Reverend Insanity

: Section 139: Framed by the Immortals?

When Ma Yingjie was in a drowsy state, he finally opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Fei Cai’s ecstatic smile. m

Fei Cai shouted: "Little patriarch, you finally wake up!"

The thick voice made Ma Yingjie feel warm. The latter struggled to sit up, the pain caused him to crack his mouth, spit out a **** foam, and asked: "Where is this?"

Fei scratched his hair and said: "I don't know where this is, but we should escape the battlefield."

"Battlefield?" Ma Yingjie was shocked and immediately asked, "How is the battlefield?"

"We have failed, and the young people have grown up. Many people are fleeing, and more people have surrendered." Fei replied.

Ma Yingjie's face became very white, the male body trembled, and then hanged and fainted, but fortunately, the cost was behind him to support his back.

Zhao Piyun stood aside and looked at the patriotic Majia Shaozu, who was so fascinated that it was so unbearable.

"Hey, this Ma Yingjie is actually young and promising, but unfortunately it is the wolf king Chang Shanyin. Not that you don't work hard, but the opponent is too abnormal..."

Ma Yingjie closed his eyes and two tears flowed silently.

For a long time, he opened his red eyes and turned to look at Fei Cai and Zhao Piyun. He hoarsely asked, "Have you saved me?"

Fei Cai and Zhao Weiyun nodded at the same time.

"Less patriarch, what should we do now?" Fei asked.

Ma Yingjie's face was gloomy and Shen said: "Let's go back! This is our horse's defeat, but in the warm marsh valley, we still have some ethnic groups."

At the beginning, before the Heroes Conference, the Ma family conspiracy planned the civil strife of Feijia. The family will be annexed and occupy the warm marsh valley.

In order to prevent accidents, the Majia high-rises will arrange part of the old, weak and sick in the warm marsh valley.

If the Ma family wins. Just pick them up. If the Ma family fails, they are the seeds of the continuation of the tribe!

"Will you warm up the marsh valley? But we don't have water, and we don't have dry food. We have to travel so far..." Zhao Weiyun frowned.

"Oh, little girl, as long as I am there, there is enough water and food. You don't need to worry." Ma Yingjie said.

The three went together. Along the way, I met a lot of people who had escaped from the Ma family, and they were gathered by Ma Yingjie one by one.

"The young people grow up, I didn't expect me to be Ma Liang, and when I can see you!" After Ma Yingliang saw Ma Yingjie, he couldn't stop crying.

He is a three-turner of the Ma family and is now lying on a stretcher. Missing one arm, the right calf is broken and the injury is heavy.

When Ma Yingjie saw him, a pair of tigers could not help but burst into tears of excitement: "Ma is a good old man, it is great to see you!"

Although he has gathered many people along the way, the vast majority are mortals, although Ma Yiliang seriously injured his disability. But in the end it is a teacher.

After this war, Ma Jiada lost and lost.

Before the war, it was a large tribe, and the foundation was so deep that it could impact the super family. However, after the war, the Ma family has completely become a small tribe, and its strength has declined to a low point.

For the current Ma family, every teacher is the most precious strength and hope of the tribe!

"The young people grow up, the old patriarch, he has already died in the battlefield." Ma Yuliang burst into tears. Brought a bad news to Ma Yingjie.

Ma Yingjie's body swayed a bit, although he was psychologically prepared, but at the moment he heard the news, his heart was filled with endless grief and sorrow.

He gritted his teeth and the whole person seemed to be an iron statue.

After a moment of silence. He wiped the tears in his eyes with force: "So, from today, I am the patriarch of the Ma family! Ma Yuliang is old, you have to cheer up. Although our Ma family failed, but it did not perish. In that year, the giant ancestors set Under the rules, we can't kill the blood of the golden family. The Ma family has paid a heavy price for the war. Now even the black family can't kill us. We warm up the marsh valley, we have to climb from the failure. I believe, the horse The glory of the home will not be scattered by this!"

Ma Yuliang looked at the young patriarch in front of him. He seemed to see Ma Shangfeng and Ma Zun in the blurred vision. He put away the sound of sobbing, hoping to rise from his heart.

The next moment, he replied in the deepest voice: "The patriarch, I believe!"

The king is defeated.

At the same time that Ma Yingjie fled, the countless camps of the Black House Allied Forces were a feast of celebrations, cheering crowds, warm campfires, and rich food.

"We have won and won!"

"The Ma family's ambition is too big, and it is actually trying to become a super tribe. It is this ambition that ruined them."

"Congratulations to Hei Loulan, becoming the master of Wang Ting!"

"The distinguished Wolf King, please allow humble, and respect you for a glass of wine."

In the king's account, the same is the same. In addition to the food and wine, there is also a beautiful and enthusiastic Beiyuan woman who is dancing in a graceful manner.

Those present here are the heads of the Allied forces of the Black House, big and small strong. The repair is at least four revolutions, which can be said to be the most shining people in contemporary Beiyuan.

Hei Loulan sat in the main position, and in the first place on his left hand side, he sat in Fangyuan.

Originally, the location of Fangyuan, because of the arrival of Taibaisheng, and several successive five-turn patriarchs, have been pushed to the back.

