Reverend Insanity

: Section 129: Great War (final)

"At, Big Brother!" Ouyang Bisang and Mo Shi mad at the same time. M

"Let them see the real power of our three brothers!" Liu Wenwu screamed, not losing, directly hit the ink lion, Ouyang Bisang.

The latter two laughed, and the body burst into a glory of blue and gray.

The cyan, gray, and white glare collided together, and the bang and the light dissipated. A humanoid monster appeared in the original place.

This monster has three heads and six arms. The height is two feet, the muscles are tangled, and the skin is like red copper.

The three heads are the image of Liu Wenwu, Ouyang Bisang and the Ink Crazy.

"This is?!" Seeing such an incredible scene, countless people have rounded their eyes.

"Teach you to know that this is the killing of our three brothers - three heads and six arms! Shake it, tremble, fear it. This will be the last moment in your life!"

The three heads are equally vocal.

"Oh, big words!" Gao Yang snorted, urging the waves.

A gray cloud light, flew away to the three-headed six-armed giant, but still halfway through, Liu Wenwu's eyes burst into two beams of light, and the cloud was shot through.

call out!

A sound burst, three heads and six arms suddenly appeared in front of Gao Yang.

"So fast!" Gao Yang’s pupils shrank and the battle experience that he had developed for a long time made him madly urge the defense.

The monster waved his arms.

One arm pierced the hood and one arm fell on the high head, as if it had broken a watermelon.

The next moment, the high-spirited headless body fell from the sky.

"Brother!!!" Zhu Zai saw this scene, angered his heart, lost his mind, and rushed to the monster.

"Hey, the screams of the ants." The lion's head screamed and screamed, flexing the index finger of one arm and slamming it at Zhu Zai.

boom! ! !

Airflow explosion, powerful impact directly on the battlefield, plowing a wound of thousands of steps.

Zhu Zai was directly blasted, fried into flesh and bones, and pieces of the film fell. The rest of the squadrons suffered heavy casualties.

"This power is at least six times that of a single person, at least nine times! At the same time, the three people fit together, using the Shura change, superimposed airway attack and the effect of the light track?" Fang Yuan saw such a scene, and could not help but feel The rise of a strong war.

"I have the strength to go all out, plus five turns and doubles, you can burst out of five hundred miles! I don't know how to confront this monster, how good or bad?"

But in the next moment, Fang Yuan grabbed his own war, flew down and re-hidden into the wolves.

People are ashamed!

At this time, under the two silver lights, Zhu Zai and Gao Yang regained their lives and returned to the original!

"Old things!" The monster's six eyes, or cold, overflowing, or killing the fullness, or the battle is boiling, while shooting too much Baiyunsheng.

Too Baiyun was hurriedly retreating. Although he was the same, he could only act on others and could not act on himself.

"The whole army has orders, protection is too white clouds!!" Hei Loulan rushed to the side, screaming at the side, to see the key to this battle.

"Who can stop me?" Ouyang Bisang's head, proudly smiled.

The next moment, the monster turned into a green mans, as if it were lightning, and shot at too white clouds.

Too Baiyunsheng avoids behind everyone, but the monster is unstoppable, invincible, and directly collided all the way. Anyone who dares to intercept him and the beast will become a blurred piece of beach.

"Engong is going away!" Gao Yang and Zhu Zai came and blocked Taibaisheng behind him.

"Small things in the way." The monster's six arms are swung, and the speed is fast. Only the six shadows can be seen by the naked eye.

Two sounds, Zhu Zai, Gao Yang was once again blasted.

"Look at my single knife!" Pan Ping rushed, urging a single knife.

The single-knife smashed this time successfully, the monster male body shook a little, and a shallow scar appeared on the chest.

"Somewhat." The monster sneered, the laughter just fell, and the scars recovered. Then, the monster spit out a sigh of gas.

The turbid gas exploded and the Pan Ping was blown into pieces.

"Where is Baiyunsheng, where are you going?" The monster smirked and the voices of the three heads gradually formed.

Too many white clouds have not been transferred, the monster has been stopped in front of him.


The water cascades are gushing, and the torrents are coming.

The monster's six palms pushed, the water flow collapsed, and the torrents screamed and flew out faster.

Seeing this scene, the sideline rushing up immediately stopped the pace, did not dare to go forward.

Dark swirl!

Black Loulan descended from the sky, and the huge black light ball was like a mountain peak.

The monster screamed, and the six-handed claws were aimed at the light ball.

Killing tricks - swallowing!

The atmosphere is as solid as a wall, and the face of the black Loulan is purple, but it can't be promoted.

Later, the atmosphere was wrapped in all directions, and his killings were swallowed up.

The killing tricks that the lion madness could not display alone went to the hands of the monsters, but they suddenly improved.


The beasts of the beasts flocked, and the black Loulan succeeded in delaying the footsteps of the monsters. In a blink of an eye, the beasts of the beasts will surround the monsters.

A **** battle exploded.

