Reverend Insanity

: Section 162: Why is life early?

Fang Yuan looked at the ink on the wall of the bowl and pouted slightly.

This is a disaster, the grade is as high as seven turns, which is a higher grade than Fangyuan’s spring and autumn. The effect is extremely wonderful, but it is actually involved in the disaster.

The middle section of the Mowen is elaborated. After the disaster, the disaster-stricken squad can be used to attract disasters, and the catastrophe will be removed from the original goal and linked to oneself.

Fang Yuan’s expression is unreasonable.

Such a fairy, who dares to use?

What a troublesome destruction power, how terrifying the world of heaven and earth. Good days, however, to attract disasters to attract these disasters, isn’t this just looking for death?

Zhu Xian Mo Yao, the imperial spirit of the 36-year-old fairy, why should we refine such a fairy?

In the latter part of Mo Wen, the reason was given.

It turns out she really wants to die!

At the beginning, she and bó Qing fell in love with each other and became a legendary, five-field legend.

Jianxian bó Qing genius is outstanding, playing all over the world without resistance, known as "Swords Wuzhou Yaxianzun, for the love of the good fortune."

Looking at the world, looking at life, placed in front of him, only the impact of the nine-turn this supreme goal.

However, the impact of the nine turns, the danger is extremely incomparable, even if it is a swordsman, but also feels like bó ice, grasping at most only one and a half.

Bó Qingzhi is on the high side, and is determined to hit the peak. Mo Yao did not persuade him, but he could only help with tears.

Bó Qingbu passed down the inheritance, arranged the aftermath, the first impact failed, was seriously injured for 70 years, lying on the sickbed can not move the slightest, are the Mo Yao to take care of the living.

After the injury, bó Qing intended to hit nine times again.

Mo Yao knows that this is a difficult thing, especially the last level of the impact of the nine turns, there is boundless disaster. Bó Qing is astounding in the world, but lacks lasting power.

In order to help the lover, she secretly betrayed the sect and sent her mind to the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

The Eighty-eight Corners of Zhenyang Building is the famous fairy-tale arrangement, the long-haired ancestors' handwriting, the world's first fairy-selling house, and Moyao began to study it a long time ago, and researched it from it to help deepen itself. The rumors of the refining master.

Although she is only a stranger, there is no blood in the giant sun, but in the era of the giant yang, Lingyuanzhai enshrines many outstanding women and becomes the shackles of Juyang Xianzun. Among them, there are more female niece, who have won the favor of Juyang Xianzun.

Therefore, there are many hidden secrets of the giant yang sage in the spiritual sacred sacred, which is well known to the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

From these materials, Mo Yao learned the secret of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

Wang Tingfu's status is in the center of the North Plains. The inner and outer worlds are vast, and there are two black and white points. The role of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building is extremely deep. Therefore, every once in a while, it will lead to extremely violent disasters.

Juyang Xianzun took this into consideration. When the 88-degree Zhenyang Building was formed, it was put into a “disaster.” It was an important cornerstone of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

This 蛊 is as high as seven turns, is one of the essence of the giant Yang Xianzun Yundao, can be sent to the outside world in the Wang Tingfu land. As a result, a decade of snowstorms spread throughout Beiyuan.

In turn, Juyang Xianzun has used the ten years of snowstorms to set the rules and form the tradition of the battle of Wang Ting.

At this point, Mo Yao discovered a loophole that was not a loophole.

It turns out that Wang Tingfu’s land and the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower are symbiotic, and every ten years, it will lead to a powerful and devastating natural disaster. At this time, Wang Tingfu needs to open a gap, and cooperate with the disaster to dispose of the disaster.

Wang Tingfu’s land was arranged by Juyang Xianzun, and he could only enter and exit the mortal. However, when the difficulties were difficult, Wang Tingfu opened a secret gap, and the flood-like disasters were discharged. The arrangement of Xianzun to isolate the immortals and the immigrants could not play a role.

