Reverend Insanity

: Section 169: The weakness of Mo Yao

Nbsp; In the deep secluded hall, only one source of Fangyuan. ;

Dead silence.

The dim light flares together to form a squatting shape. In the light house, the body of a land lies.

Nearly two hundred teachers, all of them died.

These corpses, some of them are covered with scales, are stiff and irony, and some grow strange arms and face squats. Some simply blew themselves up, and the debris of the residual limbs spilled everywhere.

Fang Yuan face sè Shen Ning, asked Mo Yao in his mind: "This is the killing trick you conceived?"

Mo Yao is justifiably strong: "These sorcerers are definitely dying. The six-armed corpse king is a force to kill, and the requirements for the body of the priest are extremely high. Now it seems that even if it is your strength, it is difficult to carry this intensity. ""

Fang Yuan snorted and expressed dissatisfaction: "Is this the explanation you gave me? Do you think I can't see it? There are many flaws in this killing. I killed 50 or 60 people at the beginning, and I have lost nearly 100 in the middle. In the later period, only six or seven sergeants can still support. There are at least 17 defects! You better not forget, we have an agreement."

"Hehehe." Moyao burst into a smile, was threatened and did not care, replied, "Little brother, you do not want to be anxious. Six-armed corpse king is only a preliminary grass creation, some awkward, but also should. As long as the next Constantly repairing, it will slowly reach the desired level."

While responding to Fang Yuan, she secretly said: "This kid is not simple. He can detect the defects of the 17th.... It is only by his masters of the refining sect that he can only see eleven. It seems that his strength is rumored. It has also reached the edge of the master."

Mo Yao did not know, Fang Yuan actually played a slippery head.

"I only saw seven defects, deliberately added a ten to go up. It is to swindle her. It seems that this killing defect is far more than seventeen." Fang Yuan thought.

Mo Yao is swaying his depths, and Fang Yuan is also trying to figure out the details of Mo Yao.

The six-armed corpse king, with many defects, all the sorcerers used to test were dead. But Fang Yuan is not worried about it.

"According to the truth, Mo Yao has the realm of the refining master. Even if it is a grass-killing tactic, there is no possibility of so many defects! Mo Yao is a refining master who is not fake, but now it is only a section she left behind. will……"

The compromise of Fangyuan is a fake, and the intention to eradicate the will of Mo Yao has never changed.

The current temptations let him discover a weakness of the Mo Yao will.

"Although I am not familiar with Zhidao, I have spent a lot of money before, and it is valuable to acquire a lot of expensive information from Baohuang Tianzhong."

"Zhidao is the way to seek wisdom, and it is divided into 'reading', 'meaning', 'love'. The reading is the foundation, but when people think, they will have a single thought. Many thoughts will form together, and they will form meaning. Different meanings Entangled, will form a feeling. Thoughts like weeds, burning can not be blown and born. The meaning changes thousands, or as hard as steel, or like a sky, or like a raging fire ... and the situation is like water, shallow if small The creek is constantly chaotic and chaotic. When it is deep, it is like Wang Yang, and it is extremely powerful."

"These three, the most difficult to eradicate, the second, the most easily destroyed, but also the most easy to generate. I should be glad that what is left in my mind today is only the will of Mo Yao, not her emotions."

“When people think, they have thoughts, their thoughts collide with each other, or they are annihilated or merged, and finally they produce new ideas. This is the result of thinking. Then a will? Hehehe.”

Fang Yuan thinks of the beauty, can not help but sneer in the belly.

It is not the indiscriminate combination of the messy thoughts that will form the will. But the will is indeed a combination of countless thoughts.

Once the will thinks about the problem, it will use its own ideas to collide with each other, generate new ideas, and get the result of thinking.

"Mo Yao is a master of refining Taoism. Her will also inherits the realm of the master of the refining Tao. But she conceived the six-armed corpse king with many defects, not because her ability is limited, but because she has her own safety and is afraid to go deep. Thinking about it." At this point, Fang Yuan has won the weakness of Mo Yao's will!

Living people think about it, but still hurt, not to mention the legacy of a legacy?

The more the will is thinking, the more it will wear itself, and the more it will weaken.

If Mo Yao is still alive, the thoughts of her will to lose will be supplemented in her mind. But the current situation is - Mo Yao is dead!

Why did her will have been sleeping in the water platform until Fangyuan came in and woke up?

It is because the will cannot be awake at all times, and the thinking is quick when awake, it means thinking. Thinking more, the will will become weaker and weaker, eventually dying.

Look at the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower. This magnificent and beautiful eight-turn fairy house is home to the will of the giant Yang Xianzun.

But even if it is as strong as the giant Yang Xianzun, his will to stay, is now sleeping!

Whether it is the will of the giant yang or the will of the Moyao, it is the rootless water. Without any supplement, it will only become weaker and weaker.

"My wisdom is rumored, although it is superficial, but I have a huge advantage. That is, I am still alive! At this stage, although it is not comparable to the Moyao will, but as long as it gives me enough time to stalemate, it will be different. The result must be my victory."

Thinking about this step, Fang Yuan stopped thinking in this regard.

After all, there is a will of Mo Yao in his mind. Thinking too much, there are many thoughts, although now I use empty chanting, but the insurance will be found by Mo Yao.


In the hall, the square source sighed and sighed.

The Moyao will is a very big burden, so when Fangyuan thinks about the problem, he must be scrupulous.

Originally sneaked into Wang Tingfu, and robbed Jiangshan as the old fairy, he had already tried his best and made his mind deliberate. Nowadays, with such a big enemy, lurking in his own mind, Fang Yuan is a rat, and every time he thinks about the problem, he has to talk about him and mix his thoughts.