The beast wolf, which is comparable to the four-powered warfare, rushes to the monster without fear or fear.

"killing and killing!" The monsters screamed and fell into a state of madness, entangled with the beasts of the beasts.

He has great power between his gestures. The light path, the airway, and the change of the road three locusts, together with the exhibition, with tacit understanding, as if it is three times and repair!

The beast wolf is only killed, but the monster's offensive is still fierce.

"Mr. Lord, I will help you!" At this time, a strong teacher of the Liu family came to support.

But in the next moment, he was stunned by the irrational monster!

"Liu Wenwu's son lost his mind!"

"He is crazy!!"

The battlefield was in turmoil, and the morale of the Liu family was steep.

"My family suffered heavy casualties, and the division lost one-third. It is time to retreat."

"How can such a ally be worthy of our lives?"

"First withdraw and say that the casualties have reached the standard. At this moment, retreating is not a violation of the oath."

It is everyone’s expectation that the war will go through such a situation. Both the black family and the Liu family began to appear as deserters.

The black flag army and the white army, which had been suppressing their positions, are fighting hotly. How can they work to suppress these people?

"What should I do?" Hei Loulan asked the planner, this monster, which made him very headache.

"Nothing. The so-called killing, although the power is amazing, but the real yuan consumed will also become huge. And this killing is obviously flawed, the monster has lost its rationality. Without the power of wisdom, it is not enough." Very calm analysis, his voice made everyone feel refreshed.

"Yes, if there is no accident, we have won this battle!" added Taibaisheng.

But his voice just fell, and the accident was born.

The three-headed and six-armed monsters suddenly split out and formed three people, each in three directions.

Liu Wenwu and Mo Shi mad have all emptied, but Ouyang Bisang’s eyes are shining, and he shouted: “Changshan Yin, I finally found you! Let’s die!!”

It turned out that when the three of them fit together to form a three-headed and six-armed monster, the souls will interact with each other. Although the combat power is soaring, it cannot last. The longer you drag, the more serious the memory confusion will be, and eventually you will completely lose yourself and become a madman and fool who is unconscious.

When they killed their own supporters, Liu Wenwu and others were shocked and reluctantly regained a clear line.

Taking advantage of this clearing, they still want to reverse the market.

Compared to killing too many white clouds, killing Changshan Yin, no doubt more effective.

The scouts of the three of them are not the best. Through careful calculation of the situation, the most likely hiding places of the three sources are obtained.

Finally, let Ouyang Bisang find the hiding place of Fangyuan.

"Oops! If the wolf king is dead, the wolves will suddenly collapse. The Liu family army will reverse the market and replace it with the defeat of our army." Seeing Ouyang Bisang smiled and rushed to Changshan Yin, He Loulan yelled in his heart. Crazy to rush to support, but time is finally too late.

"Death!" Ouyang Bisang actually has real yuan, can once again spur Shura!

"The wolf king is finished!" Sun Huohan is afraid and happy again.

"Well! Chang Shanyin is going to die!!" Taibaisheng and others are white.

"Father!" I was very anxious and screamed.

Seeing Ouyang Bisang fluttering, Fang Yuan’s face has a strange smile.

Four turns to the eagle, and five turns to attack!

Fang Yuan’s back suddenly grew a pair of eagle wings, carrying him to the sky five times.

Ouyang Bisang stunned and rushed to catch up. Dad said: "You don't want to run!"

But he can't do it, but he can only helplessly watch the distance between the two sides continue to pull away.

"Let me come!" Liu Wenwu screamed, his body white light, flying. However, Fang Yuan’s light-weight one turned and shunned it.

At this time, the lion mad rushed over, the other source began to chase.

Fang Yuan's physique is extremely sturdy, sometimes like a butterfly wearing flowers, sometimes like lightning, sometimes like a soft wind, sometimes like a ghost, the three people play around.

"This, this is a master class flight!" Everyone looked up and looked stunned.

The sorcerer raises the shackles, uses sputum, refining sputum, no matter which one of the three aspects, it is profound and extensive. Obviously, the same locusts are used, but some of the sergeants used them very well and rose to the level of art. People often call such people - masters!

"I didn't expect Wolf King not only a master of slavery, but also a master of flight!" After watching it for a long time, everyone looked down and worried, one by one.

"Wolf King, don't run!" Ouyang Bisang yelled.

"Changshan Yin, there are three kinds of peace and harmony in the battle of the three hundred!"

"Damn..." Liu Wenwu clenched his teeth and his heart sank to the bottom.

Fang Yuan’s flight skills make them far behind. What makes them even more discouraged is that while Fang Yuan is avoiding them, he is still distracted to manipulate the wolves and clear the Liu family army!

"His mother, I knew that you can fly so much, why did you make it like this?" Looking at Fang Yuan's slap in the face, He Loulan and others can not help but sigh a grief.

As for the Liu Jiasan brothers, they are completely speechless.

Ps: Think about it, simply let it go. The first of tomorrow is even more here, so today is even more! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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