Mo Yao is using this gap to risk the danger of nine deaths and death, and enters Wang Tingfu's land against the disaster.

In the past ten years, she has spent a lot of time trying to find the key node – the small tower at the mound.

Later, she risked the awakening of the will of the giant yang, destroying the small tower, using the backflow of Wei Li, and sensing the difficulty of the row, forming a hole for brewing the “recruitment”.

After successfully smelting into the embryonic form of the immortal, she was in the nameless valley in this place, and she laid the sacred house near the water tower.

Among them, Moyao thoroughly warmed up the prototype, and took the opportunity to take advantage of the disaster, and sneaked back to the outside world.

She did not destroy these arrangements, just in case. If bó Qing fails again, and the disaster is also ruined by the disaster, then she will come back to the blessed land and rebuild it into a disaster.

However, this time she went out and she never returned.

Jianxian bó Qing’s second impact and nine turns, completely failed, turned into gray in the mighty days. And Mo Yao also accompanied one of them.

"It turned out that the impact of nine turns, thousands of difficult risks, Mo Yao before this, secretly set this inheritance. She did not point out the true content of the inheritance, because this behavior is itself a betrayal of the martial art. But she After all, the clues to the front were left to the martial art. Five hundred years after the previous life, Zhongzhou Yuxian plotted Wang Tingfu and destroyed the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, which was based on her predecessor. In retrospect, there was a feeling that the fog dissipated and everything was said.

At the end of Mo Wen, there is a poem -

Xianlu is blocked and long, and meets at the end of the world.

The years are too late, and the love has been long.

At the end of Jun Sixian, I think that Jun is in danger.

Two lives and deaths, returning home for the dream.

Obviously, this is written by Mo Yao.

The road to Zhu Xian is long and difficult, but he is fortunate to meet with Jun. Unconsciously, love and hate are entangled and unable to extricate themselves.

Jun's gaze, staring at the end of Xian Road. My gaze falls on Jun.

The impact of nine turns, nine deaths, I do not want to live and die, only want to spend all my life for the king, help the dream!

In order to protect the love of the Lang, in order to help bó Qing go to the peak of the immortal, Mo Yao would rather sacrifice himself, use the disaster, and bring the natural disaster to his own body.

"What a wonderful woman..." Fang Yuan sighed.

Although he will never make such sacrifices because of love, but does not prevent Fang Yuan from understanding such people.

Even this level of understanding is deeper than others.

People living in this world always have desires, always have goals, and always make sense.

The goal of Moyao is for the love of the heart. The goal of Fangyuan is to pursue eternal life.

I want to look at the difference, the goal is different, the meaning is different, and I have created a variety of heroes and heroes.

Fang Yuan regained his gaze in Zhu Hong’s giant bowl.

The cocoon has been broken, and the disaster has been completely formed. It is shaped like a silkworm cocoon, and it is gray and white. It is only the size of a small thumb and carries a load in the water.

The disaster-raising disaster is the true self-sacrifice of the self-sacrifice, and Mo Yao used it as a human being.

For Fang Yuan, this seems to be useless. In fact, there are still huge values.

First of all, it is fairy. Even if you don't need it, you can put it in a large amount of Xianyuan Stone.

Secondly, it is a locust that can attract natural disasters. Although the disaster is strong, but as long as it is too hard to support, then it is useless to frame others.

In the end, it was formed by one of the cornerstones in the 88-degree Zhenyang Building. It can be described as two sides in a difficult way, one for disasters and one for disasters. Based on this relationship alone, the other party's next eighty-eight-point Zhenyang Tower trip will have great help.

However, although there is a layer of embarrassment in the heart, there is still a layer of concern for wanting to completely conquer this.

In the wall of the ink, Mo Yao has detailed care.

In order to conquer the disaster, certain conditions are required. Although it does not count the immortals, it requires a good person to have a self-sacrificing heart.

