental Yu Liang raised his eyebrows slightly, and once again drove the clouds of the Stars to attack the soldiers.

The soldiers of the war dogs immediately fell to the west, and the surrounding soldiers seized the opportunity, and the siege was on, and the three soldiers were divided into two, and the soldiers were killed.

"My war dog soldiers!" Wang family long heart trembled and trembled ~ ~ cultivate such a fine soldier, Wang family do not know how much resources are lost, consuming the energy of the contemporary people.

But such valuable fighting power has been lost.

"Well, I still don't want to rescue?" The oriental Yu Liang brows deep and wrinkles, and continuously eliminates two elite soldiers. His star reading is extremely depleted. If he has been constantly giving birth to a new star, the cloud of the star has long been The loss is exhausted.

Despite the blessing of the Seven Stars, the Oriental Yu Liang still feels a strong sense of weakness at the moment. The head of his original Wu Qing began to appear a glimpse of white.

"Kill it, kill it, I will look at the killings like you, can you stick to it." Fangyuan, who is hiding in a corner, sneer through the wolf, while admiring such a situation.

For him, the more people die, the more souls he gets after the war.

Anyway, as long as he wins in the end, he can enter Wang Ting.

Oriental Yu Liang wants to force Fang Yuan to shoot through the slaughter of soldiers, which is impossible. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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