This thought, before changing to it, is nothing but a sigh of relief. However, Fang Yuan is doing it now, but he feels that he is struggling and has a taste of exhaustion.

Mo Yao Yao listened to this sigh, but misunderstood Fang Yuan, immediately comforted: "Hehehe, younger brother, you are young, self-reliant, strong, sighing and sighing? You can rest assured that I have improved the killing You need to replace six of the locusts and add three more."

“Oh?” Fang Yuan’s brow was picking up, and he’s not moving, “I’m going to hear it.”

Mo Yao will tell you one by one.

Fang Yuan has a fox fairy land in hand, communicating Bao Huangtian, in exchange for the 蛊 蛊 is not a problem.

At the same time, Fang Yuan ordered Ge Guang and Chang Ji to the right. He secretly took the teacher and took it to the hall.

Three days later, it was another human test.

The results of the test are much better than the previous one, but there are still defects.

In combination with the results of Moyao, another suggestion for improvement was proposed.

Fang Yuan is doing what he says, so he has never been bothered. He knows well: Mo Yao will have the realm of a refining master, but he does not want to think deeply and weaken himself. Therefore, we will continue to experiment and use realistic effects to reduce our own thinking.

But even so, the Mo Yao will still need to think. How to improve the killing? To get the answer to this question, thinking is inevitable!

The number of such thoughts has increased, and the will of the Moyao has become weaker.

Fang Yuan didn't want to be a snake, he was ready to fight a long battle.

This is the first half of the month, the fifteenth trial.

In the hall, the corpse is everywhere.

Fang Yuan will put together the dozens of locusts that combined the six-armed corpse king to kill, and glanced at the ground, satisfied with a slight nod.

The tester's cultivation is low, and it is difficult to carry the six-armed corpse king. This powerful killing is undoubted.

But how to die, the form after death, is the key.

Now, these corpses on the ground have turned into zombies, covered in faint scales, with six arms behind them, all with sharp scales. The same thickness of the arm, the muscles burst, the hand is dark, and the nails are sharp and sharp.

"The six-armed corpse king is based on the core of the force, the six flying zombies as the cornerstone, and the remaining eighteen locusts are supplemented. Strictly speaking, it is the killing of the change of the road, condensing the corpse, making people avatars Flying stiff. As a result, the strength of the body of the sergeant climbed more than ten times, and can bear a stronger force." Fang Yuan slowly opened, summing up the feelings of these days.

"But it is precisely because of this, the suffocation of the corpse is so strong that the sequela of this killing is very serious. Even in the auxiliary shackles, there are three special enthusiasm for adding vitality, and it can only maintain the degree of killing half a quarter of an hour. That's what it is?" Fang Yuan asked about the will of the Moya in his mind.

Moyao laughed: "The younger brother said that the head is the way, this is the rationale. With the help of borrowing power, you can borrow the power of heaven and earth, but even if you are strong, you can't use it. So I think of using zombies. In the body, the body of the zombie is stronger than the fresh, and the restoration is outstanding, and it is worthy of complementing each other."

"But the sorcerer is a living person, but the corpse is dead. The longer you become the six-armed corpse king, the more corpses in your body. When the corpse devours the anger, you will completely become a stalemate. It’s just a change. It’s the aftermath of this killing.”

"Hey, angry, dead, clear and distinct, like a deadly enemy. The integration of life and death is a difficult problem that has gone beyond my ability. I have specially arranged three locusts that add vitality in the auxiliary, which is already the limit." The number is too much, the disturbance of the corpse, but the killing power is greatly reduced, but the whole killing collapses. The number is small, the battle time is reduced sharply, and the utility is greatly reduced."

Fang Yuan listened, nodded on the surface, and agreed, but his heart snorted.

In this statement, Mo Yao has been suspected of transferring key topics.

The integration of life and death is indeed a difficult problem. From the beginning to the end, I have never heard of someone dead, but also alive, life and death can not coexist.

But Mo Yao is a master of refining Taoism. Can't he conceive other killings?

Why must I use the six-armed corpse king? However, she saved her thoughts, so the "four-armed king" provided by Fangyuan was slightly improved.

Fang Yuan can be sure that with the realm of Zongshi, Moyao can completely start a new stove and conceive a new killing trick.

"Mu Yao this person ~ ~ is a different ethnic group, is a Mohist. Non-my people, their hearts must be different. Therefore, these days, before and after the use of thousands of teachers to test, she is the right person, Lingyuan Zhai Xianzi, but indifferent to see. Her lover is the famous Jianxian Bo Qing, I want to come to this love, I am afraid to admire the strong mind more?"

Bo Qing is known as "Swordsman Wuzhou Yaxianzun", compared with it, Fangyuan is only a mortal. In the heart of Mo Yao, is it similar to the dead guinea pig?

"So, in this world, you have to rely on yourself. Only you are the most reliable." Fang Yuan secretly sneered, not broken, but asked Mo Yao to teach, "So, six arms corpse Is this a perfect kill for Wang?"

Moyao shook his head: "Not enough. The object of the test is only a low-turning teacher. We still need to turn to the teacher. The best of the five-turner is the best. If it is five-turn, it is perfect."

“Five turns of strength?” Fang Yuan’s brows are slightly wrinkled. As far as he knows, there are no other candidates besides himself.

Fang Yuan shook his head. He decided to put this thing aside first: "This is not urgent, the locusts needed for inkization, I have already gathered together. It is time to explore the 88-degree Zhenyang Building again!" to be continued.)

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