If there is no such heart, forcing the service, it will lead to the rebellion of the immortal, but the self-destruction of the immortal, and the personal life.

In the water near the platform, Fang Yuan stood in front of the giant bowl, with no expression.

Self-sacrificing heart, does he have it?


"Cough and cough." Tang Miaoming covered her lips with a handkerchief, her eyebrows were wrinkled and her expression was painful.

"Big sister!" On the side of the Tang family, three less Tang Fang, called out, his face full of regrets.

Tang Miaoming was half lying on the bed, waving his hand and motioning to Tang Fang not to worry.

Tang Fang looked at the blood on the big sister's handkerchief and sighed deeply: "Big sister, why are you so desperate? How can you get rid of this? Fathers have already gone, big sister, you are my only relative, you What if I have three long and two short?"

Tang Miaoming reached out and touched the hair of Tang Fang: "Three brothers, you are the patriarch of our Tang family, but don't have such ambition. This time the battle of Wang Ting, our Tang family suffered heavy losses and was almost swallowed up by other people. Now is The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is to rely on the 88-degree Zhenyang Building to make our tribes regain their strength."

Tang Fang said with a disapproval: "But big sister, you forcibly shut down, causing serious injuries, and it is not worth the loss. The three younger brothers, I looked at the distressed, these days, even the family affairs are unreasonable."

"What?" Tang Miao-ming listened to this, his face was awe-inspiring, and his sharp eyes fixed on Tang Fang.

She did not hesitate to reprimand: "Tang Fang patriarch, you are a heavy responsibility, can you be such a child? Revitalizing the tribe is your duty, the meaning of the family. In the future, I don't want to hear similar Complaining, do you understand?"

"Big, big sister, I am wrong." Tang Fang quickly stood up from the bed, looked awkward, bowed his head and admits. From small to large, it is best for the big sister to be with him.

Tang Miaoming's eyes gradually softened, and a faint sigh: "Three brothers, I know that you are temperamental, and you like to live in the wild, unrestrained life. But as the last man in your family, you should be brave enough to bear the meaning of your life in the future, It’s about revitalizing the tribe, can you understand?”

"What the older sister learned is that the younger brother understands. Don't be angry, there is a wound on the body."

Tang Miaoming is still serious: "After going back, I will copy the first chapter of the third chapter of "The Ancestors of the People" to me ten times a night."

Tang Fang’s heart was filled with warmth.

From small to large, the punishment of the older sister is to let him copy the book.

"Big sister, let's rest, I will copy it."

The first section of the third chapter of "The Ancestors of the People" is loaded -

The second daughter of the ancestors was in the wild, and in order to save his father from the door of life and death, he set foot on the mountain of success and failure and sought success.

But at the last moment, she failed, lost her self and became an ugly and powerful monster.

Without the rescue of her daughter, the eldest son of Tairi Yangshuo is decadent and indulgent. The ancestors are trapped in the valley and cannot survive.

The valley is like a big maze, twists and turns. Sometimes it spreads out of a misty fog that can make the soul loose. From time to time, the hurricane of the blade is slashed, and the soul is cut.

The ancestors are the souls. They can't find the direction of going out in the fog, and the hurricane cuts his soul, making him more and more weak and the situation is more and more dangerous.

The fragments of the soul that were cut by the hurricane were gradually condensed and became a teenager.

In this way, the third son of the ancestors was born.

He is the North Meteor.

"My son, thank you for your company. My time is running out. In the last days, my father is not lonely because of your company." The ancestors sighed.

The northern part of the ice is cold and hot outside, although there are not many words, but it is very filial to the people.

Looking at the ancestors' weakness day by day, his mood is getting heavier.

He decided to save the people.

The ancestors felt his determination, both gratified and deplored: "Don't be busy, my son, you are filial and my heart is leading. I understand now, life and death can not be forced. People always die, this is the fate of people."