However, after the third battle with the Ma family, Fang Yuan exposed the repair of the five-turn peak, and at the same time, with the power of oneself, the three masters of slavery, the champions of Jackie Chan, staying up late and so on.

It can be said that the black family can win over the Ma family and lay the victory. The 70% of the merits are in Fang Yuan.

The black home was shocked by the horror of the Wolf King. On that night, the ranking in the royal account was adjusted.

No one has objected to this.

In the face of the toasting strong, Fang Yuan did not refuse, but only a small mouth at a time. This is not the style of the bold North Plains Warrior, but at this moment, placed on Fang Yuan's body, but the interpretation of the Wolf King's pride and independence.

In the king's account, there is a happy atmosphere.

The toasted sergeant is the single-handed Pan Ping. In the war, he used the single-handed knives and fortunately obtained the first level of the Ma family leader Ma Shangfeng. So in today's martial arts list. Only inferior to Fangyuan, ranked second.

Seeing Fang Yuan took a sip of wine, Pan Ping retired with gratitude.

The North Plains admired the Warriors, and Fang Yuan’s such terrible performance was even the battle of Wang Ting in previous years. It is also very rare.

The master of flight, the master of slavery, the aura of the double masters shrouded his body. Such a slaveless double repair will make any of his strong enemies feel a terrible headache.

Looking at Pan Ping with respect and excitement, respectfully retreat. Looking around to your own eyes, they are also admired and worshipped. Or the color of taboo. Fang Yuan quietly put down the wine glass, and his heart secretly said: "I have already reached this step without knowing it."

With the shareholder style of Wang Ting's dispute, Fang Yuan's personal strength has expanded rapidly. This step to today is already the pinnacle of the common custom.

For mortals, it has already reached the top.

Going up again. It is the realm of immortals!

In the previous war, he slaughtered the famous and strong, and he was unstoppable. This kind of performance, even the five-turn peak teacher can rarely do it. The style of Hei Loulan was also won by Fang Yuan.

The slave is double repaired. Despite the huge flaws. The four-armed king kills the trick, even if it is a grass-roots, it is not perfect, but it is enough to be the cornerstone, supporting the source of the source.

On the Three Kings Mountain, Fang Yuan relied on the power of the blessed land to kill the four-turner and five-turn masters.

Today, he is doing it by his own strength. Even if it was the generation of the patriarch of the Iron Family, Tie Mu was born again, Fang Yuan also had the confidence to kill him.

In a short time. Fang Yuan’s combat power has achieved a general surge. This great achievement that others can hardly achieve for life is based on the experience of the world five hundred years ago, the fox fairy land, and the painstaking plan.

"But it's not enough. It's not enough! The peak of secularity. What is it? It's always a chess piece. If you don't mention the goal of eternal life, you will say that it is close--the Wandering Mountain has not been saved yet."

Fang Yuan’s eyes are condensed, and the chest is tumbling with the raging fire of the wild ambition.

He glanced at the side of Baiyunsheng.

To save the soul mountain, you need a fairy who is too white to live.

This is his most important goal in his trip to Beiyuan. Even the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building is still second.

In his plan: If the Wandering Mountain can't save, then the inheritance in the 88-degree Zhenyang Building will make up for his loss as much as possible.

But it is very troublesome to take away other people's mites.

The survival of the locust is between the master's thoughts.

For example, Fang Yuan only needs one of his thoughts. Even if it is a fairy tales, it will easily smash and destroy.

It is precisely because of this that the scorpions are often killed and the locusts seized from their bodies are minimal.

And the situation of too white clouds is more troublesome!

Jiangshan, the old fairy, has not yet appeared. It is the original creation of the original sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac.

Therefore, there are two options in front of Fang Yuan.

The first type is to capture the white clouds and live, use the soul locusts to search for the soul, and search for the shackles of the rivers and mountains in his mind. Then you can make your own refining.

This program is too risky.

First of all, Fang Yuan may not be able to capture too many clouds. Live catching and killing are completely two concepts. In particular, the prestige of Taibaiyun is very high, and it is also a master of the Tao. Once it fails, it has a great impact.

Secondly, even if you catch it, can you get Jiang Ruzhi and the mountains as the two? In case of too, Baiyun gave birth to a thought, letting the two smashed, and Fang Yuan took a bucket of water.

Finally, in the minds of the current Baiyunsheng, whether there is such a slap in the face of Jiangshan is still unknown.

A mortal person can imagine the original secret recipe of the fairy This possibility is too small. Especially the Baiyunsheng, not a master of refining.

According to the vague rumors of the past, Jiangshan was so in the days when Baiyun was born, the heavens and the earth were inductive, the lines were attracted, and the inspiration broke out, which made the two scorpions spontaneously merged into six sensations.

If this is the case, then the shackles of Jiangshan will not exist at all. The process of refining the country and the river is completely unrepeatable.

The first option is not desirable. So what about the second option?

In fact, no better than the first program!

Tai Baiyunsheng entered the Wang Tingfu land and achieved the immortality. The second option is to deal with him after he becomes a fairy, after having a fairy.

This means that Fangyuan should be a mortal as a mortal!

Ps: Second later. Another: Celebrate classmates and become the book's ally! Thank you for your support! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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