Bei Mingbing cried and said: "Father, I know what you said is right. I also know that my efforts will be in vain. But watching you weak like this, I will not make efforts, my heart will be more uncomfortable. Let me do something for you."

The ancestors sighed and could only let him go.

The northern hail hauls in the valley of the fall, he was born here, the hurricane can not cut his soul, the fascinating fog can not block his sight.

He searched hard, but he could never find a way out.

Just as he was desperate, he encountered a locust.

"Oh, I can't think of you being discovered." This locust is shaped like a ladybug, fat if the ball, but the movement is very agile, flashing around the north of the hail.

Bei Ming’s eyes lit up and curiously asked, “What are you?”

"My name is called an accident." The locust replied.

The North Ming Hail gaze faintly: "It turns out that you are an accident, but unfortunately you are not successful."

The accident sneered: "Young people, you have to look down on me. I am the one who makes success and loves and hates. The power of accident is very powerful. Do you know what you are here to meet, what does it mean?"


Unexpectedly swaying the obese body, proudly said: "Where is it here? Here is the valley of the valley, it is dead. You are here, indicating that you are dead. But you met me, I met in 'death' Accident. That is - 'Life'. Hold me tight, I will take you back to the world and make you rise again."

“Really?” Bei Ming Hail was overjoyed. “Can you bring my father together?”

Unexpectedly shook his head: "You met me, not your father, so you can only take you away."

The North Hail was very disappointed. He refused: "Since I can't bring my father, I won't leave. I will accompany my father until the last moment."

Unexpectedly laughing and laughing three times, with a hegemonic tone: "Life accidents can not be rejected by you. Young people, you must go with me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the accidental squat forced the hail with the North, and instantly left the door of life and death and returned to the world.

The northern hail has a lively flesh and blood, and faces a huge world alone, feeling extraordinarily confused.

The accident disappeared. He suddenly remembered what the ancestors had said. He remembered that he still had a second sister, called the ancient moon.

At this time, the mind sly took the initiative to find him: "Young people, you don't doubt me, thoughts have always been friends, I am here to help you."

The thoughts tell the North Hail, about the success and failure of the mountain, and the ancient moon.

Bei Mingbing decided to see her second sister first.

When he saw the ancient moon, he sadly shed tears.

The North Ming Hail attempted to communicate with the ancient moon. But the ancient moon that became a monster has been plagued with problems in his mouth.

"This is where?"

Bei Mingbing thought about it and replied: "This is human world, life can be active here. Our head is heaven, and our feet are under the ground."

"Who am I?" asked the ancient moon.

"You are a human being, the second daughter of the ancestors, the name is called the ancient moon and the wilderness. You are my second sister." North Ming Bing replied.

"Second sister, you must wake up quickly. Our father is dead, trapped in the valley, we have to hurry to save him."

"People's ancestors? Ancient moons and yin? Save the living?" The monster swayed his head, confused. "Why should I save him? Shouldn't people die? Is there anything wrong with death? Why are people alive? Why am I alive?" ”

This time, Bei Mingbing could not answer.

Why are people alive?

When Bei Mingbing thought about this problem, he was confused and came to him, causing him to lose his sense of the surroundings.

With one of the same, there are love 蛊, disguise.

When I saw them, I suddenly saw a headache. These cockroaches, famous for their mischievous tricks, often go hand in hand, even if they are thinking, they don’t want to provoke them.

"Love, are you not enough people? Why don't you let people go?" The thought sighed.

"Don't tell me reason, I just don't make sense." Love is swearing. "Come on, think, I won't see you."

Thoughts are helpless and can only be withdrawn.

"Are there another person? Haha!" Love 蛊 saw North Hail, very happy, because there are objects to play with.

It and the camouflage 蛊 are **** buddies, and immediately use their power to disguise themselves as thoughts.

"Young man, your second sister has forgotten himself. If you want to save her, you have to find meaning." Love groaned.

Bei Mingbing returned to the gods, and he did not suspect him. He asked the love: "I have seen accidents, ask you, what is the meaning of this? How can I find it?"

Love uses a solemn tone to deceive him: "People, you have to know that you live in this world, it makes sense. If you look for meaning, you can wake up your second sister." You follow the direction I am pointing, keep walking, keep walking, you can find meaning."

The North Ming Hail expressed great gratitude and immediately went on the road.

Love, confusion, disguise, looking at the back of his far away, all laughed.

What is the meaning of this world?

There is no such locust at all, and how to find the North Bing hail can not be found.

"A fool, who told you to anger me? I want you to know that the punishment of love is terrible! Next, we will follow him and play with him in turn."

The proposal of love 蛊 has been recognized by the other two.

In this way, the North Ming Hail was rotated by three tricks, and it was miserable. However, in order to find out the meaning of the vain, he still persists.

This spirit touched the mind.

When the love is absent, the mind comes to the side of the North Bing, and will help him again.

"Thoughts, what are you doing? We are having fun." Confused, disguised and very repulsive.

Thoughts sneered: "I am afraid of love, but I am not afraid of you two. Young people, with my strength, wake up."

Bei Mingbing took advantage of his ability to think clearly, recognized the truth, no longer confused, and saw the disguise.

Confused, disguised, can only be defeated.

Bei Ming Bing expressed his gratitude to the thought, saying: "Thank you, my thoughts, because of you, I thought of the way to save the second sister."

"Oh? What is that method?"

"There is no meaning in this world. But I can create a meaning." Bei Ming Hail is confident and authentic.

It doesn't make sense for people to live, but it can give meaning.

The northern breeze returned to the side of the ancient moon and the wild, and created a meaning, and entered the mind of the ancient moon.

"I am alive, in order to search for success, save my father! I understand, I understand!" The eyes of the ancient moon are suddenly brightened.


"What is the meaning of living..." Tang Fang put down the pen in his hand.

The night is already deep. In this royal court, the gentle silver glow covers the earth.

The continuous copying of books made him feel sorrowful.

"If people live in this world, they will always feel confused. But as long as they find the meaning of their own life, they will find their direction and go forward. At the same time, they will understand what they want, and if they don't want anything, they will not be afraid to sacrifice. I am afraid that this is the intention of copying books."

He gently pushed open the window and looked at the splendid palace in front of him, thinking about the various characters, strong, weak.

His mind gradually became more and more important: "Everyone's life has all kinds of meanings. And my meaning is to lead the tribes and prosper!"


At the same time, near the water tower.

"The heart of self-sacrifice?" Fang Yuan's mouth smirked with a sneer.

He extended his right hand, did not hesitate, reached into the giant bowl, and directly smashed the disaster.

Taking advantage of his breath, the glory of the disaster-stricken body flashed even if it becomes a source of Fangyuan. The whole process was smooth and there was no shock or reversal.

The body of the passer-by, the experience of the past five hundred years, has already let him see through life and death, what kind of affectionate love, not even his interest.

Only eternal life, such a lofty and unreachable goal, can make his life journey show a strong interest.

This is what he gave to this life!

But chasing eternal life does not mean that he is afraid of death, afraid of failure.

He accepted it frankly for death and failure.

Even if there is no eternal life, there is no evidence to prove it.

But what if it doesn't exist?

Fangyuan enjoys this process. In the process of chasing eternal life, he found meaning and felt the interest of this life.

He has long been tired of the low-level desires on the body, the satisfaction of love and hate.

Only eternal life is the goal worth pursuing.

"So, the consciousness of sacrifice, I have already had it." Fang Yuan's eyes are cold, and he plays with the seven hands of Xian.

Ps: Thank you for your patience and waiting for the understanding of the classmates. Nothing to say, this big chapter is offered in both hands! (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. ) @豌豆荚吧@TB小红鸡@神韵有意@小乐鸡@神兽导师

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